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Corona Diaries


Daisy Picture

“I’ve got a white lilac bush in the front garden that’s gone a bid mad. I love the smell of lilac, bluebells and sweet peas! Oh happy Summer days!”

Female, aged 65-74, Retired with business interests, Southeast England, White, Divorced, Heterosexual.




Daisy “I’ve got a white lilac bush in the front garden that’s gone a bid mad. I love the smell of lilac, bluebells and sweet peas! Oh happy Summer days!”

Background Information Female, aged 65-74, Retired with business interests, Southeast England, White, Divorced, Heterosexual.

March – First Diary Entry Day 1 of self-isolation: 16th March 2020 Today is the 16th March 2020; I am 68 years old. Tim Brooke Taylor of the Goodies died today of the virus and Stirling Moss died of natural causes. The Government is advocating self-isolation to the over-70;s and those with underlying health conditions. I’ve got an autoimmune disorder due to a dodgy thyroid gland. Covid-19, part of the coronavirus family, is sweeping the world. Countries are in lockdown; Italy is refusing hospital admissions to the over 80’s and many are dying of respiratory disease. This damn virus clogs up your lungs, causes pneumonia, and weakens the body to the point of no return. It’s a worldwide horror- story unfolding before our very eyes that knows no barriers and there is no cure. We are told to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water (the time is takes to sing Happy Birthday twice), and not to touch our face, our eyes and mouth unless our hands are clean. If we sneeze or cough to use a tissue and then throw the tissue away immediately. If we haven’t got a tissue, then we are to bury our face in the crook of our arm and sneeze and cough away. The British Government today gave a recommendation that the over-70’s, and those with underlying health conditions such as asthma, are to self-isolate for at least 12 weeks. Pubs, restaurants, theatres, and cinemas are to close. Us oldies are told to stay at home and to avoid contact with everyone, even close family. We can still go for a walk but have to keep our distance (at least 8ft away) from any fellow humans. Those not in the vulnerable group are advised to work from home and only absolute essential travel is recommended. It’s all about Social Distancing. Schools are to remain open for the time being as the virus doesn’t find children overly attractive – thank goodness! It’s the old and vulnerable it gravitates towards; is this a subversive world-wide plot by Extinction Rebellion to drastically cull the population in our overcrowded planet? My first day of isolation and I have grand plans for spring cleaning the house, tidying the garage and giving the car a ‘going-over’. What then? I draw the line at ironing anything! I’ve got plenty of food and toilet rolls and I have done an online shop. The first available slot is the 2 nd of April, which is 2 weeks away. The supermarket shelves are empty and panic buying has created a shortage of toilet rolls, dried goods like pasta and many cleaning products. Hand sanitiser is impossible to get hold of and hospital supplies of this vital product are being raided by low-life, vile scumbags who have no thought or care for delicate cancer patients undergoing chemo. Walking my two dogs, a Poodle pup and an eight-year-old terrier, is still permitted, but I must pick my times and keep well away from other people. I feel numb and worry about me, my dogs and friends and family. What is to become of us?





Day 2 – 17th of March The reality of this self-isolation malarkey is just beginning to sink in, and I feel like an extra in a disaster movie. I fancied a bar of chocolate today, but no popping down to the shops, instead I raided the cupboard and ate a banana with evaporated milk to satisfy the sweetness gremlin. I was quite shocked to discover that neither of my 2 friends (1 who is 77 and the other aged 80) are self-isolating. They are quite pragmatic about it; they both have underlying health conditions. Our new Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, outlined the government’s business support packages, but however good intentioned they won’t go far enough for this unholy carnage. Boris had to bail him out a few times as he stumbled over answers to a some of the questions; a performance unlike his smooth rehearsed budget speech. Likelihood is that schools will close next. Laura Ashley has gone belly up but apparently that’s not related to the virus. The government is saying stay off of public transport and good old Sadiq Khan the Mayor of London, who is dead and buried under the curve, let alone behind it, stated that they had disinfectant for the buses, and they were safe to use. These politicians are like hammy actors. People are being advised to stay away from pubs, clubs and cafes but quite a few are remaining open. A friend who works in HR in the hospitality industry had to lay off 100 workers today. An Irish bar owner broke down whilst he was being interviewed for the BBC News. Boris Johnson our Prime Minister gives daily press conferences, flanked by the Chief Medical Office and the Chief Scientific Officer. Johnson acts as if he is in a debating society and the other 2 either side of him are becoming increasingly hunched and pale. A lot of pressure to bear. Not sure what I did today, except for washing my hands, watching the news and scrolling through Facebook. Worst thing was having to cancel some building work with a local builder for next week. Such a nice family man who always does a great job; he sounded desperate when I spoke with him and said everyone was cancelling. I fear that many will take their own lives over this pandemic. Took the dogs out for about 20 minutes round the roads, but too many people had the same idea so came home. Half- heartedly ate some dinner and thought about all the useful things I could do tomorrow. Government announces that schools are to close on Friday until further notice. A levels and GCSE’s will not go ahead in England and Wales. Possibility of the site where I keep my caravan closing and all the bookings with it will be lost. My godson is on holiday in America but not due back for another week, both his Mother and I worry about him getting home. Most dog agility shows over the coming months have been cancelled. Really missing dog agility as it plays a big part in my social life too. My 19 th month old Miniature Poodle ‘came out’ this season and has won red rosettes out of 2 of the 2 shows she has attended. All o n hold now, disappointing but unavoidable. The shelves in the shops are nearly all empty. My next-door neighbour went to 3 shops before she found bread and milk for me. My local Tesco has no online slots for the foreseeable future. My elderly neighbour wanted some Imperial Leather soap because he didn’t want to bathe in his wife’s Lilly of the Valley. I happened to find a bar of Imperial leather in the cupboard which I popped through their letterbox. Cloudy day but no rain so spent 15 minutes in the garden with Michelle the Poodle practising weave entries. Then took both dogs for a walk around lunchtime (reasonably quiet) and walked around the Cemetery which adjoins open forest. The cemetery was deserted, but I longer how long for? 2,062 cases of Coronavirus with 104 deaths to date in the UK.





Day 4 – 19th March 2020 Is it only Day 4 of self-isolating? Woke at 8 AM. Got up, let the dogs out and fed them. Crept back into bed, watched the News, which was dominated by Covid-19 and the forthcoming school closures. Lots of children upset because there would be no exams this year and they felt they would be disadvantaged. Fell asleep and woke again at 1 PM! Jumped in the bath, quickly got dressed and took the dogs out. Saw some other ‘oldies’ taking their daily constitutional, but they did not acknowledge me – probably frightened that they would catch the virus by saying hello. Friend phoned for a chat which was nice. Tried to add something to my Tesco order and managed to delete half the items on it; it took ages to reinstate. Boris said today that London was not going into Lockdown any time soon and that if we all practised social distancing and kept away from pubs and restaurants, we could turn the tide on this virus in 12 weeks and send the virus packing. Testing for the virus is to be increased. He also said that London was the worst area affected in the UK and intimated that it some areas people were not doing as asked. The news showed a temporary mortuary is being assembled in London. Panic buying ongoing in supermarkets which has resulted in shortages. Many supermarkets are now restricting customers to 2 items and having special old and vulnerable people only sessions. One supermarket is giving special access to emergency services personnel. Interest rates slashed to their lowest rate ever in the hope of shoring up the economy. 20,000 military personnel are on standby and told to be prepared to be operational by mid-April. Extraordinary times. 3,269 cases of coronavirus and 144 deaths to date. Day 5 - 20th March 2020 Each morning when I wake up this nightmare becomes reality. I wish it wasn’t true. My kind neighbour managed to get me some wraps, lovely crusty rolls and an Easter egg. Chocolate! I’d almost forgotten what it was like. Put it in the fridge because I love it when the chocolate goes hard and crispy. The same neighbour came back later with a sliced loaf and a bar of Galaxy Caramel. She’s a keeper! What spoils! Wraps and bread portioned out and put in the freezer. My neighbour tells me that there is a sense of real panic in the shops and that the shelves are empty. Took the dogs out for around 30 minutes, crossing the road when I saw another human. Played with the dogs in the garden when I got home. Changed the bed. Rishi Sunak announced a further financial package for employers and employees and something, but not enough, for the self-employed. Boris said that all pubs, restaurants and cafes were to close as soon as practicable this evening. My local village pub was full of drinkers around 8 PM this evening, much to the disgust of many villagers. I guess alcohol dulls the senses and spreads the virus. 3,983 cases of coronavirus and 177 deaths to date. Day 6 -21st of March 2020 Despite being the most beautiful spring day there is an air of foreboding in the air. It reminds me of when my mother died on April 1st 2001. That was a beautiful spring day too. Italy had nearly 800 deaths today. Around 40 tube stations have been shut and there is still panic and unrest in the supermarkets. There’s talk of putting police officers in supermarkets to oversee the situation. Most small shops are doing their utmost to help the community a few (or far too many) are simply profiteering from peoples’ desperation by putting huge mark-ups on basic goods. Currently there are shortages of toilet rolls, kitchen roll, hand sanitiser and soaps. There’s no fresh fruit and bread is a rarity. Deep joy! I hope its fake news, but the rumour mill talks about France requisitioning 130,000 face masks bound for the UK. Hardly entente cordial. Rumour also has it that if you are over 60 in Italy and get ill, you either stay ill or die. Petrol pumps are being blamed for





hastening the spread of the virus and you are advised to wear gloves when getting fuel. My hands are red raw from washing them every 2 hours. Started up the motorhome, it was a bit reluctant so left it running for a bit, so much for my agility adventures. I cleared some of the dog stuff out of the car to put in the wash. Played some games with the dogs in the garden. People are frightened and are anxious about the future. Me included. 5018 cases of coronavirus – 233 deaths. Day 7 – 22nd March 2020 7 whole days in isolation. It’s a Sunday but all the days seem to merge into one. Another beautiful sunny day and another day of people flocking to the Forest in large numbers. No space in the car parks again. Not that I witnessed it, I didn’t leave the house as the new government directive is for anyone aged over the age of 70 or who is vulnerable due to underlying conditions not to go out at all. Thankfully the forest campsites shut with immediate effect today. Hoping and praying that the Forestry Commission shut the car parks to stop the day trippers. Someone has to stop these tourists with the ‘paid holiday’ mentality. Many disagreed with me on social media and got a bit sniffy, but I just smiled inwardly and wished them good luck. Idiots. Packed a small case and left it by the front door in case I needed hospitalisation together with notes about my medication. The dogs and a copy of my will and wishes. 5,683 cases of coronavirus. 281 deaths. Day 8 – 23rd March 2020 In a state of shock today. The caravan site where I have my caravan is closing, so no holiday lets. The shop that I rent out has closed, so now no income apart for my old age pension. Boris Johnson announced new measures for the next 3 weeks. All shops to close except essentials like food and Pharmacies. Only allowed to go out for a short walk (on your own or with members of your family), no groups of more than 2. The Police have been given new powers and can fine people. It had to happen, too many covidiots about. Devasting news though. The measures are to flatten the curve and somehow save the enormous stress our NHS will be under. God help us all. 6,650 cases of coronavirus and 335 deaths Day 9 – 24th Mach 2019 A new NHS hospital is to be set up in the Excel Centre in London with wards and containing 4,000 beds. People still stretching the limits on the ‘stay at home’ message. My neighbour brought me 6 eggs today but I wonder how much longer she will be able to continue without getting ill herself. The tenant of my shop has agreed to pay the next three months rent. Checked with the insurance no pay out for loss of business. Talking with my old school friends on WhatsApp. Still nothing for the self-employed other than SSP which pensioners can’t claim. Played with dogs in garden. Had vegetable spring rolls for dinner – tasty. Government Ministers looked tired. Poor Matt Hancock the Health Minister looks like he is going to crack up. Huge increase today in those infected. It’s 8 PM and I am still in my PJ’s, must get in the bath now. 8077 cases of coronavirus and 422 dead. Day 10– 25th March 2020 Another beautiful spring day. My neighbour came back with some shopping at Tesco. She said there were only 4 cars in the car park – miracle. What a weird feeling that must have been – a bit like being in the twilight zone. So far 11,500 retired doctors and nurses have volunteered to come back to the NHS and amazingly over 405,000 of the requested £250,000 volunteers have been signed up too. As the Chief Medical Officer says “there has been an outbreak of altruism” which is wonderful to hear. Cleaned the floor





and wall tiles in the bathroom, then will clean the sanitary ware once I have had a bath My tenant sent me an email last night hinting that he wasn’t going to pay the rent. I replied best as I could, but no rent received today. Ho Hum. I will have to ring him tomorrow if nothing is received today. The government has announced that 15-minute self-testing kits will be available in a ‘matter of days’ this will enable people to see if they’ve had the virus or currently have it, so should help enormously. Amazon are going to deliver them to vulnerable people in self isolation and you should be able to buy them from chemists too. 8227 confirmed cases of coronavirus 427 deaths. Day 11 -26th March 2020 Another beautiful day. Sun shining, birds tweeting but eerie. Swapped a tin of baked beans for some chocolate with my neighbour. Tried to prop up my ever-diminishing Tesco online shop – they keep taking items off and there is no substitute. Ordered from a local supplier who delivers, quite expensive and a large fruit and veg box which I probably won’t eat, but what’s the alternative? Conversation with Hospital Friends about helping them with their campaign to raise funds for nurses. Tenant in shop paid one month’s rent. Had a chat with him on the phone, he is full of Rishi Sunak launched a very welcome package for the self-employed. Apparently HMRC will be contacting me directly about what payment if any I should receive. It’s based on the profits from my last 3 tax returns. I won’t hold my breath. London Hospitals are getting busy, staff need more PPE and the sooner testing is available the better. Did a tiny bit of gardening played with dogs in the garden, chatted to my cousin Katie and of course wasted time on facebook looking at the coronavirus posts. Will attempt to tidy the small bedroom tomorrow Must stop eating biscuits! Figures rising rapidly, 11,658 cases of coronavirus – 578 deaths Day 12 – 27th March 2020 Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and Chris Whitty the Chief Medical Officer are all in isolation, the former 2 having tested positive for the virus. Feel a bit lost without Boris telling us what to do. Helping Hospital Friends with a Just Giving fundraiser for the doctors, nurses and support staff at the Hospital. Hopefully should go out tomorrow when a few minor issues are sorted out. Did some practising with weaves in the garden with Michelle but both dogs are displaying signs of cabin fever. Another two ‘Nightingale’ hospital planned. One at the NEC and one at the Manchester Conference Centre. Apparently, there will be more. Wonder if we will get one in South England? Local Police forces losing patience with people driving their dogs to the car parks and the day trippers, these stupid people are putting everyone at risk. Testing for the virus is being stepped-up. First case of coronavirus in the forest, a young boy in New Milton, hope he’s OK. First doctor dies. 13,324 cases of coronavirus – 769 deaths.

Day 13 – 28th March 2020 Lovely bright but cold day. People still flocking to the forest car parks that are open to walk their dogs or have a day out. I’ve complained to the police and my local councillor. Tidied up the small bedroom (well sort of). Left a list of medications and ailments with my small, packed suitcase. Played with the dogs in the garden but Poodle going stir crazy! Government offering more help and flexibility to businesses and has removed red tape so businesses can diversify and produce hand sanitiser. Hooray! Boris is apparently still leading the government with his ‘mild’ coronavirus symptoms but little news of Matt Hancock or Chris Whitty. The Nightingale Hospital should be operational with 500 beds and respirators next week. Huge jump in coronavirus cases today. Head of NHS says that 20,000 dead would be a good result. Fasten your seatbelts! 17,089 cases of coronavirus - 1028 deaths.





Day 14 – 29th March 2020 Another beautiful bright day but cold. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… An eerie silence seems to have fallen across our country and I am only sensing this from indoors. Must find something worthwhile to occupy myself with as the TV is going to be a massive blur of repeats from now on. Poodle getting restless. Already had one play session in the garden. Toby the terrier has done the sensible thing and taken to his bed. Friend has just had her first sess30 metre garden. Worrying for her as she needs to make 2 trips to the hospital for 1 chemo session. Waiting to hear about stricter lockdowns. 19,522 people have now tested positive for coronavirus. 1228 deaths. Day 15 – 30th March 2020 Bright day but cold. I actually got dressed today as I was expecting a delivery; add to that the fact that I could be soon through the glass door of my delivery isolation room! My neighbour brought me 2 packs of cheese and some wraps. The latter of which I have eaten most of. Small game with dogs in the garden but a large amount of time spent sending out the campaign for Hospital Friends so that they can buy those comforting little extras for frontline staff. Tesco tinned veg chilli and boil in the bag rice for dinner with an apple. Quite passable. Dominic Raab in our 5 PM press briefing said that £75M was being spent on trying to repatriate Brits abroad and hopefully they have now got the process covered and they should be able to get home. Wonder if our borders will be locked then? Sir Patrick Vallance said that we were going along the same trajectory as France and that proportionately figures of those infected and died were beginning to plateau, but no cause for complacency. Engineers have helped design a form of new breathing apparatus where no intubation is required (as with ventilators) and should halve the numbers going into intensive care. Trials underway this week. Fingers crossed; it sounds fantastic. Testing is increasing and approximately 1 in 5 frontline NHS staff are off sick. 22141 identified cases of coronavirus, 1408 deaths. Day 16- Tuesday 31st March 2020 Jan bought me long life bread, which Michelle immediately stole out of the bag and tore the wrapper. She also brought some cheese which is always a good standby. Big rise in the death rate today (393). Had to pause the Hospital Friends campaign because it leaked out that the hospital could be turned into a coronavirus hospital. The government can’t get enough raw material to make the tests for coronavirus, so there is a hold up. Poor NHS staff: not enough PPE has been made available and now they can’t be tested to see if they have the virus. No relaxation of Stay at Home rules no complacency. 143,186 cases or coronavirus virus. 1808 deaths.

April Day 17– Wednesday 1st April 2020 Huge rise in number of identified coronavirus cases and deaths. Things are grim worldwide. USA seems to be overtaking Italy in terms of rise in numbers. Nightingale Hospital should be operational at the end of the week with 500 beds. Dyson have a new style ventilator in production. Other inventions for assisting breathing are becoming available. However, there is a lack of testing equipment, so many of our frontline NHS staff remain unprotected. There’s a lack of PPE as well. Beginning to feel worried about what the future holds, especially in regard to the shop, my main source of income. I don’t suppose I am the only one. Prince Charles fully recovered from the virus, Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and Dominic Cummings still in isolation. 29,474 cases of coronavirus, 2,352 deaths.





