“One of the ladies who works in one of the shops stopped me any said 'I haven’t seen you for ages, and I live on your street'.... She seemed so shocked when I said I was shielding.... I think people assume you have to be old or look disabled or have an illness that you moan about all the time or something"
Background Information: Female, Aged 45-54, Part Time Funding Officer at YMCA, South Wales, married to Neil with two children [Tom and Andrea], Bisexual.
“One of the ladies who works in one of the shops stopped me any said 'I haven’t seen you for ages, and I
live on your street'.... She seemed so shocked when I said I was shielding.... I think people assume you
have to be old or look disabled or have an illness that you moan about all the time or something
Background Information
Female, Aged 45-54, Part Time Funding Officer at YMCA, South Wales, married to Neil with two
children [Tom and Andrea], Bisexual.
Claire’s contribution to the CoronaDiaries project is in the format of status updates and posts on the social
media platform Facebook. These have been replicated as much as possible in this combined account, but
details of other people and other matters have been edited out or removed.
March 2020
Snippets from before I started the Isolation Log diaries
10 March at 07:52
So I just watched a guy on TV saying that he is already self-isolating, with no symptoms because he is on
the same immuno-suppressant treatment as me (and of course I have the asthma as well which he doesn't)
He said that the government is too slow in giving out advice to those of us who are vulnerable to the virus
and that they should be telling everyone in my situation to stay in already. More advice for those of us who
are vulnerable is apparently going to be released later. Can't help thinking.... How would self-isolation for
me work when the hubby and son are wondering back and fore from various places (work/school etc)
And is it too late? If so, it was very nice known you’s been proper fun.....and tidy and that
Sound as pound like (considering switching to doing the grocery shopping online for a bit)
11 March at 11:10
So…the doctors said if symptoms got worse...Ring 111
The NHS symptoms checker said ring 111
This seems to be the options
Press 1 for Welsh... Press 9 for English (fair enough)
Press 1 if you are concerned about the virus - go through to a call centre where they tell you that they aren't
health professionals but if you are probably fine and if you are still concerned that you should ring 111 and
press 2
Press 2..... If you have symptoms and have been to an infected area or in contact with a confirmed case
please tell the operator when you get through (if you get through, cos this is where its turns into a maze of
being hung up on)
Now choose options one for a list of effected areas and then to be hung up on or press 2 to
continue.....(Pressing 2 at this stage gets you hung up on, this has happened to ma lot this morning)
Holding gets you through to more options
If you have a serious condition please hang up and dial 999
Press 1 if you want listen to a recorded message about cold and flu and be hung up on
Press 2 to hear a list of countries where the virus is and then be put back to the start of this process
Press 3 for dental pain
For general info please check our website. Please hold 'we are currently experiencing a high demand for
this service please continue to hold'.....20 minutes is my record so far, 14 times I have tried and had them
hang up of me or tell me to ring back and try a different combination of buttons or to try the NHS symptom
checker (which tells me to ring 111 immediately). This is really well thought through and organised..... Is it a
test to see if you are sick enough to keep trying? Or are they trying to keep numbers for testing down (they
will only test if you have been in contact with a confirmed case and if they don't confirm any cases, keeps
their job easy). Bit frustrated with this. If I wasn't genuinely showing all the symptoms and a little nervous... I
seriously wouldn't bother
11 March at 20:26
On our way home from hospital now
Antibiotics and steroids
Instructions to see my doctor in 2 days’ time
And a thingy to measure peak flow and instructions that if my peak flow drops below 300.... Straight back to
the hospital
They don't think its Corona, or they wouldn't have sent me to A&E.... They didn't think I had enough of a
chance to catch it for it to be worth them even testing
They said there's no need to self-isolate
But I will be taking a step back from things like 'being awake' for a bit.... So tired....
Plenty of naps and healthy eating to help fight this off is the plan now
Day 1
12 March at 10:26
So, they are saying that people. May have to self-isolate for weeks...that kids might be home for a month
But if people go out and buy enough shopping to stay in for a month... Stock up to self-isolate and plan for
worst case scenario etc
Everyone calls them selfish ba***rds....
What are people expected to do?
Stay in the house for a month with 4 kids and no toilet paper? Cos that seems like crazy talk
And with the isolation looking more and more likely for more and more of us as time goes on
Let's be realistic...... No one should be shamed for buying bog roll surely??
Day 2
13 March at 08:20
Self-isolation diaries.... Day 2....start date Friday 13th (lol1)
Still feeling quite ill, lots of aches and pains, have given up on getting tested or getting any clarity about
whether it's 'the virus' or not after Boris's decision to test less (and hide true numbers more easily)
On the positive side the meds for my chest seem to be working OK. My breathing is better, and my peak
flow is pretty stable, if not quite where it should be .... Still feeling rough and trying to avoid dark soul-
searching stuff and it's all making me a bit maudlin. Getting only 4 hours sleep a night is affecting my sanity
lol.... Now I know how Margaret Thatcher (who bragged about thriving on 4 hours a night) operated...
Explains a lot about her policies if I'm honest lmao. End diary
13 March at 09:16
I knew I didn't need to buy any, and I had some hand sanitizer here (some if this is years old)
I always buy a 99p bottle every time I have a cold or flu if I'm out and about out (but I have no memory of
ever chucking one out) Maybe I should put them on eBay?? Make my fortune (sorting through the medicine
cupboard cos I'm bored)Being a hypochondriac hoarder is finally gonna pay off for me
(anyone want to swap my hoard for a 3-bedroom house?)
Day 3
15 March at 09:03 ·
Self-isolation log - day 3 - start date (everyone else is having a chill day)
So after how bad it was yesterday morning I thought maybe the 'lack of fluids' during sleep was a factor (if I
was in a health facility, I'd be on a drip for fluids through the night).....Woke up and got on the case with
paracetamol for the temperature swings and lots of fluids... Seems to have helped
Temperature readings are still hot but better this morning and peak flow readings are the best yet really
hoping I'm through the worst of this now (or at least I am learning to manage the risks better, keeping an
eye on fluids, temperature, breathing etc)
Serious question though? Am I meant to self-isolate for 7 days: -
1. Since symptoms started (Monday or Tuesday)
2. Since I first went to hospital (Wednesday)
3. Since the last fever?
And why is it that confirmed cases self-isolate for 14 days but cases like mine who are refused the certainty
of testing only isolate for 7 days??
1 Lol -Laugh out loud
Answers on a post card (but only if it’s soaked in Dettol and you've thoroughly washed your hands lol)
Day 4
16 March at 07:08
Isolation log - day 4 - star date (other people are going back to work)
Barely slept for worrying last night, the meds that are keeping me breathing run out today and getting
nervous about where to turn for more.... I've learnt to manage the symptoms etc with the help of the meds
but I feel like the 'mystery virus' has gone nowhere, which makes sense as none of the meds they have
given me cure the virus, nothing cures a virus, they are just there to keep me coping while my immune
suppressed body fights it off at a much slower pace than others who aren't as 'at risk'. Unlike the first two
days.... I am not as scared that I will die of this (and a little feel less alone, scared and ignored by services)
... I am nervous of how I would cope if I can't get the meds though.
The thermometer I panic ordered online last week when I couldn't find mine is due to in the post today....
And my autoimmune injections are due to be delivered today too (arranged weeks ago and not due to be
taken yet)
Hoping to cheer up later when my meds kick in but am very anxious about who to get hold of about meds
and how
Day 5
16 March at 21:46
So, Andrea messaged me earlier
Uni has been cancelled and she was excited and keen to celebrate what she was calling 'the end of the
world' and the downfall of civilisation (think she also mentioned 'the apocalypse' and 'Armageddon', there
was much excited elaborating)
I asked her what 'end of the world' parties look like these days?
When I was her age, it would have been drinking, experimenting with various bad life choices and all sorts
of insane antics
Her idea of living it up? Gonna play some Minecraft and the do some art that isn't college work.... Some
cute fluffy animal cartoons (and a cold glass of milk)
That girl sure knows how to live it up lol
Genzii are weird lol.
(social isolation has been her goals for 20 years, she's living her dreams right now lol)
Day 6
17 March at 11:05
Isolation log - day 6 (or social distancing log day minus 3 I guess)
Star date - I was in work feeling ill this time last week
So as I have been showing symptoms for over a week now and now one has let me know about having
symptoms from being on contact with me.....Thinking it might not be the dreaded 'C-19' virus.
You guys have a week or so to check symptoms and get in touch lol
Took the last of my antibiotics yesterday (the doctors have given me a spare week’s course to keep one
side just in case it goes downhill again and to stop me being an NHS burden) and I am reducing the
steroids. So, we will see how things go today.
Spent some time looking up pneumonia and chest infections as it seems that it's the most likely thing to
explain what I have.... Discovered that many pneumonia cases are from a family of viruses called
'coronavirus' but not all are corona 19 (so I do have a corona virus just not THE corona virus lol)
It seems that with cases of pneumonia as bad as the one I have it can take up to 4 weeks for the chest pain
to get better (I am assuming that would be the case with c-19 too).... So, because my breathing is getting
better, temperature is still high but no long using paracetamol to stop extreme fevers and I am much better
than I was.... I am trying not to panic about the fact that it still hurts to breathe.... This is clearly gonna be a
marathon not a sprint. One of the suggested treatments is a C-pap machine (so my anti snoring, mild sleep
apnea machine could have saved my life this week)/ My Dr said yesterday that I had to stay in for another 2
weeks.... Last night Boris in all his wisdom decided that from this weekend I need to do 12 more weeks....
Feels like advice and info is changing so quickly all the time.
On the plus side... As my temperature is down a bit, the hubby is not in lock down and can help. He went
shopping for me this weekend, I gave him a list, which he seemed to think was a memory training exercise
or a chance to train himself in jedi mind powers? Kept it in his back pocket and instead chose to 'hoard buy'
multi packs of crisps..... Hmmm lol
Day 7
18 March at 08:33
Isolation log - day 7 - stardate (this time last week I thought I was gonna die)
My temperature and peak flow are much better... Sleeping more than 3 hours at a time, hoping to be
sleeping 'right through the night like a big girl' soon lol
As I move around more and get more well the realities of staying in for such a long time are beginning to
dawn on me... It's gonna be tough (but we all have to do our bit)
Woken up this morning missing two really random things from everyday life that you just took for granted.
1. Queuing in Greggs, the noise and the conversations of those you queue past, the smell of warm food,
the inevitable single mum whose toddler is too young to be patient and needs feeding ASAP...if people are
avoiding crowds, are people still queuing at Greggs out there? And if not, will Greggs go out of business by
the end of my 12 weeks isolation.
2. (equally randomly) the discount fridge at the supermarket... Closest I come to gambling, 'what's gonna
be there?' chocolate mousse that has to be eaten today or bargain fresh soup that will last a month in the
freezer... The little yellow bargain stickers and the thrill of 'who knows what's for lunch, the fates will decide'.
Daft the things you take for granted isn't it lol
Rules for isolation say you are allowed to go out for a drive or to walk a dog or for a walk for
that's something I am thinking about for today…little drive and a walk in an area where pathways are wide
enough for the 2-metre rule (plenty of parks to choose from). Not really recovered enough for a long hike
but a little shuffle in the fresh air would do me the world of good at the moment I think. (if it happens, I will
take pictures, promise)
Day 8
19 March at 07:42
Isolation log - day 8 - star date (Tom's back)
So yesterday, as I've been feeling so much better, I followed the isolation guidelines and went out for a little
drive....... Did me the world of good to be outdoors a little
Tom is back from his dad's and common sense says that we should try to have a routine to stop us both
going bonkers. Getting up, watching the same breakfast shows, etc so we have been setting up our home
office/home schooling 'space' and negotiating terms this morning lol I feel like so many things I needed to
get done yesterday.... Didn't get done... Because of people messaging to 'check on me' and people trying
to 'keep social' and 'stay in touch' in their isolation lol people send videos, video chat, invites to a million
'home schooling' groups (how many do we need) it was pretty nonstop 😮 Hopefully that will calm down
soon, I can see the sense in keeping it touch but some of us are very busy trying to put together and
organise how their lives will work from now on and need to have time to put things in place. (I will be
ignoring messages during work hours today unless you are my boss - sorry not sorry lol) I will of course
keep in touch with people.....but not everyone at once..... Bit overwhelming last night when I wanted to go
to bed and 3 people wanted a chat at once (I usually hate messenger and can only chat to one person at a
time.... So that's probably part of it)
Right....I better go get ready for work
Catch you later
Day 9
20 March at 07:31
Isolation log - day 9 - stardate the equinox
So, despite feeling a lot better, think I over did it yesterday trying to work from home and home school like a
boss.... Was super productive and got lots of work done, ended up relying on coffee to pull me through and
so worn out I something better collapsed and fell asleep (sparked out?) at 7pm... Have never really known
tired in the way I've had it since this illness.
Gonna take it a little easier today... For sure :)
Going to be a very weird Spring Equinox celebration for me and a lot of my pagan friends today. Equinox is
usually a time for balance, the mid-point between mid-winter and mid-summer and a time to celebrate the
end of winter and look forward to the coming of summer (we all need something to look forward too, I
guess).... I am not one for over-the-top ritual and like to celebrate by doing traditional things like baking and
spring cleaning. So I think that's what I am going to try to potter about doing today. I feel like balance and
particularly work life balance, balancing new lifestyles, new ways of working, living, coping are all so much
more relevant this equinox..... For everyone.Hope you all manage to find 5 minutes peace today to think
about balance, to think about the end of winter and that you all find something to look forward too.
Take care of yourselves..... Merry equinox..... And wash your hands
Day 10
21 March at 15:52
Isolation log - day 10 - it's the weekend again
Feeling a bit rough since my little beach walk yesterday.... Temperature has gone up, peak flow down, so
resting a bit more today
Woke up late to find that when finally my years of hoarding might be for something, that's the exact moment
my husband decides to have a clean out.... Told me if I wanted to eat out of date tinned stuff, I'd have to get
well enough to scavenge through the bins.... The swine lol He has also been out 'sorting out' the shed and
re organised and washed out inside all the kitchen cupboards. I swear, him being sent home from work to
isolate will be the death of me lmao2. On other news, Facebook updated, and I was unable to post (but only
comment and share) so have been resolving tech issues and I have finished crocheting flowers for the top
of the teacosy.... Need to sew them on now and finish it
Day 11
22 March at 10:29
Isolation log - day 11 - Stardate Mother’s Day
So, my temperature and breathing are better today, and I am celebrating by wearing outdoor clothes. Still
gonna take it easy though, after rushing to get better last Tuesday and being knocked for 6 as a result...
Slow and steady and keeping an eye on things is the plan. Have had video chats with my mum and my
daughter and my sister this morning for mother’s day and have rung a local delivery place and have a nice
carvery lunch coming too Andrea has ordered me knitting stuff for a new project to be delivered (wool
and needles and a pattern I fancied) to keep me busy the next few weeks Tom has been feeling ill this
morning and has gone back to bed (twice so far and it's only 10.30 😮)..... Hopefully I will get more than a
2 Lmao- Laugh My Ass Off
cwtch and a 'sorry but I feel ill’) off him later 🤔
Looking forward to my dinner delivery and my Mother’s Day pressie coming ❤️
And wishing everyone a lush mother's day x
Day 12
23 March at 08:49
Isolation log - day 12 - stardate another Monday
So today I am mostly waiting to hear from my specialist to make official what I already know, everyone on
biologics treatments and therapies must stay inside for what the news is now saying is 16 weeks
My husband is on day 3 or 4 of his isolation and has totally lost the plot (as I suspected her would, he is not
comfortable in his own space for long periods and likes to be very active) .... He can no longer speak to
anyone without getting grumpy and has been sent on a mission to drop some loo roll outside his mums (he
needs to get out for his own sanity and ours).
Today is gonna be a day with a lot of waiting both good and bad, waiting to hear how my mum is after her
heart attack yesterday and waiting to receive my Mother’s Day gift delivery from yesterday. Waiting to hear
from specialists.... Lots of waiting
23 March at 11:02
Isolation log - day 12 (pt 2)- stardate, reasons to be cheerful
1. Group chat with my mum this morning was super chaos and fun.... 7 of us in there all chatting at once
lol.... And the doctor came over and told us all that if she is a good girl she might be home tomorrow
2. Thinking this might be an ideal time to pull a Britney and shave all my hair off... Go back to my natural
colour and see what I have to work with..... Be months before I am out again, so plenty of time to grow it
3. The pond my garden is full of frog spawn... So watching them turn into frogs just turned into a new
isolation activity.... And in a few months if society is destroyed, I'm living on frog’s legs lol and the cat will be
well feed lmao
Day 13
24 March at 07:37
Isolation log - day 13 - stardate first day of UK lockdown (welcome to my world mofos3 lmao)
So after keeping my temperature under 37 all day yesterday I am acutely weary that I have been her before
and taking a dip again afterwards.... So not gonna do what I did last time (rush to take a walk and do a work
3 Mofo- Mother Fuckers
out etc). Going to take it slowly this time and not have a relapse. Working from home today so I'm looking
forward to getting into work mode (have put a proper bra on and everything lol) I mean business now lol
My mum will be coming home from hospital today. Although I can see her on face chat, I won't be able to
see her in person for 12 weeks at least... I have to trust that the rest of my family will be looking after her
well.... It will be good to know that she is home and well
Still no word from my specialist nurse.... But advice that was 12 weeks and then changed to 16 weeks
yesterday on the news, seemed to have changed back to 12 weeks again by the evening..... Am sure my
specialist will have clearer advice (if her phone wasn't engaged all day)
My stuff for my knitting project (mother’s day pressie) came yesterday..... And knitting has commenced....
Not today though cos I'm 'at work' today lol
Day 14
25 March at 13:09
Isolation log - day 14 - stardate Wednesday
Been 2 weeks today since I was at the hospital struggling to breathe. Isolation is very chill, yoga in the
garden this morning, baking this afternoon (banana bread, trying to keep 5 a day levels up on the sly,
vitamins for health immune systems are important). Have set a time for a regular family group chat, is quite
fun.... My mum said last night, and I quote (referring to having a heart attack during isolation and being
awake to watch a stent being put in) "well that was an experience" lmao..... So she's back on form lol.
Right... Back to supervising Tom's physics homework for me and knitting and waiting for bread to bake
I could get used to this if I'm honest.... Good times
Day 15
26 March at 07:58
Isolation log - day 15 - stardate the sun is out
Think I'm starting to get a little Stockholm syndrome? I am beginning to enjoy this more relaxed way of life,
having time to cool from scratch and bake and indulge in hobbies. Regular chats and time to spend with
those we love most (spoken to family more the last week than we have for years) The quieter lifestyle, less
pressure to be 6 places at once and go go go, sleep when we are dead lifestyle..... Blue skies
I am currently, weirdly in love with captivity.... That's Stockholm syndrome, right? I'm hoping that once this
is all over life doesn't go back to normal but instead a more relaxed work life balance stays (I would also
like to see jobs and wages change so reflect how useful a person is in a crisis.... So huge pay increases for
front line workers, shops workers, carers and huge decreases for those who have proved worthless,
footballers, celebrities etc) And maybe half a million trying to claim benefits will prove what those on them
and charities have been saying for years, they aren't fit for purpose. Many positives could come from all this
at the end of it all...... Fingers crossed
Other news..... Drew some eyebrows on for the first time in weeks yesterday, went for a run first time in
ages so that was nice. And I'm thinking of growing out my moustache..... It doesn't seem to show on
webcam, so no one can see it and I'm curious about how bad it would be? Could it complete with Tom's
little peachfuzz top lip? Only time will tell lol
Day 16
27 March at 08:53
Isolation log - day 16 - stardate more of the same
Haven't been for my morning exercise ration yet because I have been distracted try to sort out deliveries....
Still no luck with any of the supermarkets for delivery slots
Can't find the face masks I bought when I had flu last year.... Little bit annoyed cos they would be handy
about now
Today I plan to be helping Tom with a photography project based on 'identity' and I would like to paint a
rainbow on my window too (join in with the hope thing)
But so far just sat on the sofa... Staring into space... One of those mornings
After 16 days in I am a bit bored of Netflix (suggestions people?) I have a few shows to catch up with on
prime..... All the films in iplayer are depressing and arty.... Took me two days to get bored of Disney plus
(it's all films I've seen before and god-awful teen shows)
Quite enjoying all the extra online events.... Zoom and Windows teams, Twitch and Facebook messenger
face time have meant my social life is busier than it used to be (I used to have evenings off but now there's
always something lol)
Right, I better get off this sofa and shape up.... Stay safe and take care people (don't forget to wash your
Day 17
28 March at 12:16
Isolation log - day 17 - star date... Clocks change to summertime tonight
So yet again. I sent my husband to get supplies, and yet again he read the first three lines of the list and
treated the rest as a memory game...... For years he has complained that I take too long in the
supermarket, but I get everything we need and a check if fruit/veg is actually manky and bruised too.... Ahh
well can't have it all
Spent the morning cooking..... Preparing kebab skewers with chicken and onion and peppers to be put in
the freezer.... throwing all the ingredients for a Thai green curry into the slow cooker for tomorrow..... And
making overnight oats with chia for the next few days too.
All those years hanging out we the healthy meal peppers crowd at the gym didn't go to waste, I was
learning apocalypse survival skills lmao
Has been lush having a video chat with family friends this morning.... Although all this hanging around the
house means I'm not always looking glam for the cam..... Rocking the 'covid chic' look in my comfy trakkies
and an old jumper. But looking at the state of people I am cam chatting with, seems to be the coolest new
look..... Can't wait to see what happens when designers pick up on the grass roots trend and it gets
conveyed to the cat walks next year or the year after.... COVID - Chic will be the hot new looks for next
year (no make up, comfy slacks and pj's, messy hair. Pale washed out faces, general look of underlying
anxiety.... So cool) lmao
Weekend today so no run, no nagging Tom to do schoolwork and... Well..... That's the only difference really
Back to my Netflix and knitting for me I think catch you soon.... Stay safe xxx
Day 18
29 March at 13:48
Isolation log - day 18 - it's Sunday
So, this morning no one knew what time it was for a bit.
The husband is still trying to pretend he doesn't have a cough (but his temperature was a bit too high
earlier).... I'll be keeping an eye on that situation (he is currently singing to himself, this in unusual for him,
also mainly singing cheery versions of old 80s goth songs..... It's pretty unnerving to be honest lmao)
Had a phone call first thing to say my mum had a fall and has been rushed back into hospital.... One week
since her heart attack and back in... Waiting for news on that (I am a bit worried if I'm honest)
In other news the whole bunch of bananas that he went to the shop forgot bruised by bad packing..... I think
it’s time he admits that he is crap at shopping and lets me order online. 3 hours ago a friend posted that
she didn't know what to do to use up bananas and yoghurt and checked there was a banana bread recipe
and I scrolled past..... An hour later I am making banana bread and looking up a recipe for banana and
raisin flapjacks... Cooking is less fun when it's necessity. Still have yesterday’s Thai green curry in the slow
cooker for later. But for now I am just tired, and worried about my mum and keeping an eye on the oven...
This evening will be 'banana fiesta'.... If I don't fall asleep or worry myself to death before then
Day 19
March 30th
Isolation log - day 19 - stardate Monday (start the week and back to my new little routine)
Doing well with the running, up to almost a quarter of what I was doing before the nasty virus..... I think
having the weekend off helped :)
Tom was sneaking around in the night going on his phone last night.... Nothing changes......usual ban has
been put in place (am sure it will be worse because he is not in school so needs his phone and gaming
stuff more). Mum messaged, she will be in for another night at the hospital by the looks of it.... They are
changing all her meds around, apparently some of them may be effecting her fluctuating heart rate.
Neil is back in work on Friday, he can't wait, he said the routine is nice, take his mind off things, gets him
out of the house. In his job he rarely sees anyone to more than nod at on the way past and they have
always been super hygiene conscious with hand sanitizers everywhere.... So I think he feels like they will
have stepped that up too. The 'banana fiesta' was a total wash out last night..... To quote Tom 'banana's
make everything worse' lol cake with banana in is worse than normal cake... Flapjacks with bananas in is
worse than normal flapjacks.... Custard with banana is worse than normal custard..... But banana on their
own are fine. So now I have loads of banana themed baked goodies for the next few days lol
Onwards and upwards innit.
Day 20
31 March at 15:38
Isolation log - day 20 - stardate meh
Having a bit of a down day today spent several hours today collating and sending off the logs for the
research team at Swansea University. Then did some working from home
Didn't get around to my run this morning (told myself I'd do it later, but let's be real, I flipping won't lol)
Tom couldn't get into his homework app at all today so helped in the garden.... Very proud of the area he
helped clear of brambles and clean up But feeling very 'surrounded by death' today... Maybe I'm
dehydrated??? A good friend received a horrific letter from her doctor asking her to fill in a DO NOT CPR
form so that resources wouldn't be wasted saving her life..... It shook me to my core, seems horrific but
talking to another friend they have been pressured by their mums nursing home to do similar... And when
they refused, they were told 'that's your choice but the nursing home will not be ringing 999 if anything
happens to your mum. And then someone rang me and told me about a death, no one a knew personally,
but a friend of a friend and very close to home. It's sucked the joy right out of me for today (or as I said, I
missed my run and I haven't been keeping hydrated) either way..... I'm feeling very meh. This whole 'being
part of a historic event' is kinda wearing thin now. Don't forget to wash your hands (also keep hydrated
people lol)
April 2020
Day 21
1 April at 15:18
Isolation log - day 21 - star date April fool’s day
Woke up late this morning, routine is kinda going out the window and didn't do my run until 12am
The stress of trying to get onto Tom's homework app and sign into his 365 account is giving me the Forrest
Whittaker eye at the thought of it each day.... We have rung the school and have spent most of two days
trying to get help through emails from the IT teacher. In the meantime, we are trying to keep Tom occupied
with other jobs.
My mum has been sent home from the hospital again.... She said it's getting crazy there and she is nervous
of staying in any longer. She is going to my sisters this time so that there will be someone there if she loses
consciousness again. My sister has begun to lose the plot a little and I am sure the pressure of having my
mum there will help her lose the rest of it much quicker lol (she will be the next candidate for the for Forrest
Whittaker eye next lol)
Looking forward to seeing my stand-up comedy buddies in the online zoom version of our stand-up nights
later (I have asked permission to share the zoom meeting code so you can all watch, but haven't heard
anything yet)
Other than that,..... Not much to report... Speaking of reporters.. Update on the surgery letter I posted
yesterday, several of the larger papers have picked up on the story, it was mentioned on 5live this morning
and friends say that there are news crews outside the surgery with cameras today.... Good enough for
them.... They reap what they sew
Day 22
2 April at 17:44
Isolation log - day 22 - things that go bang in the night and HackerMAM
Well today was Neil's first day back to work.... Mixed feelings about that if I'm honest, I get more done when
he is gone and he really nerds the routine. He has been looking forward to it and says that the rules there
are much stricter, and he will probably be safe there than on a trip to the shop..... But still nervous that he
will bring the virus home (assuming I didn't have it already) and I know he will have to shower straight
away, use a separate towel and change clothes etc etc It's all a bit weird.
But I guess he is now one of those hero's keeping things going for those of us who can't.... 'delivering
smiles' as the cheesy t-shirt he got from the 'satisfaction centre' last year says (fair play Amazon try hard to
make 10 hours of walking 15-21 miles a day sound less miserable don't they lol)
Him being back in work means I woke up early and got out for my isolated run nice and early which was
Tried to ring my Doctor today to find out if they are sending out the info on whether I should be 'shielding'
completely or not..... They tried to send me to the website I've been to over and over 'anyone on immune
suppressants if those immunosuppressants are sufficient'.... I rang my specialist and they sent me to the
same website, then they said I only need to isolate if I am on sekumuninab and a steroid... I asked if my
asthma pump counted 'only your doctor will know that, we aren't in charge of sending shielding letters....
Should I stay in? We can't officially tell you that, but I would if I was you’ said the specialist Biologics
nurse..... So, I told the doctors and they tried to send me to the vague 'sufficient' website and then said that
my pump counts as a regular steroid.... Should I stay in? We can't officially tell you that and we aren't in
charge of sending out the shielding letters but if you don't get a letter by next Tuesday, we will be allowed to
give you a number to ring. Unofficially, I'd stay in just in case......who exactly is sending out the shielding
letters if it’s not the doctors or the hospital...... the government will send them out according to my doctors’
receptionist.... Guess I'm ringing back Tuesday then. I checked the asthma website and the biologic
treatment website, Biologics said only if I am taking steroids as well... Asthma site said asthma and 'any
Biologics treatment' then went on to list a load of treatment drugs but not mine.... So still really vague and
no one will officially say anything
Last night at about half ten there was a massive BANG from my kitchen, went in there thinking it was one of
my mead corks popping (it's kinda common with homebrew) and none of the bottles on my work top was
uncorked.... But it was louder than usual and I could hear glugging like something was pouring
somewhere eventually I realised it was from the bottles I kept in a horizontal wine rack on top of my
cupboard... Managed to grab a chair and get the bottle down but it was everywhere. So this morning I had
to empty honey wine out of my butter dish lol.... Clean up puddles on top of my wall cupboards, the Cork
had shot right across the kitchen, blackberry wine all across the kitchen floor, the cooker top was covered
in wine and had the flipping cork on it.
I have been keen to do a spring clean and a deep clean for days but my local councillors have been posting
begging people not to use their time in lockdown to have a massive clear out as the bin men are struggling
to maintain services without the extra..... But today I caved.... Mainly because when I opened the cupboard
each my plates had a puddle of blackberry mead on them the whole pile lol
So it all got emptied and wiped down, wall cupboards and floor cupboards, draws, scrubbed and
disinfected, floors mopped, every dish and bottle wiped down, under the sink done.... 7 small cupboards in
all (I still have a lot to do tomorrow). Cleaned non-stop today for 5 or 6 hours.... Only now having a shower
and putting away my running gear...... Have 5 small cupboards and a pantry to do tomorrow and half a
room of tiles and wall...... I'll get there. Tom did loads of homework today... Mainly because its preferable to
actually helping me clean.... Managed to log into his homework thing without giving me the Forest
Whittaker eye too... Thanks to his IT teachers email and a bit of help from a friend :).... Felt like
Hackerman when I got in there lol.... Or at the very least 'Hacker MAM' lol
My Japanese kuwaii face masks have still not turned up..... Thinking of doing room by room until I find
them.... Huge task..... Huge deep clean..... Where the heck did I put them? Haven't seen them for months
but have a memory of putting them 'somewhere safe'. No idea where though 🤔
Chilling now... Wait for the hubby to get home and shower and all that so I can disinfect the door handles
he touched before washing his hands...... Good times lmao
Day 23
3 April at 18:01
Isolation log - day 23 - TGI Friday
Work up early this morning and weirdly couldn't stop crying...everything was upsetting me... My back was
bad the bed was uncomfortable, I made coffee instead of tea.... Everything
So, I took some painkillers and went back to bed at 7.30 and then woke up at 10 and started all over again
in a much better mood..... Everything was taken a bit slower today, so didn't get out to do my run until 11
30/12ish and did a little bit less work on the kitchen today (did a few more cupboards and scrubbed all the
pots and pans, scrubbed some more tiles and walls.....) I still feel like there is a way to go but after doing
my back in yesterday, I think I had free enough time to take it slowly so why push myself til I'm ill.
Amazon have pre-empted the WHO guidelines about masks and given them to all staff today... I still can't
find the masks that I 'put safe' and have ordered some online instead
Tom did a very relaxed 1-2 hours of maths and then helped a little in the kitchen with my deep cleaning
mission ...... In return for me promising to order food to be delivered, didn't take much arms twisting lol
First time I've had a Chinese delivered in 10 years.... Something to look forward to this evening
Day 24
4 April at 16:26
Isolation log - day 24 - star date my mums’ birthday (whoop whoop)
My letter to say I need to stay in for 12 weeks because of my health issues came today.... I feel like I
already knew but worry about patients who might not have known for certain until the letter and maybe
have got it in the weeks and weeks it's taken to send them out. Or people (and I do know a few) who kept
working until they had the letter as evidence for their employer.... Hope none of them have got seriously ill
while doctors passed the buck between GPs and specialists for who was sending them out and patients
were left confused and ringing already busy surgery’s and wards.
Even knowing deep down I would get one, it is turning up has been a bit of a mixed emotions thing. And a
learning thing apparently I am not average high risk (like over 70s) or extremely high risk like transplant or
cancer patients.... I am medium high risk which is somewhere in between..... Who knew there were levels
On the plus side my better half has now said he will do click and collect for me.... Not sure if its linked....
Has he spent 24 days thinking 'she can go out she's just being a drama queen' lol?
Finished my kitchen deep clean today.... Feeling kinda happy and accomplished about it. Can't believe how
many Tupperware lids I found today with no matching bottom (where do they all come from) ... Want to do
my little pantry cupboard next and then move on to the living room. One room at a time deep cleaning until I
find those frigging masks or until the ones I ordered turn up. The hubby says not tomorrow mind.... I need a
day of rest apparently lol
Ordered dinner to be delivered for tomorrow so that something to look forward too.
Tom rang my mum to wish her a happy birthday and then with no encouragement facetimed his mate and
decided to play 'fortnite'. It is really positive to see him independently stretching his social skills and it’s the
most I have heard him speak in 3 weeks. (He started almost every sentence with the word 'also’, but I think
his speech therapist encourages that so that he immediately signals there is more coming, and people give
him time to say the rest)
Oh, and it’s my mum’s birthday.... She's had a rough few weeks, but she got into outdoor clothes and put a
bit of make up on this morning to chat with the family... And everyone except Neil has sang her happy
Planning to chill for the evening now... Find a nice film maybe?
Day 25
5 April at 14:33
Isolation log - day 25 - Sunday chill day
Can't believe it's been 25 days; my memory is so bad I lose count and have to scroll back and check every
day lol. Best I get used to it though cos I won't be out for a while.... Someone tried to convince me
yesterday that being on a Biologics injection that shuts off your immune system at a genetic level is the
same as having mild asthma and occasional hay-fever.... Who knew...? Cheers Dr expert lol
Today I have been mainly not doing much.... Cleaned the grill had a cuppa and haven't got back up since
Food hot delivered and was very nice Having got bored of Netflix, Disney plus, prime and then yesterday
I got bored of BBC iPlayer... Today I moved onto itv hub.... First time in years I've had to sit through
adverts, can't say I've missed it and the stupid government advert 'stay inside' is on heavy repeat (it's like
some creep dystopian future big brother/fallout thing but it's actually real)... Couldn't have ever imagined a
world like this years ago or even months ago.
People have been posting pictures of people out and about, grassing and naming and shaming like some
sort of Cold War reds under the beds, everyone's neighbour is a spy scenario. It's weird. Someone
suggested an app where they track your movement and then use it to deny treatment to people if they get
the virus from going out unnecessarily... I thought that was over the top. Although the suggestion of a game
that's the opposite of Pokémon go to encourage people to stay inside instead of encouraging them to go
out walking... Mighty be a winner... Pokémon stay the hell indoors???
I finished knitting my shawl but wasn't happy with it so I have unravelled it a bit to add more to it.... Have
watch 3 hours of 'Belgravia' today, lot of people in posh frocks caring about their reputations and status in
society (perfect Sunday viewing). Who know how long I will have to wait for the next episode?... Maybe I'll
go back to Netflix, something in my soul is telling me to avoid 'Tiger King' like the plague but there must be
something watchable somewhere .... Damn you Picard why did you have to end
Hope everyone else is having a nice chilled day (now go wash your hands or someone will grass you up
on Facebook lol)
Day 26
6 April 2020
Isolation log - day 26 - stardate doesn't feel like a Monday
Decided to risk running in the other direction on my daily jog today.... Went the same distance and was out
for under an hour, like usual... But I headed in the direction of the beach, hoping it wouldn't be too busy as
its not the weekend. To be fair it wasn't too bad, everyone was sensible about keeping 2m apart .. But it
was busier than my usual quiet little back road so not sure I'll try it again. 3 tries at trying to get the bread
maker I found in the back of the cupboard last week to work.... Made cinnamon and raisin bread and its
lovely Did some knitting and sewing and Tom's had a few accidents with his IBS today so there's been a
lot of cleaning up.... And a lot of bad smells.... Not being able to go shopping for fresh food regularly is
really effecting his diet Watched 'one man, two governors' the James Cordan play on YouTube, national
theatre Live put it online.... I missed it at the West end (even though we were in London, couldn't get
tickets) and double missed it in the cinema (Tom didn't want to watch it with me)..... So, I was very happy to
watch that today and Tom actually really enjoyed too. Not a bad day all in all
Day 27
7 April at 18:08
Isolation log - day 27 - star date Tuesday afternoon
Well today is my working from home day and I'm sure I'm getting lazier, slept in this morning... Thank
goodness I don’t have to catch a bus to the front room. Haven't got round to my run yet either (further proof
of the lazy) but I usually leave it til after work on a Tuesday.... Kinda dreading going in the evening as there
are usually more people about Spent some time today collecting all the isolation diaries into a word
document for the study at Swansea uni..... The guy running it is desperately looking for more blokes and
welsh speakers .. So if you fancy writing a diary or a blog or regular social media diaries and having them
be part of a study into how lives are being effected... Inbox me and I'll pass on the email address for the
study. Tom's IBS has been better today but getting him to do anything... Homework, cleaning, dressing,
anything today has been hard work and stressful (he has also caught a dose of the lazy)
Spent 23 minutes on a webpage in a queue last night to try to get click and collect shopping... Only to find
that all the spaces were booked by the time I got there.... Looks like I will have to send the husband
tomorrow.... Always a nightmare (he never gets it right, can't judge if fruit is bruised or damaged) and last
time he gave half my shopping to his mum and half hers to me.... I'm in the fridge thinking 'why do we have
so many eggs? I didn't ask for more eggs?' Aaahhh well.... Hubby will be home from work soon, so I better
tidy up a bit and then... Off for my run :)
Day 28
8 April at 13:55
Isolation log - day 28 - stardate 4 whole weeks I've been here for :o
Hard to believe it’s been a month since I came down with that horrible bug with all the symptoms of Covid-
19 ... Which then escalated into pneumonia etc I can't believe the PM gets it and because it isn't better in 7
days, he is rushed into hospital. When mine wasn't better in 7 days I got a triage appointment with a doctor
who literally shouted at me that it was better and that I was making it up (I had to write a complaint letter the
surgery manager). Must be nice to be on the other side of the 'one rule for them and another rule for us'
divide, hope he gets better but I am sure he will because he is taken seriously and listen to by professional
doctors (not screamed at by stressed out locums who haven't bothered to read your notes) .... But yes, a
month inside and I'm still not bonkers (who said that? I'm not, probably).