Day 18 – Thursday 2nd April 2020 Bit of excitement today. I had a big bag of logs arrive in readiness for any power cuts and the guys arrived bang on time, stuck strictly to my instructions and left the bag behind the gate and shut the gate afterwards. Success! Tonight, is the Thursday night ‘clap hands’ and the long-awaited Tesco delivery! Not sure I can cope with 3 bits of excitement in one day! Big debate over the lack of testing kit for NHS staff and then us mere mortals of the public. The STAY AT HOME message is being said to us time and time again. Good! A little glimmer of hope in Italy where infections have fallen for the third day in a row. The USA is running out of kit for its frontline workers; tragic. Many discussions on whether the UK should have been included in the EU’s procurement of kit; however, the EU procrastinates so much I’m not sure what benefit it will be. Must get out in the garden with the doggies a bit later but did not go to sleep until 4 AM this morning so I am going to have a rest now. At least I’m washed dressed and in clean pyjamas! Matt Hancock, the Health Minister, is back at work after 7 days isolation. 29470 Cases of coronavirus. Deaths. 569 to 2,921 Day 19 Friday 3rd April 2020 Dustbin day today. Got up early to put the bags out. Thank goodness these guys are still working. Full fridge and larder due to last night’s Tesco delivery. Hopefully mushroom risotto tonight. Huge jump in the number of cases and deaths are increasing as well. Not sure if the increased number of cases is due to those being identified with the additional testing. I missed the government briefing again today as I was in a delicious sleep. But neither time nor tide waits for the Poodle who was pushing me to get up and serve dinner for her. 38,000 cases of coronavirus – 3605 deaths. Day 20 Saturday 4th April 2020 Brilliant day again. Did some washing, cooked mushroom risotto, watered plants and cleared the water feature of leaves. Lots of arguments on social media on whether you should drive to walk your dog. Sleep pattern disrupted often not sleeping until 3 or 4 AM. Andy’s wife feeling unwell with a temperature. Hope she is not infected. He is in 7 days isolation. 5-year-old is the youngest child with an underlying heath condition to have died of coronavirus. Sir Keir Starmer is new Labour leader and going to work with government on corona crisis. Some people say that the spread of the disease could be slowing. 41903 cases of coronavirus 4,313 deaths Day 21 – Sunday 5th April 2020 Learned yesterday that Andy, an old friend who lives in Devon, may have coronavirus. His wife has also complained of symptoms. I worry because he has had 2 large operations for a brain tumour and has been working as a undertaker. He told me about 10 days ago that he had a night call out for a death of a lady who had ‘breathing’ difficulties. At the time he was given no PPE or guidelines. No response from him this morning on WhatsApp. Just heard that Andy is fine and is cleaning moss from the garage roof! The government are threatening to ban exercise because people are ignoring the lockdown and flocking to the countryside and coastal areas, especially on hot days like today. Muslim communities are hard hit by the virus in the Midlands. Things are going to get tough, very tough for everyone. 47,806 cases of coronavirus 4,932 deaths. (figures only relate to those that have died in hospital and not in care homes) Day 22 – Monday 6th April 2020 My friend Andy has a persistent headache and feels under the weather and now says he is sweating profusely and feels hungover. Boris Johnson got admitted to hospital last night ‘as a precaution’. And later





moved to intensive care. He has issued a statement from his hospital bed (St Stephens?) that he is in good spirits and is leading his team from hospital. Unofficial reports state that he has been given oxygen. Some stupid people are talking about an Exit Strategy!!! Large of Little and Large died yesterday from coronavirus and Honor Blackman died today at 94 of natural causes. 208,837 people have been tested for coronavirus, of whom 51,608 tested positive. .51,608 case of coronavirus – 5,373 deaths. Day 23 Tuesday 7th April 2020 Clap tonight for Boris at 8 PM who is in intensive care. The whole nation appears shocked apart from a few vile people who wish him ill or worse. We will be like a ship without a rudder if we lose Boris. Slept most of the day, didn’t even play with the dogs in the garden. Andy still not well, cough but feels hungover and very weak. Cooked corned beef hash for dinner with tinned potatoes – really nice. Managed to get another Tesco shop for the weekend but not sure if I really need anything as Happy Hungry are delivering Thursday or Friday. 55,242 cases of coronavirus – 6159 hospital deaths. Day 24 Wednesday 8th April 2020 Boris Johnson still in intensive care and is receiving oxygen but not mechanical ventilation. The official line is that he is responding to treatment and sitting up in bed communicating with his carers. Lockdown is unlikely to be reviewed on Monday as more time is needed for the infection to peak etc. Didn’t sleep much. My own fault as I slept most of yesterday! Baked beans and pork sausages on toast for brunch with a cappuccino coffee. Need to wash my hair and give the dogs some exercise in the garden. Must make a fruit salad for tea tonight to get some vitamins! Andy has sent me a couple of joke videos via WhatsApp but I don’t really know how he is. Heard from Andy to say he has a sore throat and feels very tired. Wuhan is coming out of lockdown, cars on the road, trains and buses are running, but you need a green tag on your phone to be able to move. I believe we should get compensated by China for the worldwide devastation they have caused. UK coronavirus deaths rise by 936 in worst daily spike. 60,733 cases of coronavirus – 7,097 deaths. Day 25 Thursday 9th April 2020 Boris Johnson is still in intensive care but sitting up and continuing to improve. Standard oxygen appears to be the only treatment. Some people are still flouting the lockdown instructions, and cases of coronavirus and deaths appear to be worse amongst ethnic minority groups. Rumours abound that some mosques are still open. It’s 13:22 and I’m still not dressed! About to get in the bath and then clear my car out as it doesn’t smell too good! Local delivery tomorrow from Happy Hungry and then a Tesco delivery on Saturday. Ordering some goods for my neighbour who can’t get a slot. A very warm day which will probably bring some visitors flocking to the Forest even though everything is shut. An increase of 881 deaths today. 65,077 cases of coronavirus – 7978 deaths. Day 26 – Good Friday 10th April 2020 Good Friday and one of the hottest days of the year. Government and authorities pumping out the STAY AT HOME message but haven’t heard yet how effective it is. John Willis the window cleaner did his job today and I wiped down all the handles etc after he left. Waiting for my delivery of a veg box and ready meals from Happy Hungry. Andy says he slept last night and feels a bit better today. Haven’t heard how Boris is. The news said that Boris was taking a few short walks today which is good progress, I think. Not sure how the STAY AT HOME message is working. Will know more tomorrow. Veg box, eggs, bread,





cheese and ready meals arrived. Looks OK. Shannon rang today and hit it on the nail when she said that older people like us don’t have the earning capacity to replace our savings. Matt Hancock has put a call out for companies with spare capacity to help with the manufacturing of PPE. Latest figures are horrific nearly 1,000 people dead (that twice the population of my old Grammar school) 70,272 Cases of coronavirus – another 980 deaths making a total of 8,958 Day 27 Easter Saturday 11 April 2020 A baking hot day, that would be normally be great for the Easter holidays but not now. Did some washing, emptied the dishwasher and then peeled some vegetables to go in the oven for my Mediterranean Vegetable dish for supper. Tesco delivery between 7 and 8 tonight. Priti Patel chaired the Government briefing today. She appears a no-nonsense type of woman – good for her. She stated that crime was down 21% during the lockdown, but that some scammers are exploiting it. Hot topic was the lack of PPE and Matt Hancock’s comments of yesterday to use it sparingly; comments that did not go down well with either the BMA or the nursing association. I actually feel sorry for the guy; he’s doing his best but looks very troubled and low – hardly surprising. Testing rates have improved. I hope the strain isn’t too much for him. Boris is improving and is watching films and playing Sudoko, there was a video of him being wheeled out of intensive care and being clapped by hospital staff – quite eerie. 78,991 Cases of coronavirus and 9875 deaths. Day 28 – Easter Sunday 12th April 2020 Beautiful day. Woke at 7:30 let the dogs out and went back to sleep until around midday! Boris Johnson has been released from hospital. Carrie Symons is due to join him. Boris thanked the NHS and said that he owed them his life. Matt Hancock announced an App for contact tracing. Testing is beginning to increase . Up and bathed, ate a very nice prepared ready meal of cottage pie. I’ve got a mountain of fruit University has a vaccine that could work. Read an article where Professor Sarah Gilbert of Oxford ready by September to prevent coronavirus. It is currently being clinically trialled. Still backlogs in supplies of PPE but many manufacturing companies have answered the government’s request to use their facilities to make it. Gowns seems to be the big issue. Approximately 2,500 coronavirus beds left in the UK.84,279 cases of coronavirus – 737 number of reported deaths today - 10,612 deaths

Day 29 -Easter Monday 13th April 2020 Another lazy day for me, up at 8 and then back to bed until 11:30. Watched TV, cheese on toast and Ribena for brunch and then watched more TV. Played with both dogs in the garden. Both very well behaved in anticipation of a sausage treat. Getting ready to watch the Government brief on the coronavirus. Must write to Alun about his rent. Must look up some legal stuff first. No hope of lockdown ending, would be sheer utter madness, especially as the coronavirus figures haven’t peaked. Andy seems a lot better. Steve keeps trying to get hold of me but haven’t spoken to him yet. My friend Emma lost her dog Bouncer today he was 18 years and 10 months. He had a lovely life, but I know he will be sadly missed. Waiting to hear the government figures on testing. In one Welsh hospital 50% of the staff tested positive for coronavirus. 88,621 Cases of coronavirus 717 hospital deaths today and 11,329 total deaths so far. Day 30 – Tuesday 14th April 2020 Huge outcry about the neglect of care homes in not receiving PPE. Also deaths in care homes are not included in the national figures. There are 4000 care homes in the UK of which 2000 have the virus. Our





local council has put a call out for any spare PPE for ‘keyworkers’. Lots of people making laundry bags for uniforms and some are making scrubs and PPE gowns. Our local Budgens had a delivery service which has now stopped. Washed hair today; badly need the hairdressers; it’s getting very straggly and white! Must get another prescription. Cleaned a bit of the car out today and put the dog beds in the wash. Thinking about joining an online Slimming World group. Not done much else except sleep. It is estimated that 1 in 5 deaths are due to covid-19.93,873 Cases of coronavirus, 708 new cases today, 12,107 deaths in total. Day 31 – Wednesday 15th April 2020 Huge number of deaths from covid-19 rumoured in care homes. Staff in care homes are in a distraught state as some homes have lost as many as 16 residents. Over 2,600 NHS beds available. Captain Tom, a 99 year old veteran, has raised a staggering 7 Million Pounds by doing laps of his garden! Oasis and Warehouse collapsed into administration. 232 redundancies. Beautiful day, lots of sunshine, although chilly at time. Good training session with Michelle the Poodle in the garden. Weave entries are A1, and the ‘down’ command is beginning to work – at last. I’ve also been practising ‘under’ where she comes and sits between my legs. Got the other hose pipe out and watered my thirsty pots. Jan did some shopping today for me (washing powder and liquid hand wash). Have a few friends to ring, particularly my closest, Katie, who I normally speak with twice week. Last night I cleared the storage area in the Berlingo and ran the engines in both Ellie and the Berlingo. Next job is to clean the Berlingo on the outside. Also removed the dog beds and washed those. Waiting for the Government briefing; expecting a bun fight with the journalists who will be doing their best to make huge news out of the care homes tragedy. 98,474 cases of coronavirus, 12,868 deaths, 761 hospital deaths today. Day 32 – Thursday 16th April 2020 Captain Tom has now raised a staggering 12.5 million pounds for NHS charities. Got up around midday, bathed and got dressed. Avocado for brunch – just trying to keep up my vitamins and fruit and veg intake. Also take a multi-vitamin a day. Bit concerned because I should have had a blood test for my fluctuating thyroid with the toxic nodule. Kept Michelle the Poodle busy with some new exercises in the garden. She coped well and had to put up with me trying to work out stage 2! Spoke to my friends, both called Jenifer, last night. The dogs need a good walk, but I am nervous in case some idiot tries to cough in my face or spits on me. Waiting for some masks and plastic guards to arrive, it has been a month already. Another 3 weeks in lockdown. I would like to know what the exit strategy is, but the government state they don’t have the necessary information from SAGE (a government advisory group) Got my saucepan and wooden spoon ready for the NHS clap at 8 PM this evening. 313,000 people tested for coronavirus. Matt Hancock says that by the end of the month 100,00 people will be tested a day.13,729 Cases of coronavirus – 861 deaths today - 13,729 total hospital deaths in total. Day 33 – Friday 17th April 2020 The Clap for Carers was reasonably represented nearby. I played a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow by the American Navy on my phone, which made me cry as I pathetically banged my too heavy saucepan with a wooden spoon. This Thursday night 8 PM ritual is welcome, not only for us mere mortals to show our gratitude to key workers, but also gives us an outlet for our grief. Grief not only for the





thousands that have needlessly died, but also our own very personal grief at the life and freedom that we have lost. Captain Tom has now raised 18 million for National Health Charities and says that he will continue his garden laps. God bless him! My motorhome has been sitting on the drive since last November, I’ve driven it, but not used it overnight for any dog agility competitions as they have all been cancelled. Grief for not being able to walk my dogs without fear of catching the deadly covid-19. I woke around 8 this morning, got up, fed the dogs, cleaned my teeth, had breakfast and then sank back in bed for an hour. An hour!!! It was 2:30 PM when I woke with a Poodle in my arms and a terrier snuggled at the end of the bed. Dragged myself and ordered some ink cartridges for my printer as I am going to participate in Dr. Ward’s study at Swansea Uni of how this virus is affecting everyday lives. I must fill in a consent form which I can scan back, but guess what? Yes, the printer has run out of ink. Quite a few messages and joke videos from friends on WhatsApp. It is great to see how other people are coping. Mushroom risotto tonight, so looking forward to eating that, not cooking it. Dogs are getting restless for their supper; I usually feed them whilst the government briefing is on Facebook. Very pleased that the government is using Facebook as well as the BBC to broadcast the briefings. I have no TV in the kitchen, so I can get on with stuff whilst listening to it on my laptop. Still listening to the briefing, pleased to hear that the Government is setting up a task force for vaccines. No guarantees but systems are being put in place to manufacture. Professor Gilbert of the Jenner Institute at Oxford Uni seems to be the frontrunner now. Astra Zenica and other pharmaceutical companies also researching vaccines. 108,692 cases of coronavirus, 847 deaths today, 14,576 hospital deaths in total. 438,991total tests to date. Day 34 – Saturday 18th April 2020 Up at 10 today. Fed dogs, made breakfast (cheese on toast) and then went and cleaned the outside of the car. Let’s just say a blind man would be pleased to see the result. Finished off the risotto for dinner. Captain Tom still at it and has raised over 23 million pounds now. Must donate! Did some laps of the garden in his honour! Spoke to my neighbour Tegan on facetime. She caught me when I had just got out the bath! One of my WhatsApp groups consists of 5 girls I went to Grammar School with. Lots of messages and jokes flying about! Two of them had cleaned their ovens and posted pictures. Get a life! Watched the government briefing. Lot of talk about PPE and one reporter asked how the Prime Minister was. A bit of a woolly reply given. Joined an online Slimming World Group so will be using Zoom for the first time. 114,217 cases of coronavirus 888 hospital deaths today, total number of deaths – 15,664 hospital deaths. Tests carried out to date 460,437.114,217 positive. Day 36 – Monday 20th April 2020 Another beautiful day. Not too hot, just perfect weather, sunny with a light breeze. Perfect dog agility and walking weather! Woke at 7 AM, thought it was 10 AM, let the dogs out and fed them, back to bed until midday. The dogs are so good now and tend to copy my sleeping and waking patterns. I expect I will pay tonight with the Poodle. Last night she pulled all the washing I had placed in the machine out on to the floor. It made me laugh. Exchanged a few WhatsApp messages with Andy this morning, who is attending a funeral in Exeter in his locum undertaker capacity. Hard to believe I’ve known him for 35 years. We share a love of dogs; he rescues Staffies and tends to their every need. Waiting for some printer ink to arrive so that I can produce the Side Letter for the Lease showing the rent reduction I have given my tenant in the shop. I hate printers, they always go wrong or let me down at the last minute. I’m pretty useless with my





hands, very awkward and clumsy. An inherited trait from my late father! I had been helping Hospital Friends with their campaign to raise funds for the hospital staff there. My job was the social media side of things. I have some reasonably large social media accounts plus lots of contacts on social media that I used to promote their campaign. Tried to get a Tesco shopping slot – no luck. Did some washing. Will play with the dogs in the garden before it gets dark. There’s a River Lane Sewing Group on Facebook and they have put out an urgent alert for help with hopsital gowns as local hospitals are running low. They are also asking for recycling bags to make the gowns. I’ve put out a request on River Lane Newswire. 12,067 Cases of coronavirus, 439 deaths today, 16,500 coronavirus tests today. Some way to go to reach the 100,000 per day by the end of April. 16,060 total hospital deaths. NB There’s a possibility that hospital deaths may be under reported by 40%! Day 37 – Tuesday 21st April 2020 Still no PPE from Turkey. An RAF plane is on standby at Istanbul Airport. Diplomatic row emerging as Turkey say they did not receive the order, until the day the UK announced it was arriving. Whatever the truth it’s one almighty screw-up and Matt Hancock is keeping a very low profile as is Lord Deighton the new PPE Tsar. Still no sign of Boris, but we are told he has a tentative hand on the tiller again. My guess is that he will make an appearance at the end of the week when the PPE has arrived. I, for one, will be glad to see him; even if the man is full of BS, he has the magic touch of filling his people with optimism. Not very impressed with Labour’s Shadow Cabinet, nor am I with Keir Starmer who bears a strong semblance to a body-snatcher masquerading as a funeral director. Just impossible to forgive Keir Starmer for the Jimmy Saville fiasco when he was in charge of CPS, nor can I forgive Naz Shah (Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion – or is it coercion?) for her comments about girls who have been raped to ‘keep their mouths shut for sake of diversity’. Bring back Diane Abbott; I’d even be happy to lend her my calculator. Up at 5 to let the Poodle out then back to bed until 11. Started my Slimming World programme this morning with a 2 egg omelette and a cup of black coffee. Vegetable and rice stuffed peppers for supper. Printer ink has arrived, so will produce and send off Side Letter to the lease on my shop to the tenant for a rent reduction. The truth about deaths in the UK from covid-19 is starting to emerge; they paint a very grim picture. I watch Nicola Sturgeon’s, the First Minister of Scotland’s daily briefings. Never have been a fan of hers, but she does present herself as having a realistic grip on things during this crisis. I don’t feel lonely during this period of self-isolation; I think not having a partner, children or brothers or sisters helps as it lowers my expectations. Great not having to wear make-up or a bra! Great excitement in the village tonight the fish’n’chip van has resumed after many weeks’ absence. It will only be manned by 1 (rather than the usual 2) and its cash only. Villagers are alerted to its presence by the sound of it playing the ‘One Cornetto’ tune. I had 2 foreign students last year staying with me who described it as that ‘creepy truck’! A big hike in the death figures today which will probably be attributed to the way it is reported. 129,044 cases of coronavirus, 873 deaths today, 17,408 total number of hospital deaths. 535,000 Tests carried out for coronavirus. 129,044 positive coronavirus tests. 17,681 patients in hospital with coronavirus; 2,963 spare critical care beds. Approximately £20 million pounds each to Oxford Uni and Imperial College to progress the development of vaccines. Oxford Uni start testing on humans this Thursday (Southampton?)

Day 38, Wednesday 22nd April 2020 Approximately half of the expected PPE shipment, hopefully with gowns, arrives from Turkey. Sounds like a combination of the Turks holding the UK to ransom and some bungling by the Civil Service. Can’t imagine what it must be like to isolate in a high rise flat with no garden and a couple of kids; or for that matter with





an abusive partner. It must be a living hell. Starmer has started flexing his political muscles in a very empty House of Commons and Raab is getting a little niggled with him. Raab still insistent that we will get up to testing 100,000 per day by the end of April, especially with the new mobile units for care homes, etc. The testing centres are working under capacity, partly since those due to be tested are having to make huge round trips to do so. The River Lane Sewing for the NHS Facebook group is going great guns making gowns from recycling bags. I feel quite useless as I am hopeless with sewing. They can’t be easy to make working with such flimsy material. PPE still dominating the headlines with hundreds of firms stating that they have contacted the government and would like to help (and earn money!) but that no-one has got back to them. Don’t suppose the Tsar of PPE will appear until things start to look better. Running out of fresh food; I won’t starve as I have enough ingredients for corned beef hash for at least another week! I’m registered with both Tescos and Sainsburys but slots are as rare as hens teeth. Going to watch a ‘Place in the Sun’; I’ve no desire to live abroad but it is a bit of escapism. The women in the programme all seem to want the room to accommodate family when they come over and the men want good sized outside space for BBQ’s and a few beers. Most want to learn the native language too, but I doubt if they will. Eating habits are a bit better and have resorted to using a vegetable peeler to slice cheese; you seem to get more that way! Hair wash later; I’ve resorted to putting the contents of cold tea bags on my grey roots to cover them up! Reminds me of when the women used to use gravy browning on their legs in the war when they couldn’t get stockings! 133,495 Cases of coronavirus, 759 deaths today, 18.100 total hospital deaths to date. 559,935 tests carried out of which 133,4945 are positive. Day 39, Thursday 23rd April 2020 NHS clap tonight. Feel quite strange today. I’ve always been so independent and now I am relying on people to bring me food. Doom and gloom have set in. The thought of being in lockdown for a year and facing financial ruin is enough to make anyone depressed. Worst of all I have no control whatsoever over the situation. Heard today that the government is bringing is something to prevent landlords throwing their commercial tenants out on the street. I’ve given my tenant nearly a 50% rent reduction, applicable for 2 quarters and just can’t do any more. I’ve no income from my caravan, none from airbnb and soon none from my commercial property. I do have savings, but they are from a lifetime of saving and conducting business deals. At my age I have neither the energy or the inclination to replace lost income or savings. Hopefully this black cloud will pass and knowing my luck it will then pee down with rain. I need to give myself a good talking to! Mustn’t forget it’s dustbin day tomorrow. What excitement! Neighbour collecting a Click and Collect from Tescos on Sunday for me. The briefing tonight was mainly about the big testing roll- out where all Essential Workers can apply to get a test online via as from tomorrow. The army is mobilising 48 field hospitals to help care homes and staff get tested. There will also be tests available to the public, but no timeline given on those. Played with the Poodle in the garden but she got a bit overexcited and started nipping me, so game over. The terrier just barked for biscuits; he’s seen it all before. Saw another post on facebook today about all these people beavering away in their homes to help the NHS by making gowns, scrubs and scrub bags; it made me emotional. Such lovely people out there. Around 400 protective gowns have gone to Southampton Hospital today, made from recycling bags. Bless them all. Banged the wooden spoon on a small saucepan at 8 PM for the Clap for Carers. Didn’t make too much noise (on the subtle hint from Jan next door) as a Collar dove has made a very uncomfortable looking twig bed on my neighbour’s security light. She coped well but had a very indignant look on her face when it was over. I hadn’t realised that Diane Abbot’s son was taking hard drugs and had also attacked her. Poor woman, no wonder she appeared so disorientated at times. 138,078 Cases of coronavirus 616 hospital deaths today 18,738 total deaths.





Day 40, Friday, 24th April 2020 Bagged up rubbish last night, so just staggered outside the gates just after 8 AM this morning to put the bags out. Can’t leave the bags out overnight because the foxes get them and strew the rubbish all over the road. Can’t leave it in dustbins as I used to do because of covid-19’s survival rate on hard surfaces. Awake until 4 AM today, up at 8 AM to feed dogs and put rubbish out and then slept on and off until 3:30 PM. Going to try and get my body clock back into some semblance of order today. So far we have experienced nearly 20,000 hospital deaths and a tragic 761 deaths registered today. Once the government adds the care home figures, it will be horrifying. The testing website has crashed and has been taken down. It crashed after 5,000 requests for tests were made. Website now back up and future slots will be released in phases throughout the day. 16,000 tests are being sent out. Huge bailout to freight and ferry companies in accordance with a trilateral agreement with France and Ireland. Aim is to keep freight and medicines moving throughout the crisis Journalists asking silly questions at the briefing again. Jenny Harries (Deputy Chief Medical Officer) puts them nicely but firmly back in their place! A joy to watch! Sinister video circulating on WhatsApp about China destroying the Western economy so that they can capitalise on it. Strange how Beijing was exempt from the virus. It suggests that the virus was started deliberately by the Chinese and that they may already have a vaccine. Just don’t know what to believe. Time will tell. I sincerely hope it is not true, but when you are in the surreal land of lockdown these rumours have a perfect breeding environment and lovely place to nest in. Looks like Boris could be back on Monday; even a sinking ship needs a captain (joke). I have a strange confidence that after even more adversity the British Government will pull this round although the next two weeks will be critical in terms of social distancing compliance. Potato, pea and cheese omelette for supper. Tinned potatoes are quite passable this way if you season them well and fry them off a bit first. Just had some very sad news, Betty a friend of mine has an inoperable brain tumour and is being transferred from the general hospital to her local hospital for palliative care. I used to sit in a healing group with her and she was the best healer there. She also rescued cats and had a wonderful set up at home for them with amazing long runs in her garden that backed on to a field where racehorses were kept. I feel as if she has already gone because it’s impossible even to visit her. Maggie, her closest friend will be bereft; they had many adventures together. Another victim of this dratted virus, except in a different way. Day 41 of lockdown tomorrow. 40 days and 40 nights, somehow biblical. 143,000 cases of coronavirus, 761 deaths today, 19,506 total hospital deaths. Day 41 – Saturday 25th April 2020. Another glorious day, but it’s not going to help the authorities and those struggling with social distancing. Andy attended a funeral yesterday of a husband and wife who died within 5 hours of each other; not sure if they were covid deaths. From my garden I heard a lot of chatter and laughter over the fence; nice to hear but just hope that they are keeping their distance. My kitchen floor is covered in broken sticks, where the Poodle has brought them in from the garden to destroy. She’s adorable but such high maintenance and missing her agility. She is also getting very woolly as she is 2 weeks overdue for a groom. I need to get some blunt ended scissors to chop the hair away from her eyes. I manage to brush her ears and ‘pom’ but she doesn’t like me brushing her body or legs. Her tail is way out of bounds. The terrier needs his nails cutting and is due for a bath. Tegan has given me her list of shopping which I must put on the Tesco order later. Went to sleep at 2 AM and woke at 11 AM which is better. The testing website is oversubscribed again, and the testing centres are getting busy which is good to hear. Of those getting tested approximately 20% have the virus; so, the known infection rates will climb dramatically as time goes on. I’m overdue for a blood test for my thyroid tumour but am nervous of going to the hospital or doctor’s surgery. Will ring my





consultant’s secretary on Monday and ask for advice. Professor Chris Whitty has said that up to 5 million people in London could have been infected with the virus. No care home death figures released. 148,000 cases of coronavirus, 781 deaths today, 20,287 hospital deaths. Day 42 Sunday 26th April 2020 Blessed with another beautiful spring day, although forecast says rain for 4 days after that. Might try and sneak out for a walk if it does rain as hopefully most sensible people will be indoors. Tegan my neighbour and former dog trainer is collecting a shop from Tescos for me and Emma, who is the Poodle’s agility trainer coming to take her for a walk. She wanted to take both dogs, but Toby is such a handful; as it is such a warm day there will be lots of people about so not good for him. Emma is a very strong character and I’m sure she didn’t like me saying no. As it is with Michelle, I will have to wear gloves when she comes back and disinfect her harness, lead and collar. Thinking of getting the plastic paddling pool out and filling it up and seeing what the dogs do. Michelle had a nice walk around the roads with Emma and I had a nice chat with her even though we were about 15ft apart. Disinfected the lead, collar and harness afterwards. Tegan kindly brought my shopping, and it took ages to wipe over with antibacterial spray and put away. All the fruit and veg were washed in hot soapy water. There has been a slight increase in the use of motor vehicles which is worrying. Spain has begun to tentatively list their lockdown and children under the age of 14 are allowed out with an adult for 1 hour each day if they do not stray more than 1 km from home Seems very strange. Steve has left 2 messages on my mobile and 2 on my landline. 669,850 tests have been carried out of which 152,953 are positive. Capacity for testing now up to 50K per day 15,953 people are in hospital. Hospital admissions are down. The government has distributed over 500,000 basic food parcels for the vulnerable. Oh b.gger blown the diet and eaten most of the Easter Egg that Emma gave me! 153,000 cases of coronavirus, 361 deaths today, total hospital deaths 20,732. Day 43, Monday 27th April 2020 Rishi Sunak announced business loans up to £50K with the government guaranteeing 100%. £60K life assurance to front line NHS workers (hospitals and care homes) who die from coronavirus. Micheal Jones rang me last night which cheered me up. Micheal was a heavy drinker, smoker and a superb horseman. He used to take part in medieval jousts on a horse that was taught to rear. His job was to fall off. How he’s not in a wheelchair I’ll never know. He helped me a lot when I was frightened of my horse when she was young. To hear his raucous laughter and bad language in these heavily regulated times was a real tonic. Ran the motorhome and car for a bit to stop the batteries going flat. Greta ‘T’ would have a fit but it has to be done. Virtual Slimming World meeting tomorrow on Zoom. I have lost 1.5 pounds which is surprising after scoffing a whole Thornton’s Easter Egg. Some children are being affected by CV caused by an inflammatory reaction and 2 have died. Boris gave a presidential speech on the doorstep of Number 10 this morning, but despite pressure (economic and social), he’s not budging on the lockdown yet. The cameraman kept scanning his legs and shoes – maybe in the hope that he was weak and would collapse? No sign of Kim Jong Un, some say he’s dead after heart surgery, others that he is lying low. Who knows with this madman? It’s amazing that we are all still here with him, Trump and the Chinese government. Ultimately, it’s all about power and ego. I think the same applies to men who drive big, fast cars if you get my drift? 158,000 Cases of coronavirus, 309 deaths, total hospital deaths 21,092. Didn’t manage to write down the testing figures because the Poodle stole my pen! Day 44 – Tuesday 28th April 2020





Got up at 9 AM today to be prepared for the Zoom Virtual Slimming World meeting. Prepared in the sense of familiarising myself with the technology and putting on make-up for the first time in 6 weeks. All went well, an interesting experience. I gave the dogs Kong toys stuffed with sausages to keep them quiet whilst I was ‘zooming’; because they usually bark or get very demanding if I am on the phone or laptop. I would have made a lousy parent. I received a nice email from Steve. He obviously took the email telling-off I gave him to heart and now I feel it is a two-way communication. He’s a very dear friend that has helped me a lot and I have known for nearly 40 years. However, he does get a bit clingy and keeps ringing me when his wife is out of earshot; but that’s not always a good time for me! Took my first ever selfie today and posted it on Facebook as my profile picture. Tremendous positive reaction which surprised me! My long-awaited face shields arrived today. I will ask Jan if she wants one. Too much talk of coming out of lockdown now. My personal calculation is that approximately 30% of the population have been infected so far, so if lockdown were eased too quickly it could be disastrous in terms of the NHS capacity and deaths in the population. I’ll be a lot more comfortable when we have more test data as well as observing the results of other countries emerging from lockdown. Care home death figures are starting to emerge – around 7,000 so far - tragic. Must be especially hard for the dementia sufferers as they hate change of any sort and will find the new regime stressful. 70 mobile army testing units by the end of the week. A symptomatic testing will be carried out in care homes. All over 65’s with symptoms will be entitled to a test. As of next week, we will have care home figures as well. It is estimated that 35% of virus deaths are in care homes. Home testing expanded from 5K per day to 25K per day by the end of the week. 161,455 cases of coronavirus, 678 hospital deaths today, total number of hospital deaths 21,679. 3,260 spare critical care beds. Day 45 – Wednesday 29th April 2020 Woke up to heavy rain. The gardens need it and it keeps the uncaring and thickest from socialising in our open spaces. Phoned the vet to send me flea and tick treatments for the dogs. Phoned our local charity to ask them to collect my prescription from the pharmacy; also told them that I have left a donation in an envelope in the isolation room in thanks for doing so. Steve is getting on my t.ts, he sent me a WhatsApp message to say that he was going to phone me! Luckily, I have muted my mobile. Quick WhatsApp with Andy to check each other OK. Amy my cousin-in-law told me last night that she was going out for a drive as she was going stir crazy. She is over 70 and has multiple underlying health conditions. (heart, diabetes, asthma). She said she wasn’t getting out of the car, but I’m doubtful that’s the truth. Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds have had a healthy baby boy. Dominic Raab deputised for the PM in the House of Commons today. I’m sensing that he has a bit of a temper and despite his measured replies and quiet politeness would like to slowly throttle Keir Starmer. Oh well that’s politics for you. No date given but schools may reopen in a phased manner. Care Home and Community deaths will be included in with the hospital deaths from today forwards. Tegan phoned to ask if I wanted any shopping as she is going to Waitrose and 2 other shops tomorrow. I told her to be careful and she said she had a mask that Cheryl had given her. Cheryl is over 70 and confined to barracks because of a lung condition. Dyson is no longer making ventilators, but another UK company is still churning them out. I wonder why? If we have spare critical care beds, is it because the government is concerned about a 2nd wave of coronavirus or does the government plan to sell them to other countries? PPE is still a concern and Lord Deighton oversees co - ordinating companies producing it in the UK. Had a nice afternoon snooze and cuddled the terrier rather than the Poodle for a change! I couldn’t cope with the lockdown if I didn’t have the dogs. Graph shown illustrating the increase in traffic which is concerning during the lockdown. It will be interesting to see if the numbers of those infected go up in certain areas after Ramadan. Over 170,000 cases of coronavirus, 601





hospital deaths today. 26,097 total deaths (3,911 for care homes and community). Tests carried out to date 818,539, tests today 52,400, around 170,000 Positive tests. Day 46 Thursday 30th April 2020 Up at 11 today. Decided to go for a long-overdue blood test tomorrow at the local hospital. I also need some fuel. Will take gloves and wear a mask. Feeling very nervous about it. Steve has agreed to WhatsApp, but how long he will contain himself for I don’t know. Like a lot of Jewish men, I think he enjoys begging! Not much on facebook these days as everyone is staying in. I put up a new profile picture which had lots of unexpected LIKES which cheered me up. Transport for London has furloughed 7,000 staff. Boris is taking the press briefing today and will probably lay the path for yet another lockdown. I can cope but there are lots who can’t. Looking at taking a very small business loan guaranteed by the government; no repayments for a year and then hopefully I can offset it against tax when I start paying next year. Been raining a lot the past few days; this afternoon there were some spectacular intermittent hailstorms. Andy had to travel from North Devon to Leicester today for a funeral. Deceased was a student from Scotland only 23 who had committed suicide. How bloody sad. Just washed a scarf that I am going to wear tomorrow with layers of kitchen roll in between the material. NHS clap tonight but will go out of the front door as I don’t want to bear the wrath of Jan, my neighbour, for disturbing the collar dove on her twig nest. Looks unlikely that Matt Hancock’s target of 100,000 tests per day will be met, but testing is certainly picking up and is more widely available. Boris sounded breathless when he first came to the press briefing.; he was accompanied by Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance. Boris says that we are past the peak and on the downward slope but Chris Witty said quite strongly that things are still very precarious. Hospital admissions are falling as are ICU patients. The ‘R’ (infection) rate is under one but there will be regional differences. Boris says that next week we will start to hear more about a potential exit strategy. Cases of coronavirus, 473 hospital deaths, 26,750 hospital deaths. Tests carried out to date 901,905, total positive tests 26,711. 81,000 tests carried out today.


May Day 47 – Friday 1st May 2020 Mum’s birthday today, she would have been 105. Difficult to believe she died over 19 years ago. We never had a close relationship, but I loved her, but as I get older, I see myself in her more and more. Scary! This lockdown business makes me feel one step closer to her. I never made it to the hospital for a blood test; lay awake until nearly 5 AM worrying about it and then too tired to get up, will go next week! Christine my dog groomer from Dog Lovers messaged me to say that as from Monday she is going to start-up again in a very controlled way. For herself and her two staff she has purchased waterproof PPE, so that they can be sprayed down with disinfectant between dogs. She said that between each dog, they must disinfect all the workstations, equipment, holding pens and the reception areas which is really going to slow her down. I’ve absolute faith in Christine, she’s very well qualified and professional. She’s also shielding her 89-year-old mother so won’t take any risks or shortcuts. Poodles have the type of coats that need cutting before they get matted and unmanageable. She is not charging any extra. I’ve booked The Poodle in for May 12th. Watched the briefing on TV as my internet connection has become a bit iffy in the lockdown. Matt Hancock proudly announced that he has exceeded his planned 100,000 tests a day target, then the journalists in the questions afterwards tried to tear his achievement apart with a microanalysis of the figures i.e. test sent or tests received? Prefer the questions from the general public; the journalists are getting on my f..king nerves! Matt Hancock states that an NHS APP was being developed for contact





tracing and will be piloted mid-May then very cleverly slipped in that the government would not consider lockdown until new infections were below 1,000 per day. By doing this, it is highlighting the importance of social distancing and hoping that the grown-ups amongst us will follow the rules and snitch on those that don’t!. My estimate is that a phased release from lockdown will start in June 2020. Finished off last night’s mushroom risotto and everything else in sight. Appear to have put on 2 lbs! Sent my March/April’s journal off to Dr Ward at Swansea University together with a picture each of me and the 2 dogs. Must do something with the dogs tomorrow, hopefully the weather will improve. Gogglebox on TV tonight. Cases of coronavirus: 171,253. Hospital deaths: 427. Care and community deaths: 247. Total deaths: 26,771. Tests carried out yesterday: 122,347. Total tests: 901,905. Patients in hospital: 15,111. Day 48 – Saturday 2nd May 2020 No sleep until 4 AM last night, then woke at 9 AM. Let the dogs out and fed them. Back to bed until around 2 PM. Watched government briefing at 4 PM. Big presentation on those in abusive relationships and trapped in their homes. Government to provide another £73 million to charities and advising local councils that these people are a priority for rehoming. Glad that’s not me anymore. Jan brought me some Superdrug shopping. Learned that there is less chance of catching the virus outdoors, so maybe I will mask up and venture outside before I become a total recluse! Some people are getting extremely restless about the lockdown; hope they don’t ruin everyone else’s hard work. Also thinking about agility in the future and when Emma reopens the training facility. Maybe elect for outdoor training and/or let Emma take the Poodle inside the barn and I stay outside and can observe by peering over the doors. Not sure, depends on how the precocious Poodle reacts but want my life back in some form or another. I ate a vegetable spring roll and baked beans on toast for breakfast and lunch. Didn’t weigh myself, but will face the music on Zoom on Tuesday. Trying to muster up the energy to have a bath and then do some training in the garden with the dogs. Lovely bright day, but still a bit cold. I’ve exceeded my own expectations! I’ve just had a play session with both dogs in the garden and then jumped in the bath. After that I stocked some logs outside the kitchen door (still loads to go) and then a training session with The Poodle in the garden. Going to ask my agility friends John (who is 80) and Emma, Michelle’s handler (ex Crufts agility finalist on 2 occasions) if they would like to join up and have a weekly session on Zoom. Fed both dogs and now enjoying a Diet Coke. McDonalds are making rumblings about opening some outlets. Always amuses me how fat people (me included) have a burger and chips with a Diet Coke in McDonalds! Total number of confirmed UK cases: 182,620. Total number of UK deaths: 28,131. 621 deaths today.