Went for my regulation one exercise a day quite early today after leaving it so late yesterday... Was about
8pm, good time to see the least other joggers out. At one point I thought I saw the spring full moon, the
'pink moon' as it’s known, peeping out at me but it turned out to be the lidl sign behind a tree lol.
Am almost back to feeling fit again... Ran 25 minutes continuous this morning. Still a lot wheezier than I
have been for decades and still the occasional cough but I am sure that pushing myself to run a bit
longer/further each day is helping stretch my lungs and improve it slowly. A few more weeks and I will be
back to where I was before the illness hopefully.... Feeling like a runner again (just wish I had the body to
go with it now lol)
The hubby went shopping for a big shop for me this morning so I can stop panicking about a delivery slot
for a bit. He did better than some weeks, I think it's getting better but I seem to have over a months worth of
big tubs of plain low fat yoghurt (and of course he always buys a lot of extra crisps cos he loves crisps).
Was lovely to have fresh bread rolls from the bakery section for the first time in a month.... What a lush
treat (it's the little things you miss isn't it).. And I googled a recipe to use the yoghurt for.... So 'simple Italian
yoghurt cake' is baking at the moment and I can't hear the better half trying to fix something in the front
room.... Good times. The sun is out lovely and Tom seems to have got quite used to our daily yoga session
together on the grass.... Wish he could get behind doing his homework as much (he is boxsetting 'Gravity
Falls' on Disney plus, great show). Supposed to be performing at the rough as comedy v club online
tonight..... If you have zoom, then there is a code in the event page to come watch..... Bit nervous cos I
haven't had my regular mates to run my stuff past in person this month.... But that's something to look
forward to later isn't it. Gonna go out the garden for a bit and enjoy the sun while it lasts... Bloody lush out it
is lol
8 April at 14:46
Isolation log - day 28 (part 2)
I finished the stole/scarf I have been working on
I fell in love with the celtic knotwork on the front... Lush
Can be worn as a stole round the shoulders (like a shrug) or like a normal infinity scarf.... Bit warm to day
but will keep my shoulders warm next winter for sure
Wondering what to make next now lol
Day 29
9 April at 18:27
Isolation log - day 29 - stardate sunny Thursday
I fell over on my way to my little road where I run this morning, scuffed my knee like I was in a school yard
.... They say the measure of how old you are is people’s reaction if you fall over in front of them 'horrified'
and you're old 'laughter' and you're young..... Turns out I'm old.... Thanks to social distancing there was one
witness and he didn't know if he was allowed to come close enough to ask if I was OK. Definitely couldn't
come over and help me up.... The confusion on his face as he fought years of training to help when
something like that happens.... That was the weirdest thing
I found an ASDA truck parked on the pavement while the driver played on his phone..... That's what the
delivery staff are all doing while we struggle to find a delivery slot then? Parking on pavements and making
social distancing for anyone walking past impossible Ffs4
Spent 4 hours today sat with Tom homeschooling ..... His GCSE art photography homework was due in
days ago & he kept putting it off so I had to sit with him and help him until it was done.... Swear I worked
harder on it than he did (he only took the photos, edited them, helped me learn how to use the software to
create his portfolio and told me what to type...... I did all the rest). Worked flipping hard on that portfolio,
wonder what mark I will get lol
Am having another try at the Italian yoghurt cake.... I still have far too much plain yoghurt here and I wasn't
happy with the last try.... Fingers crossed
Day 30
10 April at 14:53
Isolation log - day 30 - stardate Good Friday
Was out for my little jog today thinking about how this diary is like a little list of stuff that happens on my
runs.... They really are the highlight of my day, watching the mayflower come out and that one little cherry
blossom bush slowly coming to life. The berries on the Bush on the corner slowly redden and that strange
group of bushes that has something living in it, something shy that you only see from a distance if you're
4 Ffs- For Fucks Sake
running at night something that hides back inside as you get closer but something I know is there.
Got told yesterday that I'm not really isolating properly because I go on my little runs.... That I should be
shielding better.... But part of me thinks I might have already had it and so shouldn't need to shield and part
of me thinks complete shielding would be so hard with Neil going back fore to work anyway. But I don't
know if I have definitely had it or not? So I just do what I do just in case I haven't had it and try my best....
And that means going for a little run where I don't touch anything and shower once I get home just to get
some fresh air. When I got home today Tom said my face was tanned from the sun - I was out for less than
an hour so it shows how warm it is out there today.
When I go for my jog, I can see the supermarkets... I'm nervous to go to close as there are always
people..... Was super busy at them today, like its a normal Easter weekend (except with huge queues
around the block of people 2m apart and everyone seems to have forgotten about the lockdown and is
rushing to buy Easter stuff. (I hope that isn't a pattern that will continue for the Bank holiday weekend).
Sometimes when I run past I wish I could just pop into the shop before heading home, like I used too and
grab a drink or some hot cross buns (someone ate what was left of ours while I was in bed?) or some eggs
(I haven't bought any easter eggs at all)..... Would it really harm? I'd wear gloves and a mask and keep the
2m rule... This is why I never take my purse running, I'm kinda scared I'd actually do it
Started a new knitting project. A cushion cover, it's big and slow and boring and I'm finding it hard to keep
at it already.I think my neighbours aren't really lockdown properly, there was music late last night in the
garden and this afternoon and I am sure I can hear kids and shouting in there now (unless her and her
friend and all the kids and grandkids are all in there with her?).... Guess I'm just jealous, I am sure that
being under 70 and having no health conditions they have a lot more freedom than me. Gonna check to
see if National Theatre Live has put up a new YouTube of old recorded performances later.. Think it's Em
this week, something to look forward too this evening. Have been speaking to a few people online about
drink this week, have never been a big drinker and once I gave it up for over a year without noticing....
Been thinking a drink would be nice, maybe it's just the boredom but I am nervous that as I'm not totally
over the horrible virus thing, that it would weaken my already compromised immune system (also I have
never really liked the taste lol). The fact that I always find it so easy to talk myself out of bothering, that's a
definite barrier to me having a drink lol... So maybe I won't lol.
Exciting weekend of staying in ahead of me.... Sounds thrilling..... Maybe I'm planning to much and I'll just
take the day off and have a day at home instead lmao. The neighbours have turned their music off and I
can hear a bird tweeting...... It's the little things that keep me smiling
Day 31
11 April at 18:29
Isolation log - day 31 - Saturday again
Was kept awake till half one last listening to drunken neighbours argue..... Took a picture of the chairs and
empty glasses this morning (I don't think they were 2m apart but then I don't think they stayed in the chairs
all night either)
I didn't end up having a drink last night... This is the story of my life and why I am tea total.. Always talk
myself out of it (despite brewing my own mead and having tons here).... It's more ironic than an Alanis
Morrisette song really.
I have reached the level of lockdown where I have taken to wearing impossibly unsuitable dresses round
the house..... Not sure why? But why not no one is seeing them.... Fed up of pyjamas. Today I am wearing
an off the shoulder dress with a Ra Ra style miniskirt in hot fuscia - it a strong look and I would certainly be
wearing leggings, a better bra and maybe a belt - but as I'm nowhere - sod it (my husband seems very
happy with this level of lockdown insanity, there's no accounting for taste is there)
Had a bit if a meltdown early this morning... Not sure why? Being stuck inside for over a month? Being kept
up by neighbours who I suspect are not following the rules and will make this whole thing go on longer or
just the constant battle between thinking I may have had it (in which case, I want to go to the frigging shop)
but also being scared I haven't had it (in which case, if it’s worse than what I had the other week, terrifying
and with my auto immune condition, best stay in).... Wish the government would just test people and make
the anti-body tests available already
Done far too much cooking today.... Two loaves of oat bread, one chicken stir fry, and two meals worth of
chicken skewers for in the freezer. The better half told me thus morning that for some who hates cooking I
'can't half bake'...... Must be genetic, my nan was a fab Baker, (worked her way up from under maid to head
cook when she was 'in service' at the big houses and always had homemade cake in the house)....
Although the Google has been helpful with the recipes.
As usual I am not running on the weekends, or home schooling, makes it feel different from the
weekdays...... And nice to feel like I'm having a day off of something.
Found a way to rework my knitting so that I hate it a little less.... Also sent Neil for knitting wool and found
he is crap at buying that too lol.... (can't have it all I guess and I didn't marry him for his ability to buy wool
so it's all good lol)
Watched the national theatre 'Jane Eyre' last night, was a very good adaptation but I would not recommend
as highly as 'One Man, Two Guvnors' as I don't think it's as accessible (there was definitely less laughs and
Neil kept walking in and saying 'is this an opera or something')
Craving chocolate, a bit.... Might be the lack of sleep.... Box setting 'shrill' today on iPlayer quite enjoying it
Might look for a film later who knows..... I know I want an early night without the neighbours having a
party.... Sleep would be nice
Day 32
12 April at 13:58
Isolation log - day 32 - Easter Sunday
Spent 3 hours today sorting through old toys in Tom's room (I want to sort through his old clothes tomorrow
but don't tell him yet cos I know he won't like it lol) Feeling very accomplished and feel we deserve to both
put our feet up with a cuppa and an Easter egg now.
I am still standing by my epiphany yesterday that all those 'unsuitable' dresses, dresses that you never
found the reason to wear, the ones on back of the cupboard that after you bought you realised you may
never wear, too revealing? Too short? Too formal? No accessories to match? So old fashioned &
outlandish that it could only be worn as a cosplay? ... .. Now is the time.... While no one can see or will one is judging - wear that thing ❤️ Today's unsuitable dress is a strappy floral number with
one strap that seems to wonder of its own accord...... Makes a change from the pyjamas and comfy leisure
wear. Weather is a bit less sunny but still quite warm.... Meant to be meeting my family online later for a
pretend garden party.... Should be fun
Day 33
Isolation log - day 33 (all the threes, 33) - star date Bank Holiday Monday
Had a weird dream last night about a hostage situation at the garage. Instead of asking for money or a
helicopter the bad guys were requesting only one thing.... The end of Covid19 and for life to go back to
normal. I think the dream has some strong feeling like a hostage, fed up of lockdown vibes.
Decided that as it was Bank Holiday Monday, we wouldn't rush back into homeschooling today (God help
me tomorrow when he has to go back to it after a long weekend) Went for a run in the sunshine, found out
my couch to 5k app is a bold faced liar lol. They said I'd be running 5k but all the focus is not on distance
but on time, so today I used a different running app... 5 minutes walking (warm up) 30 minutes running 5
minutes walking (cool down) and the app said I had only down 4.1k..... I feel so ripped off lol Guess that's
something new to work towards now
Tom wasn't exactly enthusiastic about the daily yoga but he joined in and then we went back to sorting
through his bedroom..... Chucked out a bin bag full of clothes (boys age 10-13, if anyone wants them)....
There's were a few he kept that were only barely fitting..... But I think we got rid of most and I won't have to
spend half as much time seeing his belly button (he tends to ignore sizes and stick to one or two favourites,
starting to look like a reject from a gay disco circa 1990) Today's totally inappropriate dress is a maxi dress,
makes me look even shorter and dumper than I am and increases my risk of falling up or down stairs.
Spending a lot of time lifting my skirts like and 18th century heroine (it's that or fall all over the place).
Had a moment of madness last night and bought sofa covers... Brighten up my surroundings a little...
Change is as good as a rest and all that
Been reading up on Spanish Flu a little..... It's killed more people than world war 1..... Lasted from 1918-
1920. Makes me wonder if living through that is what inspired the beginning of the NHS and the great
socialist unity of the 1930s....I have to say I hope we will all come out of this with stronger family ties,
stronger communities and better work life balance... all round better quality of life and more time to
appreciate the good things.To quote John Lennon 'people say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one'
Day 34
14 April at 17:17
Isolation log - day 34 - star date its work from home day again.
Managed to get up early and start work on time, so proud of me.... Did 7 hours by the computer and am
happy to have finished my shift now. Tom was in charge of cooking so we had microchips and Chicago
Town 3mins micro pizza..... It was not filling or nutritional satisfying at all. But he was proud of himself so
that's good I guess (I think we need something healthy for tea to make up for it)
Haven't done my run yet.... Always do it in the evening on a work day (or used to). My mum rang earlier
and I said I was looking forward to going for a run 'please don't run, just walk fast'... I don't get that attitude
at all lol for the last 2 years I have either been running regularly or having health issues that stopped me
and missing being able to run regularly..... (how many years before people accept that I actually quite like
it? Asking for a friend)Today’s outrageously inappropriate dress .... Has neon orange and neon pink paisley
patterns (it was on sale is my only defence, maybe this is a statement on consumer society?) Wanted to
feel professional for work so I put some make up on.... Neon orange eye shadow to match.... Yes indeed lol
Gonna get into my clothes soon anyway.... Soon... Just having a sit down first lol.
Day 35
15 April at 16:52
Isolation Log - day 35 - star date a very tough day indeed
Today has been a tough day. About a month ago at the start of all the lockdown, after I had been ill with the
mysterious virus..... I managed to get hold of my specialist nurse (everyone in the Biologics, immune
suppressants have an appointed nurse they can ring for advice). She said that I should put off taking my
next injections until I didn't have any symptoms left at all, I had to be sure I was completely better and that
being a bit late with it wouldn't hurt at all. In my mind I thought I'd end up skipping a few days.... A few
weeks later the injections were due and the symptoms were mostly gone but I started to think I could skip
the whole months’ worth, miss one batch of injections, maybe the lockdown would be over in three weeks
and the peak would be over and I could take them again then. Then I convinced myself I would wait until I
was running the same distance as I was before the virus, that would surely be confirmation that I was
completely over it. My running got to that point, the lockdown isn't over, it hasn't reached peak..... But I
became nervous of taking the injections, I put it off, terrified I would make myself more vulnerable if I took
them. In the meantime, obviously I began to have a resurgence of all the problems I was put on the drugs
for. It was becoming unbearable, and I was trapped in two kinds, needing the drugs but scared to take them
and become dangerously vulnerable. So this morning I decided enough was enough and took the
injections, them rang my daughter in tears scared to go out for my run..... Luckily Andrea is an expert in
dealing with anxiety and she has had it for years and her whole friendship circle have it.... She made me
see that I have been on these drugs for 5 years for good reasons and that missing one injection wasn't
going to flush 5 years of it from my system or magically make me more at risk. Just because my illness
came back quick at the end of each month doesn't mean it is no longer in my system, just means that
towards the end of the month by dose isn't strong enough to deal with it. I’m still at risk.... Still on the list
that needs to shield and still the person I was yesterday when I went for my run, alone in a quiet area.
It was emotional taking the injections, I always hate self-injecting but it sucked more today.... Tinged with
fear and anxious etc But I am looking forward to some relief from the illness I was prescribed them for.
Then I spent some time writing an online eulogy for a friend whose funeral I couldn't attend today.... lighting
a candle in his honour and generally having a weep about that too.
My run was as usual a little ray of sunshine and outdoors in my day..... Yoga in the garden was relaxing...
What else? Neil was offered overtime today and took it.... He did five extra hours..... Seems that online
shopping is under strain from lockdown too..... Me and Tom did some cooking and made spag bol for today
and lasagne for tomorrow (while we were making a nice Italian tomato sauce)
Oh and todays inappropriate dress is black... All black in honour of my friends funeral..... It's a wrap around
dress with cute capped sleeves and darts that have a 1930s feel... It fitted fab a few dress sizes ago and
always reminds of a bad party I once held so I don't wear it much.... It got an airing today - and will no doubt
be kept until I lose weight and forget the party enough for it to no longer be inappropriate and unflattering.
Today's boxset is 'Quiz' the Michael Sheen show I missed on TV over Easter. Today has been a tough day,
tinged with sadness and fear (all the bad feels) and the injections make me feel lightheaded and tired (but
that's usual for them too). Roll on tomorrow
Day 36
16 April at 18:42
Isolation log - day 36 - stardate spent all day mistaking it for Friday (it's Thursday)
Got up early and out for my run earlier, was nice to only bump into other runners and not people heading to
shops. Yoga was same old same old (will be gutted when the rain comes back, and we can't do it in the
garden anymore).
Getting a bit fed up of people in my street who lockdown doesn't seem to effect, the rest of us aren't seeing
friends and family but they seem to have mates over every day and their mates kids, and their kids kids..
Mental....It's hard on others who are sticking to rules. I don't believe that the length of the lockdown will be
effected cos Betty had her grandkids over or Karen had a party in her front garden, Sue down the road
went for two walks or the local smackhead just went past on his bmx.....I think the lockdown will last as long
as it needs too regardless of idiots in our communities (but I do feel that others get frustrated, that these
people are putting themselves and others at risk and that they are setting an example which, if others
follow, will mean no one is sticking to the rules anymore).
The government announced today that the lockdown is extended for another 3 weeks....
Feel like the virus is getting closer to home now, hearing more and more about people who have it....
Maybe it's not worse, maybe it's just that there is testing now..... My brother said there are 6 cases down
where he lives, my mam has heard of 10 and the husband’s cousin posted yesterday that she tested
positive and was sent home from her nursing job...... I suppose we better get used to that.... Bound to
happen more and more over the next few weeks.
Got one more run left on my couch to 5k app and them I am running free, been studying up today on how
to improve distance and pace..... Thinking tomorrow will be the last 5k run then next week trying to up my
distance per run and the week after the mythical FartLek training (it's a plan)... Also downloaded some new
music to perk up my runs a bit Looking forward to the weather breaking.... Kinda missing running in the
rain, weirdly? Took a running selfie this morning cos its been a while lol
Sofa covers I ordered online to try to perk up the living room a little turned up today....... Was like wrestling
a crocodile trying to get them on and I am not totally happy with the finished effect..... So I ordered a
different kind..... The way this is going it might be cheaper in the long run to just buy a new sofa...... Involve
less wrestling too lol
Officially running out of all my favourite junk food I have as treats..... No diet pop and no chocolate here....
Times are tough.... Won't be able to send the better half shopping until Saturday so I might have to bake
something nice tomorrow to get me through til then lol
Still haven't got round to dyeing my hair... Roots are over an inch now I'm sure.... Wondering how long I can
hold out before I have to bite the bullet on that one lol
Today's inappropriate dress is black again, Jersey material.... Showing every curve and bump (needs some
big knickers and heels, give it some shape, bra would help too lmao it’s like sticking a dress on a sack of
spuds and moaning it's shaped like a sack of spuds lmao).... I'm not going anywhere though so as long as
I'm comfy.... I don't care
Anything else to report.....not really lol.
Stay safe people (and wash your bloody hands lol)
Day 37
17 April at 15:54
Isolation log - day 37 - star date a day of many favours
Did my run super early, wanted to get back in time for my friend to deliver some shopping. The wind had
changed and the air felt different this morning, you could feel that rain was coming the wind was strong, the
clouds were ominously heavy and there was a fresh chill in the air. , I'd like to say it was the change 1 was
be cause the government announced another 3 week long lockdown yesterday but that's overly
romanticising...... The weather just turned a bit and the threat of rain was in the air.
After my post yesterday a mate offered to do some junk food shopping for me .... It started a chain of
favours and good deeds that permeated right through my day.... Which has been lovely
I saw that my sister was struggling working from home because of her back pain and asked on my social
media if anyone could lend her an office chair. She is running or helping run covid help requests from all
over the area ... It's very stressful and it's on top of her usual workload so I wanted to help. So one friend
had a chair but couldn't deliver and then another could deliver so I spent a while juggling all that about. My
sister was very happy and it was much appreciated.
Then another friend messaged to ask a favour.. So I sorted that too I feel good for helping and I owe the
world a favour because I got a favour with some shopping this morning. Makes me feel good to give back
I managed to get an Iceland delivery slot for yesterday so won't have to rely on the husbands bad shopping
skills this week hurrah!!!!
And then booking Sunday dinner this week turned into a trauma, the place I usually get it told me they
couldn't take card payments so I decided to go elsewhere. Asked online but most suggestions linked to
pages with no prices or clues about delivery charges and I ended up ringing round and messaging several
places (at least I have a few options now). Lots of places suggested had phones lines too busy to find out
more info and it kinda sucked Eventually I ended up going with a place that costs more only to find that they
only do card payments on the door on the day its delivered.... So not happy about that.... And straight after
than phone call 2 other places got back to me to offer me a better deal and telephone payment..... So that
was a bit of a nightmare.
But you know... You have to take the bad with the good.
Today inappropriate dress is like a retro 90s thing with a black mini dress underneath and a chiffon see
though floral thing over it.... I have never worn it out and once I put it on I realised why.... Far too short....
But I'm going nowhere so, sod it. Invented a new term for this look, wearing pretty frocks everyday to doss
around the house is now 'isolation posh'..... It's not quite real posh as I haven't done my hair, have no make
up and I'm haven't worn a bra for weeks (except a sports bra for running, to avoid black eye style injuries,
not sure if you can 'pull' a tit but don't feel like this is the time to risk it and put extra burden on the NHS).....
So yeah 'isolation posh'...... Decided I might have a rest from isolation posh for the weekend and start back
next Monday lol
Finished my last couch to 5k run today.... Such a great feeling of accomplishment.... Added and extra 5
mins to my run and came home very happy..... Ready to receive the super chocolate delivery my mate said
she would drop over today.
All in all today has been a very feel good day and the bits that weren't fab gave me a sense of balance,
that where there is bad there must always be good and vice versa...... Yeah today's been nice.
Now go wash your hands people and stay safe x
Day 38
18 April at 16:03
Isolation log - day 38 - it's the weekend again
Tensions are running high today and everyone's nerves are fraying a little. It's been over a month now and
it's not getting any easier to be so secluded from everyone and yet so trapped with family members.... Tom
is doing my tits in... He has started talking to his YouTube clips? I keep asking if it's someone he is ringing,
assuming it's a facetime chat with someone but no..... He is sitting there going 'hhmmmm... Hmmmm...
Yes.... For sure.... Hmmmm... Good point' and it does kinda sound like a conversation..... I have asked him
and he says it's no different to when people shout at the TV during the rugby or 'I just get so into it, it's an
autism thing' ... I'm not so sure..... He has had autism for 15 years and this is a new one in me lol I think the
lockdown is driving him bonkers and this his and the autism way of coping.
I am already struggling not to go bonkers myself without him chatting away in the corner as if he has mates
over (I've tried ringing his mates and family members and getting him involved in chats.... He is still doing it
afterwards).....The hubby has done so much extra over time this week that we haven't seen him and he is
tired and stressed beyond words and acting erratically too. And I am being easily wound up by a stressed
hubby and Tom gibbering away... Fed up of all my usual crafts and cookery and can't seem to find anything
to hold my interest on any of the the streaming services. Just feel like there's not much space from it all at
the moment...there nowhere to hide at all.
On the brightside, ditching the dresses for trackie bottoms and a jumper is comfy today..... And Tom is
wearing tracksuit bottoms instead of stained pj's for the first time in days (also he is not topless either)
Think this is mainly inspired by the weather getting a little colder.
And I got round to dying my hair.... Been putting it off long enough.... Only had a blue dye and a kinda of
turquoise green here, which is nice cos I got bored of the purple with blue roots - hoping this will be black
(where the new dye has covered the purple and merged) with a blue root (I say root, there was a few cms
of blue already and about an inch of growth... So I'm hoping for quite a bit blue)... Once it's all washed out
etc of course..... And lighter in a few days once its been washed a few times too. Accidentally bought too
much spinach.... Need to Google 'thing to do with spinach' type recipes now too
Peace out guys.... Keep your chin up and wash your hands x
Day 39
19 April at 21:15
Isolation log - day 39 - star date Sunday
So what's happened today then? Not much, I have been trying to plough through the boxset of the last
season of Vikings and find some enthusiasm for my knitting.... In between life getting in the way of my
cunning plans lol
Spent ages waiting for the Sunday dinner to arrive only to be disappointed..... When our usual place was
having issues with payments, I took the initiative and ordered from somewhere else..... The husband is
acting like this act is akin to shooting his first born baby in the head in front of him lol To make matters
worse it turned up late, with over cooked soggy veg and the gravy was too salty and a packet mix..... Oh if
they did.... Took him hours to forgive me lol (he may actually still be holding a grudge) We will be going
back to using the old place next week apparently..... That's me told then.
What else happened? Had a long and funny chat to the daughter this morning. Neil went to the shop and
came home upset that everyone else has a mask apart from him (everything has been wrong for him today,
cut his head shaving and its been downhill from there)..... 'you are good at sewing, can't you make one out
of a bra, I've seen that on the Internet'.... Well... Masks, the ones I ordered online still haven't arrived and
the ones I already have here are still missing..... So on a mission I went, my bras are too big.... Raided
Andrea's draw (with permission if a giggling Andrea on the phone)... Here's were too small.... T-shirt
material isn't right for it and all the material on our pillow cases are too thin (Today I learnt that you can go
your whole life unaware of what shoddy quality your pillowcase material is until there is a pandemic lol but
they have always done what was needed of them
Then I caught a friend jogging past and had a chat over the wall to him and my neighbour... Which was fun
for a bit. Managed to make one mask so far (it's a Luigi from Mario one for Tom) ..... Took flipping ages....
Then had a chat to my family online and now maybe I will start a new mask and finish another episode of
Vikings (I was hoping to finish this today and move on to another show.. That's not happening lol)
So yeah..... That's basically my day.... I also pegging some clothes out earlier, the excuse to stand in the
sunshine was nice :)
Catch you tomorrow..... Take care and wash your hands lol
Day 40
20 April 19 hrs
Isolation log - day 40 - star date meat free Monday
40 days....forty days and forty nights.... Ali Baba and the 40 thieves..... Some one, one of my witchy friends
told me recently that there is something 'magical' about the number 40. Not sure if it's true.... But it sure
feels like a while lol
After spending ages being meat free for 5 days a week, the struggle to get food in means that for over a
month now I have been eating meat like a normal folk.... Decided to reinstall/ reinstate meat free Monday
today, it may be harder to do it for as many days but hopefully a little bit will be manageable.
Accidently put the wrong app on for my run so I made a spur of the moment decision to try the 'Fartlek'
training... Managed the first 3 short sprints, needed my asthma pump for the 4th, missed the fifth, struggled
and quit on the 6th and nearly threw up on the 7th so decided to go back to the original plans on increasing
time & distance. Did 35mins instead of 30 because I do want to push but don't want to be pushing so hard
to injure something. Came home very happy with myself..... Normal run tomorrow.... More Fartlek on
Wednesday, hopefully push myself to do 4 of the sprints.
Argued with the ex today because he let my son down, how hard is it to turn up for a facetime chat Ffs (and
had friends over his tiny 2 room flat, nothing to do with it but still annoying) ..... Not a good example to set....
He was saying all the right things last Friday, but it only lasted a day as usual and I am kinda more annoyed
with myself for letting Tom get his hopes up
Cleaned out and disinfected a load of cupboards on the media wall side of the living room.... Still didn't find
those flipping masks I was looking for last few weeks.... One of the ones I ordered online turned up (but its
got a little face so the hubby won't wear it) I made a plain white one for him this afternoon but I forgot he
has an enormous head..... So it doesn't fit (no worries cos it is reversible and has flowers on the other side)
Order stuff to make more.... Should be here between Wednesday and Friday this week... Sorted.
A friend posted today about 'please can people stop sharing conspiracy theories as it's effecting my mental
health'..... What the heck sort of world have we become, why should she have to announce her state of
mind?.....why can't people just stop because they all insane gibberish (and of course, I don't have to worry
cos my tin foil hat will protected me from nanobots in vaccines that Bill Gates and his lizard friends are
going to inject inside us and then use 5G to control us via the nanobots.... Ha ha ha sod you Bill, your
nanobots are useless against my tinfoil hat mate smh5)
Today's isolation posh look is a jump suit, all the dresses were playing hell with my psoriasis and it's
making me ill.... So flared jumpsuit today, unflattering, hard-work to get on and off if you need a wee,
unironed and crinkly and without heels, also a bit too long lol Considering lot of fashion is inspired by what
people are wearing and then it's reinvented, taken to extremes for the catwalk and then tamed down and
sold back to us again, it will be interesting to see what designers come up with when inspired by the
virus..... 'here's Kate Moss in her channel faded pyjama bottoms with a pre-stained start wars t-shirt,
Channel has combined this look with a very natural make up style and messy hairstyle based on a' barely
be bothered to brush it and stick it in a ponytail' look.... While Dolce and Gabanas selection of men’s
dressing gowns with mashed biscuit on the lapel has been the talk of fashion week' lmao
Right think that's enough of me for today....take care.... Don't forget to wash your hands x
Day 41
21 April at 19:52
Isolation log - day 41 - star date a productive day
Working from home day today, managed to get 2 funding bids off and write a case study as evidence for
one of the bids. The case file was a very happy success story, so that helps motivate you too doesn't it.
On the downside, every cup of coffee I had today tasted a little like disinfectant.... I always make a jug full
and put it in a flask if I am working so I am not constantly procrastinating, distracted and up and down
making drinks. Not sure if the mug, the flask, the jug or just the smell of it on my hands.... Anyone know if I
will slowly die of poisoning or will it disinfect me from the inside out? (I swilled the jug out and the flask, just
not enough I'm thinking). To be fair, most things smell of disinfectant these days, so you know, hard to tell.
5 Smh -shaking my head
My better half wore the smiley mask to work today and apparently it made him very popular... He's so cool
now lol
My elastic to make new masks came and I considered making them for the 14 homeless lads at the hostel
and the hostel staff..... But then decided it might be too big a job for me to do alone (be different if I had a
sewing machine, any of my friends handy with a sewing machine??) and stitching is a long and labour pus
Tom did three lots of homework this morning apparently (I didn't check too hard as the homeschooling
stresses me out) one of them was definitely watching videos about maths so that was fine and I am just
happy that he is slowly ticking stuff of the homework app.
I kinda skipped my 'isolation posh' thing today, as the dressed were making my skin condition so bad, I
considered a social media post about guessing the area covered by the big weeping sore patch, like a
gross pin the tail on the donkey, but decided against it (this is my punishment for being scared to take my
injections, thanks covid) ..... So instead I did 'fancy hair'....
Much like that couple of weeks when I boxsetted 'The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina' and dressed in black
dresses and collars for two weeks....(and when I boxsetted, Outlander and knitted myself a Celtic style
shawl). Today, the boxsetting Vikings had me obsessing. Bev style and I decided that a plethora of plaits
was my 'isolation posh' look for the day lol I had to wear a hat for my run, so as not to get weird looks, but
my hat has ruined the effect, so now if I took a photo, it would be of just hat hair.... Gutted.... It was an
elaborate mohawk sort of thing with tight plaits either side (sad for you guys that you missed it if I'm honest
Made stir-fry with quorn, wholemeal noodles the left over spinach and homemade sauce (ginger, garlic,
sesame oil, some secret ingredients) and slightly too much chilli sauce... My lips are tingling while I type
this lol An excellent accompaniment to the disinfectant coffee lmao.
Got my run done at about 5 ish, was nice and quiet and sunny and I enjoyed not having to focus on the
Fartlek training. Tomorrow is a Fartlek day lol
Planning to try to make another new mask tonight..... Practice makes perfect..... Shower and pj's first
Have a pleasant evening... And don't forget to wash your hands... Stay safe people :)
Day 42
22 April at 17:06
Isolation Log - Day 42 - star date life, universe and everything (42)
Had a lie in until 8am today. Was lovely to have the better half round the house, he has been doing so
much over time, I've been missing him.
Managed to do all of the sprints in my Fartlek training.... My app says my pace was 9 point something at
one point so that's huge improvement on 12 and 13 last week.... Hurray, Fartlek is working (came home all
chuffed with myself)
The postman brought me a new running bag....(the other one is too big now that I never take my purse or
call in the shops and have stuff to carry home).... This one is like a little belt for my asthma pumps and my
phone and a pocket for my water bottle..... Very happy with that. Postman also brought some homemade
facemasks I ordered online (when I got fed up of waiting for the ones I ordered on amazon that are still not
here). There are plain but kinda cute, needed some different elastic so I fixed them... They will be good for
ideas for styles for when I make some..... I figure the more we have the more we can wash and reuse them
without worrying that they are in the wash
The husband did his super stepdad thing (he bought him a video game this week too, he is on a roll). Took
Tom for a walk, Tom hasn't left the house for 3 weeks, even for exercise or essentials and I was getting
concerned that it wasn't good for him. Tom is low risk and unlike me he can do things like visit shops and
busy places or go out to get meds etc but I was worried Tom wouldn't know the correct etiquette for shops
now and might put himself or others in danger. Being on the spectrum, changing rules and stuff takes
practice to get used too. So he got taught how to go to shops and stay safe, wearing a mask, keeping his
distance and washing his hands etc. Now when it's just me and Tom here, Tom will be able to go to the
shop and there will be less pressure for the hubby to do everything in his downtime. Tom was very excited
and bought himself a comic book Happy Days, very proud of him (he seems to be taking a lot more
responsibility for himself, his school work etc its nice)
I randomly facetimed an old friend and spent some time with one of my favourite people in the world...... So
that was nice. In other news, I sorted through all my clothes, pulled my summer clothes out and put my
winter clothes away.. Yay I have shorts My skin condition, avoiding my immune suppressant meds and
the extra washing has caused a lesion to open up on my thumb (typing on my phone hurts.... Bonus).... If I
didn't regret not taking the meds, my body is sure as hell teaching me a lesson for it..... Karma is a b*tch lol
I shaved Tom's undercut..... He looks like Skrillrex again.... Should be cooler and easier, to wash for him
too Oh and I managed to get a 'click and collect slot' at Asda for two weeks’ time..... Seems like ages
away but its so hard to get a slot these days that I jumped at the chance, buy the time it comes, who know
what I will have run out of or still have here.
Sewing also hurts my finger so I think it will be skipping my mask making tonight and sitting with greasy
steroids on my hands.... Not as much fun. But I have got to the end of my Bojack Horseman, so I have the
final few episodes to look forward to tonight :)
Take care people and don't forget to wash you hands (but moisturise afterwards)
Day 43
23 April at 17:15
Isolation Log - day 43 - mission on
The other half came home from work at 9am, I was kinda scared that he had tested positive for a
temperature at the tests from his work but he said work was slow so he booked some hours off.
We decided to go in a mission to try to pick up Andrea from her student flat in Cardiff. I've been worried
about her and she doesn't ring often enough, and she was so lonely. All her flatmates had gone back to
their parents and only those with nowhere else to go were still in the flats. I think when the reception staff
were changed to a skeleton crew and she could no longer receive mail or order stuff online.... That was the
last straw as it meant she couldn't buy things she needed (like food or supplies).
The hubby was scared we would get stopped and questioned as to where we were going and if it was
essential. So I went along because I'm better at explaining stuff, I was ready to use the 'autism card' and
explain how the uni and her housing were unable to be there if anything happened so it was a health and
medical emergency (I even took the diagnosis and assessment paperwork) But we didn't need to pull the
'autism card' and we weren't stopped and now my little girl is here and I am reassured that she is safe
I went for my run down the beach again, it was busier than last time but still not too bad and people were
careful about distancing.... And Andrea and Tom went for a nice walk for exercise while I was running...
when I stopped running, I found them having a sit down, I hope for a rest from all the exercise
excursion....but I suspect they were having a sit down in the sun... Very naughty, but once my run was over
we came straight home. (after a quick family selfie cos I couldn't resist)
Doing a plain run without the fartlek spirits seems really easy now... It amazing how much my fitness has
come on :) back to the fartlek tomorrow, need to keep pushing myself to achieve more. Want to be doing
more than a chubby old lady style slow jog lol
Tom did his homework late, while I washed and disinfected everything Andrea brought with her and Andrea
made her bed up and put the curtains up in her room.... Settled herself back in.
She ordered us all a takeaway for later to celebrate..... Tom was disappointed to find that domino's no
longer do ham and pineapple on their new paired down menu (during the crisis to make it easier for staff
they have taken a lot away from the menu)
Started watching Devs, seems good.... Materials for the masks came but my skin is too bad to hold the
needle at the moment so it's knitting and Devs for me by the looks of it.
Feeling guilty for buying all the ingredients for pasties but not getting round to making them.... Need to pull
my finger out and do that before it all goes off/manky... But not tonight.
Today has been full enough
Take care & don't forget to wash your hands and stuff
Day 44
24 April at 18:32
Isolation log - day 44 - star date 'all the 4s, 44' lol
What's happened today?