Day 49 – Sunday 3rd May 2020

No sleep until 3:30 AM today. Slept until midday. Omelette for breakfast, fed dogs and then for a bath and hair wash prior to the briefing. Keeping in touch with some agility friends on Facebook; good to hear how they are getting on and to watch their progress on videos. On Thursday Jan is going to accompany me to the garage so that I can get some fuel. She will go in and pay with contact less and then I will transfer money into her account. Tegan will go to Tesco’s for another Click and Collect on Saturday 9th. She will put some of her shopping on my order as well. I will have a lot of favours to repay when this is over. Jan and Ben will have a few breaks at my caravan in Sunny-Up FOC and perhaps I can do the same for Tegan? The best thing about lockdown is not having to answer the door when you are not wearing a bra. Bliss! The Poodle has chewed my Barclaycard, so I will have to order another one. Life goes on in its own unique way. Lots of talk about coming out of lockdown and Boris is to make an announcement on Thursday. I think we should take a step back and see how Spain and





other countries get on before we do much. It’s a very fine balance between trying to return to normality and avoiding a 2nd wave of infections, which could be a lot worse. Interested to hear that the scientists are now saying that having coronavirus does give you immunity. It would appear that the tests taken in South Korea for antibodies on which WHO based their advice were faulty. Trump is convinced that the virus is man- made and says he has proof. He’s erratic, but not stupid, so wait and see on that one. Decided to take my daily coronavirus figures from the website so that reporting is uniform; so confusing otherwise. Stacked some logs outside the kitchen. Agility training for The Poodle in the garden. The gardening and washing will have to wait until tomorrow. Total number of confirmed cases: 186,599. UK Covid deaths today: 316.

Day 50 – Monday 4th May 2020

Day 50, who would believe it? Go into lockdown and let your life slip by! Awake until 5 AM today then woke at 8 AM; then back to sleep from 10 AM until 2:30 PM. Texted by weight through to my virtual Slimming World consultant (no change from last week!). Virtual meeting tomorrow on Zoom. Got up, bathed and dressed; for what I don’t know! NHS APP, Test, Track & Trace will be piloted on the Isle of Wight as from tomorrow initially to health workers and then to the 80,000 residents: A very exciting development. Low death rate but still a high rate of infection. Nightingale hospital is being put on standby, less people in hospital and ample critical care beds, but repeated warnings about a potential 2nd wave of infections given. Jan brought me shopping and most importantly, CHOCOLATE!!; it never tasted so good! Wednesday night, my plan is to spend a night in Ellie the motorhome with the dogs. Partly to see if I am comfortable and warm enough and secondly to try and break this awful sleep cycle. Have ordered a book written by a local author about the forest. Hope it arrives in time for me to read on Wednesday night. Will sleep in a track suit for warmth and because I don’t want to frighten the neighbours. Going to apply for a business bounce back loan for my limited company. Problem is that I don’t think my turnover will be high enough as this year was to be the second year of trading and I have lost about £7K of forward bookings due to coronavirus. Could prove that via if necessary. Worth trying because you don’t have to repay anything this year, have six years to pay back and interest is 2.5%. Strict rules for staff returning to work after lockdown. 7 Draft proposals being considered by Ministers. Played with both dogs and trained The Poodle. 9am on 4 May, there have been 1,291,591 tests, with 85,186 tests on 3 May. 945,299 people have been tested, of whom 190,584 tested positive. As of 5pm on 3 May, of those tested positive for coronavirus in the UK, 28,734 have died. This new figure includes deaths in all settings, not just in hospitals. The equivalent figure under the old measure would have been 24,332.



Day 51 Tuesday 5th May 2020

A good night’s

sleep! A pat on the back for me for going to bed at a reasonable time and switching the TV off. Woke at 3:30 AM to let the Poodle out and then back to sleep until 8 AM. Did not have an afternoon nap today because I’m saving myself for tonight! Kitchen floor is covered in bits of wood again. Fed dogs early so will go out after briefing and play with them. Ate a huge bar of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk – it had to be done.

Tests People


Positive Deaths in


Deaths in all


Daily 85,186 62,956 3,985 235 288

Total 1,291,591 945,299 190,584 24,332 28,734





No more in the house now until Saturday afternoon. Looks like we have the highest coronavirus death toll in Europe and cracks appearing in Scientific armour where Sir Patrick Vallance and Jenny Harries stating that if we had started testing earlier the death toll could possibly have been lower. Roll-out of NHS Trace, Track and Test App on the IOW tomorrow. Some, like human rights lawyers and the local Green councillor say that it is an invasion of privacy. What a load of b.ll.cks, these are extraordinary times and require extraordinary measures. Personally, I would have everyone microchipped at birth like puppies! Nothing to hide then nothing to lose! Human Rights lawyers are like vultures in business attire.

Slimming World Zoom at 11:30 AM went OK even though I didn’t lose any weight. Feel a bit more motivated now. Hadn’t heard from Andy for a few days so Whatsapped him. He’s feeling a bit down; I think lockdown is getting to him. Sent him a rather rude but funny lockdown video which I think cheered him up. Welcome to the World of surreal lockdown Andy. Gardening tomorrow as the Green sack will be emptied on Thursday. Did start yesterday and was going great guns and the hoe broke! Emotions are up and down; one day I feel we are nearing the end of Boris’ ‘Alpine Tunnel’ and the next day I see a train coming through in the opposite direction! Don’t think I’m alone in how I am feeling. It’s the coronavirus rollercoaster folks! Dominic Raab warned businesses and individuals about ‘State’ cyber-attacks on individuals and businesses with coronavirus as the theme. Does he mean Islamic State by ‘state’? Maybe he is talking about countries like Iran and Russia? Just heard about Professor Neil Ferguson and his visits from a married woman whilst we are in lockdown. So, so wrong, he may now be a former member of SAGE, but there was nothing sage about his actions, especially considering his position as a senior government adviser during this pandemic. A reprehensible, hypocritical and amoral form of behaviour. My bit of ‘advice’ to him, is don’t be such a and whilst in lockdown, if tempted by the pleasures of the flesh, watch a bit of porn like lots of other men do! Ben next door borrowed my hedge trimmer and ladder. Phoned Jenifer but no reply; I expect she is on the wine!







Day 52, Wednesday 6th May 2020

Switched the TV off, but played around with my phone until 3 AM. Slept well and woke at 9:30 AM. Up bathed and dressed by 11 AM. Did some weeding in the back garden. So glad of the big oak tree in my garden which gives gorgeous shade. Weeded the flower beds and swept the patio. As I have plastic grass, I will have to sweep the grass tomorrow because of the heat. Beautiful day. I’ve noticed during lockdown that the birdsong is louder, and the colours are lighter. My rhododendron bush which I planted just after my parents died is now 7ft tall. The bright red flowers are about to bloom. Always think of my father when I look at this plant. He was a keen gardener and won a prize from the Council for having the best kept garden in the area. His style of gardening was that everything was perfectly neat, and the lawns were very green and weed free. I genuinely prefer a more natural garden with places for the birds and the wildlife to hide. Not much flowering now as the garden centres are closed. Some deliver but have a minimum charge which would give me too many bedding plants, so I will just have to make do. I do miss Zachary, my handyman/gardener. He is having to shield because of the medication he is taking for rheumatoid arthritis. He has the amazing ability to make everything look so clean and tidy. My father

Total Number of deaths: 29,427

Infections 4,406

Deaths today 693

Tests 84,806





would have approved of Zachary! Boris hosted his first PM’s question time for 6 weeks. Don’t envy him with the high death toll and the Professor Ferguson scandal. Boris said that he bitterly regrets the deaths in care homes – don’t we all? Boris will make a statement to the nation on Sunday and it is possible that some lockdown measures may be eased next week. Politics seems to be changing with the government addressing the people directly on a regular basis. Keir Starmer doing his very best to sound like the voice of the of reason, whilst at the same time probing deeply like the Leader of the Opposition should. There is no easy answer to this pandemic. Teresa May is quoted as saying that this is a worldwide problem, and that we (the world) are lacking cohesion and co-operation to try and solve it. Not a great fan of hers, but I do agree. Trump is intent on getting the USA back on its feet financially in readiness for the presidential election in November. He’s a volatile risk taker and a loose cannon and many lives will be lost by his actions; but who knows he may pull it off? The BBC has got a real image problem with many licence holders objecting to their left-wing bias. Had a call from my consultant today, who said that if I am well, I can wait until lockdown is over to have another blood test. Phew! Did some washing and put it out to dry in the sun. Training in the garden with the Poodle. Going to run both the motorhome and my car tonight. Filling the car with fuel tomorrow. Have a feeling that the death toll may be high again today - I hope not though. Yep 649 deaths in all settings. Hospital deaths declining, care and community rising. 6,111 infections. 13,615 people in hospital with coronavirus. Over 30,000 deaths in the UK now. Chatted to Jenifer on the phone. Stella has split up with her boyfriend and is looking for accommodation for her and the dog. I think Jenifer has fixed her up with Anne G. Anne mother has just died and she now has an annexe spare with a private garden!. Hopefully, it will work well for both of them.


Tests People


Positive Deaths in


Deaths in all



Daily 69,463 57,006 6,111 413 649

Total 1,448,010 1,072,144 201,101 25,148 30,076


Day 53 – Thursday 7th May 2020

Fiddled about in Ellie last night, putting the bed down and making it. Also made space for Toby’s bed. Will put gas bottle on tomorrow so that I can boil the kettle for hot water, I’ll not bother with the water heater etc. Pulled the blinds to keep it cool as it will be hot tomorrow. Intend to read my new book, The Agister’s wife, written by a River LaneCommoner. Off to get some fuel, have got mask and gloves ready. Spotted that you can get an antibody home test from Abbott Laboratories which you post back. Presently they are £100! I will see how things go over the next couple of weeks, but might well invest in an antibody test, because if it is positive, it will give me confidence to go out, but still being very, very careful. Lovely 10 minute drive across the forest; bright sunshine, contented mares and their foals, cows, and their calves. Fuelling up went without incident. I wore gloves and a mask. Removed gloves before I got back in the car and then put hand sanitiser on. Did not remove mask (blooming hot!) until I got home and then washed it in boiling water and then gave my hands an extra good scrub. Put a few more things in Ellie for my adventure tonight, got the gas working and gave Toby a bath, much to his indignation! Washed Toby’s





bed and put fresh one in Ellie. Carers Clap later. Tegan’s older Lab Crunchie has collapsed. Still getting Ellie ready for the debut sleep in. I bought a small fan heater but now can’t find it!

New Infections: 5,614

Deaths today: 539

Total deaths: 30,615

Tests today: 86,58




Day 54 – Friday 8th May 2020

Tucked up real cozy in Ellie the motorhome last night. Decked her and the car out with Union Jack flags

for VE day. Slept well until 5 AM until the dogs wanted to go out. It was a lot easier to slip indoors after they had been in the garden! Nearly missed the 11 AM 2 minutes silence in my road as I overslept, but just made it! Pretty poor turn out with only 4 of the 7 houses turning out. Anyway, plans are to make it a regular happening which I am happy to do. It was good to see everyone. Beautiful day, dread to think what it is like in the forest with the grockles on their days out – try not to think about it. Finished my online shop with Tegan on the other end of the phone giving me her items. They eat a lot of Muller Light yoghurts in that household! Tegan will do a Click and Collect tomorrow lunchtime for me. Press keep speculating about what changes Boris is going to announce on Sunday in relation to easing the lockdown. The lockdown was officially renewed by parliament last night for another 3 weeks, thank goodness. If Jenifer reopens her facility, I may privately hire one of her fields, so that the dogs can have a good leg stretch. That won’t be until June in any event. Chicken sausages and mash for supper this evening. May splash out and add baked beans! Spending a lot less money on lockdown. Before lockdown I used to go in the local shop and spend £5-£7 a day on total rubbish. I was hoping that I would be sylph-like now, but no chance! Since lockdown I have spent £24.67 on fuel and no money on agility. I estimate I am saving around £400 a month. John phoned today. It was good to speak with him. He is coping quite well and lead walking his 4 dogs round the block for exercise. Even though John is 80, in pre-lockdown times his 2 terriers and 2 Collies used to have 1.5 hours a day exercise. John misses his agility too. Emma and her sister, Daisy, are looking after him. Daisy bakes him cakes and takes him round roast dinners on a plate. Very jealous! Couldn’t chat as long as I wanted as I was in the middle of my Tesco order. Changing the bed clothes today, which is always a bit of a faff, but so lovely when it is clean and fresh. Must collect the flags later and tidy up Ellie after our adventure. I’ve got a white lilac bush in the front garden that’s gone a bid mad. I love the smell of lilac, bluebells and sweet peas! Oh happy Summer days! Saw a video on Facebook of our local music teacher playing the White Cliffs of Dover on her violin in the village today. Extremely poignant – for all sorts of reasons. I’ve tried to apply for a Business Bounce Back Loan but the site keeps throwing me out! 30,000 out of 80,000 households have applied for the NHS Track and Test.


Tests today: 97,029

Positive Tests: 4,649













Day 55 – Saturday 9th May 2020

Took the flags down last night and tidied the motorhome. An old medical problem has reoccurred. Nothing urgent, but it would happen on a Saturday thatI need medical help, just when the doctor’s surgeries are closed. Tried 111 but there were long queues; could possibly die waiting. Will just have to soldier on. Changed the bed and for once not too much of a wrestle with the duvet cover. Different quilt as I had washed the one on the bed and think I have replaced it with one with a higher TOG rating. Quite hot, but I did manage to sleep. Tesco shop this afternoon, so preparing surface areas for delivery. Another hot day, but it is going to be colder tomorrow. I completely screwed up the Tesco Click and Collect order when I updated it, so Tegan and I have only half the shopping we ordered. No Click and Collect slots available for 3 weeks now! I’ve won the Tesco Prize for Stupidity. Still no chocolate. Prepared questions for the Messenger quiz with my schoolfriends on Monday evening. Lots of people ignoring social distancing today and the coastguards have been very busy with calls. Perhaps those caught flouting the social distancing advice should be compulsorily quantized for 14 days? Seems to be mainly young men ignoring the rules. I blame the testosterone! Have ordered a bright green T shirt (vile colour) with the message: “I need Space – keep your distance!”






Day 56 – Sunday 10th May 2020

Woke at 9, let dogs out and fed them. Last night I paid £100 for an Abbott laboratory antibody test to see if my illness over Christmas covid-19 was. If it is positive, I will still be extremely careful, but will go out for daily exercise etc. If we follow the theory of Murphy’s law, now that I have paid £100 its bound to be negative. If negative it will put the fear of God in me and I will never come out of lockdown! Everyone is waiting to see what Boris will say about the coronavirus ‘roadmap’. I get the sense that he has been pressurised into this by the opposition and some in his party. So much speculation by the press and so many UK residents ignoring lockdown. We need clear, concise messages which the police must be prepared to enforce if necessary. Statistics expert on Andrew Marr this AM who says he cringes every time the same old figures are paraded out in the press briefing. I agree with him, I’ve noticed that the figures are not consistently presented, which makes it difficult to establish exactly what they are. He also

Deaths (total) today: 626

Deaths total: 31,241

Total in Hospital: 11,178

Tests: 96,878

Positive: 3,896

Total deaths: 31,587






said that there was a real thirst for knowledge amongst the public; I agree with him on that too. Reported row between Boris and Matt Hancock and rumours that he (MH) will be outed when things settle down. Watched Boris give his presentation on the roadmap to release. In essence there are 3 stages where lockdown could be eased, but at any time the brakes could be put back on again. People are now being actively encouraged to go back to work or work from home if they possibly can whilst observing social distancing rules. They are asked to try and avoid using public transport and to travel by car or walk or cycle. Heftier fines for abusing lockdown will be announced tomorrow. If things go well, we could have shops open by 1st August. The whole plan is heavily dependent on the ‘R’ rate and the number of people in hospital. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have slightly different plans. Not much change really, except that the onus is being put on the individual to do their bit. Much discussion about the ‘stay home’ message being replaced by the ‘stay alert’ message, which in effect means the same thing. There’s probably some deep psychological bias for using ‘STAY Alert’ where it lets those beginning to waver believe they have control! Expect there will be the usual predictable arguments on what it means. For me it means STAY AT HOME; although I did walk 25 yards to the post box tonight just before Boris’ unveiling on TV = fortunately didn’t see a soul. I don’t feel all that great, will probably have to phone the doctor tomorrow. Had a chat with Amy on the phone, she’s not been well either. Jan is going shopping tomorrow and will buy me some chocolate!

Tests People


Positive Deaths in


Deaths in all



Daily 92,837 64,362 3,923 230 269

Total 1,821,280 1,334,770 219,183 26,568 31,855


Day 57 – Monday 11th May 2020

Texted my weight through to my Slimming World Consultant. No change. Still don’t feel that wonderful but not ill enough to bother the doctor. Social media and MSM are alive with Boris’ road plan. It will be interesting to see the infection rates and deaths by region, especially after large festivals such as Ramadan. Many say they don’t understand it, but it seems perfectly clear to me. No change as far as I am concerned. Living so close to a popular beauty spot is going to be hell if they reopen the forest car parks, especially with the River Lane being so close to London and the foals being born. The latter will become the main attraction of the ‘theme park’ with naïve tourists feeding the ponies titbits. Titbits can cause digestive problems because the ponies are used to a restricted diet; they also cause extreme jealousy which results in fights amongst the herd and invariably the ‘giver’ of the titbits getting bitten or kicked. Added to this that titbits tend to draw the ponies to the roadside where they are more likely to get killed or injured and you have a recipe for disaster. I guess you can’t educate stupid! Jan delivered shopping. Chocolate never tasted so good! Boris on feet most of the afternoon answering questions. Total cases number: 223, 060. Daily cases: 3,877. Total Covid deaths: 32,065. Daily deaths: 210.

Day 59 – Tuesday 12th May 2020





Bright but coldish day. I like these sorts of days. Drove to dog groomers car park and tooted. Anne the proprietor came out in full hazmat suit with mask and visor, sanitized her gloved hands, and removed the dog from the back of the car. I drove home and waited for her call so that I could pay and then go and collect the hairy (now less hairy) Poodle. After I have paid, I sit in the car with a mask on and Anne puts her back in the car. When I get home I wipe the boot handle and dog crate down with wipes. I also spray the dog with Leucillin spray. Can’t do much more. Didn’t attend my Zoom Slimming World meeting as I was busy with the Poodle. Terrier enjoys being an ‘only child’ for a while and sits and soaks up the sun on the patio whilst savouring a cocktail sausage. Helen won the quiz last night and I came a close second. I thought we had been hacked, but Shannon had put some silly effects on her screen, and I didn’t recognise her! Anyway, good to catch up and brush up on general knowledge. We are scheduled for the same time next week. Rishi Sunak expected to announce today that furlough scheme will be reduced from 80% to 60%. I’m sure this will cause much dissent and distress, but will encourage some, who have been enjoying their ‘holiday’ rather too much back to work. Food banks are doing a roaring trade and when this is over there will be mass unemployment. About 50% of residents on the IOW have downloaded the NHS TTT App – an interesting beta test and can’t wait to hear about the results. The Midlands had the highest number of people admitted to hospital (79). Total number of cases: 226, 463. Daily cases: 3,403. Total deaths: 32, 692. Deaths today: 627. The Office for National Statistics said on Tuesday that 35,044 deaths involving Covid-19 were registered in England and Wales up to 9 May. Adding the latest figures for Scotland and Northern Ireland and more up to date fatalities from the four nations. The total official UK death toll now stands at 40,496.

Day 60 – Wednesday 13th May 2020 Another bright and lovely day. Some people are officially back to work today and there are reports of the tubes and buses being overcrowded. I hear stories that the River Laneis being swamped by motorhomes; that’s not as bad as it seems because at least they are self-contained in terms of toilets, unlike cars. The Stallions have just been let out and they are possessive of their mares, cows are protective of their calves and the ponies of their newly born foals. Add to this the boldness of the adders due to lockdown and their mating season and you have a dangerous mix. Still don’t feel 100%. I’ve been informed that my antibody test is on its way, but I have not received it yet. Sleeping pattern is creeping back to normal which makes me feel so much better. I’ve noticed my two dogs have lost a lot of muscle due to lack of exercise. It will be a slow build back up again. Going to make a fruit salad tonight as I need the vitamins. A bit of an effort but it must be done! Danish school teacher on TV yesterday giving some very bright and positive tips to English schoolteachers on how to cope when the children go back to school as far as infection control and social distancing. Very informative and useful. Definitely hair wash day today! Been thinking about my house and how much I would like my kitchen to lead directly on to the back garden, instead of the side patio. Would cost quite a bit and not really add value to the house but I would really enjoy it. Don’t really feel like cooking but must try to eat properly. Sirloin steak, mushrooms, baby plum tomatoes and a jacket potato on the go. I can cook but can’t be a.rsed; I’ve not quite reached my mother’s giddy heights of culinary prowess by buying frozen omelettes from Iceland yet! Don’t think I’ll bother with the fruit salad, just try and eat a couple of satsumas; wish I bought the easy peelers. Jan said the forest is quiet. I’m thinking of taking Ellie for a spin round the block but scared to go too far in case she breaks down. I need to get an element of control back in my life! Jenifer rang today won’t be opening her dog training facility until at least July which is good. WhatsApped with Steve. Not heard from Andy since Saturday; he knows where I am if he wants to chat. Government is firing up the housing market again – let’s see what





happens. Keir Starmer questioning the government on care home deaths. You can tell he’s a lawyer. They have a way of saying things so that you believe they are true! I took a look at other countries and their care home deaths and they are equally as horrifying. Politics aside, I don’t think Keir Starmer is being obstructive and not helpful to the British public, he needs to reign in his posturing and point scoring and come up with a few useful suggestions. Wasn’t it him who wanted an Exit Strategy and then when he was presented with one, he tore it to ribbons? To use Ann Widdecombe’s phraseology “He has something of the night about him!” Plenty of space in hospital if anyone needs it (God forbid!). Total cases: 229,705. Cases today: 3,242. Total deaths: 33, 186. Deaths today: 494.

Day 61 – Thursday14th May Slept until 9:30. Sleeping pattern much improved. Feeling much better, pleased that I have avoided a trip to the docs. Bright but coldish day. Test tube and instructions arrived from Abbott Laboratories for antibody test. I couldn’t even get the bloody bag open that contained the test tube, so I had to cut it. Then I pricked the wrong finger; couldn’t get enough blood and then I pricked another finger hard, and it was like the aftermath of the Boston Massacre. Blood everywhere! Then I forgot to put the label on the test tube but did put a form inside with it! I drove down to the post box to post it. No doubt they will reject it. Hope they send me another one. I’m hopeless! To crown the day the government announced that it had found a suitable antibody test and was starting a testing programme initially with health workers! I can’t win! When I drove down to the post box it was busy with people walking and cars. There were often 2 people in cars, and I was dubious about them being from the same family. Looks like the forest is going to be invaded at the weekend. Carers Clap tonight. Kitchen covered in twigs again. The Poodle’s speciality! Government has a repair programme for the train network and roads whilst we are in semi lockdown. Must remember to set the alarm so that I can put the bins out. Care home deaths still high; perhaps they should rename them ‘scare homes’. Poor things


Day 62 –

Friday 15th May 2020 Last night, overcome by a moment of madness, I tool Ellie out for a short drive. She ran well although all the time I was worried she would break down and I would have to call the AA and then what? Fortunately, all was OK. Feel good today and had a good night’s sleep. Woke at 8 AM to put the bins and the dogs out, fed the dogs and then back to bed until 11:30AM with a cup of hot Ribena. Bliss! Went out in the garden armed with a green bag (now full) and some secateurs. Aim is to get the back garden looking as neat and tidy as possible. Last year’s potted geraniums have flowered and are looking good. Bit worried about John who is in terrible pain and immobilised with an ankle ulcer. He suffers from depression periodically and



Positive Deaths in


Deaths in all






Daily 126,064 71,644 3,446 280 428

Total 2,219,281 1,593,902 233,151 27,776 33,614





now thinks he will never do agility again. Lack of sleep is not helping him either. No visits to the holiday park where my caravan is until at least July 4th. Ben and Jan are champing at the bit to go, especially as I have offered them a free holiday! Letter from hospital stating that my June appointment is by telephone because of covid-19. Ordered a repeat prescription online. Big surprise, the company that processes the anti-body tests have sent me another one by mistake, so need to sit back and see if the first one is OK! My finger is still sore from last night’ stabbing. Ate all the chocolate that Jan brought me yesterday, so now none until Monday at the earliest! Serves me right! Over the weekend, I am going to attempt to operate the awning on Ellie. The more I can learn to do before I set off on an adventure, the better. Bit concerned about operating the pump and the hot water system but won’t use that until I go away. I must clean the water tank out first to avoid nasty bugs. Will plug into mains and see if I can get the fridge to work as well. Boris is getting a bashing from the lefties, but still seems to have a merry band of supporters. Matt Hancock took the press briefing today and spoke about how everyone in care homes, staff and patients, will be blitzed with testing. All the sensible people are holding their breath about the R number staying below 1. Currently it is between 0.9 and 1.00. Everything is dependent on the idiots now. Cornwall has an influx of people wild camping and sleeping in cars. Mushroom and cheese omelette for supper today. Must vacuum tomorrow; if I leave it longer, I’ll require the services of an arboriculturist with all the sticks the Poodle has brought in from the garden.

Day 63 – Saturday 14th May 2020 Beautiful day. Woke at 9:30 after a good night’s sleep. Slumped around blissfully in PJ’s for a while after feeding the dogs. Lovely relaxing bath and then got busy with the hosepipe in the garden. Did quite a bit of cutting back last night but still more to do later. I’ve then got to sweep my plastic lawn and the patio. Come back Zachary the gardener, all is forgiven! Most local authorities in beauty spot areas are telling people to stay away, but sadly not the River Lane National Park. They are a QUANGO that can’t go quickly enough in my opinion! Useless bunch of lily-livered bunch of ‘marketeers’ that wouldn’t last a week in a commercial environment. Still haven’t vacuumed – what a lazy woman I am. The River Lane Cycling activists are pushing like mad for 100% access to the forest. Their campaign is being led by an event cyclist, who is also a pompous Chairman of a local Parish Council. An ‘address withheld’ letter appeared in the local rag about cycling and replicated on the paper’s fb Page is written in his style. He denies penning it, but I’m not so sure. Cycling is a great activity and should be encouraged, but the lycra- clad lemmings charging about off-piste in the forest with their performance measuring Stravas and Garmins are a fast paced ignorant and dangerous lot. Gosh just re-read this; is lockdown making me aggressive? Maybe so. Good to get stirred up about something rather than sink in the lethargy swamp! Did some more cutting back in the garden – had a real fight with a Clematis Montana. High number of deaths today.

Tests People


Positive Deaths in


Deaths in all



Daily 133,784 69,590 3,560 234 384






Day 64 – Sunday 17th May 2020 Another beautiful bright sunny day. I can guarantee as soon as I come out of lockdown it will pish down! Yet another blissful night’s sleep. Woke at 9AM after staying up late watching rubbish TV; let the dogs out, and fed them. Then back to bed for a couple of hours sleep. This afternoon we have a neighbour’s tea and get together in our no-through road. Stephanie and Leigh at number 4 always try really hard to get everyone together, but it is like pushing a boulder up a hill. Jan got collared by Stephanie and couldn’t say no. I shall have a little private giggle watching them squirm. I usually go to these things, not my scene, but tend to make myself busy by either serving drinks or washing up. Today there will none of that because of social distancing. I rummaged in the garage to find a folding chair and decided to take a bottle of water with me as it was easier. I then had to find something to wear; couldn’t attend in PJ’s and my navy-blue tracksuit bottoms had seen better days. Decided to wear my white trousers (guarantee they won’t stay white) and my new green T shirt with the ‘I need space’ slogan. I’m known as being a bit eccentric so might as well play to it! Boris is getting a real bashing over this relaxed lockdown and Jan said Blue Street (next village up) was absolutely heaving with grockles ignoring social distancing. The car parks are overflowing, and they are parking on the verges. I’ve given the River Lane NPA a bashing on social media for posting a picture of a pretty foal in the middle of all this! Hey everyone, lockdown has been relaxed slightly so the virus has gone! What absolute morons. No words. I received an email telling me that my antibody test for covid-19 was negative. I was very disappointed and any thoughts of going out and being careful by social distancing evaporated. So much for dressing up, I got the wrong week; it’s next week. Idiot! Watched some of the briefing. I enjoy the first part but find the journalistic questions too predictable. Waiting for the statistics to be posted on the government website; apparently N. Ireland haven’t submitted any yet. I’d lockdown anyone dressed top to toe in ‘Designer’ whilst chewing gum or smoking a cigarette. We should all be fine then. Ho hum. Katie rang. We chatted but didn’t have much to say to each other as neither of us have been out. She is bored like me. I’ve started drinking again! Total number of cases: 243,303. Daily cases: 3,142. Total deaths: 34,636. Daily deaths: 170

Day 65 Monday 18th

May 2020 A bright warm day. Nice breeze. Texted my weight to the Slimming ` Consultant Have lost a 1 lb this week. Absolute carnage here in the forest yesterday. Car parks overflowing, heaps of cars parked on the verges, dogs chasing ponies, humans defecting because there are no toilets. Worst of all was the River Lane National Park Authority posting a picture of a pretty foal and telling everyone that there are lots of them this time of year. I despair. Heard that our little local Budgens was swamped with tourists with no thought for social distancing. There were no representatives from the National Park, Forestry England or the Police. Looking at ways of getting a volunteer movement going, perhaps on horseback that can report those

Total 2,353,078 1,663,492 236,711 28,010 33,998

Tests People tested Positive Deaths in all settings

Daily 136,486 78,537 3,451 260 468

Total 2,489,563 1,742,028 240,161 28,270 34,466





breaking forest bylaws to the relevant authorities. This can’t go on; it’s crazy. Covid-19 will have a fertile breeding ground here as the infection rate is low and most of the population are elderly. The River Lane NPA has issued some new marketing material. Not quite so ‘pretty’ as the last lot but still leaves a lot to be desired. Quiz tonight with the girls. Harder this week. Came joint 1st with a low score. Loss of taste and smell is now recognised by the government as a symptom. Anyone over the age of 5 displaying covid-19 symptoms will be eligible for a test. Latest buzz word is ‘air bridges’ where perhaps people travelling from countries with a low rate of infection could be exempt from the two weeks quarantine in a private home. Deaths: 106 Deaths in total: 34,796

Day 66 – Tuesday 18th May 2020 Lovely day, up at 9 to prepare for Slimming World Zoom session. Dogs let out and fed. Joey, my bookkeeper extraordinaire, tried to access the online form for the Business Bounce Bank loan for me but without any luck. I then tried to download the Barclays App as instructed but that kept crashing! My accountant phoned and said that I do not qualify for help for the self-employed as my income comes from property rental and that’s not classed as self- employed! My accountant did mention a discretionary grant that local authorities may have so I wrote to the Leader of River Lane District Council who lives in the village. He knows of the grant but does not think I will qualify. I seem to have slipped through the net. What is to be done? Paid Jan for my shopping. Wish I hadn’t eaten all the chocolate last night. She couldn’t get me any Cheerios so nothing to snack on. Will have to wait until Friday now when Tegan does a Click and Collect for me. It’s very kind of Tegan and Jan to help but I hate losing my independence. Did some more cutting back in the garden and put a very full green sack out in the front garden for collection. My foam rollers arrived for my out of control hair and The Poodle ate one of them. Not a good day. The government is getting a bashing over care home testing. Things seem a bit out of control. Thank god I’ve got my dogs. The UK vaccine being developed at Oxford Uni doesn’t appear to be working as all of the Rhesus monkeys who were injected with it have coronavirus. Oh and Donald Trump announced to the world that he will not pay the WHO subs until he gets answers and that he is taking the hydrowhatsit Malaria treatment as a preventative measure for coronavirus, even though it is known to cause heart arrythmias. Marie Antionette said Let them eat cake and Donald says Let them drink Bleach! What could possibly go wrong? 2412 new infections, 10,025 people in hospital, 35,341 total deaths, 545 deaths today. Day 67 – Wednesday 19th May 2020

Woke at 9 AM, did the usual and pottered about. Sun is shining, birds are singing, Trump hasn’t died from taking the Malaria pills, and you would think all was well with the world. Feel a bit down after my financial disappointment yesterday, but did have an email from Booking,com in response to my email saying that they would break UK law by letting my property. In the circumstances they said there would be no commission charge and I would not have to pay for finding the guest alternative accommodation. I should bloody think so! The bank holiday looms but already the influx has begun. Devon and Cornwall police report that the roads to North Devon are gridlocked. Pretty much the same round here but no police, probably because there aren’t many! Another spat between the blonde bonker and the body snatcher today; the Speaker threatened to throw Matt Hancock, health Secretary (the petulant schoolboy) out of the





Chamber for heckling Starmer. Funny if it wasn’t so serious; although today the PM did get the better of Keir Starmer who asked the same question twice when he had already received the answer to it! Pantomime! Thought about taking Ellie out for a drive – may do later. Other than the foregoing, another boring day in Paradise. Been dreaming a lot though, not scary, but thought provoking. London had no coronavirus deaths and R rate is low which is wonderful. The opening of schools is still being hotly debated aided by the unions, but now there is little reason why the planned return cannot take place in London. Culture secretary is keen to get sport going but without a live audience. Testing is increasing. Get the feeling that the scientists are blaming the government and vice-versa. I’m sick of all the political sniping on facebook, I think I will remove myself from a few more groups; the trolls are ravenous! Steak, jacket potato and mushrooms for supper. Seem to get full quickly when I eat a meal, but I could snack ad infinitum! I need chocolate! None until Friday. Decided to abstain from drinking, I don’t really enjoy it and it’s all empty calories, so what’s the point. 23,000 Tracers have been recruited with each tester being able to trace 2 cases per day of 10 people. Roll out for nationwide Test, Trace and Track App scheduled for beginning of June. Superdrug are selling antibody tests online for £75.00 (97% accuracy). I’m curious to know if these are the ones the government rejected from China as the antibody test I took is 99.9% accurate? Perhaps the government offloaded them to Superdrug? Total cases: 248, 293. Daily cases: 2,472. Total deaths: 35, 704 . Daily deaths: 306 Day 68 – Thursday 20th May 2020 Blessed with another beautiful day. Joined a facebook group last night about a riding stables I used to go to the in late 1950’s early 60’s. The stables are deserted, and derelict now but still beautifully situated amongst fields in one of the posher and more rural parts of North West London. There were posts and pictures of ponies that I used to ride and adore; memories came flooding back and it made me cry. I then had the realisation that these ponies were all dead now and that made me cry even more. I still feel emotional today. Not sure why. The sun is shining and it’s a lovely day. Tried to update my Tesco order to add Tegan’s items and there’s a problem with their Server. Lent Tegan a cake stand as she is surprising her elderly neighbour with a cream tea. Clap for Carers tonight. The River Lane National Park Authority has acknowledged the local ill-feeling towards their marketing. i.e. attracting visitors to the forest during a covid-19 outbreak. They have revised their marketing so it has a more serious tone and blatantly stated that there were all sorts of people on the ground monitoring the situation last weekend. That’s b.ll.cks as the comments from locals on the posts on River Lane Newswire show. Monitoring officials were conspicuous by their absence and I think they are getting a bit concerned. Good! A large study in many countries is going to take place into the anti-malaria pills that Trump is taking. It would be a strange outcome if Trump were right after all. So far this maverick/lunatic always manages to come up smelling of roses. Watch this space he could go from zero to hero! Matt Hancock took the press briefing tonight, flanked by Chris Whitty and the testing guru. I’m concerned about his mental health as he appears to be suffering under the strain of the enormous challenges facing him. The poor man looks as if he might crack-up in spectacular style. Interesting (planted!) question tonight from the member of the public about the forthcoming Muslim Festival of Ede. Usual platitudes from those on the podium about how everyone is complying with social distancing. I think I’m going to have to escape from the confines of house arrest before I go mad. Thinking of privately hiring a fully enclosed dog field for an hour so both the dogs and I can let off steam. Total cases: 250,908. Daily cases: 2,615. Total deaths: 36,042. Daily deaths: 338.