Did my run, did the fartlek training, all the sprints despite not wanting to each time and being convinced it
would kill me lol. 8 one minute sprints is more than I thought I'd be doing in my life so I can home tired but
Andrea and Tom went to the shops for me and I now have freah fruit again.. Good Times Tom snuck his
phone to his room last night and spent all night up playing online. Was a right grumpy bugger today and
spent over 4 hours trying to get out of homework that would have taken 1 hour to do.... And being caught
out by me and Andrea lol
Andrea spent time fixing an issue with my phone for me..... In between keeping an eye on Tom and the
homework hi-jinx (and sitting with him explaining Ions and watching BBC Bitesize)
And me? Well, I bit off a little more than I could chew with the pasty ingredients and spent 6 hours solid
baking... Plate pasty (which the hubby won't eat) so individual parties for the man and then cheese and
bacon pasties (that the guts blew out of in the oven, but still taste very nice..... But which Andrea said she
wouldn't eat, so bacon and cheese wraps (Greggs style) for fussy eaters too.... I cooked and mashed far
more potatoes than needed and ended up making 3 lots of extra pastry to use everything up..... By the end
off it I felt like I was running a production line for Greggs.
My freezer will have plenty of homemade 'ready meals' and snacks for a while anyway.
Tired now and ready to collapse..... Also don't really feel like eating any of it lmao
Apparently the UK government have rolled out testing a little more today. For all key workers but not for
everyone..... Should have been done ages ago Demand was so high that websites shut down but
apparently will be up and running soon......huge demand then, I imagine the numbers of cases will change
dramatically soon because of this too. And the Welsh government has released info about what the plan for
easing lockdown will be, once it’s time to ease lockdown but I haven't seen that yet so can't say how I feel
about it. The UK news portrayed it as an attempt to force Westminster to release plans and to be fair the
way the Scottish minister was saying 'we trust the public to be able to have a grown up conversation with
them about how the end will look'..... Did make it look like the Scottish government were pushing the issue.
It's so hard at the moment to work out parts of what the UK government announce will actually happen on
Wales and what won't..... When they say they will roll out mobile testing units, is that the whole UK or just
NHS England? PPE? Help for the vulnerable.. It's continuous and makes you wonder if it’s worth watching
the UK version at all.
Right, I better go wash all the flour out of my top.... It's everywhere.... The Swedish Chef from The Muppet
Show has nothing on me lol
Take care everyone.....wash your hands and stuff
Day 45
25 April at 17:21
Isolation log - Day 45 - star date garden day
What's happened today then? Not much lol
Been trying to encourage the kids to get out in the garden.... Worked for a while too
No running on the weekends so I've been gagging to go for a walk or something..... Anything
My friends mum put a post on one of the gardening pages that she had some plants she wanted rid of and
would leave outside her door.... So I went for a short exercise walk to her house and chatted to her through
the window.... I now have plants
Wonder how it'll take me to kill them? I'm guessing two weeks if my track record is any indication..... Unless
the bloke strims over them when he does the lawn, he does that a lot, it's what he does most gardening
wise is kill things I am trying to grow - it's like his special gardening skill (mine is forgetting to water things).
Had a long chat with the family about how everyone's mental health and how best to support each
other.....watching others not bother to stick to the rules while we struggle to stick to them is annoying us all
Death figures have gone up for 3 days in a row and deaths have reached over 20,000 in the UK now so I'm
hoping that will encourage people to shape up and stick to it (although I think some will never listen, no
matter what).
The bloke went and did some shopping, got us some anti bac handwash..... Amazing, what a hero lol (and
a shower curtain) I have spent all day thinking about baking or deep cleaning I need to do soon and not
getting around to it.... Just having a bit of a slack, relaxed day.. .. Highlight was putting the washing out
lol..... Spending as much time as we can in the garden Ordered take away for later and looking forward
to the regular YouTube pub quiz too but of fun isn't it (it's on Ignacio Lopez page and channel
'comedy sheep' if you want to join in) They keep saying the weather will get colder or more normal for April
soon.... Better get back in the garden and enjoy it while I can
Day 46
26 April at 16:36
Isolation Log - day 46 - another Sunday
Finally got round to cleaning out and sorting under the stairs today.... Been putting it off for a while but it
was on my list.... Happy to get it off my mind, threw out less than I thought I would but it looks tidier so that
a bonus.
Wanted to do some baking but had run out of flour and it's hard to get hold of.... The bloke managed to find
some and paid well over the odds at one on the smaller local shops.... Feel guilty using it now as it was so
expensive lol But I had left over banana and too many apples here so maybe tomorrow will be a baking
day. I remembered to water the plants from yesterday.... Apparently rain is coming soon so maybe I won't
have to bother for a bit then
Watched 'Teenwolf' with Andrea and Tom, I remember loving it as a teenager, it's still funny but more for
the unintentionally cringy 80s Ness of it all now and it was weird watching it with a teenage boy who is
'going through changes' himself lol.
Still haven't got round to watching the 3rd episode of Devs without interruption so now that I am stuffed
from lunch.... Gonna grab my knitting and see how that goes Nice to have a plan for the evening ❤️
Day 47
27 April 18 hrs
Isolation Log - day 47 - stardate apple pie day
My run is much harder since the fartlek, struggling more and not looking forward to it as much but my chest
feels like it's going to explode less so I much be getting fitter from it.
Andrea helped Tom power through his homework and while I had a post run shower and did some baking
We had too many apples here, so I made apple pie as well as the usual banana bread..... And am old
favourite I hadn't made for ages coconut impossible cake (which looked a bit burnt but the husband says is
Sent Tom to the shop for cream or custard to go with the apple pie but he came home and said there
wasn't any.... Managed to find himself some sweets though so that's a bonus lol
Found some ancient custard powder in the back of the cupboard so that got made up and me and Tom
enjoyed (Andrea won't eat it until there's double cream and the hubby was too full of the impossible cake
Andrea bought another copy of animal crossing so that she doesn't have to share (me and Tom chipped in)
so I am looking forwarding to meeting up with Facebook friends on there... Once I get my island sorted a
little obviously lol
Found my passion for the knitting again (mainly cos my skin in my hands is too sore to sew up the mask
stuff I bought).... Although I feel like animal crossing might be taking up my time a lot soon too lol
Watching the panorama episode about the scandalous lack of PPE for people on the front line makes
me sad to hear what we all know from the online evidence is true
Might have to put something more cheerful in later so cheer myself up
Day 48
28 April at 19:55
Isolation log - day 48 - injection day
Was so overjoyed to see the rain today.... To stop the idiots going out and about and breaking lockdown
rules as much.. And so that those plants are less likely to die from me forgetting to water them..... And for a
general sense of things being right, this is Wales.... It's right that it is raining this time of year, most times of
year, I'm used to it. Lol
Spent all day looking forward to a run in the rain.... After running in winter, a warm shower is nothing and
sounded quite refreshing.... Kept walking into the garden and into the rain just to feel it on me I have
missed it obviously
So today is when my months immune suppressant injection is due.... As usual I put it off most of the day.
Hate injecting myself and usually I justify it with the knowledge that it stops my skin getting unmanageable
but knowing that the injections are increasing my risk in a pandemic does makes me resent the injections
more than ever. Weird to think that the last time my injection was due is was so ill that the specialist told me
to put off the injection until all the symptoms went... Which took ages.... And then I almost talked myself out
of taking it until today, I never would have lasted, even having taken it a few weeks late I am struggling with
the state on my skin Especially on my right hand where after covering it with moisturisers I have to cover
it with plasters to use it..... It's hindering my typing (currently using one finger) and it's giving my auto
correct a flipping field day lol
Working from home day.... Was tempted to do it in my pyjamas but can't drop standards that low, how
would I act professionally if I didn't look it or feel it? So I made the effort... Only one funding bid today do not
as productive as last week.
Went for my run late, after work..... Focused on time and distances instead of pace and speed and really
enjoyed.... After the first kilometer or so lol Especially liked discovering the new songs on the shuffle
option..... Overall pace proved that I have a long way to go with the Fartlek training.
After my run I didn't want to have my shower until after my injections..... Was the only way to stop me
putting them off for the 3rd time today. Hopefully taking them quite close to the last dose will help my skin
heal so I can get on with stuff my right hand used to enjoy (like typing and sewing and using my phones
touch screen etc lol)
Me and Tom had homemade pasty for dinner and homemade apple tart for tea... Lush. Andrea discovered
an email with a uni deadline a little late and is in a last minute rush to do a lot of art in a few days (five
comic strips).... She is 2 down and 3 to go this evening and is planning to get up super early tomorrow
morning to get them all done by tomorrow night's deadline.
(she thought she had another week)
So now I've done my work, my run, my injections and had a shower... Pyjamas on.... Shakespeare's 12th
Night is on the national theatre live YouTube channel, with Tamsin Greig... So I'm gonna chill and watch
that now (with a bit of animal crossing and a cuppa)
Day 49
29 April at 18:43
Isolation log - day 49 - star date the cats birthday
Woken up this morning and my Google memories thing wanted to show me pictures of 9 years ago, the
street party for Will and Kate's Wedding.... I couldn't believe it was 9 years to I checked my Facebook
timeline memories and then I googled 'Will and Kate’s wedding' lol
And sure enough it was 9 years ago
One of my friends had to leave early because her cat gave birth......six weeks later the cat came to live with
us.... Andrea named her Isis after the Egyptian goddess (using the logic that the Egyptians worshipped
cats)..... Six weeks later the vet told us that 'she' was a 'he' and his name was changed to Osirus (thank
goodness as 'Isis' soon become synonymous with a terrorist group and would have been an awful name for
a cat)...... So our cat Ozzy is 9 years old today.... Getting old now
Other things happened today..... All the tap water turned brown because of the pipes getting refitted in the
area..... Andrea hasn't been able to shower and my better half has been pacing around unable to make a
cuppa or do the dishes..... At 6 25 ish it seemed to get clear so he's just put the kettle on lol.
Tom’s teacher emailed us to say them have received his homework and gave him 2 behaviour points for
having an excellent attitude to learning at home (clearly she isn't the one who has to listening to him
grunting and mumbling every time he is asked).
New personal best on my run.... Stamina and endurance were good but pace and speed were awful (I am
still avoiding that fartlek, I know it will improve my speed but it knackers me out)
I made lemon and thyme chicken for lunch.... Andrea complained it had veg in and wouldn't eat it.... Tom
picked the chicken out and left the veg.... Sometimes I wonder why I bother cooking (other than to waste
time during lock down)
Got sucked into animal crossing for hours earlier and learnt how to add a friend using the friend code and
how to find my friend code to send to others
Then I put a film on and did some knitting.... Patchwork blanket is slowly coming together, or at least I have
a large collection of small squares coming along nicely lol.
Gonna put some chicken down for ozzy, let Andrea know she can shower and waste a few hours gaming
now :)
Take care and wash your hands x
Day 50
30 April at 23:25
Isolation log - day 50 - stardate meh Thursday
Waiting all morning for the rain to stop for me to do my run, and still got rained on .... Started and the door
and ran back to the door trying to make the route a full 5 k but looks liker I will have to take another route
again to achieve that. Still couldn't face the speed training but increased it to my longest ever run by not
doing the warm u or warm down walk.... Felt like a real jogger running in places that aren't my little hidden
baskstreets. Made me think that this diary is not so much of a lock down but of a chubby woman slowly
training for a 5k and hopefully achieving it.
Wasted far too much time today on the animal crossing game (but my village is looking so much better
Andrea and Tom went to the shops to get some 'Andrea food' noodles and junk food and snack stuff
mainly. Came back with Andrea complaining about Tom doing gorilla impressions, 'you know that meme
with the gorilla?' No Andrea .... No I don't, I'm the wrong side 40 for memes Ffs
The bloke came home with Chinese whispers that had gone round his work about 'Boris announcing that
lockdown was ending next week'.... Made me put my stupid addictive kids game down for a minute to find
the news channel and everything lmao.... Apparently, Boris has said that next week they will be publishing
a plan for how lockdown will end.
He makes me giggle so much.... This week, after weeks of him pronouncing it wrong is corrected him.... I'm
gutted but I couldn't keep a straight face any longer .... I will sincerely with the whole of my heart miss
hearing him call it a 'world wide pam-mand-demic'..... So that's a tiny bit of joy I found in lockdown gone
forever lmao......I had to though, bless him lol
Didn't write up my log until gone 11pm thanks to the stupid addictive game.... (I am proper loving it lol can
you tell lol). So I am late to bed and everything now
Night night x take care
May 2020
Day 51
1 May
Isolation log - day 51 - star date Beltaine
Seems like a weird Beltaine this year would usually be organising a celebration of spring and the nights
getting lighter. Bonfire on the beach, mead, friends, laughter..... None of that this year. Part of my personal
faith and tradition is posting a collection of Beltaine images and a discussion about Beltaine on the pagan
groups and pages I run. Haven't found the inspiration at all this year, I looked up Beltaine 2020 and was
met on Google with a huge list of cancelled pagan events and pagan celebrations ...... I will light a candle
later this evening.... But it doesn't feel like much of a celebration.
On a brighter note.... 3 personal bests on my run this morning, one for distance, one for getting a little
medal on my fitness app and one that was far more personal.....About 10 or 12 years ago I used to run a
walking group, we would meet dropping the kids off at school and walk the length of the beach each day.
Whenever runners went past we would say 'that will be us one day'..... Some of them got jobs that
interfered, some moved away ..... Fast forward 5 years later, I am in a totally different walking group, we
met once a week to walk the length of the beach. Every time a runner goes past my friend Tress says that'll
be us one day..... Two years ago, just me and Tress walking and me doing the couch to 5k before the
plantafaciopathy stopped me, still planning to run down the beach one day when I can run enough to not be
starting and stopping all the time.Today finally...... I achieved that dream..... I jogged the whole length of the
beach all the way down and back.... Finally confident in my running enough to put my name down for a 5k
or join a park run (except none of them are happening any more)..... Still, really nice feeling of achievement
to finally be one of those people running past the walkers :)
Spent over 2 hours today as a three-person family team trying to help Tom do a presentation for
homework..... Seems so unfair that a kid with such bad speech issues has to do oral exams and get
marked on them...... Even with me and Andrea coaching, we can't do the speaking bit and that's the bit he
finds so, so, so hard It was a tough few hours and it's doesn't have to be handed in immediately so we
took a break from it..... Hopefully, we will finish it all on Monday and try to get him to have another practice
run (and another and another)..... He finds all speech so hard, it never comes naturally or flows like normal
people's sentences do. Trying to get him to sound natural in a public speaking situation seems like an
impossible task.... But we will just help him do the best he can
Not much planned this evening...... So back to indulging my animal crossing addiction I think lol fun times x
Take care x
Day 52
2 May
Isolation log - day 52 - star date much more like Beltaine :)
Woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep, sun flooding the bedroom. Had some alone time to think
before the family woke up, a bit of solitude is a had to find during lockdown :)
Then I got sent a video of a friend having their Beltaibt ritual and it made me remember how much I love
the celebration of spring. His video made me giggle and also reminded me of the variety in the pagan
community and how we all celebrate the same or similar things in different ways..... So I went outside to
have a cuppa in the garden and enjoy some time in the tiny bit of nature I have.
Spent the morning making a weird chilli bake thing that my Alexa suggested when I asked it to find a recipe
with ingredients, I had in the fridge.... Then once it was prepped I put it on side for teatime.
The bloke went to the shop to get ant powder and as I put it around the boundary of the house, I
remembered an old spell I heard once where salt is put around the boundaries of your house for
protection.... I toyed with the idea of grabbing some salt too but decided that the ant powder is far more
practical (and I tend the think the ancestors and the old 'wise women' known as witches, were practical
people with little time for messing about for the sake of it).... So I did the practical thing and I like to think
they'd be fine with that.
Spent the afternoon making chocolate chip cookies.... They were very nice, even if they came out more like
shortcake biscuits .... I am sure that if something is baked or made with love and good intention then there's
a type of 'magic' on that? They were definitely enjoyed with love later by everyone in the house (and
Andrea took some to a neighbour too)
Had the weird chill bake thing for tea and the better half actually liked it and complimented me on it.....
Always a bonus
And then we had a Beltaine fire..... Or we finally got around to burning the pile of wood in the garden.....
The kids suggested it and then the kids got bored of it and I sat watching the fire for an hour or so
So yes..... Today felt much more Beltaine themed, lots of nature and love and family and practical versions
of old customs (cos I love a bit of that)
Now I'm gonna watch a film with the kids and do some knitting
Lovely day, celebrating the start of spring Blessed Beltaine.... Happy May Bank Holiday.... Wishing you
all a lovely weekend and joyful start to spring xxx
Day 53
3 May
Isolation log - day 53 - star date Bran-erella
Well after the family swarming through the cookies like a flock of locusts yesterday, I figured I should make
twice as much today. Looked I a recipe online and made oatmeal and golden syrup ones..... Deliberately
didn't put raisins in and Andrea doesn't like them.... Snuck some bran in there too (because I didn't think it
would hurt lol
Tom wouldn't try them... Andrea said she wouldn't but gave in and said they taste like hobnobs.... So I'm
taking that as a win
Found the 1968 film Classic Barbarella on Amazon Prime streaming service and watched that this
afternoon...... I think teenage boys should be forced to watch it as a right of passage (although possibly not
with or by their mum lol) Fab film though and the better half was wondering around the house singing
Duran Duran songs afterwards so that was nice.
Been very frustrated with the process of adding friends on animal crossing.... My switch profile says I have
several friends on the switch now but I can't seem to get any of them onto my friends' list in the game or
visit their islands or have them visit mine. I need pro gaming tips on how to sort this out, might Google it
later, but last time I googled for help I ended up with some annoying American 'gamer dude' being super
obnoxious on youtube so if I can avoid that I will lol
Can't think of much else to write about. Most of my life seems to revolve around cooking, box setting and
gaming at the moment and more so at weekends when there is no running.
Not much to report here. Hope your weekend is more interesting xxx
(don't forget to wash your hands lol)
Day 54
4 May
Isolation log - day 54 - star date Star Wars day (May the 4th be with you)
Day 53 is about 7 and a half weeks, sometimes it's a struggle... The jogging helps and the yoga in the
garden when the weather permits are lovely too.... Must be halfway through the 12 weeks shielding in my
letter from my specialist now.... But the letter was weeks after I started my personal lockdown and
apparently its 12 weeks from the letter. Also, I am quite convinced that the rules will change and things will
be extended before the end of the twelve weeks anyway..... Counting is pointless but it does help me to
while away the time I guess.
Did a shorter run this morning and did some of the fartlek pace work... Was easier again this time, glad I
pushed myself to do week two.... Took a running selfie, because I was so happy with my pace and it was
so sunny
The weather was nice enough for outside yoga and we had both missed it while it was raining last week.....
Really enjoyed the sunshine and the nature to do our yoga in.
Tom did his traditional spending 2 hours avoiding what would have taken him 30 mins to do with the
homeschooling and we struggled to get into the website too, which didn't help. Making headway on the
English presentation though, so tough for a child with speech and language issues to give a speech..... But
he did a practice run for his nan and that helped too Will work on it some more tomorrow
Started work on another hand sewn mask today... Given up on the skin condition healing before I start, so
struggled through with it.
Finally got a friend to visit my island on animal crossing.... It's sad that I was so chuffed about it... But I don't
care, cos I was lol
Best I get some sleep now cos I have 'working from home' nice and early tomorrow
N'night lol
Day 55
5 May
Isolation log - day 55 - star date cinco de Mayo
On the 5th day of the fifth month I have been in lockdown for 55 days, lots of fives in that one isn't there lol
woke up tired this morning and haven't really been able to shape up since. Been getting up at the crack (5
30 or 6am) in the morning with the better half going to work, while the teenager/young adult lay in bed and
then in the evening the hubby is off for an early night but the teenager/young adult are up and perky and I
don't feel right letting them up alone.... So I'm getting to bed late and burning the candle at both ends....
And it's really starting to tell on me.
It's the Mexican celebration of Cinco de Mayo today.... I feel like at this time of years there are a lot old
customs and celebrations at around the same time.... But why wouldn't any culture celebrate as spring
turns into summer and days get lighter, flowers bloom and the sun comes out.... It's a good time of year for
it I decided to have chilli today to keep with the theme lol
Working from home day, I was supposed to help some colleagues learn to use Microsoft Teams for video
chats today but shifts didn't line up. The funding bids I wanted to go for we turned out to be ineligible for, or
the deadline had passed and I felt like a lot of the working day was a bit of a wash out..... Not sure if it's
linked to me feeling so washed out myself.
Went for my jog after work, dragged myself out to do it, could be bothered with pace training but managed
a gentle 5k.... And then came home to ache and shake as my immune system complained about how badly
I've been ignoring its need for sleep.
Spent an hour or so sorting through and collating last month’s logs and diaries ready to be sent off for the
study and sent them off to the University.
It occurred to me as I reread some of them that so many people who are struggling with lockdown say
'everyday is the same' but for me it isn't, everyday is different and has a different stardate heading.
Lots of people are struggling with a lack of routine but we have put one in place in my house and it's one
that allows us to have 'weekends off' so even weekends still feel different and like weekends.
Another complaint I hear from people struggling is about not doing or achieving anything.... But I seem to
be constantly achieving new things, making and crafting stuff, knitting, sewing, crochet & baking. ..pushing
myself to achieve more and more with my running time, pace & distance etc Tbc 👇
Day 56
7 May
Isolation log - day 56 - star date mask mix up
Slept in until half 7, did my run.... Did the fartlek training..... It seems that a comfy pace for me to run at is
about 12-15 and with the fartlek I can push it to between 9 - 11.30 in short spurts, but the spurts are getting
longer each time so hopefully I will be doing a speed of about 10.30 for the whole run eventually
Tom has been really grumpy about doing our little routine recently, moans about the yoga, doesn't want to
do the homework.... It's as if compared to school the yoga and homework was easy but now he is forgetting
how hard school was and so this has become a chore.... Also its seems to be mainly English the kids
avoids like the plague. I loved English at school and I just don't get it but that's how it's working at the
moment it seems.
Today a very good friend lent me her sewing machine, after a wipe down (lots of dust, was clearly being
used loads lol) and a disinfect cos of the covid..... I started to follow the pattern I found online. I had some
material her and spent 2 hours carefully cutting all of it into the correct sizes to make masks. Then I sewed
together the first few pieces and found they were far too small 😫😮🤯 So now I have enough pieces of
cloth to make about 20 masks that would only fit a tiny child or a doll of some sort (24 cms the pattern
said.... 25 I cut, so I'd have some wiggle room, still frigging tiny)..... I'm kinda fuming but I refuse to waste all
the material and effort so I will have to find a way to join them together or something to make I work....
There must be a way to do it??? 🤔
Found a show called 'code 404' that I'm enjoying boxsetting this evening.... And some knitting because I
truly can't look at the material after so much work and to create only rubbish..... I will work out a way to
patchwork these back together though... I swear I will.
I just need to think about it a bit challenge my creative mind
Day 57
8 May
Isolation log - day 57 - star date VE Day
Well. Where to start
After a very threatening incident last night when I was accused of 'writing stuff about people online', I was
tempted to give up on the diary keeping for Swansea uni today.
But I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, because since I did a course with Cardiff uni about "journalism
and the law" , I know that I don’t use names or make accusations online (because I have learnt all about
the legality and repercussions of it)..... Was very scary though and although the incident was at about half
ten, they were outside drinking and partying until much later.
Not much I can do I guess, as a neighbour said to me (notice 'a neighbour' not that anyone with nothing to
hide would mind being tagged, but I always write like that because there are laws in this country and some
of us like to live by and keep to the law)..... As I was saying, a neighbour said yesterday 'seems like some
people, have no idea or intention of keeping to lockdown'... And it seems that pointing it out makes you the
bad guy and not them 🤔😮..... But like the advice I gave to another dear friend recently, you can't make
others do the right thing, they are adults and will do as they like and... maybe changing my attitude to it, is a
way to get less upset.... So I am trying to be OK with their refusal to keep themselves or their families safe
by sticking to the law, and I am trying to forgive and forget their threatening and anti social behaviour.....
Was very scary at the time though
Today is 57 days, that's 8 weeks now I've been trying to avoid contact with anyone who isn't family for the
good of my health (like it says in the shielding letter).... Not sure if it's getting me... or if its the lack of sleep,
after not sleeping because of the incident last night.
But I was too tired and depressed today to go running, couldn't be bothered to do baking, didn't care that
Tom didn't do his homework..... None of it
Day 58
9 May
Isolation log - day 58 - star date stunning sunny Saturday
For weeks now I have been wanting to go to the docks end of the beach, the end near the steel works, the
end furthest from my house..... I thought it would be a nice place for an exercise walk for Tom as I was sure
it would be a quiet area that very few people would head to, but no one wants a walk or to come with me
and I haven't been down that end of the beach for years.
This morning I went out for my jog and suddenly on the spur of the moment wondered how far in that
direction I could go.... Promised myself that once I got to 2.5km, I would turn around and head back. Lo and
behold I got all the way down there but it was busier than I hoped and I had to find a quieter way back to
avoid people once the Dock pathway met the end of the small beach. Still a nice 5km run in the sun and I
took some lovely photos of the 'ugly' steel works end of the beach (as people who haven't been down there
think of it). Got home and spent the afternoon on food prep.... Shish kebabs in the freezer and authentic
curry in the slow cooker for tomorrow. By the time I finished I didn't want to think of food at all lol
Andrea got everyone a take away and then forced me to boxset one of her shows for a bit..... Until she
decided that she had to join her mates online for a game’s session. So the boxset can wait for tomorrow
and I might get on with some gaming of my own .... Animal crossing is calling to me lol
The weather is about to break apparently.... The last day of summer-like heat and sunshine before the rains
and the cold come in for a few days. And I've put my winter jumpers away too :(
Day 59 & Day 60
10-11 May
Isolation log - day 59 & 60 - star date what happened to Sunday lol
I forgot to write yesterday, not much happened... Other half went to visit his mum, my curry turned out
lovely in the slow cooker, watched 'The Darkest Hour' with the family.... Not my cup of tea as a film but the
blokes enjoyed it seemed (and it gave me a chance to work on my animal crossing game.
Not much excitement, and when I did come online to write my little diary, I was very distracted by being
tagged to a picture of my very cheeky cat..... Tucking into food at someone else's house 'whose cat is this?
He comes to mine regularly for food'... Cheeky little bugger get fed 3 times a day here and has
biscuits/kibble type food down and available 24/7 and even caught a mouse in the garden yesterday and
still snuck over to someone else's house for a bite.... I was horrified.... It's not hunger that drives him, so it
must just be that he can get away with it lol
Today.... Took my little jog in the opposite direction today, down through the 'enterprise park' far less
people down there so I felt happier and safer..... Gonna put that one on my list to try again :)
Had another shielding letter, this time from the Medical Director of NHS Wales.... It was much clearer than
the one off my specialist department and gave a date of June 15th at the soonest for going out anywhere
near people .... Still haven't had one from my surgery and wouldn't be surprised if they were clueless lol
Burnt some cinnamon swirls and made some jam tarts in the afternoon and then made some masks with
the sewing machine I borrowed..... And the material I had cut up wrong.... And the pattern my friend
brought me. Was planning to settle down and plan some animal crossing this evening but Tom had decided
to play on it now... So I'm catching up on my writing instead And he is already bored of it lol Gonna
boxset 'Inside Number 9' and play animal crossing now then
Day 61
12 May
Isolation log - day 61 - coffee a go go
Today was a working from home day, I made the mistake of making myself a big pot of coffee so that I
wouldn't be constantly stopping for coffee as I worked. It’s been weeks since I had a cup of coffee and by
about half ten this morning I was pacing the little spare room I use as an office.... I was ready to take on
and organise the world, sort it all out, 'come at me dude'.... By lunchtime I was having palpitations lmao...
Had to have a glass of squash to pace myself lol.
Tom bungled lunch, he was meant to make it but he ended up making a mess and under cooking stuff so I
had to go in and I spent my lunch break cleaning up and making sure stuff was properly cooked. (I don't
think fish fingers and chips will be his signature dish on master chef lmao)
Spent the afternoon hyper focusing on a work task and turned around at 5pm thinking where did the
afternoon go... Did a quick clean up and got into my running clothes just in time for all the caffeine to run
out and for me to hit a slump.
So the husband walked in and I said 'I can't be bother to go running' and jumped in the shower and put my
pj's on.... He looked a bit bemused as its not like me.... But I do prefer to run in the morning, I find it hard to
motivate myself for after work runs on a Tuesday.
Saw a great film suggestion online for a modern retelling of the story of Ophelia from the woman's point of
view so I am watching that tonight.....
No masks made, no baking done, no running.... Not a good day but at least work felt productive and things
were achieved (and the grill got cleaned while I was off it of coffee lol) Good times lol.
Day 62
13 May
Isolation log - day 62 - stardate gardening day
Managed to run over 7km today.. Working towards 10k slowly
Also beat my best 5k time so far too
Happy with that, achy leggs now though
Still disappointingly fat for the amount of running I've been doing....Finding it hard to motivate myself this
week for the running because there seems to be no difference at all on the scale .... I keep hoping is
because muscle weighs more but clothes are still not baggyy on me so it's hard to feel like it's making much
difference ... But beating a few personal bests has helped
Decided I should make a little bed in the garden and plant those flowers that I got the other week in
there..... Not a second too soon either as one of them looked like it was struggling in the pot (looks close to
death, so in line with my usual gardening skills, I may have already killed one).
Got the whole family out to help make the little flower bed and it felt nice doing it together.... Really hope
they survive, I'm not good with plants so I can't pretend I'm not nervous.
Tried to eat all the salad in the fridge... The lettuce was going a little limp... So at least I got my five a day
today lol
And then later Andrea rigged up her switch to the telly so we all played animal crossing on her island and
mine/ours (me and Tom share and island).... Great family time, working on the garden together and gaming
together this afternoon and evening, can't complain at all
Not much else to report lol
Take care and wash your hands (unless you live in England, in which case, 'get to work, but not on public
transport' I guess lol)
Day 63
14 May
Isolation log - day 63 - star date whhhooa
Today I found out that a much loved family member had a shielding letter like mine this week but hadn't had
a first one and was totally unaware.... She had been going to work as a nurse in a local hospital for the last
7 weeks..... Shocking She’s been very lucky,.... Don't know why the hospital were so casual about her
safety. Surely either her or them must have been aware what drugs she is on and what health issues she
has.... No idea why either her or them didn't push hard to make sure it was safe and were so casual with
her health (others in her house are locked down or is retired so no one else going to work) It's annoyed me
a little because she knows a lot of people care and she should be putting herself and her health first (also
why were her employers not checking, you would think a hospital would have more sense)
Since I had my injection a few weeks back my skin is a little better.... Slowly getting over the weeks I was
scared to take my injections..... No longer have the lesions on my hand and the weeping sores are no
longer weeping and have changed from an angry red to a more pink (would be nice if they were totally
gone but can't have it all)... I have switched my soap to the brand that my gran, who died when I was 3
used to insist was best for my dad's skin (my mum was taught to buy it by my dad and her mother-in-law
back before I was born and I always remember it being 'dad's special soap' when I was a kid).... That might
have helped. Was using it today thinking about how my gran had. The same condition her whole life, (and
my great Aunty) used to tell people and possibly thought it was caused by different metals and washing
powders.... Turns out it was a genetic autoimmune thing all along.... Guess I'm the first generation of my
family lucky enough to be able to have an injection and not have to worry about it.... Even with the side
effects and high risk of corona.... That kinda makes me very lucky doesn't it
Did the fartlek training on my run again... It's still a struggle, by the third 90 second sprint I am grabbing for
my asthma pump and by the 5th I am kinda phlemy and trying not to heave..... But I managed 6 sprints
(continued in the comments)
Day 64
15 May
Isolation log - day 64 - star date its Friday Friday Friday oh
Went for my run late this morning because my kids were weirdly up early.... I am not used to such things
Did my 5k, didn't break any records but just plodded along
After I got home and me and Tom did our yoga in the garden, we had a chat about home schooling..... We
seem to be ahead of the dates given and so we were thinking of handy skills he could be learning as well....
He was not happy with some of the suggestions, who knew he could do that deep gravelly shouting that
'screamo' bands do (possible career option after lockdown for the boy)..... We settled on a deal where he is
going to practice typing as its a handy skill (especially for a kid who has issues with writing and speech)....
Hopefully he will be more keen on Monday and make less crazed death metal singer sounds. I don't think
his speech issues will be a problem with being a metal singer as no one knows what the heck they are
saying any how..... It could be great.... He didn't seem keen when I suggested it, seemed to think I was
being sarcastic lol (maybe I should have waited till he calmed down to bring it up lmao)Spent the afternoon
cutting out, pinning and sewing the patterns for some of the masks I've been making. Tom almost burnt the
house down trying to grill some burgers..... Wondered upstairs and put his headphones on.... Cos that's
how you stay alert while cooking lol
The plant that looked like it was going to die when I planted them out this week now looks the strongest and
tallest of the bunch.... Kinda happy with that
Packages still haven't come so I need to inform amazon and get my money back
And then this evening I had a hilarious family chat.... Crying laughing..... Best line 'but it was a really big
banana'... Frigging weak... Whole family laughing out heads off
And now it's time to chill with some animal crossing and catch up on the last few episodes of Outlander on
Night night
Day 65
16 May
Isolation log - day 65 - stardate Saturday slow down
Very chilled day today, I never go running on the weekend or do home schooling, so it still feels like a
weekend. My health app keeps totalling up all my running since lockdown started and it's reached over
110km... So that sounds impressive (until you realise it’s only a tiny bit at a time and really slowly lol)
Woke up a bit rough with a lot of hay-fever symptoms.... That is a normal side effect of my injections, when
they have turned off my immune system enough to make my skin better it means my immune system
struggles with little things and allergy type issues...... But having gone a while without the injections, it's
been a while since I had the allergy symptoms this bad..... Worse still a lack of getting to the shops and a
big clean up meant that I couldn't find any antihistamines, with my eyes streaming and the constant
sneezing this morning.... Took my until at 1pm before they worked and I felt anything close to capable of
normal tasks with stopping to sneeze, blos my nose or swear about how irritating the sneezing was.
Spent the afternoon doing the mask making and finally finished cutting and it sewing the material I had
around the house.... Have some that was donated here so might make some more with that... Just need to
add elastic and they are done.
I have absolutely no idea what I am gonna do with them once they are done.... My Aunty wants a few but
the rest???? Making for the sake of something to do rather than with any plan.
Stupid orders from amazon still haven't come, we're originally due in April but they seem to have found a
loophole.... You can't complain until after the due date, so each time it doesn't come they change the date
and you have no recourse to complain or get a refund..... They have changed the date 3 or 4 times now
and I'm very annoyed with it..... Not sure what I can do about it though so I guess I wait until May 22nd and
hope I can get a complaint in before they have a chance to change the date again
What else has happened today? Andrea ordered just a huge list of side dishes from pizza hut, Tom had a
call from his school friend, Neil went to buy lawn edging and was useless at shopping again.... And we
boxset 'schitts creek' in the background while life slowly unfolded around us
Not much to report really.... Don't forget to wash your hands
Day 66
17 May
Isolation log - day 66 - star date clickity click
For some reason I just could not manage a lie in today and was up at half six wondering what to do with
myself lol
Neil went to his mums like he always does on a Sunday.... The 15 and 20 year old refused to wake until
Andrea's amazon delivery came and then they were soon downstairs rummaging through the box of stuff
The hubby came home on a mission to distract me from the gardening I asked him to help with.... We both
hate gardening..... But since I have three whole plants and lockdown is so boring, I have been considering
more lol.... That wasn't happening today.... He moaned a lot about not going hiking anymore and how we
canton the lockdown, so I took him on a walk around some of the routes I've been taking on my jogs.... Was
nice to get out and spend some time together (took me 8km before I realised, I forgot my phone).... Went
around the docks via the quiet route and along the beach and then up towards yyb at the other end got
home with sore feet and a much happier husband.
Stepson ran from Scunthorpe to say that he no longer wanted the Xmas gift he was nagging like hell about
for three days last week and now wanted another bike... It's the fourth one in the last 3 years (I've never
know a kid have such bad luck with bikes).... But it was cheaper than the other thing and he promised to do
a whole range of things he I supposed do anyway (when school goes back he will attend lol do his
homework lol answer the phone when his dad or his nan rings lol and the list of things continued in that
fashion).... We were weak laughing at his list of promises lol..... But looks like he is having a bike for his
birthday now (off his mum and other family members share the cost, honestly how many bikes do we have
to pay for and does his mum but him anything? Ever?? Not if you ask him anyway lol)
Neil made lasagne for food so I didn't have to do any cooking that want nice, he didn't exactly remember
the recipe and it wasn't perfect so he wants to try again next weekend.... No complaints from me on that
one lol
Spent the evening with Andrea, her amibo cards came and there was a lot of messing about trying to sort
out characters for animal crossing.