Day 69 - Friday 21st May 2020





Bit colder and windier today but bright sunshine. Lovely. Up at 8 to put the rubbish out (I’ve never been so good at this!) and then pottered about until Tegan delivered my shopping at 2 PM. I felt guilty because it was heavy and there was so much of it. Half of what was missing last week arrived on the order as well, some of which was Tegan’s. I gave Tegan about £12 worth of shopping to say thank you and also to cover petrol. Also sent her a facebook message to say thank you. Without her and Jan I would have to run the gauntlet in the shops. Feeling emotional again today. Did 50 laps of my small garden and surveyed what cutting back I would next have to do. I don’t want to touch the front garden, which is in the sun all the time, as someone saw a grass snake asleep there the other year. I have a pathological fear of snakes and would rather face a raging hippo than anything without legs. UGH! Latest figures illustrate that nearly 1 in 5 Londoners have been infected with covid-19. Only another 80% to go then! Many residents in the River Lane are dreading the Bank Holiday weekend because of the influx of tourists. Last week’s visitors left piles of human waste and the toilet paper to go with it. The forest’s fire risk is classified as ‘Severe’ which should bode well with all the disposable BBQ’s. The River Lane NPA is being a tad more cautious in its marketing, but falls short of asking visitors to stay away, like in other areas. I have asked bot the River Lane NPA and Forestry England how many people they will have on the ground this weekend monitoring the forest; no response so far. Amazing how quickly time goes. Can’t believe I will have been in lockdown 10 weeks tomorrow! The Holiday Park where I keep my caravan have written to all the owners stating that there will be no reduction in site fees but may give a £200 off for rates. They will add another year to owner’s licences for their caravan; no benefit to me I will probably be dead by then! Posted a picture of me on Facebook riding Sunshine, a lovely horse which belonged to the riding school. It was taken circa 1960 and I had the most wonderful baggy jodhpurs on! Seems Sunshine was very popular and everyone’s favourite too judging by the Comments and the Likes (over 50). The memories of the stables and the horses still tug at my heart strings. Priti Patel took the press briefing and spoke about travellers having to go into self-isolation for 14 days when they arrive in the UK. Details will be taken and On the spot checks will be made and a fine of £1K imposed if self-isolation is not complied with. This starts on 8th June but is constantly under review. Teachers generally not keen to resume school on June 1st. I can see both sides but we have to make a start somewhere. Total cases: 254,195. Daily cases: 3,287. Total deaths: 36,393. Daily deaths: 351.

Day 70 – Saturday 23rd May 2020 Drove to Blue Street and back last night in Ellie to give her a run. The forest was very quiet, and it was peaceful. Wonderful! Arose bright and early and fed dogs and myself. Watered garden entered rubbish and stripped the bed to go int the washing machine. Bit of a cloudy day but hopefully that will keep the tourists away. Had a friend request from one of the River Lane Commoners yesterday who suggested we worked together as we had the same aims. She works with the Verderers (ancient custodians of the forest) and runs the River Lane Road Campaign which has around 25K Followers on facebook. I said yes but let’s see how it goes. My friendly mind thinks it great, but my suspicious mind tells me that they may want to use River Lane Newswire to broadcast controversial messages that they can’t because they get money from the River Lane NPA. Let’s see how it goes. Proceed with caution as they say. Must vacuum the bedroom and bathroom and then have a bath and wash my hair. So today we hear that Dominic Cummings visited his parents whilst having symptoms of covid-19. What is the matter with these people? I doubt if Boris will sack him as he knows the whereabouts of too many bodies, but I expect he will get squeezed out by the Tory rank and file. Disgusted with him and Prof. Ferguson. Did some gardening and wasted some time on social media.





Total cases: 257,154. Daily cases: 2,959. Total deaths: 36,675. Daily deaths: 282.


Day 71 – Sunday 24th May 2020 Up at 10 AM, dogs let out and fed. Had breakfast and then straight out into the garden. My garden could be described as au naturel, apart from the plastic grass, You can never really see what’s doing until you start to tidy a section; it’s only then that you realise it is a mammoth task. Decided to section it into small manageable chunks and spent nearly 3 hours, weeding, chopping back and sweeping up leaves. Green sack now full. Another area planned for tomorrow that is more like deep jungle and very ambitious. All hell let loose on social media with visitors using disposable BBQ’s and leaving them to smoulder on the ground. The forest is on a severe fire alert because it is so dry and a huge fire in a forest is still fresh in the memory. I’ve left all Groups on facebook with any political affiliation as I am sick to death of the petty griping (on both left and right) and want to get on with my life and leave the politicians to do what they are paid for. Tea in the road this afternoon at 3:30, so need to get in the both and make myself reasonably presentable. I’ve been gardening in my PJ’s. Another pile of washing beckons me. Trying to be good on Slimming World and hoping to lose at least 1 lb this week. Slow progress when you are older, love your food and have a thyroid that’s permanently drunk! I’ve also taken to doing 100 laps each day of my small garden. The dogs are bemused. The main stars of the press briefing tend to appear on Wednesday and Thursday. The founder of CLAP FOR CARERS wants this week to be the last week. Waiting to see what happens with the infection rate post Bank Holiday and Eid. Went to street get together for about half an hour. It was great to see everyone in good spirits, except poor old Leigh at No. 4 who works as an aerospace engineer for the military is the only one who hasn’t been furloughed and he wished he had been. He has a long commute and is 4 years off retirement so I can understand his pain. By chance I happened to watch the press briefing and it was Boris who took it! He came charging up to the podium and spoke in a very deep and loud voice about Dominic Cummings and his trip up North. He said that he and DC had partaken of long discussions today and he was satisfied with his explanation regarding the legitimacy of him taking the journey so that he has child care. The press afterwards laid into him big style but he hed his own. Robert Peston looked like he needed a shower and a hair wash and thought he was off air, when he lent back in his chair and went ‘Phew!’. How funny. So Boris is not going to sack his right hand man and is going to have to bear the wrath of the press, his own party and Keir Starmer on Wednesday on Wednesday at PM Questions. He must really need Dominic Cummins by his

side. Boris also wants the kids back at school and said that we are heading for Stage 2 on June 1st. but that ‘R’ is constantly under review. Wonder if anyone else thinks that ‘R’ has been anthropomorphised and could appear in the sky like an evil could-being? Total cases: 259,559. Daily cases: 2,409. Total deaths: 36,793. Daily deaths: 118

Day 72 – Monday 25th May 2020 Everyone in my road turned up for the 3:30 PM gathering and I had to move away sharpish a couple of times from those inadvertently forgetting social distancing. Gorgeous day. Up reasonably early and let out and fed the dogs. The River Lane is overwhelmed with ‘visitors’ wild camping, barbecuing, and depositing human waste. The fire alert status is severe. The River Lane National Park and Forestry England have lost





control. They have a few poor people on the ground trying unsuccessfully to cope with the swell of wrongdoing. Those who know and love the forest are holding their breath and praying for rain. Reports constantly coming in of disposable barbecues being left to smoulder. They are banned and there is signage, but these people simply don’t care. My River Lane Newswire site has gone crazy with people reporting fires and the abuse of other forest regulations. It’s dire. Weston-Super-Mare hospital has closed its doors as it is full of covid patients. Looks like Boris has totally screwed up over Dominic Cummins trip to Barnard Castle. The opposition are rubbing their hands with glee and many members of his own part are turning on him. Dominic Cummins has just held a press conference where he read a pre-prepared and extremely detailed statement, that no doubt that keen-eyed Keir will forensically rip to shreds tomorrow.,, It’s in the lap of the gods now, who knows if he will resign? In the figures below the deaths reported are low because it is a bank holiday. It will probably be Thursday before they even out. Total cases: 261,184. Daily cases: 1,625. Total deaths: 36,914. Daily deaths: 121

Day 73 – Tuesday 26th May 2020

Beautiful day. Quite warm. Had Zoom meeting for Slimming World; beginning to enjoy these and haven’t lost a huge amount of weight bit I feel better about myself and I am eating healthier which is something.

Dreading a 2nd wave of coronavirus. Bournemouth beach packed cheek to jowl; there’s even someone selling corona cornets! Shouldn’t joke, it’s real. The forest is packed out too; stupid people parking in front of forest gates; in Lyndhurst a fire crew was blocked to getting to a fire. Dominic Cummins and his mercy dash to Durham is still blazing away in the MSM. Dominic (or is Demonic?) Cummins is an extremely clever person and a brilliant strategist; sadly, for him he lacks charisma and that’s what will be his downfall in the end. Boris keeps defending him. Beef burgers and salad for supper. Not exactly Slimming World just it is what I want. Sleep patterns greatly improved. All being well (ha ha) the shops will open in June, although Matt Hancock hinted in the press briefing about regional lockdowns. Testing supposed to be up to 200K a day by end of May. Nothing much said about the IOW TTT App, but the rumour mill is that it is not doing well! Death rate low today, but the figures haven’t caught up from Bank Holiday yet.

Total cases: 267,240. Daily cases: 2,013. Total deaths: 37,460. Daily deaths: 412


Day 75 - Thursday 28th May 2020 Beautiful day sorted the dogs out and watered the garden. Social media has gone crazy with all the misdemeanours in the forest; the risk of fire is so bad that many of us are waiting for a call to evacuate. I am only 150 yards from the open forest. The Dominic Cummins row is still raging, and Boris the Bluffer has to face Keir Starmer, the body snatcher, in parliament today. The left is making much of DC’s covid- 19 mercy dash. Our local hospice has closed temporarily because 12 staff have tested positive for covid- 19; doesn’t bode well. Managed to get a Click and Collect slot for Tesco’s on Monday. I’m going to go myself but take all necessary precautions. Now I am doing Slimming World seriously, I need so much more shopping! I cannot believe how crazy some people are with the threat of covid-19 lurking around every corner. I hope they are well enough to go home, smoke their dope and watch Netflix on their 50” plasma screens, and maybe have a couple of rowdy BBQ’s with their neighbours, whilst slugging cheap supermarket lager. This is before their stupidity starts to infect the community and begins to overwhelm the NHS. Many will say I am judgemental; I call it pragmatism. Laura Kuenssberg and Robert Peston tried





to get Chris Witty and Patrick Vallance drawn into the Cummins affair, but Boris intervened and they both stated that they did not get involved with politics. We can now meet in groups of 6, but both Vallance and Whitty said the R was very close to 1 which is the crucial point for further lockdown. Managed to get the crook lock off Ellie and drove to Christchurch and managed to get some fuel. Reversed her up the road.; Jan and Ben out cutting their hedge and were quite impressed! Total cases: 269,127. Daily cases: 1,887. Total deaths: 37,837. Daily deaths: 377

Day 76 Friday 29th May 2020

Another hot day and an increasing fire risk for the River Lane. Up early put the rubbish out, fed dogs and myself, watered the garden and then back to bed to watch TV and have a look at social media. The Poodle not at all impressed with my attempts to groom her and is now in ‘hiding’. Last night I managed to remove the steering wheel lock and drove to Christchurch and back and picked up some diesel from the garage, complete with mask and gloves. That was a round trip of 12 miles. Need to do something a bit longer to keep Ellie ticking over. Must try and prune my hedge archway at the front as it is encroaching on the pavement, and no-one will be able to reach the front door soon! Rishi Sunak will be announcing an extension to the furlough today, but there will be nothing for me. Dominic Cummings has stated that he is not leaving his government post. Next goal is the Click and Collect from Tescos on Monday. Govt says that you can now meet up to 6 people from different households in an outdoor space, including your own garden. However, this doesn’t apply to people who are shielding like me and it looks like the period of isolation will be extended. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have slightly different lockdown easing rules. Social distancing and hand washing is the key. Cut the big hedge between us today. Looks better, but I need to rip out all the ivy at the bottom. Pruned the archway over the path at the front and filled up another green bag! Emma rang but it went to voicemail, will catch up in a day or so. Inflated a child’s paddling pool for the dogs; they were more interested in fighting over the toys, so I had to empty it and put it away! I’ve eaten too much today, kept picking at things. Total cases: 271,222. Daily cases: 2,905. Total deaths: 38,161. Daily deaths: 324


Day 77 Saturday 30th May 2020 Why does the number 77 always make me say “Sunset Strip”? Was it a song or a TV programme? Showing my age now! Strange how numbers make you think of different things associated with them. Woke at 6 AM and let dogs out and fed them and went back to bed. When I got up at around midday it was extremely hot. There’s been call out after call out in the River Lane for disposable BBQ’s; we haven’t had rain for so long and visitors don’t realise that if BBQ’s are left on the ground the heat can cause a peat fire and then spread to the tree roots which can have devastating effects. Most people seem to be

ignoring the easing of lockdown effective as from Monday 1st June and appear to be ignoring social distancing rules too. I’m genuinely concerned and bloody annoyed that these selfish idiots could keep everyone else in lockdown in perpetuity! Going to do a bit more gardening in the front when it cools this evening. Too hot now and too many people about. Sport will start again in June in a limited way and without spectators. Professor Van Dam stated in the briefing that there was a rise in the infection rate and that the true rate of infection, when questioned by a journalist, (great question by the way!) that the true infection rate was probably in the region of 8K people a day. Those in the vulnerable category can now go out once a day with one other person! Hooray! Already planning to take my dog to her trainer (about 6 miles away), and then to use the private field at the venue to exercise both dogs. I will take Ellie as I will





have my own toilet facilities and won’t need to mix with anyone but my trainer. 2 metres apart and I will wear a ask. Did a bit of gardening, too hot even at 6:30 PM. May try again tomorrow morning? Boiled egg and pasta salad with cucumber salad for supper. Hit the spot!. Tempted to drink another Diet Coke, but had one already today. Just seen some images of Durdle Door in Dorset. Three are hundreds of people on the beach and now being closely herded with a helicopter either side up the hill as the beach is now closed. 3 people are critically injured after jumping 200’ off Durdle Door archway into the sea. They are currently being treated by ambulance paramedics. It’s going to be a long year. 2 x scientists in the SAGE Group have spoken out and have said it is too early to come out of lockdown. I do agree, but I don’t know how you could -possibly hold some of these people in for any longer and that would have created civil unrest. Total cases: 271,222. Daily cases: 2,445. Total deaths: 38,376. Daily deaths: 215

Day 79 – Sunday 31st May 2020 Another hot day. Too hot for me to go outside. Night time is cooler. Awful incidents at Durdle Door yesterday. There were ‘thousands‘ of people on the beach and they and to be herded close together to allow 2 helicopters to arrive. There was alcohol fuelled brawls, a small out of control fire and tombstoning 200’ into the sea from Durdle Door archway. 3 people are critically injured, and 1 female had a broken ankle. My neighbour Jan seems to think it will be better when the clothes shops open as they will all be in there. I truly pity the assistants if that’s the case. All I’ve done today is look at social media and 1 machine load of washing. Oh and writing this journal of course. Last day in May today before I send it off to the Uni.. I’m looking forward to getting out and about a bit and will stick to the rules of only 1 other person. A nice dog walk with a friend would be good. Still now news from Andy, although he did Like 1 of my facebook posts the other day, so at least I now he is still alive. I’ll leave him to his own devices probably going through a bad patch. Steve is driving me absolutely nuts! What is it about lockdown that prompts men to contact you after 20/40 years? Christine, my dog groomer, has experienced similar. An estate agent, I knew from way back keeps contacting me. He’s married to a beautiful lady with children. Last year he told me he was in a ‘deranged marriage’. That did make me laugh, but I didn’t tell him that. I just don’t respond to him. Virtual Slimming World ‘weigh in’ tomorrow. Too hot to finish the garden; I’m praying for rain! Like most nights, I played for a while on my Ancestry account. My tree has nearly 400 people in it. Currently unearthing some dark family secrets of poor

young unmarried girls (2nd/3rd cousins) who changed their name and went to the workhouse for a year to have their babies. My favourite Aunt, had two children out of wedlock and 20 years later married their father. It’s not an easy task as there are a lot of relatives on my father’s side and I’m still unearthing (bad choice of words) some of them. Steak for supper, dogs have some tasty sausages for a treat tonight. End of another month in lockdown. Total cases: 274,762. Daily cases: 1,936.Total deaths: 38,489. Daily deaths: 113

June Day 80 - Monday 1st June 2020 Hot day but not a good one. My friend’s beautiful Labrador died today, RIP Twix. My lovely god son is being charged with rape. I knew about his arrest nearly a year ago but thought it would all blow over. He’s in a





fragile mental state and I am worried he will take his own life. I’ve messaged him and told him I support him. Upsetting. Total cases: 276,332. Daily cases: 1,570. Total deaths: 39,045. Daily deaths: 111

Day 81 -Tuesday 2nd June 2020 Another scorcher of a day. Haven’t spoken to my godson or his mum yet today. I hope they are OK. Tegan didn’t turn up for the Slimming World Zoom meeting today as she is naturally still very upset over the loss of her beloved dog. Her other dog is very sad and appears to be grieving. Haven’t done much at all today. Toby the Terrier going to the vets on Thursday for his annual jabs and a pedicure. I’m waiting in the car outside and have left them a blank signed cheque in an envelope. I trust Jacob and his mother (the veterinary nurse) completely. John messaged me, so I called him back and we had a good chat. His ankle is a lot better and he sounded chirpier. He’s got a very dry sense of humour which I like. Missed the beginning of the briefing because I fell asleep! Number of deaths up again today, but infections down. 90% of people who die are over 65. Rain tomorrow! Let’s hope infections continue to fall. Total cases: 277,985. Daily cases: 1,613. Total deaths: 39,369. Daily deaths: 324 Day 82 – Wednesday 3rd June 2020 Dull day and a tiny bit of rain that wouldn’t dampen the lips of a dying man. About 10 degrees cooler but still quite humid. Two foals and 1 donkey have been hit on the River Lane roads and left to die on the roadside. Tragic. Went out and tidied some more in the front garden before the garden waste men come tomorrow. Tegan liked the flowers I sent her. She is very upset. Boris and the Body Snatcher are slugging it out in parliament. Boris’ is animated and his hair looks like he has been in a pub car park (who knows?) and Keir Starmer is measured and shows no emotion. Eating was OK yesterday but must try harder today. Some statisticians say that the real death toll from covid-19 is over 60K in the UK. Horrendous disease. Had another session on Ancestry yesterday and discovered another poor Aunt had got pregnant out of wedlock and was sent off to ‘Girls School’ for a year to have the baby and learn how to be a domestic servant. It was pitiful how she used her middle name and the surname of the man who made a her pregnant as a form of disguise when she entered the institution. Another Ancestry Tree had posted a photo of her, which I found poignant. I’m producing a survey for residents on how the River Lane can become a better place. There’s total uproar now and lots of organisations are lobbying the NPA. I’ve received a detailed email from a Member of the NPA, as well as being a local councillor, on their Recreation Management Strategy and their Strategic Actions. Well intentioned I’m sure, but more of the same ‘fluffiness’. Took Michelle the Poodle for a walk. Salad, Jersey potatoes and chicken Goujons for supper. Warning from Patrick Vallance again that there’s not much wriggle room on R. Incoming visitors to the UK will have to self-isolate for 14 days and spot checks will be made. Local lockdowns talked about loosely but may not be too far away me thinks. Booked private field for Tegan and I to go with our dogs. Toby to vets tomorrow for annual maintenance. Total cases: 279,856. Daily cases: 1,871. Total deaths: 39,728. Daily deaths: 359 Day 83 – Thursday 4th June 2020 Not so warm today – good! Took Toby to the vets, they collected him in full PPE from the car and were back in less than 5 minutes! I was shocked because he hates having his toenails cut and whilst he doesn’t mind the annual inoculations, he abhors the kennel cough vaccine which is administered via the nose. Lesson learned, he must know how to play up his indulgent mum and knows when he is in the hands of





professionals! Then I Met Emma, who trains Michelle. It was heaving and full of silly women with long nails, open toed sandals and shorts with their glitzy pooches. When Emma arrived, we travelled for about a mile to a lesser known enclosure to escape the chavvy madness and walked for an hour and only saw 2 people. Bliss. Emma is much younger than me and as fit as a fiddle. I was lagging at the end of it and so were the dogs, but it was so lovely to walk peacefully in my beloved forest. We all fell asleep for a couple of hours when we got home. The Poodle has developed separation anxiety and didn’t even like Emma holding her lead as she wanted to be with me! Lots of work to do there. There’s a small agility training camp at the end of July that might go ahead. It’s held by a top trainer (Dawn Weaver) who has been in the agility ribbons at Olympia and Crufts for many years. I am seriously thinking of going, letting Emma run her, and taking Ellie. With Ellie I could be completely self-sufficient in terms of cooking and toilet facilities. The camp which is held at a roomy showground and does provide meals, loos and showers for participants, but I would detach myself from those things. I also have a ‘pet enclosure’ that I could pitch directly outside Ellie; It’s about 10’ square, so thinking of taking that as an extra social distancing measure. Tried to stay awake for the government briefing but fell asleep! Meeting Tegan tomorrow with her dog for a session in a private field. Looking forward to that. Total cases: 281,661. Daily cases: 1,805. Total deaths: 39,904. Daily deaths: 176 Day 84 – Friday 5th June 2020 Woke early and put the bins out and then went back to bed for a couple of hours. Loaded up the car ready to take the dogs to the private enclosed field. Loaded up the car with water, towels, treats and Diet Coke as luck would have it a fox had got to someone’s black sacks and there was rubbish strewn all over the road. Back in doors for a black sack and plastic gloves to clear it up. Followed Tegan in her posh Range Rover to the field which was less than posh. The dogs didn’t mind and had a good mooch and run around; then it rained; then the sun came out; then it rained again! Tegan had treated me to a cup cake with soft icing which was delicious! Back home, watched TV for a while and contemplated what to have for supper; decided on hard boiled eggs, ham, salad and new potatoes. Michele Barnier gave a controversial update on the negotiations for Brexit by announcing that Boris had gone back on the withdrawal agreement between the UK and the EU which was signed in October 2019. The R value in England has risen to between 0.7 and 1, according to the government’s latest official estimates with some regions now at risk of seeing a rise in the number of infections. Death toll now exceeds 40,000 in the UK. Matt Hancock is taking the briefing today and will doubtless stumble through it. Total cases: 283,311. Daily cases: 1,650. Total deaths: 40,261. Daily deaths: 357 Day 85 – Saturday 6th 2020 Dull day, quite cold, but a welcome relief from the heat! Up at 9, fed dogs etc. Went over to Emma’s and we walked the dogs near her house through some woodland and by some ponds. Then sat in her garden and had all the dogs running through hoops. 7 dogs in total; it was good fun. Came home cooked chicken sausages, new potatoes, peas and carrots for supper. Jan did some shopping for me; I seem to be eating so much more on the Slimming World diet than I did before. It’s a good plan and I must remind myself that I have lost a lot of weight (over 4 stone) on it before. Clare said the R rate has gone up to 1; haven’t seen the news yet. Total cases: 284,868. Daily cases: 1,557. Total deaths: 40,465. Daily deaths: 204 Day 86 – Sunday 7th June 2020 Lots of mooching about. Had a chat with my friend Alun on the phone. He’s an experienced caravanner and has a wealth of knowledge. Played about on social media and made myself a nice wrap with salad and cold





sausage for lunch. No press briefings at weekends now – good decision, they were getting a bit drawn out. Scotland recorded no hospital covid deaths today, but the dreaded R number is still pushing the boundaries in some parts of the country; one area is where I keep my caravan! Got to motivate myself to do some housework, the place is a tip! Lots of people are waiting to see if camp sites will reopen on 4 th July; we’ll see. Trying to put this survey together about River Lane National Park; it’s an absolute minefield and there will be plenty of people waiting to jump on me to tell me I have done it wrong. Oh well, head above the parapet again. Can’t understand why the actual number of covid deaths aren’t submitted until after the weekend. Omelette and vegetables for supper. Filled a hole as they say! This virus is a 24 hour threat so the authorities should provide an up-to-date reporting system, no matter what day of the week it is. Total cases: 286,194. Daily cases: 1,326. Total deaths: 40,542. Daily deaths: 77 Day 87 – Monday 8th June 2020 Lazy sort of day; mooched around and then did some much-needed washing. Quiz questions all prepared for tonight. Appeared to have put on weight this morning, despite being so good, so have eaten everything I shouldn’t have today. Haven’t pressed the self-destruct button for a while. .Hancock made the statement that the R level is below one nationwide and also that London and Scotland reported no hospital deaths yesterday, which is good news. Sadly our local infants school closed today for 2 weeks because of one confirmed case and on suspected. Lowest daily death figure since March, but expect it will rise tomorrow because of bloody weekend reporting! Infection rate dropping too. Total cases: 287,399. Daily cases: 1,205. Total deaths: 40,597. Daily deaths: 55 Day 88 – Tuesday 9th June 2020 Usual morning routine then up for a Zoom meeting which didn’t help with one silly woman who had her television on whilst making a cup of tea. One of the older members told her more or less to shut up! Met Emma at 1:30 at the Enclosure. We followed a circular walk (1.5 miles), but must have done the same circle at least 3 times. 2 hours later we found ourselves back at the car. Went back and slept for a couple of hours with the dogs, we were all shattered! Made Slimming World egg and chips for Supper. Weather looks rainy until Saturday. The Primary School children will not back to school now until September. Many people worried how it will affect under privileged children by falling into street gains and being drug runners. Must do some housework; I would feel ashamed if anyone came in the house at the moment. Should only take 2 hours and I will feel so much better. Looking at the map for a new enclosure to walk in. As the Wood campsite is closed, may try the track from there, just hope it is not too narrow. Emma sneezed today but didn’t cover it up. I shifted quickly and she apologised. She has very little knowledge of covid-19 and social distancing. Not much I can do now. Ordinary shops open on Monday 15th June. Should take some pressure off the forest. Includes tests carried out by commercial partners which are not included in the 4 National total. Total cases: 289,140. Daily cases: 1,387. Total deaths: 40,883. Daily deaths: 286 Day 89 – Wednesday 10th June 2020 Dull old day. Waiting for 2 lots of shopping, one from Tegan and one from Jan. Must do my online shopping list too for click and collect. Seem to have spent a fortune on hand wash! Must get out with Michelle today as hopefully agility lessons and clinics will fire up again soon, so need to get her fit. Zoos can now reopen, and Boris is going to make some more announcements concerning lockdown in the press briefing today. No news about hairdressers and the self-catering holiday industry yet – just have to wait our turn. The schools debate rumbles on and so does the George Floyd tragedy. It was his funeral yesterday. It’s disgraceful and disgusting what happened to him and other black people, but it must be sorted out





properly. We can’t have activists hijacking good causes and creating mayhem. No-one seems to mention that GF has a past of violence, robbery and drug taking though, so we must get balance. Boris is now being accused of taking 2/3 hour power naps in the day in order to help his recovery from covid-19. Whatever you think of his political views, he nearly died, and if power napping helps then that’s the end of it. Downing Street strenuously deny it. If ‘they’ want to start on about sleeping on the job, then they should start in the House of Lords; it’s hard to find anyone awake! Boris announced in the press briefing that people living alone and with a child under 8 can meet one other family unit in a social bubble, and they are allowed to touch! Doesn’t apply to those who are shielding, more news on that next week. Jan brought me a huge bar of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk and I guzzled the lot in 1 go! Walk with Tegan tomorrow in the forest if it doesn’t rain too much. Total cases: 290,143. Daily cases: 1,003. Total deaths: 41,128. Daily deaths: 245 Day 90 - Thursday 11th June 2020 Managed to do some housework this morning. Tidied kitchen and washed floor. Meant to go for a walk with Tegan but it tipped down, so decided to make a ‘bubble’ with her and we sat in the kitchen with the door open. She brought her recently bereaved Labrador, Haf, and all the dogs played together and ate loads of biscuits and cocktail sausages. Ian Duncan Smith wants the 2-metre rule reduced to 1 metre for the sake of the economy; he is backed by the hospitality industry. Matt Hancock reporting on the government’s test, trace and track system, but only two thirds of people will give their contacts and won’t engage. Linda McCartney rosemary and red onion sausages for supper with jacket potato and salad. Total cases: 291,409. Daily cases: 1,266. Total deaths: 41,279. Daily deaths: 151 Day 91 – Friday 12th June 2020 Rain, rain and more rain. No great outdoors for me today. Just upset an acquaintance on social media about the pulling down of statues and I posted that there was good and bad on all sides and that I was sick of it. He’s ranted back at me, but I don’t care. I’m pi..ed off with his self-righteous posts. All his friends have joined into the rant now and are having a go at me. Not sure when to tell them I am of mixed heritage and that my father’s side of the family descended from a Trinidadian slave who arrived at Gloucester docks in the late 1700’s(!) Looks like holiday parks may be reopening on 5th July, so have freed up some dates on Hope it’s not a false start, their system is so complicated, it takes ages to get everything right. 2:30 PM and I am still in my PJ’s. Will watch a Place in the Sun (even though I don’t like the heat) and then bath and hair wash. Going to Emma’s tomorrow. I’m going to my hairdresser’s house next week to sit in her garden and have a chat. She’s had to spend over £1K on screens. Sadly she has bad rheumatoid arthritis and will be selling in 6 months. Covid-19 is taking hold in India and Africa, poor people I really feel for them. Hancock’s 45 minutes at 5 PM where doubtless there will be another interrogation on Trac and Track. Impressed with B Baroness Dido yesterday. She looks like a lady that likes to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. Infection rate is rising in today’s figures. Another week or so and the figures will reflect the beach and beauty spot madness. Total cases: 292,950. Daily cases: 1,541. Total deaths: 41,481. Daily deaths: 202 Day 92 – Saturday 13th June 2020 Nice day despite the forecast. I’m sleeping so much better now. Went round to Emma’s at 1:30 PM and then went for a walk with John and the Terrier in the enclosure whilst Emma babysat the Poodle to see if we can start to get over her separation anxiety. Couldn’t walk too far as poor John has an ankle ulcer that won’t heal. Came back to see The Poodle sitting on Emma’s lap as happy as happy can be. Emma gave us apple pie and ice cream which was a real treat whilst we all sat and chatted in the garden. Left Toby in the car as he is not good with some other dogs and John’s four, Emma’s three and The Poodle all played





happily in the garden. Can’t tell you had good it felt. Friends, dogs, sunshine and apple pie! Bliss! Feel a bit tired even though I haven’t done much. Click and Collect tomorrow from Tesco’s. Idiots in London supposedly ‘protecting statues’ by firing missiles at the police and their horses. Think it would be a good idea to put all the left, and right wing activists in a large cage and let them slug it out. The rest of us can live in peace then. Just had a look at the data, Infections seem to be rising again. Total cases: 294,375. Daily cases: 1,425. Total deaths: 41,662. Daily deaths: 181 Day 93 Sunday 14th June 2020 Dull day, no rain though. Up and did all the usual. Removed dog crates from car and put cloth down in readiness for Click and Collect. It’s good that I can now do a bit of shopping for other people, Tegan and her endless yoghurts and Jan with her ‘must be Pedigree’ gravy bones for Bonnie, her pampered Cockapoo. I’ve done a huge shop, so I hope I can fit it all in the freezer and cupboards. Intend to make a cake but the only flour I could get was gluten free; hope it tastes OK. Can’t decide whether to make a sultana and orange, lemon drizzle, iced walnut and cherry or a plain old fruit cake. Will probably be the latter as John will be taking the remainder home with him after I see him at Emma’s next week. Collected the shopping; only one item missing yes indeed it was the flour! Also bought some fuel for the car. So I now have every possible ingredient for a selection of cakes, except flour! Eggs anyone? Just sent my reduced rent shop invoice across. Shop still not open. Must remember to put dog crates in car ready for tomorrow. Low death total today (weekend figures) but the infection rate has risen again. Warning bells me thinks. Total cases: 295,889. Daily cases: 1,514. Total deaths: 41,698. Daily deaths: 36 Day 94 – Monday 15th June2020 Off to Emma’s place at 1:30. John will be there too. I will take Toby the terrier for a walk while she puts Michelle, The Poodle, through her paces. Looks like thunderstorms are predicted so must take rainwear and a spare pair of jogging bottoms in case I get soaked. Must fire up Ellie and take her for a run. Would take her to Emma’s house but parking is a bit tight over there and parking isn’t my forte- even with a reversing camera! Lovely afternoon. Took Toby for a walk in The enclosure. Got a bit lost and asked a man with a Cavachon. We had a god socially distanced chat. He told me about a young boy and his father who were fishing in the Quay and pulled up a sack. It contained bricks and four Dalmatian puppies, how sad. Went back to Emma’s and sat in the garden with her and John and 7 dogs, who all behaved themselves. Emma’s sister, Bella (the cake Queen) is going to make an afternoon tea for my birthday, which we will have in the garden next Monday. If it rains Emma will put her gazebo up. Emma is very chilled at the moment which is nice to see. Jan managed to get me some plain flour. Emma’s local shopping parade had a duo playing and a horsebox serving drinks yesterday. Emma and Bella were drinking rum punches! Total cases: 296,857. Daily cases: 1,056. Total deaths: 41,736. Daily deaths: 38 Day 95 Tuesday 16th June 2020 Beautiful sunshine, but very humid. Busy day (well for me). Sam the hedge cutter came at 10 AM, then took Michelle to the grooming parlour, then off to the hospital for a blood test. Decided to brave the latter. At the entrance, a nurse checked I had a mask, took my temperature and pointed me towards the hand sanitising station. I then had to follow the arrows to the blood testing department. I was dreading the wait (can be an hour or so), but there was no-one else there! In and out I no time. Got some funny looks on the way out as I was not following the arrows – quite accidental my part! I consider myself very lucky as next week they are moving to an appointment only system. Collected the dog and then chatted to the gardener whilst he drank a Diet Coke in the shade. Couldn’t believe the scenes at the Nike Shop in oxford Street





when it opened. A crowd of people were fighting to get in so that they could buy the latest trainers. Social distancing and good manners straight out of the window. Hats off to the giant black guy, who rescued a counter white protester by carrying him on his shoulder in London to safety yesterday. He was interviewed on Breakfast TV this morning with his 2 daughters, and what a quiet and powerful dignity this man has. Put Patrick Hutchinson in charge of the black protestors and rename it Black Lives Matter too. His gentle words about saving a fellow human being spoke volumes, and I am sure reached more people that all the shouting and shoving. Patrick Hutchinson you are a hero, not for what you did, but what you stand for. Thrilled to hear that dexamethasone, a steroid that has been around since the 60’s, can reduce deaths in ventilated patients by 30% and also reduce deaths in patients requiring oxygen by 20%. The drug is apparently cheap (produced in Thailand and India) and is widely available, some good news at last! Total cases: 298,136. Daily cases: 1,279. Total deaths: 41,969. Daily deaths: 233 Day 96 – Wednesday 17th June 2020 A bright and humid day. Up with the lark because it is my telephone hospital consultation today. As no-one had phoned at 9:30 AM, I rang the consultant’s secretary only to be told that it was tomorrow! Another case of lockdown confusion on my part. Went out and swept the lawn (plastic grass) and patio. It took about an hour but looks much better. The garden with the trees and bushes cut back looks a lot tidier. Sam the Hedgecutter said that he found 4 bird nests, only 1 of which was still in use. Then went out and ended up washing the bottom half of Ellie. I particularly wanted to wipe the wheels down as I needed to replace one of the hub caps. When it was all clean I tried to put the hub cap back on and broke it! Nicola, my hairdresser, suggested I go round in the garden for coffee at 11:30 AM tomorrow, but I texted her back and said that I was seeing Emma for a dog walk. Emma then messaged to say she wasn’t sure about tomorrow because of the weather. Dozed off with the press briefing. Only worth watching when Boris is on as there is usually an announcement. However, football fans were told to stay at home and not congregate outside stadiums when the matches are played. The police will have powers to disperse them. The government is appealing to their better nature. Some hope! Officials still excited about the dexamethasone Recovery Study results, and so they should be! British and Australian trade talks kick off. It is hoped that it will not only enhance trade but help our 2 countries stand up to powerful countries like China. The plane used by top Royals and the PM is to be rebranded in white, red and blue at a cost of £900,000. Sounds a lot of money but if other national branding, e.g. on consumables and services follow I think it could be a shining icon for our country. I know patience is a virtue, but I am waiting anxiously to hear if campsites can reopen. Many campsites are making preparations e.g. by putting two entrances in toilet blocks etc. Jan reminded me it is green bag collection day tomorrow so went out and weeded the pavement and the road where the grass and weeds had seeded. Then swept it all down and gathered up debris and put it in the green bag. Now I can put the green bag out with pride and the neighbours won’t call me a lazy whatsit! Total cases: 299,251. Daily cases: 1,115. Total deaths: 41,153. Daily deaths: 184 Day 97 Thursday 18th June 2020 A dull day arranged to meet Emma at 1:30. In the morning I had 4 cold calls. Consultant phoned; thyroid is in an acceptable range. She will put me on the list to take the radio iodine tablet. Drove me mad! Emma was late as she fell asleep. Started to walk and the rain poured down. Retreated to the woods but still managed to walk for an hour. People and dogs were soaked by the time we got back to the car. I had no choice but to change into my PJ’s when I got home! Tegan brought me some shopping round and we had a chat. Missed the press briefing. Arranged to go and have a cup of tea with Nicola in her garden tomorrow. Total cases: 300,469. Daily cases: 1,218. Total deaths: 42,288. Daily deaths: 135