Lovely day with family again... Had some laughs together time.... Loving life and making the most of
Day 67
18 May
Isolation log - day 67 - stardate another Monday
Had the lie in I have needed for days, woke up late and had a very chilled start to our day. Went for usual
my run, did the farlek sprint training so I didn't manage the full 5k but I think I worked harder (cos I sure as
heck ache more) lol..... Still ain't getting skinnier from it though Material came for some new masks,
good timing as the other material had just run out...... Still don't know what I would do with them but it does
keep me busy
More parts came to help Andrea improve her new lockdown skill, she has been customising her Nintendo
switch with matching controllers and all sorts.... It's a handy hands-on skill and she is very happy with the
results. Tom did his homework without a fuss and the extra work we all discussed him doing last week so
that was good. Andrea wanted to try out her new creations so her and Tom set up the switch and Mario kart
on the living room telly so we played that for a bit as a reward for the running and the school work and the
time spent customising electronics
The disability team rang in the afternoon to have a chat with Tom and see how he is coping with
lockdown.... He seems happier than when he was going to school so I told them that And by the time the
better half got home we were all finished with cooking and cleaning and happily spending time together
boxsetting dumb American sitcoms And I think the rest of the night pretty much disappeared in the same
way, but if animal crossing, bit of snacking and a video of chat call from the family... And the next thing you
know it's 9pm and the day is almost over
Day 68
19 May
Isolation log - day 68 - stardate 'me gon gaga'
Working from home day, had a meeting planned in the afternoon so wore makeup and painted my nails for
the first time in months... Looking fly, turned out that they were just going to show a video and no one was
requested to go on cam... 'I did my hair for nothing lol' was my main thought lol was quite nice to look like
the old me again for a bit though (I had eyebrows and everything lol)
Played Mario Kart with the family after work and they introduced me to a meme which went on to have us
all repeating the phrase 'me gon gaga' all day and sniggering lol
Andrea and Tom made me Tortillas for tea, was nice to have food made that wasn't junk food or something
pinged in the microwave... I was impressed by that
Went for my run late and lost my motivation when I bumped into a mate, so fartlek sprints didn't happen
today. Was just a nice slow run, no pace work and no pressure to go long distance.... Did take 15 mins
longer cos I wasted 15 mins gossiping though lol
My friend said 'I've been reading you're diaries online, I'm waiting for you to go insane'..... (made me think
'me going gaga' but I didn't say it lol)..... Afterwards I thought 'it's a bit late for that', I think I already went
bonkers and reached peak at least a decade or two ago..... I've now levelled out to this as a daily average
lol (will there be a second wave? lol)
On the family chat my Aunty seemed really down and depressed, she so bored with lockdown, doesn't do
online shopping and is running out of hobbies.... So I spent the evening looking up and buying 'large print
editions' of 'nice romance novels' for her, it's only a little thing but it will cheer her up and keep her occupied
I hope
Day 69
20 May
Isolation log - day 69 - stardate long run day
I woke up super early because a few days back ASDA wrote and offered me a delivery slot because it
finally got the message that I am shielding... Only took them 9 weeks lol So I ordered stuff for the only slot I
could get which was 7am and then forgot which day and got up ready for it this morning.... When I checked,
its for tomorrow. Nice one Claire lol
Have spent all week telling myself that Wednesday would be my day to do a longer run... The other half
has the day off so I don't feel like I'm leaving the family alone for too long.... So last Wednesday I did 7km
and today I was determined to do 10km.... Was very pleased with myself once I had done it but have been
a bit tired and achy for the rest of the day lol..... I was k determined to get the next little award badge on my
fitness app, but the next one up is the half marathon one.... So I won't be getting another one for a while
(don't be holding your breath, just saying)
Have had a craving for ice cream all day so the hubby went to buy me some but while he was out Andrea
and Tom ordered food and added some ice cream for me to the order... There's plenty of ice cream here
now..... Diet still isn't going well and the running still hasn't made me skinny (bit impatient for the skinny
thing lol) realised on my run today that usually when I reach a plateau with weight loss/fitness I try for about
6 weeks and then quit, but I still haven't quit this time so there's still hope lol
At one point this afternoon Andrea tweeted about the neighbours having their 'not socially distanced party'
with a witty comment about how convenient it is that lockdown is only really valid when it isn't sunny.... So
we are expecting them to knock in the middle off the night and threaten her this week.... If their previous
record is anything to go by it will be at half 11 tonight (once they are nice and drunk lol)...... I guess it's
Andrea's way of keeping lockdown interesting/new hobby lmao
I was so tired I skipped the family chat... I also totally forgot Tom's zoom meeting too... Not a good day for
socialising.... I blame the running. Weather was lovely though.... And I think I deserve an early night (the
ASDA delivery might actually come tomorrow morning, so best I'm up and perky for that)
Hope everyone else enjoyed the weather, and socially distanced and washed their hands
Night night
Day 70
21 May
Isolation log - Day 70 - star date zooms & tunes
Everyone was up early today to help with the ASDA delivery.... But the thunderstorm kept a lot of us up last
night so there was some grumpiness
I had a nice slow 5k, ease myself into it after the long run yesterday, didn't feel like I should push it too
hard..... So I didn't lol
Spent most of the run fussing about music I couldn't find and tunes and apps I couldn't get to work.. So that
slowed me down a bit too.
Had a zoom meeting for work this afternoon, trying to convince some people it would work turned out to be
easier than expected and I think it will become part of working life (took a bit longer than some other
companies to get everyone to embrace the tech) but yes. That went well Also sorted out two more
regular zooms a week for groups I volunteer with or work for.... One more to go and I'll be a happy bunny lol
Spent the rest of the afternoon cooking and then a few hours trying to sort out my running music options so
that I won't spend my whole run tomorrow pressing skip over and over for every tune.
Caught up with 'killing eve' and then started watching Ozark (which people have been telling me for years I
would like)... They were right it's quite good lol
Oh I also got 5 stars for my island on Animal crossing... It's a daft achievement but 'yay' that happened and
I was happy about it. Lol (got called a gamer, so feeling very down with the kids' lol)
OK best I try and catch up with some of the sleep missed because of the thunder now then.... Night night x
take care
Day 71
22 May
Isolation log - day 71 - stardate flaky Friday feeling
Didn't want to get up this morning at all but had to because Tom raids the cupboards and eats too much
junk food if he is up in supervised.
Luckily he was up to date with his homework and so we didn't have to much f to do today.
Had a few weird dizzy spells, so didn't do my run.... Planning to do it tomorrow instead.... Don't usually do a
weekend run so will be like a catch up
Managed to get through to the speech and language team and organise some online therapy sessions.....
Sometimes he goes without speaking for days, never rings or chats to friends and avoids family phone calls
or group video chats so I worry that he needs to speak more.
Also heard back from a lady who is splitting plants and is willing to give me some for my budding garden....
Have flower bed ready, just need inhabitants now so I will be arranging for family to help pick up those at
some point this weekend.... Yay plants
What else happened... Andrea finished her lockdown project, and her switch is now completely mint green
and white (along with both her spare controllers)... Everything matches and looks pretty and she is very
happy with it.
Andrea and Tom worked together to make Tacos for lunch (they seem to get on really well with the 'meal
kits' and find it quite easy to follow the instructions and slap a nice dinner together between them)
And Neil came home from work early before we have a chance to do the cleaning and tutted about the
mess they left when they were cooking.
Didn't get a chance to sort out the masks or watch much of that show I'm meant to be box setting.... But got
some other stuff done so that was good.
No pictures today to brighten up my post not good, I need to try harder tomorrow lol
Day 72
24 May at 07:39
Isolation log - day 72 - stardate grubby gardening hands and lots of handwashing
Woke up this morning on a right panic, I didn't write my diary for the Swansea uni study last night.... Omg
now all that dates will be out lol And I forgot to collate them into a word document last week.... I'm getting a
bit slack with it. I guess that mirrors how a lot of people are getting with lockdown and all the rules.
So I am doing this one today, to catch up. Decided yesterday, that as my next injection is due and I'm
feeling so tired, relying on tablets to ease the side effects, and struggling a little... Then I should go easy on
the running.... Counting the days to my next injection (5 days yesterday). So I didn't do the pace train in and
thanks to messages that couldn't wait, didn't even make the whole 5km... But that's fine, I'll be more up for it
in 5 days when I feel well again.
Came home and started gardening again.... A request on a gardening page for anyone splitting plants had
resulted in the offer of some lovely plants and Neil buying 'the wrong boarder edging' last week had
inspired a need for a curvy and unusual shaped bed.... So I started digging it but ended up struggling and
asking for help after I got half way alone (this was apparently the perfect time for the hubby to go out and
deliver stuff to an isolated friend apparently) so I got the kids to help me dig out the last half.... It was hard
work but it got done... Neil came home and put in the edging and he had promised that would be his job.
After a few more messages, me and Andrea went to meet the lady from the gardening Facebook group for
a socially distanced hand over of the plants. Then I came home and put them into the bed we had built and
one into the bed we made last week. It got so garden-y round here since lockdown. I watered them in and
checked on them before bed and everything lol Met up with a friend in animal crossing and had a little run
around each other’s game islands which was cute
Spent the evening being annoyed as Andrea hogged the telly to play Zelda and Tom had the Nintendo lite.
So I couldn't play ACNH (as its called online) or continue my Ozark boxset until they went to bed which
happened eventually and then I played Animal crossing and went to bed lol
Day 73
24 May at 21:38
Isolation log - day 73 - stardate Tree day
So what happened today?
I got up determined to plant that tree I was given yesterday (before it died while I procrastinate).... So I
picked a spot and started digging, thinking I wouldn’t be there long, small hole, just deep enough for the
roots and hopefully they could spread on their own from there.
I was far too optimistic. No wonder nothing grows in my garden, I got 6 inches down and hit stone, after
digging around a bit it was clearly a house brick, once I manged to get it out there were two more and some
half bricks and some small stones of concrete under it.... Took ages to slowly dig around them until they
were loose..... Was like a builder had just chucked his old rubbish there and then thrown the earth over the
top. Tom said maybe someone who lived here before us had a fire pit in the front garden or the bricks were
around an old flowers bed..... He likes to think the best of people lol
After that, at about a foot or a foot and a half down, it was hard and the colour of old-fashioned mortar so I
stopped and figured each the tree roots get through it or they work their way sideways cos I had done
enough arguing with dirt by that point. I asked Tom to help, his idea of helping was bringing out a deckchair
and sitting on it with a cold drink in his hand while I dug, 'keeping me company'... So supportive lol
When I finished my arm ached a bit but I don't worry too much.... 10 hours later it’s still hurting... Starting to
think I've done something to it gonna take some paracetamol and hope it gets better by tomorrow
Watched a dumb old movie with Andrea and giggled at how '80s' everything looked....A Fish Called Wanda
still raised a few laughs even if it was a bit dated. Neil made lunch, which was handy as my arm hurt.... On
fact spent most of the rest of the day moaning about my arm.... That's a thing I do now apparently lol
The little tree looks so cute though and in the winter, I can decorate it up cute for Xmas.... If it lives that
long.... Fingers crossed lol
Day 74
25 May at 20:27
Isolation log - day 74 - stardate bank holiday foraging
Barely slept last night, feels like everyone I my house was up during the night and there was a fair amount
of people trying to sleep but not managing it. At one point the hubby was on the sofa and Tom was in my
bed, then Tom was back in his room and I still couldn't sleep cos I injured my arm gardening yesterday
I had kinda decided that I was gonna take it easy until my injection any way, my specialist nurse team
asked me to keep diary of symptoms when my injection is due, but it isn't as much fun as this diary so it
hasn't happened lol 3 days and counting to the injection, antihistamines for some of the milder allergy type
symptoms. Skin on my hands and a little bit of everywhere else getting worse again, if I am in the shower
and soap or bubbles touch some bits I am crying with the pain (you have to be real careful how you wash
and what you use to wash with as this stage).... So I am using the back up creams and lotions too.... Three
more days to my injection and its a countdown that can't come quick enough because as well as the
symptoms I always feel to tired and lethargic too. So I skipped my run & I went for a foraging Walk instead,
I have often made elderberry cordial, mead or wine but never managed to harvest elderflower as they have
to be used or frozen quite quickly after picking... With more time on my hands with lockdown I managed to
harvest 4 litres of flowerheads... And Google some recipes (goals for this week). Then I watched a dumb
film with the kids before a zoom meeting for staff members of the autistic group I run.... Which I had totally
forgot about... Thank god for Alexa lol
Day 75 and 76
27 May at 08:08 ·
Isolation log - day 75 - stardate dairies and delays
Forgot to write yesterday, so a quick catch up this morning.
Spent a sometime before working from home helping Tom sort out his homework, he had to write a 'food
diary' which we thought was two weeks but turned out to be two days once we re-read it lol Also did some
collating my isolation diaries ready to send to the university. Turned out I had got confused and doubled up
on days twice in the last few weeks so when it had thought I was on day 73, I was actually on day 75 so
I put that straight as I was typing and correcting stuff. Did some working from home.... Chasing up leads
that didn't really go any where most of the morning ('this funding is only available to charities in England' it
no wonder Wales struggles so much more than some areas). Spent the afternoon arguing with Microsoft
teams, stupid thing claims I should be able to add people from other organisations but just wouldn't let me.
Several of the teams I work in are volunteers from various organisations or retired and from no
organisation.... It seemed to be impossible to make these teams happen on there and after 2-3 very
frustrating hours and several phone calls to involved parties.... We decided to give up and stick with zoom.
It gave me a huge sense of defeat to give up on it and I was so frustrated that I spent some of my run still
going through solutions in my head.
Did my run in 18 degree heat which seemed a bit scorchio.... But I was glad to get in once I was done.
Not much happened after that.. Watched telly.... Realised that Tom had snuck off for a nap while I was
working :o.. Bit of an argument and then I ended up forking out £15 for an educational program he was
enjoying but had reached the end of the free trail on (don't ask me how, but I guess it will be worth it if he
learns it).... In all the fuss I had forgotten to send Andrea and Tom to the shop for milk so we are currently
drinking coffee with coffee whitener until someone goes.
My Aunty is enjoying the books I sent her and that's about it I guess. Yet again I wanted an early night....
Yet again it didn't quite happen lol
Day 76
27 May at 21:48 ·
Isolation log - day 76 - stardate Wednesday
Woke up this morning and found that none of our Internet was working... There was a lot of switching it off
and then back on again. The virgin media Web page took me on a wild ride of 'we are just going to do a
test' and 'there seems to be an issue' and 'we will just take you through a reset procedure' (have you tried
switching it off and back on again) and 'is it resolved now' and the back to the test..... To be fair I followed
the cycle around about six times before I started to lose my mind lol by the time I rang them I was already
in tears and fed up or their crap "we will just do a test' she said and 'have you tried turning it off and them
on again' she said.... Arrghhhhh. So that took up most of my morning.
In the spirit of taking it easy until my immuno suppressant injection (injection day tomorrow whoop whoop,
am so run down now that I have mouth ulcers but at least the most common side effect, cold sores, have
skipped me this month)..... I didn't quite make the 10k run, what with the being run down with my immune
system all over the shop and the fact that it was almost midday sun and up to 21 degrees out there. Also
the sweat was making my sunblock un into my eyes and I was blind with my eyes stinging for some of it.
The sun was fine when there was some shade but some of those long quiet roads that I have run during
winter were chosen because they are quiet not because they are shady.... I missed the days of running in
rain and storms so bad today. Got quite close to the small beach where they are usually less people but
even that was super busy today (I took a photo)
I made banana bread this afternoon, Andrea made some sort of Mexican chicken dish (me and Tom
chopped salad to go with) and the Tom had a zoom meeting with some friends from school..... Which he
was completely uninterested in because there was no sign of Angelo or Joe (who knew he loved Joe so
much lol) so he got bored of that quite soon when they were a no show. Teenage boys are so tribal, even
when I was that age I remember they hung out in packs and if you weren't in the gang then you weren't in
the gang, seems like nothing changes
Day 77
28 May at 20:36
Isolation log - Day 77 - stardate all the 7s
After trying to run in the crazy midday heat yesterday and reading that it was gonna be even hotter today. I
decided to try to get up early and get a run in before the day started to heat up
Was keen to take my injection as the side effects have been bad and it’s clear that the time I spent not
taking it is still having effects..... But then I sat there for ages not wanting to do it, cos I hate the injections
and they hurt.... So yeah... But if a contradiction. Did them eventually and got out by half 8/9ish and did
6.5k... Nothing exciting to report lol Woke the kids up and sent them to the shop in time for phone calls from
work to start. Wouldn't exactly call me a tech wizard but a little bit of knowledge seems to be enough for me
to be the 'go to' person or at least it was today. But we are all learning together, I really haven't had that
much more experience than the people asking me the questions lol.
Work ended in time for amazon to turn up with a package for me..... A new watering can..... Cos I'm a
frigging gardener now it seems lmao The kids (I should stop calling them kids, 15 and 20 Ffs) said the
shops were hell and queuing in the sun just inspired them to buy loads of ice creams and drinks lol once
the watering can came Andrea insisted that she lay in the garden and I soak her with it.... She claimed it
helped with the heat (tried to talk me into it but I wasn't keen)
Neil decided that it is now officially 'keep your gingers inside' weather and he has began his usual summer
hibernation (with his record collection) .... It's the only way the goth boy can keep his skin so milky milky
white. Bless him (within a week he will be asking me to put mushrooms in everything I cook, for the vitamin
d... His little ginger body craves it otherwise) Not much else has happened..... Family phone call involved
watching my sisters dogs chase a cat out of the garden and refuse to come when called.... And I am on the
final season of Ozark (is good, would recommend) Take care and be good (2m rule and wash your hands
Day 78
29 May at 22:28 ·
Isolation log - Day 78 - Garden a go go
Got up early as it was too hot to sleep, checked the weather forecast & decided it was too hot to run in
(maybe tomorrow) So for some reason I got it into my head to pull out the sun shade umbrella & the
deckchairs & try to make a shady area in the garden to sit out in. There was much fussing and messing
about with me and Andrea trying to put the umbrella up (it fell over so may times it was like a sketch from
an old silent movie? Laurel and Hardy or Chaplin? Was a right disaster) We couldn't find the paddling pool
from last year which sort of escalated into buying a new one.... Then a bigger one.... Then a hose pipe to fill
the bigger one.... Then an attachment so the hose fitted onto the tap..... And probably by the time it all
arrives the weather will turn rubbish lol Then Andrea's butt fell through the old deckchair, the material
ripped and she was stuck in there while I tried not to laugh.All in all was a fun morning.... Although by the
time we have set it all up, none of us could be bothered so sit out there for long and all came inside for ice
cream inside.
By the afternoon I was aching and tired, hurt my back trying to do some dumb little job and at about 4 30pm
it was decided that I was cranky and in pain and best left alone..... Took some pain killers and called the
rest of the day a right off . The Senedd announced an easing of lockdown rules for everyone who isn't
shielding, much in line with what Westminster have said..... Hopefully advice for those of us who are
sheilding will come out soon because I will be damned if I am leaving the house to go anywhere where I
know there will be people until I know for certain that it's OK Finish my Ozark boxset & started on a
comedy on amazon prime.... Much more cheerful so that lifted my mood a little but I am still tired and
cranky as I write & feel like bed about 4 hours ago would have helped..... Gggrrrr I'm sure I will cheer up a
bit tomorrow but for today I've had enough
Day 79
30 May at 23:00
Isolation log - day 79 - star date scorchio
Managed to get out for my run before 9 am....but even at that time in the morning it was too hot and the run
was a disappointing slog :(
Did some planting today.... Some of the seeds that Neil bought had to be planted before the end of May so
I felt like I was cutting it fine. Not sure if they will live as apparently I planted them the wrong time of day but
the instructions said they cope well with bad soil and thrive in heatwaves and hot summers..... So I guess
we will find out if they sprout 🤔
Spent the rest of the day too hot and too tired.... Moved some furniture around in the living room, hopefully
it looks a little less cluttered now (but cluttered does seem to be the theme of my house lol)
Started watching 'Little Fires Everywhere' after a recommendation from a friend and haven't regretted it.....
Fab show, I've been totally gripped.
Neil went t0 the shop for a rug and ended up out for hours only to come home with some mustard yellow
rugs (yep two of them) because 'it was all they had' and he was fed up of shopping and couldn't be
bothered to visit another shop and 'it was too hot'..... Which turned into a bit of a catch phrase for today lol
Oh and in gaming nerd news, there was a meteor show on my animal crossing island which was very
pretty :)
Apparently it will be even hotter, tomorrow than today... Can't say I'm looking forward to that.... Seem to
spend every night too hot to sleep and all day hot and bothered…maybe with two nights of sleep
deprivation I will sleep better tonight... Fingers crossed
Night all xxx
Day 80
31 May at 20:47
Isolation log - Day 80 - Stardate 'little bit of politics there' kinda day
Decided that I have to give in and admit that the lack of sleep is not just the weather and the neighbours but
also pain.... So I took two paracetamol and had the most pleasant day I've had for ages.
Spent the morning food prepping my overnight oats so I can start the day right with a healthy breakfast next
week. And then the Sunday lunches we ordered turned up earlier than we expected (always a bonus) and
were lovely fairplay
I finished watching 'Little fires everywhere' on amazon prime and the subtle points ity made about inequality
in America seemed to resonate especially today as the papers are fully of rioters and protestors over in the
USA setting fire to things. There are literally little fires everywhere over there since that poor guy was killed
in police custody. Was pleased to see Andrew Marr was still pushing the Dominic Cummings issue on his
show..... Oh and this afternoon I watched the National Theatre Live on YouTube, this week it was 'This
House' the tale of a hung parliament in the 70s with a lot of parallels to Britain in the last few years so
extra dose of politics today. Decided to do some baking, instead of left-over banana this week I had left
over Kiwi fruit so banana bread was off the cards lol
Thankfully Google had some recipe ideas to use up kiwi fruit, so I made my first ever Kiwi and Ginger Cake
(and also some short bread biscuits while I had the oven on). Have to admit I was dubious about the mix of
kiwi and ginger works and is quite nice.... The hubby said its 'OK, nothing really special but OK like'... High
praise indeed lol
Think I will put my pj's on and look for something less political to watch now, cuppa and piece of cake....
June 2020
Day 81
1 June at 22:35 ·
Isolation log - day 81 - star date flipping sunny again
So today I slept in until 7am and did some early morning gardening. Also made a huge batch of iced latte to
put in the fridge and drink with ice in the sun during the day fab idea and worked a treat (have a couple
of 500ml bottles in the fridge for tomorrow too)
The wild flowers seeds I ordered online to encourage bees came so they got sown in the garden.
The tiny mini pool I ordered also turned up, Andrea has ordered a bigger pool but I hate pools, so much
fuss to put up and take down.... the hose thing always pops off the tap and it always takes hours to fill, then
it's too cold to get in so it sits there unused until the water goes a bit manky and then it takes hours to
empty and clean out... Bloody hate them... Not looking forward to hers coming
The one I ordered is tiny, easy to fill, easy to empty easy to store.... Big enough to dip yours toes in but
leave you able to remain fuelled dressed so you can stick flip flops on and go inside at any time.... Also
came in purple and had an adorable octopus on it lol
Andrea pointed out that the fridge smelled funny so I spent some time cleaning that and then made a dish I
like to call 'what's left in the fridge chicken salad' which turned out to be surprisingly nice (was mainly
lettice, peppers, spring onion, some sad looking radish, half a cucumber and a honey and mustard
dressing... With chicken obviously)
The volunteer group all managed to make the meeting this afternoon and plans are being put in place for
things we can do to create interesting activities for members if we run the club online. Andrea and Tom
worked together like a team of champions to make tortilla for tea (went lush with my salad) And this
evening I started boxsetting Space Force on Netflix.... Wasn't impressed with the first episode but was
crying laughing trying to explain episode 2 to Andrea.. It proper picks up lol... worth a look
And that was pretty much my day... How was yours?
Day 82
2 June at 21:57 ·
Isolation log - day 82 - stardate 'stuff happened lol'
Working from home day, the masks I have been sending angry emails to amazon about since April finally
arrived (I only chose them because they would come quickly) since I ordered them I have ordered and
received masks from two other places, learnt to make own masks, ordered a received stuff to make my
own masks and made over 20 masks Ffs .... Oh well they are here now lol Spent some time before work
trying to get Tom to focus on his homework, it seems to be getting harder as lockdown goes on
Spent most of the day researching costings for a new finding bid and organising zoom meetings (quite
badly it turned out lol) Managed to get use of a paid for account for my volunteer group so that will make
things go smoother for the group and everything at work. Got through the first round for a big bid but have
to write up all this week's research next week.... Will have my work cut out.
Andrea went out to have a socially distance meeting with someone outside the house, she came home and
said they hide in the shed behind the lifeboat station at the beach being shocked by the people not social
distancing. Tom went to the shop for milk on his own and came back alive so that's a win lol I got so
engrossed in funding bid that I didn't finish work till late and by the time I made food.... That was the day
over really.
Managed to catch a bit of the news, deaths are up and the weather is getting cooler. The heat wave is
ending for a bit (I knew when Andrea bought a pool she would jinx us all lol) Gonna watch Space Force
(which I am quite enjoying and then head to bed)
Night night
Day 83
3 June at 22:32 ·
Isolation log - day 83 - star date blue hair don't care
Got up early and managed to get some time together with the hubby before the kids got up. Had a lovely
chat about feelings and lockdown and he suggested maybe I should force myself to get round to dyeing my
hair as I will feel better afterwards.... So I pulled out the blue dye this morning and touched up my roots.
And he knows me well, he was totally right, I do feel better with less roots showing
Didn't get around to my run today and I had promised myself that I would go back to it once the weather
cooled - it was cool today so I feel like I had not excuses. I am guessing it will be hard to get back in the
habit after a few days off.... I've lost my momentum (even with my hair dye refreshed) the Welsh
government announced plans for schools to go back... Hubby was chuffed... Can't wait to ship at least one
of my pair out of the house for a bit lol I'm left with more questions than answers, looking at figures for
Wales, I don't feel we have had a peak and come down from it as much as we have a steady trickle that
looks no better now and the figures have gone up to a two week high for 2 days in a row now..... And
unions have asked for evidence of the science behind this decision..... I guess I will see what measures the
school is promising and decide once I have more information (and see if numbers go down by 3 weeks
time). Andrea sprained her ankle and grazed her knee and has been limping around like a wounded soldier
all day.. Bless her.Tom actually did his home work, on threat of going back to school or proving he is willing
to go back to his previous good habits with home schooling
Can't think what else we did today, gaming with Andrea, chatting to Tom, boxsetting rubbish..... Not much I
guess.... Had a bad back for a while today too so that's slowed me down..... Falling apart because I am not
getting the exercise.... Really should go for a run tomorrow
Day 84
4 June at 20:11 ·
Isolation log - day 84 - stardate 12 weeks today
Twelve weeks ago today I was in hospital with pneumonia/coronavirus symptoms and being refused testing
and told to take some antibiotics and steroids and hope it helped..... The last time I went anywhere other
than a little run, alone in a quiet area for exercise. Three months ago I thought I was dying and then before
I even recovered, a week or so later, the lockdown happened and all the vulnerable were asked to stay in
for 12 weeks. Today they asked us to stay in longer again but with slightly more relaxed rules. But it feels
safer knowing that by August things will have eased a little I hope. Wales's graphs still aren't showing a
peak and trough just a slow increase and a couple of months of muddling along at about the same rate, up
a little down a little up a little again. Areas of Wales have some of the highest rates in the UK and with that
in mind I think a longer sheilding makes perfect sense.
What else happened today.... The young adults/kids went shopping for me and came back with mainly
snacks and junk food... No wonder I am putting on weight lol Zoom meeting with work this afternoon was a
bit meh and went on for ages.. We need a dedicated finish time next time maybe. I woke up this morning
with a bad back. Not sure what I have done to it but it could hardly walk, had to crack open the stringer
painkillers... Managing to shuffle about by 1ish.... Surprisingly no running happened while I was struggling
to walk (I am setting a sensible deadline for recovery and easing off the pills, worry not)
The new kettle came... Ours clapped out and even with one day delivery we ended up using the cooker and
boiling water in the microwave yesterday.... So I was very chuffed to the new one arrive Then it was
make food, clean the house a bit, feed the cat, husbands home, showers and pj's, family facetime chat and
then chill with the telly before bed. Evening seems to have gone quick but after being up with back ache
last night... Can't come soon enough.... Half past 8 and my bed is calling to me (roll on bed time)
Could sleep on a chicken's lip as the saying goes lol
Watching the clock till the young adults hit the hay xx night night xxx
Day 85
5 June at 22:41
Isolation log - day 85 - star date bit of a poo day
Woke up this morning to find Tom had been up in the night having toileting issues... He was showering at
midnight, so he hadn't had much sleep (neither had I) and he needed a shower again this morning.... The
joys of being a carer, on the bright side it’s not as bad as it was when he was younger, and he helps more
with clean up now. So he stripped his bed and I disinfected all his wipe down bedding.... Then we worked
together to do the usual 'poo wash' which takes hours, usually three washes.... One with special powder
used by mums back in the day for Terry towelling nappies and some special anti-bacterial wash in the
conditioner section (also a strong stain remover) then once that's done another wash with normal washing
powder and conditioner and then when it comes out we check how it smells and it might have to go back in
His clothes, my washing machine and my patience take a bashing and it's a day long job...... But these
days it's not several times a week like it was when he was younger. I wish to the bottom of my heart that
back when he was little and I was begging doctors for help someone had explained or taught me how to do
these things and how to clean the washing machine after wards instead of just giving me a poem about
'being a special needs mum'.... God damn that 'Holland' poem was pretty but no real help (and my clothes
must have smelled awful for years lol) So 3 or 4 hours later the smell of poo is finally cleaned from
Andrea made me watch 'Ru Paul's Drag Race' with her and Tom did his homework without complaint
(probably out of guilt)... And cleaned his room to be fair (take advantage of that guilt while I can lol)
Once he had finished I gave him the manga book that came in the post this morning as a reward and to
remind him that despite a crappy morning....and several very serious chats about taking care of his diet....
We do still love him after all.
Day 86
6 June at 21:18
Isolation log - day 86 - stardate resoundingly lovely rainy restart day
What a lovely day.... Sometimes people say they don't understand my positivity or perkiness, it's too much
for them but I guess when you have had as many rubbish days as me you are always happy for the little
things. Anyhow, today I had a lie in and Neil cleaned the washing machine so we could wash our clothes
again.... (we use washing machine cleaner from B&M for that, if anyone is looking for tips because they get
no help or support for their child's needs)
And then this morning Tom decided he wanted to buy some sort of D&D characters, I asked Andrea's
advice and she seem to think it would be better to save the money and make his own..... It's ended with her
setting up her drawing pad to his laptop and him getting a one to one digital art class everyone was very
happy with the results and he went on to do a few more himself afterwards My little seedlings that I was
assured wouldn't grow as I had planted them at the wrong time of day..... They started sprouting today it
was very joyful to see several types of seedlings coming up from the soil in the rainy garden this
Then I went on my first run for days and the weather brought me a lovely light cooling drizzle as I got
sweaty.... It's definitely my favourite running weather, keeps me cool. Took my first running selfie in ages
too. I think the app might have had a fault as according to the map I seemed to have 'transported' star trek
style home from a random spot or to a random spot and started from there... Either way... Clearly not
accurate lol Had a shower and made spinach & potato patties with sausage for food, Neil bought me
chocolates that I haven't ate and then Andrea offered me some trifle (couldn't say no, seemed rude not to
lol) Started a Google search for 'films to watch on Netflix' for a nice film to watch but then Moana came on
and I was gripped, after that I turned over and found Life of Pi.
Day 87
7 June at 21:08
Isolation log - day 87 - stardate 'so much happening kinda day'
Well this morning I was looking at a pile of ironing and sorting and thinking 'looks like I have a thrilling day
planned' and then everything changed in a matter of minutes. My beautiful niece has been showing
symptoms and as my mum has a heart condition, it was decided that she should move back to her own
little flat to lower the risk of her catching it. My niece rang 111 and had to visit the hospital, they gave her
treatment for pleurisy/pneumonia (same as I had when I showed symptoms) antibiotics etc. Told her to
send off for a testing kit, isolate and treat it as covid until there was any further news. So me and my sister
created our own little track and trace scheme, better than the governments and have been ringing round
the handful of people that anyone in the household had been in touch with since the lockdown eased and
they began leaving the house last week. Seemed like a lot of drama but it all got sorted and thankfully none
of them are showing symptoms and neither is my mum.... But they do say that it might take up to 14 or
more days..... So it a watch this space situation.
A post by a herbalist friend of mine about Elder trees reminded me that I still hadn't got around to making
the elderflower cordial I had planned so I spent an hour or so making that this afternoon. Managed to make
about 3 litres and a heck of a mess of the kitchen (two bottles for the fridge and some half filled plastic
bottles for the freezer) so that will be nice for refreshing summer drinks once the weather perks up
again. While the cordial was cooling down and too hot to pour, Neil suggested we take the opportunity to
encourage Tom to go for a walk... So we bribed him with the promise of fish and chips and took him for a
walk to the beach (around the long way and past the docks).... He insists he didn't enjoy it but I'm sure it did
him as much good as it did the rest of us.
Day 88
8 June at 21:11
Isolation logs - day 88 - stardate 'two fat ladies'
Stayed up late last night watch Ru Paul's Drag race with Andrea so I was horrified to be woken by the
husband this morning at 6am.... 'Tom's awake and I'm off to work, you better get one there and keep an
eye on him'.... He did nothing exciting (but I guess that's not to say he wouldn't have if I wasn't here). Went
for my jog like a good girl... My back still hurts but it eases after the first 1 or 2 km.... And as long as I do my
yoga stretches when I get home its fine (if I don't, back problems happen) While I was out jogging a grey-
haired man over took me.... Swear to god.... And he was just walking (he was walking fast, must have been
right?)... I found it a bit disheartening but to be fair I was still going faster than anyone chubby lady with a
bad back... And after last week almost giving up altogether, I was still doing better than the alternative
universe me who was sat on the sofa So I decided I should be a bit less hard on myself and stop
comparing myself to others.
I think it's the fact that I am still not losing weight and some weeks am jogging 25k but still putting weight on
that I am finding so disheartening, it's making me lack motivation (and compare myself to others and fin d
faults as an excuse to stop).... So I promised myself I would download my old diet app again once I got
home.... As the hubby said 'it's worked for you before' and I have to do something and my clothes don't fit
and it's effecting my wellbeing (and my back) So back in my diet today fingers crossed, hopefully just
keeping a closer track of what I shove in my mouth will help Had a Dungeons and Dragons session in
our volunteer group today, 2 hours of pretending to fight Goblins, which to be fair I enjoyed more than I
thought I would despite a few technical hitches.... If enough of our testing group enjoyed, then it might be
something we do once a month (if our volunteer dungeon master agrees).
Day 89
9 June at 23:14
Isolation log - Day 89 - stardate tech & mesh day
Today was meant to be a working from home day but my laptop wouldn't start, I say mine but it was works
laptop so of course I panicked. Andrea helped me access the damage and according to Google the little
light meant it was a power issue, either the battery or the power lead. But when I rang IT, they seemed
keen to make the charity buy a new one as its quite old. So I had some time off to mourn the possible
end of the laptop while my boss rang them to see what could be done
In the meantime, I had time to sit with Tom and supervise some of his home-schooling stuff and it was a
subject I excel at and enjoy so doing that together made the morning special. By the time that was finished
the post came and it was my new running leggings.... I have wanted some with mesh in for a while and I
decided to treat myself a few weeks back when I did the 10k run (and it took until now to come). Having
that bit of time off today and a new look made me really get my mojo back for the run and I really enjoyed
my run today and did further than I have for a while. Once I got back, the boss rang and said that we might
be able to save the laptop so that was good news too
Andrea ordered from a new takeaway place I found online this week LMK (love munch kitchen) from Briton
Ferry, fab burgers and wings.... Would recommend and buying from small independent local places rather
than a chain (which is Andrea's preference) was the right thing to do too. Andrea and me are still boxsetting
Ru Paul, much to Tom's disgust, he seems not just to have a problem with being in the room when it's on
but if he has to pop into the room to grab something he refuses to even look at the telly what is that
about? How can you have a Bisexual mum, a lesbian sister and yet be scared of catching gay from a TV
show lol... So more Ru Paul happened after work... Then the usual family group chat more Ru Paul (there's
been a lot of Ru Paul this week) and time for bed.
Day 90
10 June at 21:13
Isolation log - day 90 - stardate art homework pt duex. (online shopping aux non)
So i woke up kinda late, must have needed it and it seemed like it was gonna be a normal day. I was kinda
dreading having to ring the IT people back and sort out the laptop but I manned up and was on the phone
to them when I heard the words 'is that all for us' in the corridor. I assumed it was something Andrea
ordered from amazon..... Turns out the laptop might need to be replaced and I was having mixed feelings
about it. Once I got off the phone I realise that a ton of shopping had come.... Like loads
As far as I was aware, I had a slot booked for the 17th.... I was busy and don't want to lose the slot so I hit
the 'usual order' (which as I have only had an order once previous, was a huge list from my first shop with
them)... The plan had been to go in a few days before the order and adjust the list for what we actually
needed.....But here it was, a week earlier than I was expecting and about 8 bags of it 😮 so I wedged as
much as I could into the fridge and freezer.... Told the kids to have a 'cheat day' and eat as if they were
preparing for an artic expedition and went to check the webpage..... To my horror it said I had 4 days until
my next delivery of the same shopping list...... There were a lot of phone calls after that... Bit of a blur... All
sorted now though..... Phew
Went for my run.... Loving my new route, getting my 5k in without panicking that I need to do more at the
end or retrace my steps at all.... Nice. Yoga mats I ordered at the start of lock down for me and Tom came
today too so we both did some yoga in the garden before I made lunch And I tried to get my phone
health app to sync with my diet app.... Seems like I have a squillion calories left today all of a sudden (it
appears to have taken on board all my calories since I started doing the runs.... All at once today)..... Well
isn't that handy when we need to empty the cupboards lol.
Day 91
11 June at 20:33
Isolation log - day 91 - stardate the sun is back out
What to write about today?
Tom had started falling behind with his maths a typing because he always prioritises other stuff first so I
spent some time this morning re focusing him on the task at hand. Went for a lovely run, was very happy to
sit for a second on a bench and take a photo of the little pond by the hospital.... The sun was out but there
was nice breeze and some shade so it wasn't too bad. Came home and cooked a stir fry from scratch to get
rid of some of yesterday's giant shop. My diet app is still dodgy, I was hoping that yesterday's 300,000
calorie mistake was because it had only just linked to the health app on my phone but today was worse lol
by the time I finished my run it was reading 600,000 extra calories earned.... I tried to fix it but then it didn't
register my steps or calories burnt so it was all a bit of a mess..... So far every time I open the app I don't
know what to expect... Keeps dieting fun doesn't it. Then spent the afternoon sat around joking with the kids
and watching rubbish in the telly until it was time to tidy up together.
We were all pleased here that my nieces covid test had come back negative, now she can sit round in the
living room and be ill with company now instead of being isolated in her room hopefully her cheat
infection/pleurisy thing will be on the mend soon too Then the other half came home and I made a quick
snack for me and Tom and now I think I'm gonna put pj's on, feet up and find something to watch.... Cos
the cat looks comfy so I should be too
I completed a whole season of RuPauls Drag Race thanks to Andrea... Not something I ever thought I'd
watch but look at me expanding my interests (I was proper rooting for my favourite to be Queen by the end
of it too lol) I blame Andrea for this lmao I might ask her if she wants to watch the next season later???
We'll see lol
Day 92
12 June at 20:59
Isolation log - day 92 - star date SALT day
Didn't go on my run this morning as Tom had an appointment online for a one to one with his speech
therapist. So we spent the morning making sure the computer was working and had the right stuff
downloaded. The speech therapy session was fab, since it's all done at school since he got his statement, it
was nice to be able to sit in on the assessment and see were he is at and what they think he will need to
work on (we get zero feedback from the school about it). Apparently much of his basic skills are there (I
should hope so the amount of therapy I have taken him too or fought for over the years) but they need to
work on 'paucity', flow, breathing and intonation. So it looks like Friday mornings will be the day for regular
SALT (speech and language therapy, for the untrained in these things).
My sheilding letter came which, to be honest, I was fine about..... After 13 weeks, what's a few more really.
Of course in a few weeks when I am feeling down and miserable it might hit me then but at the moment it's
fine... Mainly. Gives me a few more weeks to work on lockdown projects like the patchwork blanket I started
knitting and then got bored of (that's been back out) and the vain attempt to come out of lockdown fit and
skinny..... Vain in both senses of the word (see what I did there? Clever huh?) so far I have taken off 2lb,
put on 5 lb and now taken off 1 again.... So it's a bit of a battle.
The speech therapist said Tom has to make more effort to interact and talk to people as homework. So I
spent this afternoon trying to get him to ring a friend (zero success) text message a friend (3 words were
sent so that's a win for me) or video chat (managed to arrange a video chat for next week).... Not a huge
amount of success but a good sold try from me. Andrea has succeeded in making me so addicted to dumb
Ru Paul and his dumb drag race that I am watching it on my own now
Day 936
14 June at 21:34
Isolation log - day 93 - star date fruity Sunday
Have ended up with far too much fruit in the fruit bowl.... So this morning I decided to do some baking to
use it all up. Two banana bread (from a fancy recipe instead of the usual one) and an apple pie.
Which Tom was keen to eat from the second I started baking lol I insisted he had lunch first but as lunch
was huge messy burgers he wasn't too upset So we had messy lunch for dinner and apple pie and
custard for tea. I decide that after so many hours of shows Tom didn't like, he could chose today so we
watched Marvel titans (I say we, I got bored pretty and ended up on my phone a baking to be honest)
6 Claire has not included an entry for the 13th of June, which should have been day 93 of her account. To maintain the originality, the log has been left as she originally submitted it, days have not been changed.
Andrea went on a walk to the beach and then came back and decided that the cat needed a new water
bowl that does running water (he never drinks the static water we put down) so we shopped for one of
those online.
One of my loveliest friends rang me out of the blue to discuss trans rights issues for a while.... Unexpected
but pleasant. Neil said 'what was that about?' so I said 'trans rights' and then he said 'never hear much
about trans lefts do you?' which made me giggle lol
I watched 'Staged' a BBC play written and acted by actors in lockdown, really enjoyed it (and it was break
from the politics that were the alternative to Tom's show earlier) ..... And it finished in time for the family
group chat Then it was time for PJs and knitting and episode 3 of 'The Capture' which I am also very
much enjoying (saw it recommended in a chat room about TV dramas with suspense and a twist)... Should
keep me entertained until bed time
Day 94
15 June at 20:29
Isolation log - day 94 - stardate Claire & Tom's long walk adventure
I took one look at the weather this morning and thought 'too hot for a run', the app said 14 degrees but will
feel like 18 degrees (and that was at 7am) So rather than miss the exercise I asked Tom to come for a
walk. We went much further than planned & lost track of time, my shoulder was burning so I put sunblock
on but forgot the other shoulder.... It didn't feel hot (it's more than making up for it now) Then we took a
wrong turn & came home the longer route..... Ended up walking 10km and seeing some lovely views...
Came home tired and with blisters and aching feet.
While we were out Andrea had a huge amazon delivery of loads of snack food and drinks and also a cat
drinking fountain. We spent some time trying to encourage the cat to drink out of it but so far I haven't seen
it used. The school rang me a lot to get an answer on Tom going back to school in July, one morning a
week for 4 weeks (in pods of under 10 and only allowed in one room) they said they are splitting the year
groups to one day each and half in the morning and half in the afternoon (my maths isn't fab) but that
doesn't sound like under a third? Unless they are banking on a huge amount not going in.... In what way is
that a tester for how it will work in September?
In the afternoon Tom had the video chat that I had arranged with a friends mum and speech therapy
homework..... Was lovely to hear him laughing and enjoying even if he let his mate do a lot of the chatting.
The volunteer group have successfully made some decisions about how the club will run online.... And are
trying out activities to see how they work in the format, some successful and some with huge learning
curves lol tonight I learnt that you should never use a random number generator for a game of bingo (bingo
sets never repeat and eventually call all the numbers until someone wins, random number generators....
Not so much) it was a tough lesson
Day 95
16 June at 20:51
Isolation log - day 95 - star date disappointing waiting day
Couldn't work from home today because of the broken laptop, so I spent most of the day waiting for a new
one to be delivered. At about 3 30 I had a text message to say it wasn't turning up so it looks like my
working from home day will be on Thursday instead this week to give it a chance to turn up tomorrow.
Spent all day waiting for a thunderstorm that my weather app promised me would be at 11am, then 12,
then 4, then 6... And then 'it will stop raining in 30 mins'.... It never even started lol So because of both
those epic waits.... I didn't do my run and in both cases I was let down. Have also spent a lot of today
waiting for the cat to even consider trying out the new water fountain cat thingy Andrea bought. Our cat is 9
yrs old and has never drank any water we put down. At first we read that is was because it was too close to
the food bowl, so we tried moving the water bowls to different places all over the house hoping to find one
she liked. Then we read that maybe it was because the water was stagnant and it is was moved around....
But we have seen him drink out of our muddy pond in the garden and puddles in the street. After nine years
of thinking, maybe he just prefers puddles to the clean water we put down, Andrea ordered a cat feeder
that looks like a daisy with a fountain coming out of it and the idea it that it isn't stagnant. We put it in two
locations, far from his food..... Day two and he has even looked at it... Go figure.
I did get around to shaving the undercut in Tom's hair though, so at least I achieved something and the kid
looks a bit smarter Missed the family chat because I was in the shower and my mum had a panic,
thought maybe I wasn’t OK.... But I was fine. And now I'm in my pj's and ready to chill for the night
Day 96
16 June 15 hrs
Isolation log - day 96 - star date doorstep funeral day.
The weekly shopping slot came early this morning and I was very impressed. Think I am almost sort of
getting the hang of ordering online, I forgot milk, but you can't have it all lol
Today I attended my first doorstep funeral, since only close family can attend funerals these days, when
someone days it has become a custom to go out onto the doorstep to watch the funeral procession pass by
as a mark of respect. My and Andrea put black on (not hard for goths) and I even got some make up out
(and fought the urge to do a fierce drag queen look, damn you Ru Paul, you're a bad influence). Not sure
why as I felt very over dressed when one of the neighbours came out in pyjamas and hadn't combed her
hair yet lol But it was super touching when you could see the family appreciated so many making the effort.
Neil went to his exciting appointment at the rubbish recycling centre with all the junk that had been piling up
in the garden. He said they told him he would have to do it all himself lmao as if that was any different to
before lol
In the afternoon I spent some time helping Tom focus on his homeschooling while I waited for the work
laptop (again)... In the end I rang up and got told the guy who was going to drop it down to my house wasn't
in work until 4pm.... Someone could have told me, I know I'm not exactly out much but I missed my run two
days in a row for that So by 6pm I decided that I really did need my run and went out for it.... I had
missed it and really enjoyed being out and listening to my tunes. Got home super sweaty, couldn't wait for
my shower.... Managed to unattach my step counter from my diet app so I can input the calories the 516
cals I used instead of it automatically adding them as 516,000. Which was what it had been doing. It's takes
longer to input but will make a big difference to tracking I'm sure Right..... Now I am off for a well
deserved treat for all that running. Night night x
Day 97
I think I didn’t write on on this day :o not like me (think I wanted solstice to line up with the 100th day) I
seriously can’t think of why …maybe I just forgot that day
Day 98
20 June at 07:46
Isolation log - day 98 - star date busy day
So I was so busy yesterday that I didn't get around to writing... This is a catch up lol First thing yesterday
was Tom's Speech and language class, the focus was on putting emphasis on different words in a
sentence to change meaning, he found it much harder than you would expect. Some things seem to come
so naturally and easily to us and yet others struggle so much to do them.... Gives you a new level of
empathy for others having a special needs child.
Then there was work and forms.... Spent under 4pm trying to write the equivalent of 10,000 word essay and
growling at anyone who interrupted my chain of thought. At 4 ish the rain eased a little but instead of my
run I asked Neil if he wanted a walk, make the most of his time off work, seeing as he booked some time
off. So we followed the route I had done with Tom on Monday.... But he walks so fast that I struggled to
keep up and the chill from the wind made it a very different walk altogether. I took a picnic this time as I
hadn't eaten all day but he didn't want to have any or even stop on a bench for a break and tutted when I
seemed tired and wanted a break or to stop to enjoy the scenery or surroundings. So I ended up carrying
the food and drinks around for nothing and the extra weight didn't help either.
When I got home Andrea had finished supervising Tom doing this home school work and the I were both
having a monster movie marathon.... King Kong movies and Godzilla movies they had found online....
There was no room to sit down and wasn't allowed to speak for interrupting their film so I focused on
making food for everyone and finally got to sit down and chill at gone 9. By then, my feet ached and I was
so tired the idea of moving to go to bed seemed too hard... So I cracked open my animal crossing game
and lay there like a potato until 12 (I will regret that today when I haven't had enough sleep... But there you
go, bit late to worry after the fact isn't it)
Day 99
20 June at 20:30
Isolation log - day 99 - stardate solstice-ish
Well today felt so much more like the solstice I am used to than Beltaine did. Woke up to see the breakfast
weather lady explaining equinox and they were talking to the team who will be filming the sun rising
tomorrow too.... They spoke to that 'king arthur pendragon' bloke who tends to make all pagans look like
nutters (and he was sober for a change, so that was nice) and then they spoke to a real pagan bloke who
spoke about how he and the local minster usually visit stone henge together and are part of a joint ritual
celebration.. All sounded very sane and amicable and nice (not often they make an effort to actually speak
to someone sane, well done TV people)
Did my usual little solstice morning stuff and enjoyed reading friends posts I had been tagged in and
sharing solstice greetings and blessings with friends. Then spent a few hours trying to get Tom to go out on
a walk with me, he was scared I'd drag him 10km again so I had to promise him only 5km to get him out of
the house lol (I turned the app off for about half a km and we allegedly did under 5km... Don't tell him lol)
When I got home the clothes line broke and Neil spent the afternoon buying a new one and fixing it up and
we also bought some new deck chairs after Andrea's butt fell though the last one. So lots of outdoors
today... Couldn't have the traditional celebration or fires with friends hut can do a nature walk and spend
time in the garden. Andrea decided that in lieu of a fathers day present, she would buy everyone a giant
Indian takeaway (as its one of Neil's favourites)..... So after that we have done very little except look at
each other and go 'stuffed I am' and nod knowingly lol I guess the ancient pagans would have feasted... So
even without my moot friends, I have managed to find the pagan in the everyday things (which I still
maintain is still far more likely to be how ours ancestors did it too)
Day 100
21 June at 21:34
Isolation log - Day 100 - stardate 100 days y'all lol
So today is my 100th day inside.... Also father’s day.... And the second day of Litha festival and Angelo
birthday (a family friend). Today Neil took Tom down to visit his dad and Andrea to empty her student digs
in Cardiff.... And I had the house to myself for a while (doesn't happen often these days).
It was nice that there were lots of step dad and step-daughter times and Tom got to see his dad thanks to
his stepdad. I order Sunday Dinner as a stepdad treat for the hubby.... So that was nice too. I went for my
run, first time for a while as the weather has been so hot that I've been substituting a long walk for the
running when it's over 17 or 18 degrees. Checking my app.... I have ran over 220 kilometers since
lockdown I took a selfie by myself outside by the NHS rainbow window I made so long ago to celebrate.
Having the house to myself and left to my own devices I decided I needed a make over.... So I did my
eyebrows and my make up. Half inspired by the Drag Race show I have been watching a lot of and half
inspired by a friends beautiful new gothic profile picture..... And I guess also inspired by the horns Andrea
bought online and then realised that she is never gonna have an excuse to wear. (and a touch of the
lockdown madness lol) I did my make up for the first time in over 100 days and donned the antlers/horns
and took the some selfies. The husband came home while I was doing the make up and told Andrea I was
clearly basing my look on a clown.... Cheers babe lol
Weirdly after I took off the eyelashes, and the horns and wiped off half the make up, (as I was trying to edit
all the make up all over the sofa out of the backgrounds of the photos) he walked in and said 'you're make
up looks really pretty'.... He is clearly a less is more kinda guy (or he just isn't horny for the horns lol)
Day 101
22 June at 20:39
Corona diary - day 101
After 100 days of sheilding I have decided to change the name of the diary entries, as I haven't been
isolating for months (not since I stopped coughing lol) so it seemed like a misnomer. And trying to find a
way to sum up the day in a few words has gone too. This is the new normal now.... Get used to it people lol
Woke up this morning after having nightmares about my teeth crumbling (it's a common one but not one I
have had in years) Got downstairs & Neil had made me a coffee with coffee mate, clear indicator that there
was no milk left & I would have to try to get the kids to buy some today (first challenge accepted). When I
opened Tom's door the smell let me know that there had been an accident in the night so first job was
getting him showered and changing sheets.... Then the cheeky bugger fell asleep on the sofa while I was
doing all the work... Not impressed
Then the school sent a text message about Tom starting back (I had decided that maybe 1 morning a week
wasn't too high of a risk if it got him focused on his work). The text message was to tell me that now I have
said yes, they are changing the goal posts & it's two days..... So a stressed out phone call to the school
was next on the list.
Then to try to get Andrea to get out of bed & help me get Tom to wake up & do homework.... To go to the
shops & get milk and to help me make decisions about school (she refused to do any of it). And at that
point I broke down..... I rang the helpline number I had. Who then referred me to someone else. (Who
suggested Mind or The Samaritans, I am locked down not frigging mental or suicidal Ffs) and then the third
person I got hold of referred me to the local 'sheilding befriending service'.... So I put down the phone &
wondered if anyone would ever ring back. Turns out them ringing back was quicker than getting my kids to
do anything... And I sat in the bedroom & had a moan to the 'befriending volunteer' until I felt better
Day 102
24 June at 21:27
Corona Diaries - day 102
Woke up at 6 this morning because I still had a bad back from carrying bricks yesterday & i was stressing
about digging in all the bricks on a day when the weather was going to be so hot. So at about half 6 this
morning I was out digging and arranging bricks in the garden and I didn't finish until 9 ..... Kinda told myself
that it was enough of a workout for today and had a shower & put on the coolest dress I could find.
Neil took Tom shopping, Neil has always been into shopping more than the rest of us (but we put up with
his quirks cos he makes a nice cuppa lol) . Tom need some new shoes so that was an excuse to go. Gone
up 2 shoe sizes since lockdown
Having the house to myself I stuck on the latest National Theatre free on YouTube thing... Very much
enjoyed but it was 3 hrs long so it wasn't long til I was interrupted by everyone back. At some point this
morning I had a brain wave & remembered my friend Rosa existed lmao. At the start she said she would
help with any shopping I needed but I sorted out shopping online. However, I have been wanting decorative
stones for the garden for weeks & no one wanted to get them for me..... So Rosa to the rescue, wish I had
thought of this before I did the shake and grow seedlings.... Not sure how they will cope with stones
Neil went to visit his mum & I decided I needed to cook lasagne.... The shopping delivery came today & I
hadn't made the recipes I was planning last week.... Some of the veg wasn't looking like it would last much
longer.... So lasagne had to happen. Halfway through I ran out of pasta sheets so I rang Neil & he had
gone shopping again😮. Little ginger shopaholic had clearly missed the non-essential shops being open lol
(being stuck in I found it interesting to see how it was working in shops he had visited) By 5pm I was fed up
of it being warm & me not having gone for even my usual walk. But no one wanted to come I had a
cold shower, chill & bed x
Day 103
25 June at 22:58
Corona diary - day 103
Today started at 19 degrees at 6am & I was so upset that I hadn't been able to visit the beach yesterday
because everyone said it was busy and I didn't want to risk it. So this morning at 7.30am, I was on my way
to the beach, was lovely to have a paddle (& not too busy ) At 9ish the sea was in, it was 22 degrees,
began getting busy.. So time for home. Tom was quite good to get his homework done today but he has
had so many accidents recently that he had run out of underwear... the nappy tub we use for clothes with
poo on was bursting Most of this morning was spent doing a massive 'poo wash' while Tom did his
biology homework & complained about the heat. He said he was feeling a bit ill but as he always says that
to get out of homework, I didn't think too much of it. By 1pm I had to force him to eat, he was complaining of
a headache and I was worried he was dehydrated
By 2pm he was having mood swings & I thought maybe he just needed to have a lay down/nap or
something..... At 4pm I went to check on him but he had thrown up everywhere & moved himself into my
bed. Learning moment - high sleeper beds really do look cool & make space in box rooms but if you vomit
over the side... It really does disperse on the way down. So I put him in a cool shower while I cleaned up....
And put his rug & everything in the wash It's been a big washing day.... worrying about Tom (although I
think it's mainly the heat, its not good for anyone the temperature it's been recently) Hopefully with some
Fluids & a good night sleep he will be fine.... But will be keeping an extra eye on him tomorrow just in case.
By the time I had cleaned up, the hubby was home and I hadn't eaten all day.... So food, online shopping
for extra pants and then time to chill with Andrea and watch rubbish TV. 10 30pm & 21 degrees, my
neighbour just called me to get my clothes in cos the storm is coming.
Me and Andrea in the garden watching the lightening. Perfect ending
Day 104
26 June at 22:15
Corona diaries - day 104
Woke up this morning to find an ill Tom asleep on the sofa. Spent a lot of time today trying to get Tom to
drink more water, healthy fluids and lots of them. Decided to do some baking before Tom's speech and
language session... But the parchment paper caught fire on the back of the cooker and the 'healthy protein'
ingredients didn't melt into a cookie shape and I burnt my finger on the baking tray.... Was not my finest
moment for baking.
Ended up being late to the online meeting for speech and language and having to sit with my burnt finger in
cold water while Tom and his teacher had IT issues in the end it was decided that they should try again
another time. After that me and Andrea worked together to get Tom to focus and try to catch up with the
homework he has been putting off all week and was too ill to do yesterday. (there was a lot) Andrea
managed to save a bee that was buzzing by the window and let it out to live another day... We took a photo
obvs lol
Then they both went to the shop to get cheese for a recipe I wanted to do this afternoon.... But came back
with so much junk food that no one was cooking, they also stuff their face with more on the way home.
I ended up doing all their cleaning jobs while they were out at the shops too because we had all been so
focused on Tom's backlog of homework to do it
When they got back Neil was home from work and it wasn't long before we discovered that the real reason
Tom was on the sofa this morning.... He had wet the bed and made up a bed on the floor in his room and
then wet that (for a kid who apparently hadn't had enough fluids lol) So a lot of the evening was taken up
with stripping the beds and making sure everything was anti-bac washed.
Then..... A bit of time eating some of the junk food the kids bought - screw the diet, it's been a tough few
days... Maybe I should offer the washing machine some chocolate, bless it, it must be easily as fed up of all
this as I am at the moment lol
Day 105
27 June at 20:48
Corona diaries - day 105
So this morning, the tumble dryer decided to pack in (if you have been following my posts you will know
that my washer and dryer have tough lives) and there was much stress from the bloke about it..... In the
end I suggested we go out and let it cool down and hope it’s just over heated.
I fancied getting a little walk in but am fed up of the same circuits of the same places so we went to the
edge of the 5 mile radius and drove to the Park. Went for a walk in the woods, was a bit drizzly but that just
made everything smell of the earth after rain and was refreshing after the extreme heat of the week. It was
so perfect I almost cried. We wanted to walk up to the stone, where the views of the area are amazing...
But once we got into the wooded area around the old iron age Fort, I suggested we visit where my friend’s
ashes were scattered. I was shocked I remembered the way so easily as I had only been shown it once in
the dark. I stood by the tree saying 'I think it's this one' and 'I'm sure it's this one' until Neil said, there's a
painted rock in the roots take it out and look you can always put it back (I assumed it was one of the ones
from a hide and seek game for kids)... When I turned it over and saw her name and details and knew I had
the right tree, I will admit I broke down crying (I bloody loved that woman)Then we made our way to the
Stone, got a little lost first... We hadn't been there long before the mist came in and the wind picked up and
it started to shower, so we headed back to the carpark.
When we got home Andrea had been sorting through her boxes from college & throwing old stuff away to
make room for new so I spent a while helping with that. Ordered a take away for food, had a chat to my
family on Facebook messenger. And now I am chilling with my knitting & a film.... Sorted
(BTW the tumble dryer did just need to cool down & was working again by the time we got home too 😃)
Day 106
28 June at 20:54
Corona diaries - day 106
Injection day today so not fully on my game. It always plays in my mind and makes me feel a bit stressed
before and headachy afterwards. Spent a while this morning on the Disney website trying to work out what
is going on with the holiday we booked..... Think we will be postponing it for a while.
Then the Internet stopped working and I spent hours on the virgin media website (using my phone contract
data) trying to fix it before ringing them.... They are sending an engineer out on Wednesday, but we have
had to hard reset our modem 3 times in the last few weeks and twice today (so 5 times).. Think it needs
replacing. By the time that was done the hubby was back from his mums and keen to go for a walk.... So
we went for a little stroll down to the beach but it was so windy that the sand was blasting at your face and
we decided to quit, he went in the shop for take away coffees and we walked home.
I saw online that lidl were doing garden stuff so I sent him over to see if they had a shade and I kinda
fancied a hammock .... Have to wait for nice weather now to put them up
Just realised I haven't taken any photos today... You ain't missing much honest lol
Me and Tom cleaned his room and the hubby made food and now me and Andrea are laying around
watching telly while Tom watches YouTube and Neil does his hiding in the bedroom with his vinyl spinning,
goth boy thing Had a fun chat with the family on the daily messenger catch up and now I'm ready to lay
around knitting and watching lady boys (I'm on RuPaul season 5 now) until bedtime..... So its ladyboys and
knitting it is lol
Day 107 Did not write a diary entry that day
Day 108
30th June
Corona diaries - day 108
Didn't get around to writing it last night as I was so physically and mentally exhausted.
Spent the morning stressing about and getting paperwork ready for a meeting online at 10.30....was barely
out of that before an important call... Then time for a quick snack before Tom speech therapy session and
barely time for a cup of tea before straight into volunteer club. Feel like my feet barely touched the ground
and it was all intensely difficult stuff that left me brain drained. Got out of that at 5 30-6ishh with a sore
throat and having lost the will to live if I'm honest. And then sat on the sofa unable to articulate until Neil ran
me a bath, which I almost fell asleep in. Got out.... More complete shutdown, physically unable to speak or
think or scroll through social media or focus on television shows. My family rang for the usual group chat... I
apologised for being too knackered to speak.... Then went back to laying on the sofa feeling tired
Kids went to bed and I was about to go myself when the news came on so I stared at that for an extra
hour.... Even though I should have just gone to bed. Finally got to bed at 11ish. Trying to get back into the
new routine ready to send Tom back to school for 3 hours on Thursday.... Might be the death of me
July 2020
Day 109
2 July at 06:51
Corona diaries - day 109
Totally didn't get around to yesterday's diary entry. But did pluck up the courage to put my name for a 5
minute stand up spot, so I was doing that instead. I am finding it really hard to 'find the funny' at the
moment with the lockdown easing & concerns about the dangers that are being ignored. The news that
more & more is opening despite figures being where they were when lockdown started.. Worries me.
The Asda delivery came yesterday morning, I have got the hang of setting it for 'no substitutes', so I saved
a tenner and have pretty much forgotten what it was that hasn't come anyway so did I really need it?
(bread, I did really need bread, it dumb forgetting bread lol) & I learnt how to complain about when veg
comes already rotten... I took photos but they didn't need them
Spent the day trying to ring about the Disney trip we booked, it's less than 30 days away now and I don't
want to take the risks. And filling in forms to send to doctors.... Not the most fun day ever lol
Then in the afternoon a virgin media guy came out to fix the modem. They don't fix it, they just replace it, I
stayed in the other room but I could still hear my husband joking about how he isn't really bothering with
most of the covid rules. I tried not to cry or dwell on it, it’s too scary that I am at risk and he thinks it’s a joke,
because apparently he doesn't know anyone at his work who has caught it and there are thousands there.
(I am assuming that if someone does get it, they don't parade them around in a T-shirt with 'contagious' on
the front as an example to others, I think they just quietly send them home, but it's just a guess)
They I had to get my head around being funny. Didn't get as many laughs as some on the show (to be fair
some did the same old set they've done for months.... Maybe I should trot out the same jokes over and over
until they get better?)... But, it was nice to see the comedy gang
Late going to bed after chatting to them though
Day 110
2 July at 22:06
Corona diaries - day 110
Got up super early this morning to make sure Tom was fed and psyched up ready for his 3 hours of
school.... Hope they reinforced in him the importance of doing the homework. Did my run after I dropped
him off and felt much better for it.... Been finding it hard to find the motivation but I i do love it and feel better
for it when I do get out there and do it.... Glad that taking him to school lit the fire under me to do it
My new phone turned up today.... So there has been a lot of making sure all the right passwords are in all
the right apps and joyfully reconnecting with apps I hadn't had space for, for years like Timehop and all
the memories and some of my more addictive time wasting games lol
Andrea went to go pick Tom up and they went to the shops on the way home.... Big mistake cos my fridge
is already heaving I asked Tom how school went but nothing he said made sense so I kinda gave up
it was too many people but not many people but the class was all the same only different and there were
people he knew there but there weren't.... Like in said... I couldn't quite work it out lol Then we did some
tidying and I played with my new phone for ages again lol
By 5 ish I even decided I should try out the camera.... But couldn't think of anything to practice on... So the
cat was my model (as usual, he didn't look amused) lol Had a lovely chat to my mum and brother and then
slapped on some food to cook... Chilling and watching telly with Andrea til bed time x
Day 111
4 July at 08:43
Corona diaries - day 111
Yesterday's diary, cos I didn't so it yesterday.
Got up early and walked Tom to school and then went on my run, usually as I run my bad back eases and
gets better but it didn't yesterday which was a worry. I noticed that one of the bushes I pass had the first
blackberries of the season growing on it and later I found some honeysuckle to photograph too (I flipping
love honeysuckle so much). When I got home the back pain was so bad I rang the doctors to ask for
painkillers, I been having some back pain for years, worse since lockdown but being active usually helps...
This new nothing helping thing is new and it concerns me greatly.
Tried to ring the travel agents, after months of paying attention to the answer phone message that says
'only stay on hold if your holiday is booked for the next 30 days'... Not being able to get hold of them when
the holiday is so close is scary. I have sent lots of ignored emails.... So told I sent them a screen shot
proving I'd been waiting on the phone for over 40 minutes and have been trying regularly and I tried to get
them to email me back.
At about 1pm I suddenly remembered that Tom had a speech and language appointment at 1.30 and also
that I had told someone I would meet them at the beach at 2pm. So there was a mad rush to get online and
the rearrange the beach thing.... But as I had already dressed for outdoors by then I didn't really want to put
it off for too long. So after speech and language, I braved the god awful rain and struggle through my
fantastical new back pain issues to get to the beach and pick up the hair dye I had been offered for an
amazing price as she was getting rid (free, whoop whoop).... I did take a photo of how wet I was but could
quite express how stupid the idea seemed as my anorak, jeans and t-shirt were completely soaked through
and walking hurt so much I barely made it home.
Both the kids had gone for a nap while I was out of the house and refused to wake up when I got home...
Much to my annoyance. As I was walking to the beach earlier the doctor rang... Fab timing lol and they said
a prescription for painkillers would be ready for me to pick up but as I was already soaked through twice
(and hurty) I was reluctant to get changed again and rush over there. Andrea and Tom both refused to
wake up and go over for me.... So I was fuming and soaked... When Neil turned up home from work early
lol more great timing lol
Spent most of the evening either moaning about my back or doing stretches trying to improve the
situation.... Neil went to get the prescription in the rain because he is a fricking superhero like that and then
I took some painkillers and felt like I wanted to drink heavily... But I didn't have the calories on left on my
diet app so I used what I had left on chocolate instead lol
Day 112
4 July at 21:48
Corona diaries - day 112
So my back was so bad that I woke up twice in the night when my painkillers ran out.... Got up at 4am and
did some yoga (I keep hoping that I can stretch it out and make it better, always worked in the past... Not so
much this time). Starting to worry I've done something a bit more serious this time. Managed to dose myself
up on enough painkillers to do my little jog.... Last thing I need is to get less exercise and get fatter and
even less fit.... So worth trying to push myself I thought. Was really impressed with how well I done.... Yay
me Came home quite excited for our afternoon plan.... Watching Hamilton with Andrea, she has been
obsessed with it for years so she sang along to parts and pointed out different actors and stuff she had
read about the production etc.... Three fab hours spent with family, even Tom enjoyed (tried to sing along a
few times).
Then I spent a good hour wrestling with sofa covers.... Thinking of taking it up as a new fitness technique
lol Neil made me food while I did some DIY, he loves to Potter round the kitchen if I am fixing something...
Not sure why but if there is a cuppa while I work in it for me then it's all good (and there usually is, so I'm
happy) And then I wasted hours trying to teach Spotify that I don't like Lionel Richie lmao I needed to like a
load of tunes so that it could get an idea for what music I like.... It took ages but I'm hoping it will be worth it
next time I am out running And now I'm officially switching off for the evening.... Pj's and chill
Day 113
5 July at 20:23
Corona Diaries - day 113
Went out for my run today and bumped into Captain Beany (local eccentric and total legend but also a very
nice bloke and good mate) doing a sponsored walk... 26 miles he was planning to do along the sea front
this morning so I spent an hour or so walking with him for company.... Tried to keep my distance (he
touched my arm at one point and I worried a little but other than that it wasn't too bad). Eventually I thought
I should head home though and jogged back to the house and had a shower.
Neil was worried about booking in at the rubbish dump to help his mum with some stuff once he is off work
next.. So I sorted that out (there were several phone calls, you have to list everything your bringing.. Bit daft
really) We had a long chat about the holiday we had booked, I wanted to postpone it until after I have
finished sheilding, he insisted I was being daft because the virus will still be about 2 weeks later so I should
go anyway. I don't fancy wondering around the holiday terrified of being at risk, that's not a holiday is it
He said if I am being so pedantic about the letter, what if we postpone and I get another letter or we put it
off until October but the second wave comes. Basically no matter how much I wanted to postpone, the
options he wanted was go before the shielding date is up or cancel he said postponing it would be too
difficult for him to organise with work and that he didn't really want to go with me if I am going to be 'like
that' about it (I don't really consider protecting myself from a very real danger as me being super 'difficult' or
a bad person?) ..... So with a very heavy heart... I've emailed to tell them to cancel it.... I'm gutted, it’s like
taking away the thing I was most looking forward to once all this was over. Haven't really been able to
pick up my mood since, despite having take away for tea... Totally gutted. Tried to watch the national
theatre play but my heart wasn't in it.... Put on a drama I have been watching but couldn't really keep my
mind on it so I've turned it off... Bloody stupid football on now and I'm almost too miserable to care.
There is nothing I feel like doing now. Just sat here feeling sad and it sucks
Day 114
6 July at 21:18
Corona diaries - day 114
Didn't sleep much last night again with my back sore so I slept in until 8am this morning, got straight into
my running clothes with the intention of going straight out.... That didn't happen.Tom got up early and I got
distracted by making a cuppa, and then emails and the next thing I know it was half 9 and I still hadn't gone
running so I headed out. Was really impressed with myself, best I've done since the weather cooled and I
started going again.... The new playlist helped and I really enjoyed it.
Came home and Tom had done one bit of homework and put his feet up so I had to re-focus him a little.
Andrea supervised some maths while I took a phone call that lasted ages... And by the time I got off the
phone I just about had time to eat before it was time to start preparing for volunteer club.... Designing
posters for events and getting questions ready for our quiz. After the quiz, Neil came home and it was time
to chill. I have been utterly obsessed with Micheala Coel, what an amazing writer and actress, so I have
been boxsetting "I will Destroy you" and "chewing gum" and "black rising"....all at the same time lol finished
"I will destroy you" this evening and am halfway through season 2 of bubble gum....
Keep meaning to make time for some animal crossing but not managing it... So think I will try to play some
of that before bed
Day 115
7 July at 21:41
Corona diaries - day 112 ( I think, losing count again)
***EDIT 13th July *** its actually day 115***
I usually keep count of my diary days when I collate them for the university study, but I forgot to do it this
week, so I'm not sure if my count is accurate now lol
Didn't go for my run today because I was working from home.... Had a super productive day researching
new finds and trying to build links and networks with funders
Feel like I spent a lot of time doing washing today... Specifically getting stains out of duvet covers that
Andrea brought back from uni (I'm definitely packing her some oxi stain stuff next term lol)
Tom had some cool homework for sports week were different teachers set challenges, so I joined in with
that at lunch break.... I beat him at 'how many figure 8 squats can you do in 30 secs' (reminded me of kettle
bell sessions back when I used to go to the gym, only without the weights)... He beat me at 'how long can
you hold the yoga tree pose', I'm so disappointed in me lol but it was fun
After work I made chocolate brownies that really didn't last long.... Kids attacked them like locusts lol
Had a fab family chat because my beautiful great niece came on the chat and played games with the
filters... She's lush, 4 and half is a lush age Did my online shopping... Hugely amused by the website not
letting me buy 4 when the deal is 4 for £2... But not as amused as I was by lynx Africa and marmite
deodorant... World's gone mad lol Now I'm gonna watch more drag race with Andrea by the looks of it
(she's put it on while I am typing) so that's my plan between now and bed time lol.
Day 116
9 July at 06:44
Corona diaries - day 116
Forgot the diary last night, wonder what I would have thought at the start of all this is someone had said it
would last this long... Crazy. Weather was drizzly for my run yesterday with low laying cloud.... Thought I
would try a different app for my running as I am not losing weight even with a 400 cal deficit so possibly the
figures on the running app for calories are out......used both today the usual one and the new one and the
new one said 200 cals less used, so I was right. Can't get the new one to sync up with my diet app
correctly, and that's the reason I chose it, so that's disappointing but I'll keep trying.
Decided to do some baking yesterday as the shopping cam and I wanted to use up some veg left from last
week... Peppers, courgette, onions, cherry tomatoes and puff pastry all got chucked into what Tom called a
'pizza pie' but was more like a quiche.... Seemed to go down well, Tom said it was nice.. The hubby said it
was 'not bad actually' and went back for seconds (which is high praise, for him).... So I'm gonna call that a
The cinnamon twists I made with the left over pastry were less successful and the chocolate ones were a
disaster, all the chocolate melted and they all welded together into one big chocolate blob... Which to be
fair, I cut into chunks and still tasted lovely, but they weren't twists lol Got sucked into a kind of boxsetting
hypnosis with a show on iplayer called 'the secrets she keeps'... Planned to watch a few episodes but
ended up watching the whole series in one go (highly recommend) And played some animal crossing.... My
island had a meteor shower and I sat and watched shooting stars before bed... Very cute end to the day
Day 117
9 July at 23:04
Corona diaries - day 117
Been 16 weeks sheilding now, wish I could say time has flown but it hasn't lol watching everyone else have
their lockdown eased while I am stuck in is making me a jealous bitter witch... It's fun lol.
Looked up average running times and it seems that my super slow running that I want to improve so badly
is actually above average for a woman of my age.... Whoop whoop... Go me lol Downloaded a new 'pacing'
app, I thought they were only good for people who needed to slow down but it really did help me focus
more on my pace and feel like I was getting more of a work out from my run.
Walked Tom to school and started my run from there this morning... Then I came home and Andrea picked
him up a few hours later. I made burritos for the first time properly today.... They weren't bad but it was hard
work having to cook all the veg separate for fussy eaters so they aren't gonna be a favourite in order house
I don't think.
Started sewing together the patches I've been knitting during lockdown to make my covid blanket.... Andrea
says the black and white colour scheme makes her think if the queen of hearts in the Alice in wonderland
books (nice) Watched 'the luminaries' while I worked, would also recommend
Animal crossing and then the end of a long and active day
Day 118
11 July at 11:00
Corona diaries - day 118
Dropped Tom off in school and starting running towards the beach, the weather was so nice and the sky so
blue, seemed a shame not too Stopped for a hit on the deserted beach to practice taking weird photos
with the new phones camera lol and then jogged home.
Started baking some apple crumble in the afternoon, when Andrea came in and reminded me I had
promised her I'd cook my brownies (this time with chocolate chips in).... I had it all prepared and ready to
shove on the oven just in time for the alarm to remind me about Tom's speech therapy appointment (thank
goodness for Alexa)
Speech therapy went well, she seems happy with his progress.... I still feel like he only speaks at the
speech tharapy sessions really and he needs to practice more.. But you can't force a kid to speak can you?
After speech therapy I finished the baking and worked a little on the knitting.... Realised I need about 8
extra red patches before I can sew the next bit of the rug that's on the quarantine to do list still.
Watched Mrs America in the evening, a part of American feminist history that I was completely unaware
of.... Was an interesting watch and so many great actresses too. I wonder how accurate the portrayal of
some of the more famous characters was.. But still a fab watch.
And then it was time for bed before I knew it
Day 119
12 July at 22:34
Corona diaries - day 119
So this morning instead of taking my exercise locally, we took advantage of the fact that the 5 mile rule has
gone and drove to the millennial coastal walk in Llanelli.... I remembered it being quiet and wide for social
distancing... Turns out my memories were not a true reflection of a summer day when the sea is in lol
It was beautiful and a lovely walk, made a beautiful change and hard to describe how nice it was to be
outside the usual 5 mile zone... Even if there are still a lot of rules to follow The lovely people on the
gardening page said they were free plants going so I went straight out to pick them up from outside a
friend's house
Wanted some company on the garden for my planting so decided to put up the hammock and sail shade
thing I bought a few weeks back... The hammock was great, the sail shade was basically a meltdown
waiting to happen lol it didn't work out well and we all gave up in the end. Hey, can't have it all the
hammock was a great success Managed to get the planting done... It looks a bit sorry for itself... But it's
in there lol let's hope it grows into something lovely by next summer.
My Aunty said she was coming over to drop something off from a social distance.... So I got to have a chat
with her that wasn't on a video call Then we ordered pizza and watched the Trueman Show
Day 120
13th July
Corona diaries - day 120
Got up early and got out the garden the lay in the hammock because the kids seem to hog it all day lol
(best thing I ever bought until the novelty wears off or the rain comes lol)
Spent some of the morning dying my hair too, wasted a lot of time mixing blue dye into the red that I had...
Disappointingly it hasn't made purple. Red is OK I guess but its not my favourite colour to be and it takes
ages to cover properly when I do use my lovely blues and purples guess I just have to live with the red
for a few weeks.... Sad but happening whether I like it or not.
What else did I do yesterday? Lol. Not much... Joined Reddit.... Watched a fab 'fake' documentary with the
husband about the Kemp brothers from Spandex Ballet (I dunno how it's spelled, not a huge fan)... The the
mockumentary was very funny.
Spent some time researching the rules for sheilding people and what the new rules are likely to be in
August... Something to look forward too
Hubby's turn to make food, which was lush... Lots of washing.... Finished boxsetting Mrs America
(interesting lesson from American feminist history) and that's about it I think.
Day 121
14 July at 06:59
Corona diaries - day 121
Woke up to some great running advice from the running group I joined on Reddit, about my issues with
pace.... They all seem to think I am pushing myself to achieve too much, too fast.
Managed to get all the garden stuff packed away before the rain started and time my run perfectly so that I
was running in the light rain.... I really enjoy running in the rain, its cooling and refreshing... I guess its
natural for a Welsh girl, it does rain more than its hot in this country lol
Tom did really well with his homework and Andrea cracked on with her steam punk laptop repair project
(there's a photo, it's coming along fab). While me and Tom had an annual review meeting with the school,
was lovely to see some of his teachers and hear how proud of his work they are.
Then Andrea cooked us some Mexican food quickly in between meetings and I managed to get a taco into
me off camera lol Then it was straight into the connect session... The theme this week was dungeons and
dragons and we all began to build characters and tried to start a little campaign... I think it went well
After 2 hours of that, I decided to try to spend some time collating my diary stuff ready to send off to the
University. Feels like ages since I sat down and worked out what day I was even on lol and once I got all
the days in order and the numbers edited, I was shocked to find that I was on day 121.... That's 17
weeks.... Over 16 weeks... More than 4 months of living like this, only out once a day for a walk, working
from home, careful of so much and if course thank to the shielding letter... Still not allowed in busy places,
shops and shared bathrooms even when they do open. It's one month and 2 days till my sheilding letter
runs out and I am counting the days to find out about new rules, maybe to be allowed a bit more freedom....
BUT I've been here before, I counted the days to the last one and found that they just sent a new one with
a new date on.
The husband came in from work soaked while I was working on the diaries, in the front room that is now me
and Tom's office. Bless him, he was dripping wet... But by the time I finished work he was showered and in
his pj's so I kinda missed it lol
Then it was PJs and Andrea came down and we watched some drag race.... I can't believe how much of
this show there is I have watched 11 American seasons in the last few weeks... Now we are watching the
first UK season, they are advertising a Canadian season and I haven't seen the American season 12....
Then there's who knows how many seasons of 'all stars' that I wouldn't mind seeing but I don't think I would
bother with the other spin off shows as there are far too many of them. Far too many... Feel like I've wasted
far too much on my life on what is basically nonsense already lol
But it's nice to hang out with Andrea.... So it's happening lol
Day 122
14 July at 21:27
Corona diaries - day 122
Up early ready to work from home today. Kinda nervous about a meeting to discuss the square this
afternoon. Tom finished all of this week’s homework already, so we made him go over and improve the
work he had done today and we were really proud of his work ethic today. Andrea wasn't feeling like
working on her laptop restoration, but she was feeling like ordering Baguettes for lunch rather than cook....
My salad bowl was lush and I was very impressed with by the daytime delivery baguette place she found
The meeting this afternoon went OK... I wanted to rush to report info back to co-workers and there were a
few concerns but I'm sure it will all work out for the best Emailed my diary entries to the corona diaries
after work, so that one less thing to worry about... Talking of which I managed to find some new running
trainers online, because my old ones have been falling apart but because I haven't been able to visit any
shops to try any on.... I've kinda coped... Dreading them coming and not fitting or something but hopefully
will be fine
Order a tower adapted for plugs and USBs and it arrived today.... So I spent an hour or so after work
fiddling with cables behind the living room units like I was wrestling with spaghetti, I don't understand why
my husband seems to love fiddling with all the wires behind his stereo... Cos it really wasn't a thrill or
anything. Just time consuming lol And then I couldn't be bothered to cook tea because I was still stuff from
the lunch Andrea had ordered earlier..... So made a cuppa and had a snack.... Now its time to put my feet
up for the evening
Day 123
15 July at 22:29
Corona diaries - day 123
Wednesday morning is the day the usual shopping delivery comes.... So that happened this morning lol
As usual I got at least one item ordered wrong lol for some reason I had twice as much bread as I needed
or thought I had ordered. Went out on my run thinking about how to use up various ingredients that I had
too much be fair, felt like I kinda struggled with the run this morning.... Still stressing about my pace,
so I finally got round to ordering a heart rate monitor (that isn't a cheap knock off from China lol) it's
preloved but the online reviews looked good so fingers crossed it will help me pace my runs better.
Got home and decided to make bread and butter pudding with the loads of extra bread.... I have never
cooked or eaten or even tasted bread and butter pudding... So it was quite the challenge. It always
sounded mingling to me but to be fair it was very nice. I also had a jar of carnation caramel that I opened by
accident.... So I found a recipe for millionaires shortbread (another one I've never cooked before but at
least I had tasted one lol) ... The caramel was a little too gooey but that might be because everyone was
munching them before they had enough time to cool, the recipe said over night ha ha ha... As if anyone is
that patient... Not in my house anyway lol
After all that cooking I was thinking I never wanted to go into the kitchen again when the husband walked
downstairs and asked what's for tea lmao... So I was almost crying making a chicken Stir Fry cos I didn't
want to be doing it so badly lol After tea I went to check on my baking and found that someone had already
had a taste so it seemed like a good idea to offer some round as dessert.
Tom went to his room to watch YouTube and Andrea wanted to watch some drag race and even brought
her sketch book down to do some doodles..... So I figured I should get crafty while I watched too, so I spent
my time decorating a rock for ones of those community snakes. There's one on my route when I run along
the docks and one on my usual close to home run... So I decorated one stone for each snake while we
watched drag race and ate gooey shortbread.
Day 124
16 July at 20:36
Corona diaries - day 125
So this morning on the way to school, we stopped by the local snake to add our stones to it. Love the
community spirit the snakes symbolise Then I dropped Tom off and went for my run along the sea front,
still haven't got around to adding another app to help with my pacing... But on a friends advice I have
ordered a heart rate monitor (guess I just have to learn how that all works now cos to me it's just a load of
numbers/graphs on an app...genuinely confused about why I should by one and what difference some
charts are going to make)
My last-minute realisation that I hadn't ordered cheese yesterday results in visiting the Iceland website
yesterday and getting sucked into various deals, so there was an Iceland delivery today that I was kind of
panicking wouldn't fit in the freezer and cupboards
When it came, me and Andrea worked on our Jenga skills and our Tetris skills to wedge it all in lol
Then later in the afternoon my Nordic hiking poles turned up.... I am far more excited about these than I
should be lol Andrea couldn't really understand my excitement but I really have wanted some for years. (I
decided to look for some cheap ones online and spoil myself).... Honestly..... So excited.... Highlight of my
day lol
The government announced that once my shielding letter comes to an end, in a month's time, there won't
be another one.... That will be a break in shielding..... Such good news one month until I can go to a shop
if I want too or use a public bathroom or any of the other stuff that the non-shielding are all out doing. Crazy
Day 125
17 July at 19:01 ·
Corona diaries - day 124
The day started well, sort of Tom was super excited to go to his dad's later.... I got Tom to school early and
headed off on my run, I had forgotten to take the painkillers that keep me going since my back started
playing up and forgotten my water bottle... So I was almost thinking fo turning back.... But it began to drizzle
a little and I do love running in the warm summer rain. Didn't last long but at least I came home knowing I
had done my run.
My running heart rate watch thing arrived so I spent some time setting that up and being happy to look
around the new app and functions while Andrea went to pick Tom up. When they got back Andrea said that
there was problem with the lift their dad had sorted out for them.... So, I had to contact everyone in Tom's
D&D group and let them know that Tom wasn’t coming... Some seemed more disappointed than others and
some just didn't reply (a theme for my day it seems). The general consensus was to cancel the session and
I was kinda gutted.
By the time I had made food it was time for Tom to have his speech therapy session online. There was a
message online to say that someone had some paving slabs to give away so I messaged to see if they
would deliver... They said no so I asked online if anyone could pick them up for me (I knew without asking
that the husband wouldn't, it's the sort of thing he starts arguments about so best not to even try I've learnt)
I spent most of Tom's speech therapy lesson in a panic about packing all his clothes for his dad's... Who
was picking him up not long after the session. As I was packing the husband came home and confirmed
there was no way he would pick up the slabs lol I knew it lol but my cousin had said that maybe he and his
dad would do it... He would ask his dad when he got home. So when his dad got home I was expected to
immediately be able to get hold of the guy who placed the add and get details... That wasn't happening (the
guy replied 3 hours later)... By then the offer had been taken away and I had no one to pick the slabs up
The kids went to their dads... Almost cried with relief at the thought of my first proper break/respite in 4
months. I'm the meantime I went back to trying to attach my Garmin to my fitness pal and map my run.... It
just sent me in circles of login page after log in page after change my password emails and full circle
again... Deleting and reinstalling apps... Turning things off and back on again and trying not to scream at
the phone.
Got a very lovely and positive phone call amongst all the frustration but my phone decided it would only
work in the garden so I was trapped in the garden for a rather long chat.... Wasn't a total loss though...
Managed to pick some blackberries while I was out there lol Whole I was on the phone my new running
trainers arrived.... So that was nice. And another friend offered to pick up the slabs tomorrow.... Things
were looking up
Messaged the guy and he got back to me straight away...... To tell me they were gone, someone was
picking them up tonight So much frustration for nothing So I made myself some tea and went back to
arguing with my fitness pal and Garmin connect (or doesn't connect as I think would be a more apt
name)..... Spent another hour going in circles..... Finally manage to get them to accept each other at make
friend at 8pm. All in all... A forgetful and frustrating day with occasional positive moments, gifts and phone
calls ... Oh and blackberries lol
Day 126
18 July at 22:25 ·
Corona diaries - day 126
Had a lovely lay in today, so lovely to have a few days without the teenagers here, got to have some time
together as a couple and it was lovely.
Went up a local mountain for a long stroll/hike, was lovely up there.... We used to hike up there a lot when
we first met and before my plantifaciopathy got really bad and effected my fitness and ability to walk. So it
was a bit like old times up there, the walk we used to do is no longer signposted but with the help of all
manner of apps we managed to find most of the paths on maps and despite not finding the old ruins of a
deserted farm house we used to walk past a lot.... We still had a lovely walk.
I tried using a new app but now I have so many walking and running and hiking apps that I genuinely forgot
to use some of them. When I logged the end of the walk on the app, in the car on the way home, I was
feeling pretty chuffed with myself until I scrolled down and my sister had walked this morning and between
me by about 5km.....sibling rivalry never dies.... So I felt like she had totally kicked by butt today lol
But it's all good exercise and lovely to have time out with the hubby doing the stuff we have always both
enjoyed and the things that have always brought us together. Came home and my calorie app said I'd burnt
enough calories for a big English breakfast, so we had one delivered lol stuffed our faces... Was a very nice
end of a lovely time
Then I watched the latest National Theatre live on YouTube with my feet up and was going to put a film on
but #comedylopez was starting. So I tuned into Iggy’s quiz night for the first time in weeks, drew emojis with
my teeth and generally had a very silly time. Thoroughly enjoyed... But time for bed now I think lol.
Day 127
19 July at 21:08 ·
Corona diaries - Day 127
Another day without the teens in the house and specifically Tom who doesn't seem like hard work but
sometimes he is. Was lovely to have another day with the better half and I will definitely miss him when he
is in work all day tomorrow... But I am looking forward to some time to myself too.
After having a few issues with my plantafacitis this week I tried to have a rest day today... Was hard
because it’s nice to get out for a run, and it's become a part of my routine that I enjoy a lot.
Spent most of this morning trying to organise peer support for the family of a young autistic teen who is
unhappy with their gender and pronouns.... And felt very pleased to have found them a befriender a few
years older who can support via text messages To me that's a very successful morning (love my work)
Then the hubby got back from his mums and surprised me by suggesting a trip to the Bwlch because he
fancied an ice cream (he usually dislikes ice cream and we live up the road from an ice cream shop)... But
I'm never one to reject an offer of desert (as you can tell by my figure lol) It was a lovely drive out.... It's so
easy to forget the beauty that we are lucky to be surrounded by in Wales and as always the scenery was
awe inspiring .... I took photos but they never really do it justice.... And the ice cream was OK too lol
Came home and wanted a run but Neil made food and I distracted myself by learning about running heart
rates and MAF training. I think I have been accidently MAF training for months if I'm honest but the test will
be tomorrow when I do my first run with the heart rate monitor... Looking forward to that Found
Hinterland on Netflix and tried again to watch it.... The scenery is lovely and its so rare to hear so may
Welsh accents in a show but other than that it has little to offer with all the characters being dour, creepy
and guarded.... Yet again I could not manage to keep interested.
So I am watching The Duchess on iplayer... I thought I had seen it before but I'm not so sure now...
Enjoying it though Planning to watch the documentary about the Welsh recording studio on iplayer next
and then bed. So nice not to have to worry about when the teens are awake or asleep, are they fed or not,
have they snuck their tech upstairs and will they be up and down in the night or sneaking around looking for
snacks. I am sure I sleep easier not having it all on my mind and I am looking forward to sleeping well and
feeling rested in the morning for the first time in a while.
Sweet dreams all xxx
Day 128
20 July at 20:36 ·
Corona diaries - Day 128
So much for my lie in, I was awake at 6 like usual and spent and hour trying to go back to sleep before
giving up at 7ish Went out for a run in my new trainers, was excited about it until I got past the first km and
realised they will need breaking in lol We really weird leaving the house for my run today and actually
needing to lock the door, and take keys... With the kids not being here means that the house has been
empty today for the first time in four months... Weird isn't it?
The MAF training was actually even too slow for me and eventually I gave up and just ran at my usual
speed... But when an older lady power walking over took me, instead of feeling bad, I checked my heart
rate and thought 'I'm actually working harder than I should be'.. Which was a good feeling so it achieved
something I guess lol
Got home and my watch had estimated that I had run 10k but my app said 5k so I had to spend a while
trying to work out for to adjust the settings... Fun times lol.
The volunteers meeting was less fun tonight, feel like there are less and less people coming now that
lockdown has eased, and the weather is nicer (think they are all enjoying being able to go out)
By the end of the meeting I was yawning and starving..... Wishing I had made more effort with the lie in and
got round to eating too lol So I stuffed my face and the hubby came in from work.
So after a chat and a cuddle I spent some time trying our a website that does your star chart.... Apparently
Libra was in Uranus when was born... Still don't believe it means much but it entertained me for a bit while I
re-watched the 'Rockfield' documentary that I was too tired to take in the other night. Family chat was nice...
Andrea never shows up but she did tonight so that made a nice change. Now I am wondering watch to
watch on telly... I feel like I have run out of stuff on Netflix and iplayer... Might try prime.. Bound to be
something isn't there?
Might have an early night... Would do me good I think
Day 129
Corona diaries - day 129
Failed to have a lie in again today.... Kids will be back and my chance will be gone before I know it.
Working from home day today, was quite productive... Spent the morning in a conference call with the boss
and creating a worksheet on 'how to set up a zoom meeting' for some of the people we work with and
support.... Then I realised that if I went old school and used a pen and paper I could do some of my work
on the hammock in the garden. Best idea ever, working from home, so tough lmao
Until I got too wrapped in the work and realised, I was going a bit pink.... Then back inside for a zoom
meeting. Finished work late and starving... So I tried to make a Quiche with the roasted Mediterranean veg
I made yesterday.... But I forgot some ingredients and it ended up as a really bland sort of vegetarian
omelette wrapped in puff pastry... Worst meal I've made since lockdown (thank god there was an
emergency salad that Neil had throw together in the fridge lol)
By half seven it still felt too warm for a run but also a bit late.... So I decided to get into my pj's and give up
on the rest of the evening. Watching Tales from the City, which I started ages ago but found the themes a
bit adult for when the kids were around, so maybe I can finish before they get back from their dads.
Best I get back to my viewing I guess lol Night night
Day 130
Corona diaries - day 130
Feels like I didn't stop much today and when I did I almost fell asleep lol.
Early morning online shopping delivery was late but arrived eventually, he was held up by a change in rule
for bags or something.
This weeks shopping error meant I bought 2 cucumbers, seems a lot but unlike last week's error is much
harder to bake a dessert out of lol. By the time the shopping was put away I had to rush to fit my run in
before work.... Managed to improve my pace a little according to strava so maybe all training is working...
Still a long way to go though I think, before I can run comfortably and do 10k in under an hour.
Got home with enough time for a shower and change, put some make up on and meeting ahoy.... Good
times. Then by the time I put the washing on the line Neil was back from his mums with stuff to cook for
tea... So I cooked tea... And we sat around stuffed for a bit until I thought I was gonna drop off to sleep.
Quick cuppa to caffeinate me and I've lasted until now so that's good.
Not long til bedtime.... Can't find my animal crossing and am assuming that the kids took them both to their
dads? Find out tomorrow when they come home I guess lol
Gonna do some knitting and then quietly happily go to bed the first chance I get lol.
Day 131
Corona diaries - day 131
Today I finally managed to get that lie in and didn't get out of bed until 8.30/9 am ish... Chuffed with that...
Must have needed it is an understatement
Was ready to go for my run at 9am but got sucked into some Facebook drama and planning with a group I
am in. By the time I got out there the drizzle was apon us which is was very happy about..... I am quite sure
that I will hate running in drizzle when it is winter and the rain is cold and biting.... But today it was lovely
and I decided to take the route along the docks and the back along the beach.
The beach was quiet with only a few runners around, one shouted 'you're doing awesome, keep at it' as I
went past which was really motivating and made me smile a hit wider for the next mile or so.
Then I came home and started wondering about when the kids would be back.... Planning what I would do
with them first when they got home etc what I should do in advance and what should wait until their return.
In reality they got home at about half 5 and buggered off to their rooms.... So all my plans were worthless
and now I am sat watching telly alone lol Sometimes I wonder why I bother missing them lol
Am finishing watching 'Black Earth Rising' tonight I think
Day 132
Corona diaries - day 132
What a flipping productive day. After yesterday when there seemed like there was a disturbance in the
force, people going into hospital and a myriad of bad news all round. Today has been really energised and
loads done.
Was about to go for my run this morning when I got a batsignal from work to help access a funding
account... Problems with email addresses or passwords or some such. So I got online and felt like 'hacker
man' trying to break the code.... We got in eventually and the bid got sent off without problems in the end.
Went for my run and had the urge to write to a lady I met online last week who I boxed me talking about the
wonders of old fashioned pen pals.... So I put it on my 'to do soon list'. And then for the first time in months I
was inspired to write some comedy, so I put my run on pause and sat on a bench by the beach writing
some notes on my phone for what might turn into a 5 minute slot..... Super chuffed with that as I haven't
really been very inspired to write since lockdown.
When I put my running apps back on I did struggle a little and when I finished my run I turned off my
Huawei app but couldn't find my run on my Strava so assumed it had shut it self off by accident at some
point.... No problem. Got home and Neil had come home from work early ready for the long drive to pick up
Glenn tomorrow I was guessing but I wasn't gonna let him slow my stride.... So I started the big clean.... I
always like to do a big clean when Glenn is due. Cupboards and under stairs were sorted, polish was used
instead of just a duster... Everything was wiped and/or found a place for and the bedrooms were sorted
ready for an extra body around the house.
Then a phone call made me realise that we had lost track of time and forgotten about Tom's speech and
language session so we did that (Tom had to stay sitting down as he only had his pants on LOL) What a
panic trying to get into the app and he ended up only having half a session for the end.... But she was
happy with his progress and wished him a nice summer and he will see her in school in September.
Then back to the cleaning and bedrooms needed hoovering and the last few things needed sorting (even
tidied up the dining table desk in the front room/spare room).
Before getting a message about doing an hour of work on some social media stuff for the square..... So I
finished the cleaning and immediately got the laptop out to ruin the neat dining room table with work stuff
again lmao While Andrea cooked lunch (unknown to me, she was actually setting fire to a tea towel at
some point during this process... But managed to put it out and not set the house on fire... So that's a
bonus lol)
After food I decided to wash my lovely hand painted rainbow for keyworkers off the front window and
replace it with a vinyl design I bought online that I feel in love with (Banksy inspired, lovely)..... Turns out it’s
a nightmare to get that stuff off, I mean it is every Xmas and Halloween when I paint the windows but at
those times it's only a few weeks... 4 at the most.... This had been there months
While I was doing that my phone informed me that the Strava app was still recording my run lol....
Something like 5 hours it took me to do the 6.5 km (and a lot of circuits of my house, although I thought I
had put it down and not touched it while I got on with stuff) But yes... 5 hours of it being left on lol
Once that was finished, I sat down and wrote to my new pen pal from Oregon USA and I finished at half
8.... Ready to come on here and write my diary
Think I've done and achieved a lot today... Happy with that and read to put my pj's on and chill... Might just
fold the washing first (can hear the better half taking it out of the dryer) may as well end the productive day
as started it and take advantage of the extra energy
Day – 133 (written the morning of day 134)
Corona diaries - day 133
Didn't write my dairy or even go for my run yesterday because I was so god damn tired.
Neil left to go to Scunthorpe and pick up Glenn at 4 or 5am and I couldn't really get back to sleep.... Spent
most of the day exhausted but excited at the thought of seeing my stepson for the first time since February.
Spent the morning trying to buy a dress gown online for my mum and Aunty.... Neither have the tech skills
and trying to get them to even find pictures in messenger to look at photos of dressing gowns was hard
work.... There were several phone calls involved.... My aunt is quite concerned that she should pack a bag
for hospital after breaking her collar bone last week (and for reasons we can't understand being given
painkillers weaker than the ones she was already on for other problems). Bless her she is in agony and my
mum has moved in with her for a few days to care for her. But if they do take her into hospital.... Least she
will have a pretty dressing gown lol
The husband and my bonus kid didn't get home until gone 6pm, after stopping at a family members
house... I was quite concerned to hear that they had gone in and had food... It always upsets me to hear
about people who should be sheilding taking unnecessary risks with their own lives.... But I have to take a
deep breath and realise it’s up to others if they want to risk their lives no matter how much I care about
someone or wish they would take better care of their safely during the pandemic.... One of the hardest
things during this time has been trying not to worry about things like this.
The other half said he would help me out by picking up something from Argos I wanted to order while he is
out with the bonus kids tomorrow... So I have paid in advance for the Heart Rate monitor I want after
extensive research into what was cheapest and the best quality, I was shocked to find that it was on offer in
a mainstream shop cheaper than 2nd hand online.... So I'm excited about him getting that for me
Glenn turned up looking a little chubbier than the last time we saw him, I guess that's what happens when
you take a very active kid and lock him up with an xbox for 3-4 months.... My kids have never been very
active so they are chubby as ever lol
First thing he did when he got here (after a covid safe shower and change of clothes obviously) was set up
his xbox and stick himself in front of it for the evening lol managed to catch a photo of them both in the
kitchen chatting about fixing Glenn's phone though.... So they weren't glued to the xbox the whole time
By 9pm everyone was tired after being up so early and the hubby went to bed early after his long drive....
Leaving me to get everyone sorted and off their gadget and in bed later.
Thankfully, it wasn't too stressful and everyone was in bed by half 10 because I don't think I would have
managed much longer myself having been up since 5.
Long tiring day
Day 134
Corona diaries - day 134 maybe?
I find it really easy to lose track of the diary dates if I am not collating them regularly but since I realised that
I can change them before I send them off I have got so casual about it lol.
Woke up early today and spent some time this morning ordering anniversary pressies for the love of my life
online. While he took the stepson down to visit with his mum again, they said they would pop and pick up
my new heart rate monitor for running. And Glenn needed a hat to wear when they went away... Which
turned into a mission that took them to Swansea shopping apparently
So I put off my run until they got back because if I am only allowed out once a day I want to take the
opportunity to spend it with my stepson..... The plan was to go down and Glenn could go to the skate park
and Tom could watch his tablet while I did my run... Then we could all have fish and chips together at the
beach and make some memories of some family time.
But after I waited 5 hours for that to happen when we got down there Glenn decided he was bored so I was
only allowed to do half a run before I was having phone calls telling me they couldn't be bothered to wait 20
minutes for me. Apparently they were going to get their food and go home and leave Tom on his own down
there.... So glad I waited 5 hours for that..... Obviously not wanted to make a scene and ruin the few days
we get to spend with my stepson, I sucked back the tears and ended my run early to find that no one
wanted to have food on the beach and the hubby was annoyed with me and prepared to sulk for possibly
days with me (cos yeah, how dare I want to spend time with Glenn or look forward to making memories
with him after 4 months of lockdown).... Sometimes men suck.... Doesn't help that on the way to the beach I
heard him say to the boys 'we can all have a good laugh at your mum trying to run, that should be funny....’
So I was already feeling pretty supported and appreciated before my only chance to make memories with
my stepson was taken away without even a thought or care
Let's hope that when they both come back from their little boys holiday, I will get another chance to spend
time with him.... Fingers crossed.... (I guess it’s so easy to forget that I am sheilding and not going on all
their day trips and holidays)
Bumped into Neil’s cousin on the way back, she's had the virus and been working on the covid wards.....
Was really nice to be around someone who is considerate of what sheilding means and doesn't have the
attitude that 'its gone over the top now, need to just open everything up'.... Because she has actually seen it
first hand.... First time in months I feel like I wasn't crazy for caring about the virus or taking it seriously. Or
being gaslighted for being anxious about catching it when I know I'm high risk. So that was cheering after
such an awful afternoon.
Came back and busied myself trying to make sure they had clothes washed and folded ready to pack
tomorrow when they go away.... Before settling back to check out all the new heart rate stats from the mini
run I managed to get in before it was cut short. The watch thing is cool and I got a great read out of where
and how I am using my calories.... Apparently, if I am going to do the MAF training I am gonna have to
learn to go a lot slower but not only that, for me to stay in a fat burning mode I will have to slow down too.
After months of complaining I run too slow, I feel like going to be really hard to go even slower. But it's the
next training challenge I think (and then if I do start doing the fartlek again, I can check I'm not pushing
myself too hard with that too). Happy with that.
Put the blues brothers on to cheer myself up but no one wanted to watch it with me.... And I have had a row
for putting the music up to loud and singing along.... Even got made fun of for bopping in my chair..... I need
to watch this again soon with a better group of friends lol
Then my mum rang but had a few technical difficulties that meant she accidentally started a weird
messenger game lol They have changed the layout of messenger and she was really struggling so the next
thing you know we were playing 'nahwals and unicorns' lol we played three games before she worked out
how to turn it off.... I kinda thought we'd be stuck there like that playing it forever, I was starting to accept
my new life as a nahwal.... But it was taken away as quickly as it was thrust upon me lmao (I did get some
fab photos though lmao)
So that was pretty much my day today
Day 135
Corona diaries - day 135
So Neil and Glenn left for their mini break in Brighton early this morning and I have to say I was feeling
pretty sorry for myself as I watched them go to have a break and some fun without me as I cope with the
feelings created by sheilding and feeling every so slightly trapped in my home (while still able to go out for
exercise once a day as long as I avoid crowds, buildings, busy areas and shared public facilities)..... I'm
sure I will cope.... To be fair I've managed for over 4 and a half months with only the slightest of chinks in
my mental health, so I figure I'm allowed to have the odd down day. And that I should be proper proud of
myself for sticking to it and doing the things I need to do to keep sane, like getting exercise etc..... I'm. Not
doing bad considering... No one has been killed or anything lol.
My new pj's that I bought online came in the post.... I've needed some for ages but not being able to leave
the house or visit a shop has been a hindrance.... At first I thought I'd just 'manage' until I could go to a
shop but that was 5 months ago and I eventually gave up and shopped online. Cheered me up when they
came, nice treat.... God knows I need it at the moment.
Went for my jog.... Managed to keep my heart rate down to an 'aerobic level' which is great for rebuilding
my lung strength after the 'covid type illness'/pneumonia I suffered with at the start of lockdown... But I still
can't go slow enough to be in the 'fat burning zone level'.. Was hard enough keeping it under 130, keeping
it under 120 seems like an impossible feat... Maybe I need to do some research into adjusting levels, the
levels are adjustable, but I don't know how or I don't quite understand what factors you take into
consideration to adjust them (don't fancy having a heart attack while my monitor is reading as 'just about
breaking a sweat' lol) something new to study when I get a chance
Lazy kids hadn't got up yet when I got home... So I got them up and once everyone was showered and
dressed... Seemed like we had time to blink before it was time for the volunteer zoom meeting. Andrea
ordered us good online and Neil started texting me moaning that they had been caught in the I was
struggling to manage him and the zoom room and the food coming while the meeting was happening....
Either nothing goes on or its all at once it seems.
Then a simple look at a website to find advice on the heart rate settings on my watch turned into a hour
long wait for customer services... Whole Tom tried to nag to have unlimited access to buy whatever he
wanted from the Nintendo website and the cat needed feeding (all or nothing kinda day)..... Got the
'continuous heart rate reading working on my app eventually, hopefully that will help me understand my
average heart rates and be able to adjust the levels for my running better. Then helped Tom understand
that he is allowed to spend some of his savings on one game but he is not allowed to have unlimited buying
access because I don't trust him not to blow all his money. And feed the cat
Neil and Glenn video called from the hotel... Lovely view of the car park lol But they were in good spirits
and the rain had stopped and it was nice to see them looking happy and enjoying then the family group
chat with my mum and Aunty and brother and I was ready for an early night.
But Tom had a lie in all morning and wasn't sleepy so I spent 2 hours waiting for him to want to sleep and
asking him 'can we go to bed yet?'..... Then the sneaky little bugger tried to sneak a can of caffeine and
sugar out of the kitchen and it was the last straw... Lost my head, put my foot down, ordered him to bed,
confiscated his phone ..... I have work tomorrow... It's OK for him to be on holiday mode but I'm knackered.
So I'm writing the diary and heading for bed toot sweet... Night night x
Day 136
Corona diary - day 136
After confiscating Tom's phone and his can of pop last night when I was so desperate for sleep and
sending him to bed in a huff so that I could get some shut eye.... This morning I woke up to find the can of
pop half drunk and moved to where his phone was charging..... This can only mean that he waited for his
poor tired mother to fall asleep and then snuck around the house to do all the things I told him not too a)
stay up all night b) play electronics that will keeps him awake and c) drink caffinated fizzy drinks that would
keep him awake. So this morning I woke him up with a start told him that like it or not he was not having
any naps today..... I want him tired when I am tonight.... I need the sleep.
Work wasn't especially interesting today and I can't say I was super productive, not sure if it was the lack of
sleep or the fact I took my injections today or a mixture of both.... But work kinda dragged.
Received a book about stand-up comedy writing in the post which a few friends on the circuit
recommended as one of the best ones she had read (and I joined a comedy writing group online).. Hoping
it will help me get some of my mojo back.... Feel like for a while the covid stole my comedy chops lol
Neil has been messaging me a lot today and last night... It's sweet to feel missed... He even said 'have you
done something different to your face or hair or something', which I'm taking as a compliment (mainly cos I
know that I had the phone held at a nice flattering angle but he doesn't need to know all the tricks).... So
yeah, one day away and he is suddenly noticing that he quite likes me... Evidence he really needed a break
from me and the housebound shielding thing I reckon lol.
After work I was knackered... But I noticed Tom looking like he was gonna fall asleep so I suggested an
evening walk, get hour blood pumping and wake us a little... Packed my tubs for blackberry picking
because I am fed up of running past fat juicy blackberries and wishing I had time to stop and pick them. So
we went out for a little blackberry picking mission
He moaned and didn't want to walk far and gets bored when I am picking.... But at least he was moving
around He allowed me to pick 'only one tub then' but we got a lovely tub full of blackberries that I can
bake for Litha festival at the start of August (first harvest)... I do like to bake for all the pagan religious
holidays.... And then we stopped on a bench by the little pond and took some selfies and pictures of the
sun setting (because it was too pretty not too).
Perfect end to the day and I feel like Tom will be wanting an early night tonight after driving me crazy last
night and being forced not to nap today... Only time will tell. I'm gonna go message my other half, see if I
can get another comment out of him like 'you're looking ok' or similar lmao
And then the early night I was craving last night is definitely calling to me
Night night x
Day 137
Corona diaries - day 137
So what happened today? Andrea woke up early to sort out the shopping delivery so that I could get a
decent lie in..... Didn't work...body clock got me up at half 6. She tried to send me back to bed but I ended
up reading my book up there and coming back down at half 7 lol
Shopping came, after a discussion with an American friend about biscuits, cookies, cakes and scones last
week, Andrea had convinced me to order some stuff to make dream teas.... Strawberry jam, real
strawberries and proper Welsh clotted cream.... So that was lush
Ended up not quite feeling up to run today hut I can make up for it tomorrow I'm sure
We had a rush around trying to make sure the house looked tidy so that the neat freak/mother hen we live
with didn't have heart failure when he got home..... It was all looking lively til Tom went to make himself a
scone, how anyone can create so much mess from such a simple task and spread crumbs and jam quite so
far is beyond me (and beyond even the restrictions of the kitchen units, reaching the floor as well)
Neil and Glenn came back from Brighton in the afternoon and within 20 minutes Glenn had unpacked his
xbox and was back again on the death death kill kill games..... Andrea and me managed to coax him away
with the offer of a take away and we all had pizza together before he disappeared into the front room to
play xbox again.
Neil managed to coax him away to sit on the hammock out in the garden for a bit because he wanted to
give it a try... But that didn't last long cos the xbox was calling to him.... Where did our little boy go? He has
come back to Wales a changed kid and lockdown and puberty have merged.... I now have three teenagers
and no kids left So after my film finished, I went in to see what all the fuss is about but watching the back
of his head while he plays xbox is genuinely a bit boring
Family chat with my family was the highlight of the evening and now I am typing as he plays xbox silently in
the room. A fun evening was had.... Mainly just by him lol Think I might give up and go to bed soon
Night night x
Day 138 -
Didn’t write this one until tomorrow morning sorry
Corona diaries - day 139
I didn't take any photos so I googled up how long it's been instead.... Almost 20 weeks, 4 and a half
months.... I never would have guessed it would last this long four months ago... But here we are. Yesterday
morning, Neil went to take Glenn to visit his grandparents on his mums side (they usually have a few night
while he is in Wales but are shielding so) he thought it would be a nice surprise/treat for them to take him
up and sit in the garden and have a chat.... They were out lol.
He also went up to the country park to blow a small fortune hiring bikes for Saturday (what started as Glenn
would bring his bike down and Neil could borrow a friends has ended in them hiring them, because even
the best laid plans got astray)
Meanwhile, I was going to go for my run and then later we would have a bbq as it’s an activity we can do
close to home.
By the time I got my running gear on, there was a work thing that I would have to spend most of the day
'looking out for' and then rush to do once the press release dropped.... So while I was worrying about that I
checked the weather and at 21 degrees and midday by then... The run went out the window
I seem to find it much easier to put off the running in the few days after my injections when my mood and
energy is low and also when the weather is too hot.... And today was a double whammy on that one.
The bbq mainly consistent of me standing out side over my tiny little portable bucket bbq while Glenn
played xbox in the front room, Tom sat on the sofa watching YouTube on his phone and Andrea sat in the
other sofa doing her art... Neil occasionally helped by microwaving stuff to ensure that the middles were
fully cooked and food poisoning wouldn't be an issue.... But yeah.... Happy family fun times were had by me
in the garden silently sticking a fork in sausages, alone.
Spent the evening in the front room 'spending time' with Glenn while he played xbox and ignored attempts
and conversation.... So nice to have him come all the way to Wales, it a joy, truly lmao
August 2020
Day 139 & 140
Corona diaries - day 139 and 140
What a busy couple of days... As usual when my stepson visits everything is disrupted and goes a bit
crazy.. Routines fall apart and life gets hectic. It's weird not to be able to take him to several places a day
because everything is shut and not out for meals etc... But we've still managed to pack it with fun and find
things we could do avoiding crowds and shielding etc
Day 139
We went to Cardiff Bay for a nice kind walk along the barrage... The views were lush but everyone was too
hot to really do much. At one point it was 27 degrees according to my phone.... Tom hid in the shade and
avoided some of the walk and it must have been bad because Neil actually used sunblock (he usually
hates the feel of it and prefers to hide the sun)
Day 140
We went to the country park Glenn loves riding his bike and him and Neil have been on about hiring bikes
up there to try the downhill mountain biking for years. With most other things shut down for corona.... This
year was the year lol Me and Tom planned a nice day of hiking and I downloaded a plant and flower
identification app so that we could learn the names of all the plants on our walk.
It rained a little in the morning, but we didn't let it get to us (me and Tom found a lovely bench in a wooded
glen to sit it out in). After about an hour, hour and half tops, I have a really disturbing phone call.... The
other half was 'soaked through' and his 'thighs and butt' were 'numb'... We were summoned down from the
mountain, they had had enough and wanted to go home lol.... This coincided exactly with the rain stopping
and the sun coming out lol
By the time me and Tom had made our way down they were much happier and had found the 'skills track'
(turns out they have scared the crap out of themselves but trying a track labelled 'for experienced riders
with high fitness levels' and the rain was annoying them too)
So I rang them to say we had done the orange walk and they said we should try the railway trail and they
come find us once they finished their skills. Tom refused to do the railway trail so I went on my own, just far
enough to reach my 5k for the day, which I was close to doing at that point. By the time I came back to find
him, the other boys were there with their bikes 'time for home'.
So the bikes got handed back after 2-3 hours (no refunds as they aren't doing half day hire at the moment)
and we were home by 2pm with both the lads showered and in their pj's
Neil decided to mow the gardens before showering and he was already muddy so why not and didn't get to
have his shower until gone 6pm. At about 7pm I realised that although I had remembered it was Lammas,
the pagan holiday while I was in the mountains surrounded by nature... I hadn't posted anything about it
online, which isn't like me so I quickly found some Lammas images to post before going to bed
By 9 pm I was ready for bed and I actually went for an early night for a change.
Day 141 & Day 142
Corona Diaries - Day 141 & 142
And again, I am doing two days at once cos things get really crazy and busy around here when Glenn visits
Day 141
Neil took Glenn to spend time with his grandparents on his mums side in a outdoor setting so that they
didn't have to risk having him at their house. And then in the afternoon we went to Porthcawl for a little stroll
and an ice cream.... The ice cream down there was really custardy but I guess that gives it a unique
authenticity. We arranged to drop Tom off at his dad's on the way home so we packed his case while Glenn
was out in the morning.
The day was kinda tinged with sadness because we knew it was Glenn’s last day but he was so excited to
get home to his new room (his stepsister is moving out so he is getting a bigger room, there was much
excitement). The views coming over the mountain and home once Tom was dropped off were spectacular
Day 142
Working from home day, Neil and Glenn left at 5am for the tough journey back to Scunthorpe. While I
worked Andrea had a squillion computer parts sent to her. Lol....she has been ordering stuff to build herself
a PC... So that has been slowly arriving. She wanted to plug her fancy light up keyboard into something to
test it out, so I did some of my work on that today lol.
Spent my work time flexing my social media skills and feeling very happy to finally be allowed to do
something I love and get paid for it and then looking at some interesting funding bids too (obviously).
Finished work early when Neil got back from his 10 hours round trip and realised I haven't eaten at all... So
I guess I'm gonna spend this evening cooking, eating and then chilling
Day 143
Corona Diaries - Day 143
It is me and the blokes wedding anniversary... 5 yrs married, Facebook made a video of our old photos
over the years and titled it as '5 years in love'... Which I thought was kinda rude, we were in love before we
decided to marry honestly lol So I went to look for posts from 2009 and 2010 when we first started dating....
So cute to see how excited I was counting the days till I got to see him
We swapped gifts and cards (I got him a wooden glasses holder since he has reading glass now) and he
bought me some pyjamas with wonder woman on and a new dressing gown. I had a print made for framing
of a sound wave and the lyrics of a song that reminds us of a special occasion (Home by Depeche
Mode).... Was lovely start to the day
And then he went to do the shopping and I went on my run..... Which was extremely slow going this
morning, warm weather? Stopping to chat to friends? Not having been out for a run for over a week? It all
added up to a sluggish run. The monitor that I ordered online by accident and they sent and charged me for
anyway actually came in handy You attach it to your trainer and it monitors running technic, turn out I am
landing on the heel of my foot too much (which explains my chronic foot pain/plantifascitis).... They
suggested some exercises to help, apparently, it's a lack of lower body strength that can cause it so looks
like squats will help.
When I got home Andrea had the last of the parts for her computer so my pride in her for building and
paying for it all herself soon turned into frustration as the pair of us struggling to put it together.... Cos of
course she needed mams help (the leads, wires and cables were the trickiest bits). We were both very
chuffed when it worked.... Haven't seen much of her since mind lol.
While we were building Neil came home with the shopping..... Flipping tons of veg.... We have decided to
try Keto for a few days. I figure that if we only manage to do it some of the time, it's still healthier than some
stuff we are eating. But what a lot of prep, I spent what felt like three hours in the kitchen making pork stir
fry with cauliflower rice and homemade sauce.
Curry in the slow cooker for tomorrow and chicken shish kebabs for in the freezer.... Should last us a while
The stir fry tasted much better than it looked, which was a relief of I'm honest. My specialist for my
injections rang me and did a home consultation over the phone.. Which was interesting and much less
intrusive than being poked about in person.
Now I have a massive headache... Which I'm assuming is keto related (my body is sulking and kicking off
from not having its sugar and carbs fix).... Cos I've definitely kept track of my fluid intake. But my better half
just offered to run me a bath, so that should make it feel better or at least take my mind off it... And then
new pj's and dressing gown and feet up for the night I think
Day 144
Corona Diaries - Day 144
When I woke up this morning the better half was already painting the kitchen, he has been on about it for
ages, so I shouldn't have been surprised. Within an hour I was roped into the painting and doing the
bannisters lol
By the time we had finished it was gone 1pm and Andrea came wondering down stairs, caught her t-shirt
on the bannister and ribbed white paint on everything she was near lol
This is why we usually wait until the teens are at their dad's before any sort of decorating.
Needless to say it was so warm by the time we finished that I wasn't feeling like running and the keto flu
that everyone warned me about has meant a headache all day.
Can't say I've completely stuck to it... The mister, who said he would join in for support was sneaking
biscuits last night and it inspired me to cheat (I had a mango, fruit sugars may be banned on keto but I
figured it could be worse).... Today we had the slow cooker curry with more cauliflower rice (its nothing like
rice and unless it's with something spicy it tastes of cauliflower) but it was spicy so that worked out fine.
This afternoon the bloke was sneaking around the kitchen making a sandwich, apparently he doesn't need
to be really strict, it will be fine lol So this evening to reward myself for cutting out all foods with sugar in and
carbs, I did have another bowl of keto curry and another mango (mmmm fruit sugars are nicer when they
feel naughty lol).... Then he has the nerve to come downstairs and say he feels like his body is craving
something, I said it can't be carbs because he had a flipping sandwich lol
Meanwhile, I am being good and having a headache. Wonder how long it takes for my body to adjust? The
dukan diet, the terri ann 321 and the new Slimmer’s World all say about 10-14 days for the first phase.... So
day two is early days yet I guess
This afternoon I wanted to do some art, even got my art supplies out and everything... Made a poster for
the kitchen with the phrase I was seeing in my dreams last week.... The one that inspired this keto kick....
"you can't outrun a bad diet"..... So it's written on the kitchen cupboard and in the letters on the fridge to
help keep me motivated (hopefully). I found Bob Ross on iplayer and put it on while I doodled, which is how
I know it took over 2 hours to complete my masterpiece. But I do believe that time, effort and 'intention' put
into any undertaking help to focus and plan so its time well spent..... Even if my poster isn't even that pretty
Family chat was extra fun tonight because my great grand niece was in the phone, we always play the
interactive AR games with her and its great fun and lovely to be able to build a relationship with her (I used
to only see her at Xmas before Covid19).... She's such a bright and funny little girl and I can never get fed
up of spending time with her... Flipping lush she is lol
And then I put on my new Pj's that Neil bought me and settling down to watch 'A Suitable Boy'. Which I am
really enjoying
Day 145
7 August at 23:10 ·
Corona diaries - day 145
I didn't take any photos today so as usual I have googled how long I've been sheilding... 145 is over 20
weeks... Wow And almost 5 months
So today I woke up and my TV wouldn't work, you might not have noticed but I watch a lot of telly (even if
it's in the background as I go online or play on my phone). And the water was turned off as they are doing
work in the street.... All or nothing isn't it lol
Managed to do some sort of hard reset and it was fine again (until I turned it off)
Had a fab meeting this morning and learnt a lot about archetects blueprints... Was great to see plans that
we have been making for years in work finally coming together Came out of the meeting feeling a bit
rough (day three of keto or just boiling hot weather and a bit dehydrated.... Who knows) But the water was
back on so I got to have another shower... Thank goodness. Spent the afternoon chilling on the hammock
out the back.... Which was nice Came back in and the TV wouldn't work again.... Managed to hard reset
again but it went off after about an hour and wouldn't come on again.... Can't spend my life reseting every
half hour.... So we had a family meeting and the whole gang of them tried to help me feel better about
spending loads of money on a new one (I am such a skinflint, I may need trauma counselling now lol)
So we brought Tom's gaming TV in the living room until the new one arrives... It's fine, I tend to listen and
play online more than I watch so it will do the job til the new one comes.
Think it's time for bed now though
Day 146
Corona Diaries - day 146
So today I woke up super early worrying about the heat attracting flies in the veg container in the kitchen...
Decided at 7am that I needed to cook, I had bought a load of veg ready for my diet and then realised that
half of it I can't eat because the carbs in them are too high for this 'low carb' malarkey lol.
So I put on a giant batch cook of roasted Mediterranean vegatables to roast and then made two lots of
banana bread to use up the bananas that aren't getting eaten (as Tom is at his dad and isn't here to munch
them) Decided I should make myself some keto cookies too, seeing as everything else I cooked I wouldn't
be able to eat. And then once I had cooked a spectacular amount of stuff..... I chilled in the hammock in the
garden.... I am loving the hammock, best buy ever lol
In the boiling hot weather it was like a little holiday feeling my skin benefit from the rays, reminded me of
going on the sun beds in the hospital for my skin condition.... Only natural, and costing the nhs less money
lol. Andrea packed her stuff to go spend some time at her dad's this afternoon and it was lovely to have
only me and the better half round the house and nothing to worry about
I made a giant salad for lunch with grilled chicken breast and I even taught myself to make homemade
mayonnaise (was easier then I thought to be fair).... I was so proud of myself, home made, with no sugars
or additives... Go me.... Eating clean. To be fair the diets going really well, the 'sugar hangover' has
subsided and I think I've stopped craving it as my bodies main fuel source. No head ache today and despite
barely sleeping I feel like I've had more energy that usual and I am less hungry than usual (which the diet
book claims will be a result of no longer riding the ups and downs of sugar highs and sugar addiction). I
ordered some ketone testing kits but I don't understand the readings lol
I always though kicking an addiction like sugar would be hard but it's been easier than I thought so far..... I
think it's harder when I have others to cook for, just me with the kids has really helped I think let's hope it
keeps being the easy when they come back and I don't fall into old habits (although by then I will be slowly
introducing some complex carbs back I think)
So, another bonus of the kids going, me and the bloke got to have some quality time for our anniversary...
Even had a glass of wine (third time since lockdown that I have had a drink and it's always just one drink,
I'm not much of a drinker)
The lovely evening was interrupted by troublemakers.... But I think we did our best to be open and honest
and when they wouldn't believe the truth, no matter how often I said it, I calmly walked away. My amazing
other half went outside and calmly spoken to them and I'm hoping it's resolved now... Fingers crossed. (I
swear I never did what they keep bringing up and I have the evidence to prove it.... But they don't seem
keen to let truth get in the way of holding a grudge)
So yeah that was a downer on my night.... Was too upset by it all to join in the fun on the family chat tonight
but that's fine. It's calmed down a little since the hubby spoke to them, he is so quiet and calm generally
so he is quite good at dealing with issues like that..... Think his calming influence is one of the reasons I
keep him around... He's pretty awesome fairplay. And now that it's calmed down, I am gonna chill and
enjoy the rest of my night without worrying about any of it
night night
Day 147
Corona Diaries - Day 147
One week until sheilding for people with health conditions is paused..... And I can pop to the shop if I want
to. I am planning to still work from home if I can though, it's still out there and why over crowd the buses etc
when I seem to cope fine as it is.
The corona diaries guys from Swansea Uni told me today that they will be winding down the project at the
end of this month or September (I need to re-read it and get clarity). After spending my whole life promising
every new year to keep a diary and failing by the end of January every time.... I'm shocked I've done so
well with this. And it's really helped me to notice patterns and track symptoms and health issues, focus on
my exercise regime and so many other things... So that's been good Hopefully when I finish I will still
dedicate some time to written every evening, maybe I'll write a book or something lol.
Today started well.... Got up and went straight out the the Hammock to drink my cup of Earl Grey in the
cool morning air before the day heated up..... And then a bird pooed on my thigh (seriously, there's a
photo).... And then after I cleaned it off, in an attempt to lay on my tummy and get some sun on my back....
I competed for 'most elaborate fall from a hammock ever' (I might have won the contest, they haven't
announced the winners yet lol)
You'd expect a fall from a hammock to be over the side in a twisty kinda way... But no.... I managed to tip
up one end so that the metal frame was poking straight in the air while I was sat on the other end (still on
the fabric bit so that's a win, right?).... On the way up the frame smashed into the little table that was
holding my drink and my phone and vape pen... So everything thing went flying, apart from me, I landed
with a bump lol.... It all seemed a bit much (I would have preferred to have slipped over the side in the
traditional fashion)..... Turns out you can't really lay on your tummy in a hammock.... I learnt the hard way
Then this afternoon the TV turned up and me and the bloke spend an hour or so taking down all the old
ones.... The one that suddenly decided it needed continuous resetting and the old one in the front room that
works fine but only has room for scart cables and can't handle a hdmi (so is pretty useless even for thier
gaming consoles). Took a while to put on the bracket and get up properly and then to set up, and I still ant
get some things to work but I can watch Netflix so that's all I use anyway lol (and I have plenty of time to
work out the rest and if I can't by the time Andrea gars back apparently she will help too, so that's cool, just
needs some patience)
My kick start diet is going well and just like the other days, my appetite was low and energy levels were
high all day... Until I ate and then I suddenly wanted to eat loads..... So I snacked on loads of celery sticks
and keto friendly dips.
As I said to a friend today, it's not sustainable long term but with so many diets these days they have a kick
start period for the first few weeks and then once you plateau you go back to kick start (dukan, slimmer
world, Teri Ann 123)..but the vary from 10 days to 3 weeks.. .. So once I've got bored of keto or I feel like
I've lost enough weight I am planning to step it down to the next level..... I think the plan is to include some
carbs but still keep an eye on it
What else happened today? Not much.... Been busy trying out the new telly by watch the Black Klansman
and umbrella academy And that's pretty much my plan for the rest of the night
Day 148
Corona Diaries - day 148
So what happened today?
Today was my nephew’s birthday and everyone is the family was posting pictures of him when I noticed
that one if the photos was of him and his sister and my first wedding back in 1998 and one was if him and
his sister at my second wedding in 2015....and in them both he looks good in a waistcoat and in both my
niece is wearing a flouncey lacey white dress and little white Dolly shoes.... So I had to share.
My better half went back to work today after his 2 weeks off.... He got loads done and managed to have a
few days away with his son but I am still sad to see him go back.... I kinda like having him around.
I got myself sucked into doing a lot of tarot card readings this morning when I posted a gif of all the cards in
the major acana in two of the pagan groups I run and one if the local witchy pages, and the when people
started to reply I felt obligated to explain what all the cards meant.... But it's been a while since I did a
reading, so I guess it was good practice
I spent some time studying the keto diet stuff to work out whether I am in ketosis... Apparently I am in the
early stages and exercise would trigger greater ketosis.... But it was so hot that even though I was itching to
go for a run, when I got to the front door and opened it and the heat outside hit me like opening an oven....
Meh, it me right off.
I weighed today and checked my weight tracker, I have been keeping a record on a diet app on my phone
for over 6 years now, sometimes I stop tracking and just eat without counting calories, so it's a complete
record (sometimes if a put on weight I don't log it until the next diet starts) .....Anyway, I had to go back to
last august to find a time I weighed this little I've lost over 5 pounds so far (and I'm only on day 4) so at
means I have lost all my lockdown weight and all my Xmas weight and am back to being as fat and
unhappy with my weight as I was this time last year lol...... If I can get back to what I was last time I was
single (and was dieting to lose weight, as I thought I was fat) I'll be a very happy girl
This afternoon someone explained to me why anti-mask wearers think covid is fake and apparently its all
down to some right wing conspiracy theory pages on social media that get shut down but then just start
again under a different I read up about QAnon and QArmy... Who apparently are linked to
trump supporters too.... Fascinating look into a world of craziness
The volunteer group meeting was beset with technical issues so we moved the meeting from zoom to
Skype, then back to zoom and then to messenger and back to zoom and in the end no one knew where
anyone was and we gave up lmao.... I am sure the quality of zoom as a video chat service has got worse
and worse since the start of lockdown.
And then this evening I had a nice keto meal for tea and sat down to watch 'The Umbrella Academy' until
bed time.... Which better be soon as I have work tomorrow lol.
And that's about it for today lol
N'night x
Day 149 & Day 150
Corona diaries - day 149 & 150
Yet again I didn't get round to writing.... I've been staying off Facebook because I am sadly addicted to one
of those stupid games you get the app and the next thing you know your happily creating dragons for
hours, and pixies and elves lol.
I should delete it.... But it is kinda fun lol
Day 149
What did I do yesterday.... Work, got up at 6 and spent a few hours pottering about making sure I had
showered, cooked myself a nice keto breakfast.... And then I went to work.... Had a very productive
meeting in the afternoon and a not so productive one straight afterwards.... And came away with a sore
throat and a bad head and absolutely fed up of everything lol
So yeah.... I kinda hid from everything last night, because it had been a long day.
Cooking from scratch to make sure there is no sugar in anything I eat is really taking up time a flexing my
cooking skills (think I invented a aubergine grilled cheese sandwich today, unless someone else has done it
before, in which case I renamed it lol) ... But worth it as I feel better and healthier
Found a list of advice for people like me that are ending shielding next weekend, they aren't calling it
ending (they are calling it "pausing" which is ominous if you ask me) saying that I can go out and shop but
only at quiet times.... I can go to town centres etc but I have to be extra careful to follow the rules. If I do go
to busy areas try to do it at quieter times.... Doesn't seem like it's going to be that different than now
Started watching a show called 'Dirty John' on Netflix which has kept my interest and which I am enjoying...
And played my stupid addictive game and went to bed lol
Day 150
Got up quiet early this morning and wanted to start a petition about the Barnett Formula (but then saw how
many had failed on the government website and gave up) I was all fired up and inspired though... For a bit.
The shopping came correctly.... It's always a bit hit and miss with me and the online shopping although I
think I'm getting better at it There was a lot less treats in there today... Unless you count sugar free, all
natural keto peanut butter as a treat, which these days I kinda do lol.
Had a weigh in for my first week of sugar free living and have to say I was shocked by how much weight its
possible to lose in a week.... Very happy with progress and well on my way to losing my first stone I know
right.... I have lost most of my lockdown weight and my Xmas weight from Xmas too and am down to being
as fat and miserable as I was last summer lmao.... Let's hope it keeps coming off this quickly, as long as I
keep my carbs under 50 grams per day and my sugar at zero, then there's no reasons why it shouldn't.
Still too hot to run, although once I'm running I'm sure that will accelerate weight loss a bit.
The weather app on my phone said that Port Talbot reached a balmy 29 degrees today and the lowest it
will go overnight is 19 or 20. Its been a bit warm for anything and slaving over a cooker to make keto food
from scratch was no fun (although smoked salmon omelette with avocado felt like such a decadent
Made cauliflower and brocolli 'aux gratin'... As my nan used to call cauliflower cheese... My keto cheese
sauce was a flop though, must try harder next time lol
Worked out how to use the online free veiw channels on the new telly, so a step up from my usual Netflix -
until I realised that they all had adverts even in the catch up versions and stuck 'Dirty John' back on Netflix.
I have become spoilt and can't be bothered with adverts lol
This evening at about half 8 or 9 it began to rain, warm summer rain and after so many days of the heat.....
I rain into the garden to feel it on my skin.... But it stopped quite quickly and by the time I wrote this is was
dry again.
I am hoping the thunder that has been promised will come tonight the wind is up and I think its likely
Might go sit in the garden and enjoy to cool breeze for a bit.... Or watch more of that Netflix show and play
my dumb dragon game lol. (depends if it rains again... If it rains again, I am back out there dancing in my
nighty... I ain't even joking lol) Was gonna say night night... But instead I'm gonna advise you all to got out
and dance in the warm summer rain (it's refreshing and cooling and liberating... You'll love it honest lol)
Enjoy xxx
Day 151
Corona Diaries - day 151
Woke up too early this morning for what is basically the first day off with no demands in ages.
But my day perked up considerably when a neurodiverse man who volunteers with my volunteer group
messaged me to say he had the grades he needed to get into uni. After spending time with his mum,
helping write his UCAS 'statement' and knowing that he gained so many skills at the club... It felt like a
victory.... And it was very much needed as I had bee. Feeling really down about the group recently as
numbers have really dropped off since covid forced us to go online and I was losing the will to keep going
with it.... So a little victory was much needed. (I knew that running a group to help antisocial people to
socialise would be challenging but some weeks it's harder than others).... Not this week though.... Cheered
me right up
Another day of crazy weather but 23 (feels like 26) was still better than 29 degrees yesterday.... But the mix
between thunder and lightening with no rain and crazy downpours was wild. I am sure that when I was
younger, the weather would get cooler after a thunder storm.... This is like nothing I've ever known
In other news.... The seeds I planted earlier in the year with wild meadow flowers and flowers for bees have
started to bloom.... As have the plants I got from my mates mum on the local gardening page.... Over the
moon with that, look at me gardening lmao (lockdown has changed me lol) ain’t gonna lie I was a little
disappointed with the 'bullseye' daisies which I was hoping would be big and beautiful but look more like
normal everyday daisies on long stalks ..... But you know you can't have it all
Spent the afternoon organising the D&D session for the volunteer club - still wish I had more volunteer
dungeon masters for online sessions for the teens and young adults but where do you advertise for a
dungeon master??? And not get responses from weirdos, let's make that 'the wrong kind of weirdos' lol... I
don't mind most weirdos, they life interesting lol.
Spent some time trying to boxset Star Trek Discovery again... Third time now .... I absolutely love the
actress who plays Michael, she was great in Orange is the New Black.... And I've always loved Star Trek
but I just can't seem to get I to this one (I also struggled with Enterprise despite loving that guy from
Quantum Leap, Scott Beluka).... At about 8ish, I gave up and started watching 'She's Gotta Have It', never
seen Spike Lee do a TV show before and I have really liked a lot of his films.
Catch you guys tomorrow x
Day 152
Corona diaries - Day 152
So what's happened today then lol.
Ha ha.... The microblading kit I bought online (after I saw a friend had great results) turned up and I plucked
up the courage to put numbing cream on and use the little scraping blades to draw on my usual eyebrows.
At first I wasn't sure I was going deep enough but when it started bleeding like when I I have seen tattoo
artists do their thing, I figured it must be doing something. Apparently, it is a lot darker for the first few days
while it is scabby so don't judge by how dark they are... But yes, after years of never having a tattoo
because I worry about pain and skill levels, I only went a gave myself a completely DIY semi permanent set
of tattoo eyebrows today ... I know right... It's a bit of a risk, and I don't really know how it's turned out
until it heals but I watched a lot of you tubers doing it and explaining how etc.... I just went for it.
To be fair I forgot I had ordered it... Was that long ago
Spent a lot of time today with sore crusty eyebrows that hurt when I frown... Trying not to poke them too
much and wishing I could go forward in time and check how they look when they have healed properly.
Had dungeons and dragons with the volunteer group today which was as fun and funny and crazy as
usual..... My character wrote herself as soon as I decide her name (crayshore or something) was shortened
to 'cray cray'... She's a lot of fun to play cos she is utterly bonkers and has no fear.
Did some weeding in the garden... Feel like I have planted far too many seeds and far too close together....
Have no idea what's survived and what hasn't... But the odd weed I found has been pulled now.
Had some bad news and a bit of a kick in the teeth career wise.... But won't go into details... Took me a
good half hour of self pity to get over it and so many of my friends online messaged with support (they don't
even need to know details, cos if I'm down, they have my back, which is bloody lovely, can't thank everyone
enough).... So yeah with some friend support I soon got back to being myself
Family chat was fun... The sound got a bit weird but my mum and my Aunty both want me to draw
eyebrows on them now lol .... Not sure if I am ready to start inflicting my lack of expertise on others lol
Been really enjoying the Spike Lee show 'She's gotta have it' on Netflix... So that's my plan for the rest of
the evening
Night night
Day 153
Corona diaries - day 153
Today, the day before sheilding ends, my other half decided I should go to the shops with case
everyone had the same idea tomorrow when the official end date was and it was too crowded and
So following the guidelines carefully we went at a time that was less busy.... we did something we used to
do a lot we visited all the second had shops, there were less crowds, a lot more hand sanitisers and
some extra queuing and plexy glass sheeting than I remembered.
One of the ladies who works in one of the shops stopped me any said 'I haven’t seen you for ages, and I
live on your street'.... She seemed so shocked when I said I was shielding.... I think people assume you
have to be old or look disabled or have an illness that you moan about all the time or something (I clearly
don't moan enough, I am taking this as my license to be a right whinging cow future lmao)
I bought 2 second hand (preloved) dresses... Safe in the knowledge that even if they were made in a sweat
shop in China (which let's face it everything is these days) that least they have had double the use than if
they just got thrown... And the money I paid for them goes to good causes and not sweat shop owners
..... I wanted cool clothes for hot summer days but nice 'round the house clothes'.. This category was never
a priority in my life 6 months ago lol (it was all, work clothes or going out clothes or casual weekend
clothes).... So yeah 'smart round the house clothes' is a new thing lol.
Then we went out to a local food place that had minimal crowds and outdoor seating.... What a treat... Even
if the quality has dropped significantly since our last visit with less staff and less variety on the menu (I
guess its to be expected)
When we got home the indoor aerial I bought for the telly had arrived and battle commenced.... It didn't
work... We went to the shop for a new one which also didn't work.... We spent an hour trying use an
extension cable to attach the old cable from our old one.... Also didn't work. Turns out the old one had been
removed and I forgot. We tried to plug in the old satellite dish, also unsuccessfully and eventually at 6pm I
gave up..... Sod it.... I only watch Netflix anyway and the breakfast show for the news in the morning... And
we can get both of them... So I gave up.
After having food out and declaring this an official cheat day from my diet..... I decided to have some
chocolate and some toast (hmmmm bread, I missed those carbs lol)... Not looking forward to weeing my
body off the sugar and the headaches that come with it..... But it's not everyday you celebrate being let out.
Had a lovely chat with my friend in Japan earlier (lots of gossip, so lovely to hear from her) ..... Haven't
heard from my friend in China, so that's something I need to do soon, check up on that dude and see how
he is doing
After giving up on the TV aerial dilemma I couldn't look at it for a while so I read for a bit... But reverted to
firm and stuck Netflix on in the end lol
And that's pretty much been my day
Anyone know if you can do aerials yourself or is you have to pay some one? How much and whose good
etc?.... I kinda can't be bothered but also want to know just in case lol
Right I'm off to bed then
Day 154
Corona diaries - Day 154
So today is officially the day that sheilding ends... Sorry pauses (whatever they mean by that) in Wales....
And even though we went for a cheeky walk around town yesterday, I was still a little excited.
Watching the early morning news interview other shielders about how they felt only made me more
determined to go for a little walk over the shops once my husband had gone to his mums to take her for her
first day out.
So once he left I had a shower, picked out my clothes and did my hair... Made sure I had my phone and
keys etc.... And that's when I realised that my purse wasn't in my bag. Can't go to the shops without a purse
so I started ransacking the house, trying to remember when I had it last and think how it could have
disappeared. Eventually I realised I might have left it in the better half's car Ffs
I picked up my phone to ring him and found that he had been sending photos of aerials while I was
searching (I had given up on the aerial thing to be honest) but I started reading the descriptions and one
looked very promising and was half the price of the ones I saw online yesterday..... And we could DIY it and
save installation fees so I said a big yes to getting that one
Spent the whole morning pacing like a caged lion, itching to get out and cursing myself for leaving the
stupid purse in the car (which he confirmed I had done)
Eventually I gave up pacing and settled enough to think 'let's make food and take my mind off it'.... I didn't
really want to ruin his mums first day out by forcing him to rush back early.
And I was just plating up the keto friendly lunch when in he walks, he had used me as an excuse to escape
from helping with some tech stuff that was outside his comfort zone (his mum had taken him to get her
phone contract updated).... Bringing with him the aerial.
I spent lunch eyeing up the box... I love stuff that has to be assembled from the box lol so by the time lunch
was over the trip to the shops was forgotten and I was on a mission to build an aerial..... It was deceptively
large for such a small box and my previous experience with co-axel cable came in handy too (I was in my
happy place lol)
After it was finished I started to get anxious about putting it up, I am quite clumsy and I struggle with dizzy
spells up ladders, I hate heights... So I began to panic a little. But the other half eventually relented and
helped because apparently I'll only be a drama queen if he doesn't (apparently, my 100% real fear of
heights and the dizzy spells that make me so scared that I will fall, just me being dramatic lol not a real
health issue at all..hmmmm )
Anyway, once it was up and I was doing all the techy retuning stuff he decided to cut the hedges (having
the ladder already out was his inspiration I was getting). Managed to find channels for the first time in over
a week so I was happy with a good job well done
Within half an hour there was too much choice and I couldn't decide.... So I gave up and went for a shower
Came downstairs and stuck Netflix on lol... It's seriously pretty much all I watch anyway... Watched the new
season of Dirty John, after doing some research into the true story it was based on.... I had come away
from the articles unsure who was most at fault, so it will be interesting to see how it's portrayed in the TV
drama of the story...... Spent a lot of the evening with carb flu from my cheat day from the keto diet
yesterday so am giving up and having and early night soon
Night night x
Day 155
Corona diaries - day 155
Woke up this morning still with the burning ambition to go to the shops for the first time in 5 months on my
own. Don't even need anything but just to know I have done it.... And what a drama that turned into lol.
By the time I got dressed the storm outside was raging but I was so determined that I just went out rain or
no rain.... Then I got to streets and the underpass on the way to the shops and found it was flooded.... I
was still determined so I crossed the flooded road to get to the underpass on the other side.... Only to find
that one was even worse, with lumps of dirt visibly floating in about two foot of water.... Feeling a little
disheartened by this stage, I climbed up the muddy bank alongside and tried to climb over the little roadside
barriers to cross the dual carriage way..... And is when my new dress, I bought this week got trapped in the
stupid roadside barrier and ripped..... Not gonna lie, by this stage I figured that the universe or fate or
something was trying to tell me something. But I have never taken well to being told what to do... So I
crossed the road, bought some keto diet supplies lol
The way back was slightly better as rain had eased up, the road was less flooded.... But what a palaver just
to buy some Soy Milk lol Shopping online next time maybe lol.
Spent a lot of the day baking and cooking keto friendly cookies and mousse. It's weird but once my body is
in ketosis and 'fat adapted' I don't fancy snacks at all.... But when I am transitioning into keto, like
yesterday, when my body was ridding itself of the sugar from my cheat day.... Then I really do want sweet
treats so I made some cookies and treats which I probably won't want tomorrow lol.
Had a very productive team meeting with my volunteers and crew members and got lots of ideas about
what we want to change and adapt with the club going forward.
Then the better half came home moaning like heck that the lunch we had yesterday was too rich and had
upset his tummy....swearing he was gonna eat less of the keto stuff with me in future, while he stuffed his
face on my keto snacks lmao.. Make you mind up mate (he didn't like the almond cookies as much as he
liked the Raspberry mouse and the eg and bacon bites were a big hitl).... And he officially hates lamb chops
it would seem lmao
Spent some time this evening counselling a good friend online (been a while since I did any of that sort of
thing, usually it's legal advice on the special needs education process or dream meanings if people ask me
for help) and in the process realised some things about myself and my own life.... So helping her helped me
and I really enjoyed it felt good to help
And then I watched the rest of the Broderick vs Broderick story in the second season of Dirty John....
Unfortunately, just like the old newspaper articles I read last night, there was no conclusive evidence to say
whether or not she was driven to the actions at the end... I still felt like I didn't quite know if the husband had
deserved his fate or was just an innocent caught in her paranoia (although there was a few things he
clearly did)... But I guess that just like the articles of the story and the court stuff.... It's hard to say and a lot
of grey areas.
Netflix decided to put The OA on while I was distracted so I am kinda watching that now... But actually
writing this while it's on lol. Looking forward to work tomorrow, lots of exciting projects to work on and look
forward too Best I get to bed so that I can be productive tomorrow.
Night night x
Day 156
Corona Diaries - Day 156
Woke up early this morning, 6ish and although I went to bed late last night and was still tired, I dragged
myself out of bed because I knew I had work. Had a conversation on the keto site that makes me think I
need to be stricter... But I couldn't work out what was making me go over my daily carbs
Spent the morning doing some social media stuff for work which was much more time consuming and
challenging than I expected... But I did enjoy it so that was good. Then I started late on the bigger (more
important work I had to do and by the time work finished, I was one question from the end.... So I carried
on... Job and finish.
Spent my lunch break sorting out my work space, I bought some desk organisers on the weekend and if I
am going to be working at home for longer, I need to sort out the mess my dining room table had become.
Sorting through old notebooks, I found the playlist I put together for my first ever try at the couch to 5k. I
read through them, remembering how I had asked for suggestions on Facebook and which friends had
suggested what.
By the time I finished work, having not had lunch I was starving.... Managed to rustle up a nice low carb
meal (so I thought) and tidy up the kitchen and empty and refill the dishwasher before the hubby got go
home..... And then I sat there like a zombie, without even the telly on, too tired to move for 2 whole hours
until suddenly it was 8pm.
Had a shower and put my pj's on moaning that I have been tired all day and sat down to work out the
question I had been asked this morning about 'what is it that is pushing your carbs up over the limit' today it
turns out, it was a cup of tea with Skimmed milk with lactose in, cherry tomatoes in my salad and the worst
culprit was an avocado... You live and learn don't you.... Tomorrow is a new day...
Going to make myself a playlist of old songs that remind me of good friends on my Facebook page, I'm
missing the running and feeling like I haven't been forever but I refuse to struggle to run in over 18, 19 or 29
degree heat and the only cooler days we have had I've been working. Looking forward to getting back out
there once the weather is a little cooler
So yeah, gonna finish the playlist for my next run... And then, I'm off to bed
Day 157
Corona Diaries - Day 157
So what's happened today then?
Got woken by the other half who was worried that I wouldn't be awake for the Asda delivery... It says
between 8-10 but seems to always be more the half 9/10 side of the deal.
Once the shopping was done I paid the bills online and we talked about waiting for the postman, which we
both wanted to do... Both expecting parcels today
I waited in for parcels while he went to the shops and paid his bills but still. No sign of the parcels by half
1pm and we figured they weren't coming, when there was a knock at the door.... Delivery guy, would be
take packages for a neighbour.
I almost talked myself into going for a run.... The heat was borderline to my limit but the better half came
back from the shops moaning like hell about how humid and smothering the heat was.... So I decided
At this point I figured our packages weren't coming at all today and was ready to go for a walk or
something..... This was the moment he decided to start fiddling with the aerial for the telly (which was still
not adjusted right).... So that took a while of fussing with... He claims there's no wall so the bracket won't
attach properly (I reckon it’s the foam cladding that the council put on that's causing the issues.... There's
definitely a wall, I can see it with my eyeballs lol)
Eventually once that was finished we went out.... That's 3 times I've been out since the sheilding ended lol
We went to the cafe at Morrisons which was a living nightmare, standing round queuing for over 20 minutes
while staff try not to make eye contact, limited menu but still don't have the very thing we ordered, or the
second choice and they don't do subsititions and there's a form to fill in and a 20 minute wait for food.....
Even at 'half price', I was deeply unimpressed To be fair, I've been out 3 now and although I'm not
anxious and it's not scary, it's definitely a bit more rubbish that it was... Seriously "would not recommend' lol
But they had some lovely lilies, the type I had wanted at the start of the lockdown but couldn't get anyone to
shop for as the hubby and daughter claimed they weren't essential.... And cheap too, on offer.... So I
bought them straight up, and some flowers, I've missed being able to buy myself some flowers
As we walked home, I could see what he meant about the weather earlier, to hot to walk, let along run.... I
think I prefer it to be sunny when it's hot, so you can spend time sunning yourself or outdoors.... The humid
cloudy hotness I struggle with more.
Once we got home, I was worried that the plants were on offer as they were close to being pot bound.... So
I got straight to work planting them out and moving my 'bee friendly' mystery flowers to make way for them
Felt nice to see them all planted up and then I put my flowers in a vase (could only find my black vase
and can't say I was happy with the finished effect) but the flowers were a welcome addition after not being
able to have any for so long.
There was another knock the door, which I assumed was my neighbour to pick up her parcel.... When it
was a delivery guy I thought it was the packages we had been waiting for but no.... More for the same
neighbour... Very unusual, but would have to happen on a day when me and the hubby are waiting for
The aerial fell down and he had to go back up the ladder and mess about with it some more..... Apparently,
we are going to B&Q on the weekend for him to buy a better bracket or a longer drill bit and screws (so they
can reach the wall behind the foam cladding) or filler... or something, it wasn't very clear... But stuff to fix it
as he is very unhappy with the job in general.
And then, we came in and chilled for the evening..... Had the family group chat..... Watched some TV....
Same old same old
Catch you tomorrow evening
Day 158
Corona Diaries - Day 158
(I'm writing yesterday's this morning again)
Yesterday sucked... Officially... Just so you know lol
I woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep as I was worried about an online health appointment at 9.
The TV aerial had fallen down again....
By 9 I was pacing about stressing a so tired that I had resorted to drinking coffee (yes I know it’s horrible,
so you know how dire things were). I felt like I had about half hour sleep and was so nervous about the
appointment.... I always worry that you don't have enough time to say everything or explain properly and
will finish the appointment not having discussed the important stuff.
By half 9 they still hadn't rung and I was calling around chasing them up and by half 10 I had a phone call to
make a new appointment (no explanation of why, just an apology). By this time I was really tired but knew I
had stuff to do and was full of coffee, so there was no trying to get some sleep.
So I got ready for the afternoons meetings... Trying to get straight in my tired mind what I wanted to
discuss. And that's when my boss rang, and I hadn't really had a chance to touch base with him for a
while.... So I then had a list of stuff I wanted to remember from that but before I could jot anything down or
realise I needed too.... That's when the school finally rang back to discuss the covid safety measures they
are putting in place (I have been very unsure about sending Tom back and am still considering options)....
So with 10 minutes to my afternoon Zoom meeting, no sleep and a million things from my last phone call
and the meeting ahead on my tired little mind... I was trying to think rationally about safety measures and
my sons schooling.
The afternoon meeting sucked... I wanted to have a relaxed coffee and catch someone up with some
history... They wanted to 'problem solve' in a way that might make things worse... So wasn't happy with
how that was resolved either.
I finished the meeting and tried to ring my ex and catch him up on the safety measures and see how he felt
about the school thing. The I had a text message 'wanna do something crazy'.... It was work related (loving
my work at the moment and really enjoying having a chance to try something I once wanted as a career
options but had long given up on)...
And that's when I realised, I hadn't eaten anything so I was cooking and doing crazy work stuff and
considering Tom education choices and trying to remember stuff from the last meeting and the chat with
the boss that needed doing too... All felt overwhelming and too much at once and once I had finished
cooking, eating, working, and started to put stuff in place from the last meeting I was exhausted and by the
time the other half got home I was like a wet dish cloth.
As usually he was great.... Told me to switch off and put my pj's on, stick some telly on and chill... made me
a cuppa and installed me on the sofa for the evening lol
Where I low key dealt with some more work stuff from the 'something crazy' and then remembered I hadn't
sent stuff to the boss... So I did that too
Before eventually following the hubby's advice and switching off and taking some painkillers for my
shoulder/back thing.... And at some point the painkillers must have kicked in and the cafiene must have
worn off and the over tired must have caught up with me and the over whelmed from earlier and together
created the perfect storm because I literally fell asleep sitting up... No idea how long for... Missed the family
chat, woke up and it still wasn't quite bed time so I got a drink but I felt like I was too tired to write the diary
and so I went to bed not long after.
So so yes... yesterday sucked... Mainly because I was to tired to function or think properly (so kinda self
inflicted, well rested Claire’s have much nicer days) ... Not sleeping because of anxiety about a meeting
that they cancelled without telling me anyway.... And spending the rest of the day running on caffeine and
juggling what seemed like a million over whelming things to my extremely tired mind.
Didn't even take any photos either... But yeah... That was yesterday.... It sucked and I would be happy not
to repeat it.
Day 159
Corona Diaries - Day 159
Had 8 hours sleep and still woke up tired.... Wasn't until late in the afternoon I remembered that I am
always a bit like this the week before my immunosuppressant injection is due.
Spent a while this morning contemplating going back to bed but was waiting for the school to ring back
about Tom going back in September (my worry-o-meter is swinging towards sending him a little more after
chatting to friends parents)... Spoiler alert, no one rang
Then I got a weird message.... Asking if Andrea could do 'vector tracing', a friend needed some done for
her business and remembered Andrea was a digital artist. She was thinking of hiring a freelancer but felt it
was better to hire local. Having no idea what vector tracing was lol.. I immediately rang Andrea and asked
'yes I can, yes, I'll take the job, set up a message but tell her I won't be answering any messages until I'm
awake'.... Think she must have got distracted cos it was hours and hours later she got back in touch.
Eventually, dragged my tired butt off the sofa and went and had a shower and got dressed and considered
going to the shop, but looking at the wind out of the window and listening to it whistling round the house
and banging the letter box ... I talked myself out of it. Decided to do some cooking instead. Until I managed
to break the pepper grinder and thought 'sod it, I'll go buy one'.
The shop was uneventful.... Oh.... unless you count me forgetting how shop displays work, walking up to
one of those displays where everything is hung on a rail (I was looking at socks and undies) and reaching
for something on the bottom shelf and poking myself in the eye with the end of the sock rail... Luckily it was
covered with a safety thing so not too sharp... But a bit of a nasty bump and made my eyes water (clumsy
idiot, remembered really quick not to head butt shop displays though lol)
Bumped into some friends on the way home and stopped for a socially distanced chat... Was really nice to
talk to people from outside my immediate family and we talked about plans for a socially distanced meet up
for the pagan group we are all part of (I promised to design a post to let other group members know)
Got home and finally got around to framing the bloke’s anniversary present from me (I haven't been able to
go out to buy a frame so got one at the shops).... It was nice to see it mounted and I put it on his stereo with
his vinyl’s as a surprise when he got home.
And then got cracking on the cooking... Keto egg and bacon cups, good to eat warm or cold for quick
breakfasts and snacks... Some keto Raspberry treat pots and some lime jelly pots
that were far less exciting. Low calorie, low carb, zero sugar.... Always good to have some treats that won't
destroy the diet hanging about for when your peckish
By the time I'd eaten and with everything still cooling and baking.... The my new post for work was blowing
up so I spent sometime answering queries, inviting people, thanking people for likes and tagging relevant
staff members.
At about this time Andrea messaged the group chat and was polite and very knowledgeable about getting
design info online (all those years doing art commissions has really paid off, and there's me thinking she
was wasting time staying online all night as a teenager lol)
Within a few hours, they had sorted out the details, hourly rate, picture quality, payments and invoices
etc..... I was impressed ... And within 3 hours she had done the work and sent the invoice ... Even more
impressed (and so was my friend, who said she would hire her again and recommend her to friends)... So if
anyone needs vectors traced, you know where to come ... All while I was sorting out the online work stuff
and putting the baking stuff away and cleaning the kitchen.
Then I settled down to design the poster for the pagan group meet up.... It's all go... but I don't mind as its
great experience and everyone on the group page was very excited and is looking forward to our social
distanced outdoor get together (walk on the beach, build a fire, friendly chat etc) will be nice to see them all
My mum rang and I yawned my way through a chat... Haven't even put the TV on as I've been to busy
posting to groups I run and designing posts
But I'm done now and ready for bed soon... Might just catch the news before I go to bed .
N'night x
Day 160
Corona diaries - day 160
Writing it the next morning again lol.
Not long of these diaries to go now as Swansea Uni are stopping collecting them and I am looking forward
to dedicating the time to other writing projects.
So what happened yesterday?
It was sisters day in our house a day specific to us as a couple because both our sisters have their
birthdays on the same day August 22nd, so there was a lot of texts and social media birthday messages
going on.
Woke up and the love of my life was already up a ladder fiddling with the problematic aerial which had not
enjoyed storm Ellen during the night.
It was decided that we had several options:- A) get drill bits and screws long enough to reach through the
insulating foam and into the wall beyond... B) put the aerial in the attack (this would involved a lot of
crawling through the attack space and running wiring right through the house).... C) attaching the aerial to
the small bit of wood under the guttering (this would involve borrowing ladders and doing work at a great
height, also extension leads for drills etc...... So we headed to the shops to buy longer drill bits and screws
for option one.
As usual, I found it weird to be in the town centre, everything is strangely set out now and you have to be
alert to people who don't believe in the virus acting like nutters. But we managed to buy screws and nylon
plugs, and sealant and the extra long drill bit.... And we were happy with that.
On the way home I wanted to go to the Aldi supermarket on the other side of town, where according to
Internet legend, they had more keto friendly products.... During a pandemic, with social distancing and
people worried about leaving traces of virus places..... Is not, I repeat NOT, the best time to start having to
pick up every single item and ready the labels for nutrients. Stalling people who are trying to social distance
behind me and touching things I'm not buying.... None of it considered goo etiquette these days..... Also
Internet legend had it wrong, I guess they don't stock it all in the supermarket near my town as it doesn't
sell maybe, but no mythical keto bread, no keto Crisps, keto muffins, wraps etc so I came away quite
disheartened. (no bacon sarnies for me lol)
Came home to more battling with the aerial, a battle that has gone on for ages now and seems endless. My
ex husband (who also left a lot of the DIY to me) used to say that you could tell when I had been at a DIY
project because everything was held together with duct tape and no more nails.... And yes, there is a far
amount of that going on here lol Struggling with things being a millimetre or so out and wobbling a little, we
did pull out the filler and the no more nails and left is all to set.... 24 - 48 hours it said on the packaging, so
that was a perfect excuse to down tools for a while (Internet telly online has been find for years and another
day would be fine)
But by 5pm, I was bored.... I suggested that we should spend some time together or go for a walk or
something .....and that's when he said 'let's go visit your sister'... Wasn't expecting that at all so I rushed to
put some make up on and a we popped to the shops to grab a quick card and a bunch of flowers (can't turn
up empty handed on her birthday).
All I can say is, thank goodness the Welsh Assembly Gov changed the rules so that several households
could meet up at once because I wasn't expecting my niece and nephew to have their families/boyfriend. It
was the busiest rooms I have been in for months and my nephew, (who my sister tells me thinks the virus is
a myth, a conspiracy that is quite common these days) immediately gave me a huge hug, which was pretty
unnerving... But he is over 6ft and works out, so I wasn't gonna fight him.... Just make sure I didn't get
within hugging distance again (and showered once I got home lol)
My sister was over the moon to see me and was immediately as much of a bad influence as ever (after 2
vodkas, she got the shots out and who knows how much I drank )
I avoided the buffet food she had put out for the family members for fear that it would kick me out of ketosis
and I spent the evening avoid food and I didn't really take any photos either.
We got home at 10pm, and I was covered in stickers that my great grand niece had put in my jumper (at
one point she was telling a whole story with them all running around my tummy and playing with each other
and having naps and all sorts).... It was definitely lovely to see them all and spend time with family (even if I
knew I'd regret the drinking in the morning lol)
Didn't get to bed until midnight, after the jager bomb (the energy drink chemicals are so bad for keeping you
awake) and spent a great deal of time wondering if I should or shouldn't write my diary drunk.... And
decided against it..... And went to bed instead lol
Day 161
Corona diaries - day 161
So what happened yesterday? (cos I'm writing the morning after again)
Woke up feeling a bit rough from the drinking the night before and decided I really shouldn't do much if
Snuggled up on the sofa while the hubby went to take his mum shopping and out for a coffee....even got a
face mask out and used it (which always feels a little decadent) Took a face mask selfie for you... It isn't
pretty lol
When he got back from his mums the first thing was out to see it the TV aerial bracket was strong enough
to hold the aerial aster the filler had dried..... Turns out it wasn't So decided between the attic or trying to
attach I to the board below the guttering, we borrowed some ladders from the neighbour... But once he got
up there he decided it couldn't be attached because the board we could see was made of plastic and
despite there being board behind it 'he couldn't fit his fingers behind it'... Which seemed to be the weirdest
excuse ever for not just drilling though the plastic and whatever is behind to me... But, being terrified of
heights and as someone who gets dizzy spells at any height over 2ft, I was in no position to argue for fear
of hearing 'do it yourself then'.
In the end he decided to have another try on the wall, with the longer ladder he felt he could reach better to
drill. He still wasn't happy that it was safely up there to stay, but it’s up and it's not sliding out so much like
last time.. I think the previous holes had been reused and had so many screws in and out for two weeks
that maybe this will be better... I guess we won't really know until there's another storm.
I was shocked yesterday to find I was still in ketosis... Well done me for avoiding the buffet even while
drinking and being sat next to it
Spent the rest of the afternoon pottering about the kitchen, cooking from scratch, saving the jelly I made the
day before that hadn't set and making some other keto desserts and feel good food.... Was the first time in
ages I almost had my calorie allowance for the day (it’s so hard the eat enough calories on keto)
Watched a film about George Clooney in space in the afternoon (Gravity) it was quite miserable to be
honest. And then in the night I was going to go to bed but ended up watching The Notebook, a film
someone recommended to me years ago and I've long felt guilty for not bothering to watch... It was as I
suspected soppy rubbish... But wasn't too bad and least I can say I finally watched it now lol.
And that was yesterday
Day 162
Corona diaries - day 162
Today I weighed and I had lost another pound (since the last time I weighed on Friday)... So I was happy
with that that's 10lb altogether since I started eating keto (2 and a half weeks ish) so I feel like that is
going well.... I have lost the lockdown weight and the Xmas weight... And am now officially as overweight
and miserable as I was last summer lmao
I thought I should go for a run, the weather had cooled a little and I've been making excuses or telling
myself 'I'll do it tomorrow' for over two weeks... So I bit the bullet and did it... I think part of the nervousness
was knowing that my running monitor had warned me that I was coming down on my heel to much and I
thought it would be very hard to change my running style and focus on my footfall for every step. As it goes,
it did take a lot of focus (and I caught myself falling back into old habits a few times) but it wasn't too bad....
And there was a definite drop in pain levels from my plantifacitis/plantifaciopathy and no shin splits pain at
all... So that's a good reason to keep trying to shift that focus
When I got back from my run the head from Tom's school rang (I was expecting, the phone call last Friday,
so a bit late, but better late than never).... We had another discussion about whether he could do some of
his learning from home and what measures are in place at the school.... I am still not convinced its safe but
she said I have another week too decide and that if he starts back and he feels unsafe or we change our
mind there will always be the option to look at a reduced timetable then..... After the discussion I think it will
depend on what lessons and when.
We had another good volunteer meeting, after quite a few bad ones that were sucking out my will to live it's
nice to be making some headway and improvements that will hopefully make the club more interesting and
less hard work for me.
And then I made some food.... It's so hard on keto to eat enough calories and doing exercise made it even
harder so I struggled to eat enough today..... The keto butterscotch treats I made helped though
By the time the love of my life came home I was tired and had just about managed to tidy up a little.... I
went to his little sanctuary and spent some time chatting to him as he listened to his vinyl’s (or interrupting
his chill time, listening to his music as he refers to it).... And then I gave up and came downstairs to watch
some TV before bed. Been sat here like a couch potato for over an hour now, think I should hit the sack.
N'night x
Day 163
Corona Diaries - 163
So today was a workday so not much happened.
The postman interrupted me working to deliver some post, more keto sticks (I decided to buy a cheap
breathe keto tester as I'm sure it will be a saving in the long run)
And a special lanyard to wear to let people know I'm high risk and to keep their distance that a friend
ordered too many of and sent (the badge gives away that it's made by a kidney charity and that's her
condition and not mine) the thought was there and I think it will still let people know.... So that's good.
I read an email wrong and freaked out for a bit... But thankfully it was wrong as it worried me a lot lol
And I organised a monthly talk for the online meetings until next November so that will hopefully keep the
group interesting and relevant I am still having trouble with the social media at work (can't link up the
Instagram with the Facebook and make it work, not even sure why but it's annoying)
And then I found a great new funding stream for an upcoming project and nailed the application for that for
the rest of the day. And that was pretty much my working day... As usual I hammered too much coffee
during work hours and crashed once I eased off... Barely managed the cleaning (but still not as knackered
as I am some weeks).... Weirdly was having headaches and feeling a bit dizzy earlier, might be the diet but
usually it's a thing that happens going into ketosis not a few weeks in Maybe because my keytosis levels
have been quite high today, so I figured that eating would help even though I rarely feel hungry with this
way of eating. After checking up on the science, the suggestion was that some people have no problems if
they are getting enough magnesium and potassium (so I ordered some pills in the post as well as eating)
The other half came home and made me a cuppa and I was soon feeling better
The storm 'the Francis' has been raging all day but the aerial hasn't come down, which is a blessed relief as
I've had enough of the aerial the last few weeks.... Think there's a few channels that are iffy but hopefully
they will come back once the weather eases off.
Tried to watch some more of The Fall on Netflix as so many people have recommended it... It's quite
good.... But I will need to turn it off and go to bed soon
N'night x
Day 164
Corona diaries - Day 164
What an exciting day.. Did loads The better half had a day off work so we had out first day date in
flipping ages But first we woke up to find the TV didn’t work and the aerial had slipped again... Whole
thing has turned into a nightmare lol.
Neil went off to the garage to try to get his oil changed but ended up having to book for it to be done in the
And I went for a run, I left it too late in the day and it had got quite warm, I almost put it off but ended up
being triggered into action by a online discussion about running. I worked out why I couldn't find the footfall
info on the app after my last run, turns out I had attached it to my shoe the wrong way and it had put itself in
automatic 'wrist mode'.... So I learned something new today lol
Then, after a shower, we went to Swansea, furthest I had been in almost 6 months.... I made an effort to
put a pretty dress on and do my make up, felt weird going out somewhere properly. We went to India India
and to be honest it was the best 'eat out to help out' experience so far. There was temperature checks on
the way in and Perspex barriers between tables, a one way system around the restaurant and gloves to
wear at the buffet.... It felt really well done and very safe. And unlike the two other places we had been the
staff were attentive and friendly. Definitely would recommend.
Afterwards I wanted to go and buy some essentials that I had failed to buy online in the last 6 months (I
tried but the quality online was awful)... So we tried to walk into the city centre, I was horrified by how busy
and chaotic it was on a Wednesday day, I dread think what it's like at the weekend.... I had to remind
myself that length of time spent with someone was a factor and that walking past people in the street was
low risk,... Wore my mask and moved as quickly as social distancing would allow. Then after I bought the
few things I needed we went back to the car via the quieter roads and headed home.
The bloke decided at this point that he wanted to fiddle with the aerial again... Fair play to him he is a tryer
lol. So he tightened a bolt or something... If it doesn't hold now then maybe a new bracket is in order.
And by then it was time to feed the cat and settle for the evening... So I got my pj's on early and got back to
boxsetting The Fall
And now its time for bed (they have caught the bad guy on the show lol)
N'night x
Day 165
Corona Diaries - Day 165
What have I done today? Not much to be honest
Had a lie in and a lazy kinda day, spent most of the morning with a jippy tummy from eating so much non
keto stuff yesterday.... It's no surprise that having a day off and going to an Indian buffet kicked me out of
ketosis and now I have to go back in again... Might take a few days.
Didn't go for a run as the storm was raging this morning and then by the time it finished it was too warm.
Tried to make a cauliflower cheese dish with the veg that was left in the fridge but it was too dodgy and the
whole thing ended up on the compost heap lol make a rather nice salmon steak with asparagus and a
lemon and thyme sauce...which was nice
Was going to go shopping but was worried about carrying it all home so I talked myself out of it
And then before I knew it it was evening time and I hadn't got around to half the stuff I wanted to do today.
Didn't take any photos of my uneventful day... Sorry
But I looked up how long it's all been going on for and it's almost 6 months.... It will be weird in a few days
when the Swansea Uni team stop collecting the diaries and I get to stop writing these weird little daily
updates. I think it will be a relief in some ways as it has become a chore... But as someone who every year
for almost 40 yrs bought a diary and promised myself I'd write everyday... And every time, without fail, for
almost 40 years.... Failed by the end of March (sometimes in January) I think I've done quite well..... I
always reassured myself that it was fine that I couldn't stick to it using the Dorothy Parker quote "only good
girls keep diaries, bad girls never have the time"... Maybe I've mellowed in my old age, become a good girl
over the years... But I still love Dorothy Parker quotes (she was an amazing woman).
Right that's enough of me pontificating about my day of achieving nothing lol.
N'night x
Day 166
Corona diaries - day 166
Well I made up for yesterday's laziness by being far more in the go today.
Got up early and was going to go for a run.... But got easily distracted (As is my nature) by the bedroom
windows I had been wanting to clean for days... They've been covered in grime by the storm a while back,
and I keep thinking my glasses need cleaning or it's foggy out.
So I grabbed a cloth and filling a bowl and dangled out of the windows with the soapy water trying to clean
them... Standing with one foot on a chair and one on the bed frame or windowsill... Or wherever I could
balance.... And that's when I heard a creak and thought 'oh damn'.... I assumed it was one of the bed slats
(spoilers, I assumed wrong).
So I took my injection, last injection day in the diary and went out for my run, during which I got some
disturbing news via text about someone I had met a few times and thought of as a friend... So I spent the
whole run thinking 'god that's awful', ran along the beach and once I got to the end of my 5km decided to
keep running to the shop.... Bought milk and some other stuff and then ran home... Almost 7km go me (I
have so much more energy when I am avoiding streaky windows and broken beds)
Got in and realised the bedroom windows were covered in streaks... But I daren't climb up there again.... Or
dare I? So I climbed up there again and this time tried to balance on something g other than the bed....
Result was an even worse job, although a lot of the black grime was gone, still a bit streaky.... And then I
got in the shower because it had been a sweaty kinda run.
At that point, I was rushing to get some food in me and get my make up looking OK for a zoom meeting in
the afternoon....and having a fab chat about Keynesian Economics online at the same time (cos I can be
clever and a clumsy cow, I'm versatile like that lol)
When the husband walks in, I try to explain about the bed and he proceeded to hate me and treat me with
contempt..... You would have thought that I had maliciously gone mental with a chainsaw and then passed
him some super glue and plasters on his way in and laughed in his face screaming 'fix that m' ha ha ha'...
Rather than the truth, I have always been clumsy and struggled with balance and heights and I honestly
can't help it (its not deliberate or a cunning attempt to annoy him, honestly)
So I eat some food and got on with the Zoom meeting... Half way though which comes the banging, and the
dragging furniture around (all above the dining room I am working in).... It sounded like he had taken up
drums... But of course he was busy being super moody with me, so I daren't say anything.
After the meeting, I volunteered to go buy some DIY stuff, mainly to get out of the house and away from his
mood..... On the way over to the shops I thought about how much I love DIY and that he only helped with
the aerial cos I am clumsy with heights. So when I got back I offered to do the rest of the repairs... But
apparently it was done by then and I was just in the way
So I gave up.... I have walked over 1500 steps and my thighs had a serious case of chub I went to
sit down..... After a bit he came down and I apologised for being a chubby clumsy clown like woman (this is
what he choose to marry, no one forced him or hide my idiocy from him, I warned him repeatedly in fact)
and he made me a cuppa... He offer to make food but I had eaten, so he made me some anyway and
processed to be like 'May as well have some, it's keto friendly, go on' until I eat it lol.
The I spent the evening freezing to death and shivering while he wondered round half dressed.... I think it's
the injections, while my immune system adjusts I get a bit cold and run down... I noticed he had cleaned the
windows again too, properly without falling all over stuff like Norman Wisdom (there were still a few streaks
but I'm not complaining or redoing them)
And I'm still. on the sofa shivering, in brushed cotton full length pj's and a dressing gown over the top.
Gonna go to bed soon though... My immune system needs it
N'night x
Day 167
Corona diaries - day 167
Got up quite early this morning wanting to get around to dying my hair. Which I've been meaning to do for
days and the bloke had an appointment at the garage to have his oil changed (which he insisted he couldn't
do himself because he didn't have something to hold the car up and he had no idea how to get rid of the
So while he was out I mixed the dye up but I did a 1:2 mix instead of a 1:1 mix and the dye didn't take...
Which after 45 minutes of sitting round was kinda disappointing.
Rang my son’s father to find out what time he would be dropped off home and realised I'd have time to do
the shopping before he got back. So I rang the better half (as he had promised to take me shopping this
weekend when I missed my online shopping slot) to ask him how long he would be... Turns out oil changes
take ages and I was in half a mind to go over the shops and just pick up some blue dye myself while I
waited... But then he walked in and seemed a bit out of sorts... Turns out oil changes are ridiculously over
priced (like £5 for the oil change, plus vat, £25 for the oil and then over £40 for labour... Shocking)
So I told him to chill at home and went to the local supermarket (said I'd ring him when I needed a lift
back)... Was weird doing a supermarket shop for the first time in almost 6.months and trying to buy only
keto stuff in and environment designed to make you fancy picking up snacks made it even weirder..... To
make it even worse there was no blue hair dye only boring colours (brown, blonde, red ) so I didn't even
get hair dye..... It perked up considerably when I bumped into my favourite person in the world and
managed to arrange to meet up once the kids are back in school next week for an outdoor socially
distanced walk. So I'm looking forward to that
What else happened.... Oh yeah. My ex rung and said he couldn't drop Tom off until tomorrow (so it will be
a real rush to go and sort stuff out) so that was a bit disappointing too.
So I made up for it by cooking me and the bloke a steak dinner. And then, I did some washing, put away
clothes and clasped for the evening.
Boxsetting 'Good Trouble' on iplayer and enjoying it... Really jealous of the commune thing they live in, in
downtown LA, it seems lovely (but fiction often is isn't it).
Day 168
Corona Diaries - day 168
So what happened today?
Well I had be up a little in the might with a lot on my mind and neither me or the other half had slept much...
So he let me lay in until he was leaving to go to his mums.
I spent the morning chasing around worried about when exactly Tom would be back... My ex said 9.... But it
turned out to be more like 12.... I had been hoping to have him back yesterday and get him cleaned and
back into some sort of routine before shopping for uniform today... But dropping him off at 12 meant we had
under 3 hours to do all that and to get the uniform stuff done... It was not ideal as me and the hubby were
tired and dehydrated too.
When Tom did come back it turned out he had been refusing to brush his hair the whole time he was at his
dad's (and he loves his dad cos his dad doesn't nag him, so no one had reminded him).... I counted at least
5 dreadlocks as I tried to brush out the hair that he claimed he had washed but was obviously still greasy...
And then he admitted he hadn't brushed his teeth the whole time either... Nightmare.
When we finally did get him looking half decent and get out the door we were against the clock to get
school shoes and trainers.... The supermarkets had shirts in his size but no trousers, so we visited several
supermarkets too.... Even more hot and worn out and fed up... But they had some blue hair dye, which was
darker than I would like but I picked it up anyway, in my crazy supermarket sweep effort to get the hell
home... Tired and fed up.
When we got home it was time to make food, everyone ate food I fancied while I made a keto avocado
Omelette.... And then got cracking on Tom's hair, shaved his under cut and manged to talk him into letting
me cut 2 inches off the length (sort of under duress if I'm honest, but if he isn't going to brush it then..... It's
like 'if you want it, you look after' it surely).... Was nice to see it done and him fed.... Starting to look more
like my handsome kid again (he needs to wash his hair again tomorrow morning because he told me he
was going to shower the hair off but just went up and pretended to wash).... I would say he's back to all his
old tricks, but I suspect the reason he came home in such a state is because he never stopped his general
Tom-Ness at any point..... He then spent 2 two hours trying to pretend he wasn't napping as I tried to
explain to him that he needs to get back into a decent routine and he complained that he was tired from
such late nights and being out of routine for so long.
While all this was going on... And after Tom's hair was cut... I decided to stay with the 'Bevs hairdressers'
theme and stick a 'hair dye stripper' on my hair in the hope of getting a more even colour after dying on top
of dying for months (and to get some of the red tones out, red is a bugger to get rid of of you want to go
blue and can mean reddish purple is the best you get)
Ended up leaving it on too long while I concerned myself with keeping Tom awake until at least
when I washed it out, the condition felt a bit dodgy and it was a lot lighter than I expected ..... I was
planning to go straight to blue, but it seemed a shame to stick such a dark shade on after getting it so
light.... So now I am thinking of leaving it blonde for a bit until I can buy some turquoise or lilac??
Undecided..... But I'm definitely a bit more blonde than I have been for a while lol interesting turn of events.
The family chat was interesting.... My mum didn't notice until I pointed out lmao.... And then in the way she
always does when I go a colour that's far too normal for my liking she got really excited and wanted me to
consider just using a toner and going Ash blonde for a bit (it's as though she has never met me before to be
honest).... The other half half heartedly suggested in go back to black (he knows its not worth asking, I liked
it black but the roots look so shocking with such a dark colour and the up kept was annoying, I die and two
weeks later there a white strip down the middle of my head like the evil gizmo from gremlins lol).... So yeah,
I'm a blonde at the moment.
As I'm typing this I can hear Tom wondering about upstairs.... Because at 6pm, he was too tired but at
10pm, now it's playtime Ffs.... I've had to hide his phone and his Nintendo switch as he waits for me to be
asleep and then sneaks down and steals them and plays under the covers all night if you aren't constantly
on guard (which is probably how he got out of his routine in the first place... Good old dad and his 'not
nagging'... Fun times )
So yeah, I'd like to go to sleep, especially as I had so little sleep last night ... Who knows if I can with Tom
wondering round like a lost soul and the having to be on guard and having to have eyes in the back of my
head (swear to god I am waking him at half 6 tomorrow, I'll get him into a routine by the time school is back
if it kills me)
I would say good night.... But I doubt it will be good.... I feel like it's gonna be a tough one to be honest.
Wish me luck on the sleep (maybe you guys can catch a few zeds in my honour, you know like when
American gangsters on telly pour out some drink for their dead homes) .... Get some sleep for me xxx
Day 169
Corona Diaries - day 169
So it's here... The very last Corona Diary
From tomorrow Swansea Uni is no longer going to be collecting diaries of how people have coped with the
first few months of the virus and there's no reason to keep on writing them.
Wanted to finish with a bang or something spectacular.... But really not at all sure what?
So what's happened today? I'm, I realised in the middle of last night that I have earache that's been adding
to my lack of sleep the last few days (it's common for me and is linked to the condition I take the injections
Was woken at 6am this morning by the husband because he went downstairs and found Tom fully dressed
in his school clothes.... Apparently, he managed not to laugh but he didn't have the heart to tell him so I had
to go downstairs and gently break it to him that school isn't today.... That, when I said I wanted him up early
it was to go see my mum lol
He went in the shower and changed but his hair was still smelling of his dad's fags and greasy so I ended
up washing it for him.... 4 washes and a hair cut and you would barely know he had dreadlocks yesterday
(and smelt like an ashtray)
I made carb free keto pancakes with blueberries and cream for breakfast
We walked into town to meet my mum (about 3km there and 3km back, so I measured it on my app as a
walk )
We went for food... I was really good, motivated by knowing I was still in ketosis when I measured this
morning.... My weight has comedown from all the keto eating and I took a screen shot of my last few
month's on my diet app (but rubbed out the weight, cos I'm not happy with lots of people knowing) You can
see the little spikes where I had a cheat day and a date... But got back on track after each
When we left my mum asked Tom for a hug and a kiss and he said no 'because we are not meant to
because of the virus'... I was pretty annoyed that she clearly isn't that bothered by the risks anymore ....
She said that my nephew (who doesn't believe in the virus) kisses her all the time... I felt like saying 'and if
he put his hand in the fire, would you'... Because that's what she used to say to me as a kid if I did
something dumb just because others did. I just left awkwardly
The news reckons that young people my nephews age are the driving force behind the virus now, catching
it more than any other age group (my mum finds the news too depressing, it goes on about the virus too
much for her liking)....
Once we got home, me and Tom rang the phone company about a problem with his phone... It took a while
but it got fixed, the call centre guy said he really enjoyed talking to us and that I made him 'laugh so much
he cried' a few times... Made me think I should really get back to the stand-up comedy stuff soon too
I checked the figures for the last few weeks.... Thought the corona diaries should end on a bit about the
virus... As you can see from the charts, the first peak was huge, lots of cases and lots of deaths.... And now
the cases are slowly rising again but the deaths aren't, I think it's because younger fitter people are getting
it now and are more likely to survive it, combined with the fact that we know more now as a species about
what treatments help people survive (plenty of new drugs and treatments have come out over the last few
months, no cures or vaccines but ways to give people a better chance of survival).. Not sure but trying to
think positive
Of course with numbers rising and kids back in school this week, coming into contact with hundreds of
others and possibly bringing the virus home to hundreds of families in communities all over the country it
easy to still be nervous too... On the news this morning were stark warnings about Universities and
colleges possibly creating havoc as young people all over the country move from one city to another to
attend various universities, sharing cramped student housing etc
And after spending months being told that the virus hates the warm and the sun and breeds in the cold and
dark, it's easy to worry for the future, especially as autumn is coming, bringing with it cold and flu season....
Today is the last day of meteorological summer and summers end is always tinged with a little sadness but
it's a great symbolic ending for the diaries.
My pagan group has its first full moon meet up next week (socially distanced and outdoors), some of us
follow the heathen calendar and some the wiccan one but for us all it is harvest, first harvest has gone and
second harvest is in a few weeks.... So instead of being sad about the end of summer and the end of the
diaries.... I'd like to end by 'harvesting' and celebrating what's been learnt over these few exceptional
I've become a runner and taught myself to enjoy regular exercise....
I've proved to myself that I could blog or write a diary if I wanted too (something I've failed at over and over
in my life)....
I've used the diary to learn more about my health and wellbeing and noticed that there are patterns in my
wellbeing depending on when my injection is due or has been....
I learnt that exercise alone will not help me lose weight and have changed my diet, listened to advice given
me years ago by nutritionists I met and its working....
I've learnt to take time away from things and learnt to enjoy cooking, gardening and working from home.....
I never did finish the mask making or the knitted quilt, but there's still time to work on them (the world hasn't
ended lol)
I got fitter and happier, and it's been an amazing journey and a time in our lives that not one of us will forget
(those involved on the diaries or not)
I think all of humanity has gained a lot too... It's been amazing to see how quickly research has come with
nations working together and amazing to see it happening.... It's been lovely to see people spending more
time outdoors in nature.... Society realising it doesn't have to be constantly buying and consuming and
seeing the difference on the environment that some time indoors created .... People spending more time
with their families and baking.... And the realisation that the people we used to admire are not the ones who
keep society together but instead it is held together by those in the worst paid jobs, those who worked
through it all to keep us going and earned the title 'keyworkers' (the cleaners, shop workers, bin men,
postmen, nurses etc)... I hope going forward we will remember that and they will be paid according to their
So yes.... If I had to harvest the good crops, the great things that came from this crisis, pick the good from
the bad.... It would be a good harvest because I think not just me but the whole of humanity has learnt a lot
from this experience (if its only to wash our hands more often lmao)
So yeah, signing off for the last time... On a lot of positives
Cheers, Corona Diaries people. (Dr Mike Ward and his trusty assistant)... It's been a blast, a roller-coaster,
things were lost (including lives) but lots was gained (mainly new perspectives)
Thanks for allowing me to be part of your study and I hope the diaries do some good for the world too ....
The more positives that come from the whole thing the better.
Right I am procrastinating on signing off.... Hard to say goodbye for the last time I guess... So rip the band
aid off xxx
N'night xxx