Day 98 Friday 19th June 2020 Put the rubbish out at 6 AM! Fed the dogs and crawled back into bed for a delicious sleep until 10:30 AM. Lazy, lazy me, but it was bloody lovely. The Welsh Government has announced a release phase from lockdown and Public Health England has reduced our coronavirus status to Level 3. Hope Boris takes the press briefing today and that we get some good news about Tourism and hairdressers and even better Tattoo Studios (my shop rental) opening. Bathed and made-up, ready for the walk round to Penny’s with the Poodle for a cup of tea. It’s a bit dull and breezy but I am not going inside. Penny’s daughter is the Manager at a local nursing home, and they have lost 10 residents to covid-19. Her daughter said that the epidemic started when a hospital sent someone to them for care, but they hadn’t been tested for the virus. Shocking. Nice surprise this morning, I got on the scales and appear to have lost 2 lbs without sticking to the diet! I expect it will change by Monday, especially if Jan brings me the chocolate I asked for. Lockdown is like a rollercoaster; one minute it’s all doom and gloom and then divine light! Went round to Penny’s and sat under her car port (I had rung her beforehand as we were going to sit in the garden and it was raining!); although Penny coughed twice and put her hand to her mouth, but it didn’t cover it completely! Panic! I had a cup of tea and a piece of banana and walnut cake that had seen better days! She showed me round her garden, which is quite pretty but a bit unkept. Been watching motorhome videos on Youtube to learn how to operate the water-heater in Ellie. Think I know what to do now! Once I’ve mastered that I will have to learn how to operate the three-way fridge! Need to get another gas cylinder. Solar panel seems to be topping the battery up nicely. Education Minister says that the children are going back to school in September. Total cases: 301,815. Daily cases: 1,346. Total deaths: 42,461. Daily deaths: 173 Day 99 – Saturday 20th June 2020 Up and out by 10 AM. Left Toby at home and just took the Poodle as I wanted to explore some unknown areas. Glad I put my wellies on as it was very marshy and a few clay holes on the route. One part was nice as it led through a grassy glade with a stream on one side. All you could hear was the birds. After that I got lost and after a long time, I ended up on the road near the LemonHead Hotel. I then had to circumvent the shops (bad move as senseless grockles were there). It was hot and humid, and I walked for 2.5 hours. I had only planned to walk for an hour! Hopefully, the Poodle will be fitter, even though I am shattered! Came hope and had boiled egg and salad in a wrap with a Diet Coke. More Black Lives Matter demos in the big cities across the UK this weekend. Should do some housework but can’t be bothered. Putting some washing in the machine is about all I can manage. Looks like social distancing will be reduced to 1 metre and there’s talk of patrols in pub gardens to ensure it is adhered to. Can’t see how it is going to work in an environment laden with alcohol; people’s inhibitions and common sense disappear. Will just have to avoid those places. Tegan phoned and said did I want to go for a walk. I was pretty tired but said yes, because her Lab likes the company. We walked for about an hour at a leisurely pace and then sat in the garden drinking Diet Cokes. Tegan in the sun and me in the shade. The 3 dogs played happily in the garden and Tegan took some video to show her husband. She is trying to soften him up for a puppy as Haf her Lab is very sad since she lost her companion. Have to say Haf really came to life and loved playing in the garden, especially with The Poodle. I’m pretty much done for now, think I will take a couple of paracetamols as my legs ache. Washing will have to wait until tomorrow. Deaths seem high for a weekend. Total cases: 303,110. Daily cases: 1,295. Total deaths: 42,589. Daily deaths: 128 Day 100 – Sunday 21st June 2020





Up bright and early but finding it hard to get motivated. Loads of housework to do, but such a struggle. Maniac in a park in Reading yesterday, multiple stabbings, three believed dead and two critically injured. Whatever next. Much talk about the one metre social distancing rule. Spent a couple of hours updating my listing on for the caravan in hopeful preparation for July 4th. I’m supplying sanitizer, face masks ad disinfectant. Also had to let the cleaner know what I’ve decided to do. Will try and leave 3 days between each booking and with 2 pillow protectors on bedding, one of which to be removed after each booking and replaced with a fresh one. No half-used toilet rolls and a fresh bottle of washing up liquid and antibacterial for each booking. The quilt has a protective cover too. Individually wrapped hand soaps to replace liquid soap, removing salt, pepper, oven gloves, paper guidebooks etc. Put some washing on and started to clean the kitchen. Total cases: 304,331. Daily cases: 1,221. Total deaths: 42,632. Daily deaths: 43

Day 101 – Monday 22nd June 2020 My birthday! 69 today! How dd I get to be this old! My mind hasn’t developed beyond 13! Wish I could say the same about my body!!! Had the most wonderful afternoon with afternoon tea with Darjeeling Tea in Emma’s garden with cakes made by her sister Bella. Bliss! Came home and chatted with my cousin Delyth from the FoD. Feel really tired now, so think I will lay on the bed and watch TV! Total cases: 305,289. Daily cases: 958. Total deaths: 42,647. Daily deaths: 15. Day 102 – Tuesday 23rd June 2020 A scorching day and it’s going to get hotter! Emma, John and Bella sent me some beautiful flowers (scented Stocks and Roses). Some good news in that campsites can open not sure of the official date. Bad news for the shop in London no permission given to open for tattoo studios, but hairdressers can. Other lockdown easing includes a 1 metre social distancing rule and that pubs and hotel can open. Total cases: 306,210. Daily cases: 874. Total deaths: 42,927. Daily deaths: 171. Day 103 – Wednesday 24th June 2020 So hot, not sure what to do with myself. Keeping the dogs inside, blinds down and fans on. Heard today that the Agility Camp is on for July, so excited! It will be Ellie’s first outing and I will be keeping myself separate from everyone else and not eating with them. Agreed a price with Emma (well sort of) and transferred money into her account. Must get my Pet enclosure ready as I want to try it out. So excited! Just hope it doesn’t pee down! Waiting to hear from farm about being able to let the caravan. They have put a notice on their website stating that they are open but haven’t let the owners know yet. I have emailed them asking the date we can let and also sending them my covid secure information. Spent some time labelling and packing stuff into bags for Jan and Ben to take with them. No more regular press briefings; shall miss them. Booked out a week on the calendar in September and invited Katie down for a few days’ she finishes her shielding at the end of September. She’s delighted! Jan and Ben are going down the caravan on the 4th July and cleaner going in before them. Low number of infections but death rate still quite high.. Must email doctor tomorrow, get prescription collected and order Propane gas. Filled the water tank in Ellie u and [ut in disinfectant to leave overnight. Total cases: 306,862. Daily cases: 653. Total deaths: 43,081. Daily deaths: 154. Day 104 – Thursday 25th June 2020 Went to the doctors (antibiotics) collected the propane and asked for someone to collect my prescriptions. Both Jan and Tegan delivered shopping. Spent the rest of the day in the bedroom with the blinds down and





the fan on. Too bloody hot. Hope it’s cooler tomorrow. Going to attempt draining the water out of Ellie and then flushing through with fresh water. We’ll see. Total cases: 307,980. Daily cases: 1,118. Total deaths: 43,230. Daily deaths: 149. Day 105- Friday 26th June 2020 Highlight of the day today is putting the dustbins out. Nothing else planned. Thunderstorms are forecasted. Really bad night because of the humidity and heat. Put bins out at 5 AM and then managed to catch some z’s. Finalised my Tesco order in readiness for collection tomorrow. Have terrible back ache from putting the gas cylinder in the locker yesterday where I must have moved awkwardly. Hope I will be OK to collect shopping. Worried about getting in the bath in case I can’t get out, I hate, hate getting older and not being so physically strong; the intermittent arthritis in my hands makes gripping difficult. I bought a handy g adget from the disability shop, but it doesn’t work on opening everything. I’m going to by one of those poles with a grabbing device on the end. Some days I feel as if I could climb Everest (well not quite) and other days it’s very difficult. They never told me it would be like this! Matt Hancock says he has the power to close beaches but is reluctant to do so because everyone has been cooped up. Will make enquiries on how much it is to charter a fleet of Jumbo jets to Benidorm – one way only! Tobias Ellwood, the brave MP for Bournemouth, who tackled a terrorist outside the Houses of Parliament is campaigning for more to be done to prevent visitors reaching Bournemouth beach in the first place. The council had to declare a State of Emergency yesterday. 500,000 visitors descended on Bournemouth beach and there wasn’t space to put a hankie between them. Judging by the terrific amount of rubbish left on the beach. they were all drinking Budweiser! Managed to drain the tank in Ellie, refill it and flush it out. One problem, I can’t see where the water outlet is, although water was dripping from underneath the van. Will have to ring the dealer. More stabbings in Bournemouth. What is going on? Death toll creeping up again. UK Coronavirus death toll increases by 186 to 43, 414. Day 106 – Saturday 27th June 2020 Dull day with strong winds but oh so much cooler. Bliss! Rang the dealer and sorted out the waste pipe. He and his wife are nice people but I get the feeling I am entertainment value when I ring up! I don’t mind it is all good fun. After a lazy start, I started to sort out things I will need for Ellie, and 20 carrier bags later I have made quite a hole in the packing list. Back still niggling but with the help of paracetamol and Voltarel hardly noticeable until I lay down and try to get up again. Splashed out on a new pair of Salomon Speedcross trainers. Not that I do much running, but the trainers are good quality and really comfortable and secure on wet grass, hence the purchase. Don’t want to break my ankle again! Hopefully, this colder weather will keep the grockles away. 20 years ago, Bournemouth was genteel, now it is fast becoming the Blackpool of the South. Listening to the radio whilst packing Ellie and a woman (psychologist) was speaking about how lockdown had badly affected her boys and how they felt their future had been taken away from them. The interviewer asked how old they were, and I nearly lost my balance when the woman said they were 40 and 41! Have we produced a nation of wimps? 40 years old and still living with their mother! Oh come on! What’s the betting mother still does their laundry? Total cases: 310,250. Daily cases: 890. Total deaths: 43,514. Daily deaths: 100. Day 107 – Sunday 28th June 2020 Quite a busy day. Loads of covid secure stuff to sort out on the caravan. The site had sent loads more information which I conveyed to the guests. Did a Click and Collect at Tescos in new Milton. Delivered Tegan’s shopping and then Ronald came over bless him and did the tyre pressures on Ellie. I’ve still got a





load of shopping to put away but the dogs are hankering for their supper. The agility centre is opening (outdoors) on July 1st. The dogs will be pleased! Total cases: 311,151. Daily cases: 901. Total deaths: 43,550. Daily deaths: 36. Day 109 – Monday 29th of June 2020 Hurray, I’ve managed to lose 7 lbs in lockdown! It’s only taken me 2 months! Looks like Leicester will be locked down for a couple of weeks. Nearly 600 new cases of covid-16 since June 16th.Dare I say probably a combination of Eid and the Bank Holiday. Leicester now has a 20% Muslim population. Tough on the businesses (shops, hairdressers and bars) that were hoping to open. Woke at 8 and fed the dogs etc and then went back to sleep until 11 AM. Quite a windy and coldish day, but I prefer it to the stifling heat. A couple of deliveries this afternoon, Jan with the chocolate and Amazon with my new Salomon trainers. Both are very nice! Going to Agility Manor Centre on Wednesday with Ellie and having a picnic in the field with Emma and her dogs. Will be having a go at Hoopers afterwards. Joining my schoolfriends for a chat on Zoom at 7:30 PM (better put some make-up on, but Whatsapped them all in the week and said that I would not be quizzing anymore because of agility; so tonight we will have a chat. Saw the rubbish that the Liverpool supporters had left near the football ground. filthy pigs. Apparently 25 club members helped clear some of it up. Sir Mark Sedwill, a top civil servant is to step down; I’m guessing part of Domcum’s purge on the establishment, plus Boris wants to surround himself with Remainers. We’ve still got the joys of Sir Phillip Rutnam’s Constructive Dismissal case against Priti Patel. I know I shouldn’t be judgemental. But he does remind me of one Cynthia Payne’s former clients. “Hit me Nanny, hit me” I can hear him say. Sorry shouldn’t say that but that’s how he appears to me. I do object to top civil servants being knighted; surely there are more worthy recipients? ; The River Lane is suffering from a different breed of tourists, who arrive thinking it is Center Parcs rather than a nature wilderness. One lot even left a boat in a small river as well as something personal only to them. Ugh! Low death toll today but have a sense it is the reporting and not the true figure. Total cases: 311,965. Daily cases: 815. Total deaths: 43,575. Daily deaths: 25. Day 110 – Tuesday 30th June 2020 Last day of June today. Where has the last 3 months gone? There’s very little sense of time in lockdown. Leicester to be locked down as from Thursday and new legislation needed to make it legal. Leicester shopkeepers and pubs upset Cases now in excess of 800. No reason has been given for the outbreak as of yet. Emma thought our picnic was today, but it is in fact tomorrow. Cold and drizzly all day. Not a very productive day as I have slept off and on as The Poodle has kept me awake most of last night wanting to play. I’m reluctant to go out at the weekends when the grockles are about as they don’t have any sense of social distancing, so hence I pay price later with Miss Live Wire. My social campaign for the local council, River Lane National Park Authority, Forestry England and County Council to provide a collective response and solution to the forthcoming 4th July and a visitor influx, not helped by the 2020 closure of 10 campsites in the River Lane. I’ve had direct responses from the Leader and the Chief Exec of the River Lane National Park authority. Interestingly, I’ve had a back-door approach today from the Verderers (the look after the Commoners) as I have posted things they know nothing about and wanted to establish my sources. I don’t want to get involved with disagreements between various factions of the forest, it’s up to them to talk to each other. I was asked to ring the Verderers; instead I gave them my email address, and as expected have heard nothing via that route. Just looked back through the stats and I can’t see where the Leicester





infection figures have been put. Total cases: 312,654. Daily cases: 689. Total deaths: 43,730. Daily deaths: 155.

July Day 111 – Wednesday 1st July 2020 Cloud and sunny day. Made my way over to Let go Manor and met Emma and John. Had a great day exercising the dogs in the field and watching Emma do Hoopers with Toby and Michelle. Took Ellie so that I had my own loo and parked up in the field opposite John’s caravan. Emma, John and I had a socially distanced picnic. Really enjoyed it, but absolutely shattered now. Looks like rain tomorrow, so must do some housework. Ugh! Disappointingly high death rate today. Leicester fully locked down tomorrow and lots of other places on the likely lockdown list, including the Isle of Wight. Maybe the figures are high there because of the prisons on the IOW, but what happened to the trace and test app? Must remember to phone Delyth tomorrow as it is her birthday. Total cases: 313,483. Daily cases: 829. Total deaths: 43,906. Daily deaths: 176. Day 112 – Thursday 2nd July 2020 Didn’t get to sleep until 3:30 AM last night; was still excited about being able to go out In Ellie, park up in a field and play dog sports with good company. A perfect day for me. Lounged around in my PJ’s until midday as The Poodle wouldn’t let me sleep! Still thinking about the housework but have managed to put some washing in the machine and change the bed! Must watch the press briefing tonight; I do sort of miss them. Need to get my act together and tidy this abode. Another great thing about lockdown is that very people come in your house, so can go days being slovenly! Zachary the gardener is coming back on Monday; looking forward to that! I have a hair appointment for next Wednesday for a cut and blow dry!!! I will have to go back for a colour as they haven’t got any tint in stock. My hairdresser is a funny old biddy (younger than me) and the shop is a bit scruffy but she knows how to cut and colour and costs a fraction of the more trendy salons. She said that she as having to put her prices up because of the extra money she has spent on screening and loss of income due to covid 19. 5:45 Government figures are late today and weren’t given in the briefing which was mainly about schools reopening. Total cases: 313,938. Daily cases: 576. Total deaths: 43,995. Daily deaths: 89. Day 113 – Friday 3rd July 2020 Very breezy day. Spent most of the morning on social media neutralising trolls. All residents in the River Lane are holding their breath because overnight stays are permitted as from tomorrow. The River Lane agencies have been getting very tetchy because I have been on their case constantly. Most of the agencies are trying to hide behind the pandemic but the problems experienced in the forest have been going on for years. In fact the issues can be pinpointed to the inception of the River Lane National Park. They have continued to attract tourists to the tune of 15 million-day visitors a year without any controls. This River Lane National Park Authority is unaccountable and behaves irresponsibly. Went to the Manor, I was the only one there. The dogs had a good romp in the field and then we all sat quietly in Ellie for half an hour. Bliss! Came home fed the dogs and had a bit of a battle on social media with some troll like behaviour, so I banned them all. Boris took the briefing today where he said that everyone was responsible to ensure that everyone stuck to the rules as businesses were opening. i.e. keep your distance, wash your hands and these things must take seriously otherwise there will be a second wave. We have to make sure that the





covid secure approach is kept to across all society. We can expect local outbreaks that will be dealt with separately. Winter is a big risk and the authorities are making sure that can deal with Winter and any further uptick! We have to be disciplined and must not be complacent! Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance stressed that the virus is a long way from gone but it is a balance and we have to be very, very careful and take reasonable risks. It is not a risk-free next step opening the pubs etc. Total cases: 284,276. Daily cases: 544. Total deaths: 44,131. Daily deaths: 137. Day 114 – Saturday 4th July Lots of messages between me and my really good cleaners and gardener who take care of the caravan. They are worth their weight in gold. My neighbours have just messaged me to say they have arrived and that it looked and smelled beautiful. The holiday park has a new leased line for internet. Thank goodness, their line was so slow I was surprised it wasn’t dial-up. Lots of trepidation and excitement about the pubs opening today. Heard on the news that in the North they have cancelled all police leave and are treating it like New Year’s Eve. Poor NHS staff and Police having to deal with drunk idiots. Weather not all that good, so fingers crossed it is not too bad. We have a volunteer group picking litter in the River Lane; a whole new use for burger boxes Has been found as the toilets aren’t open. UGH! Went over to Manor and Emma did some training with the Poodle and then all the dogs had a good run round the field. Veggie spring rolls for supper. Delicious! Total cases: 284,900. Daily cases: 624. Total deaths: 44,198. Daily deaths: 67. Day 116 - Sunday 5th July 2020 Sunny day albeit windy. Spent a lovely Sunday afternoon. Another picnic (chicken roll) but sadly it had BBQ sauce on it, which I hate. Beggars can’t be choosers as my Mother would say! Walked dogs in the fields. Michelle The Poodle had some agility training. Bit nervous abut driving a high sided vehicle in strong wind, but it was OK. Seems the area around Borough Market was heaving with no social distancing. One Southampton police officer said social distancing went out of the window when people were drunk. Zachary the gardener tomorrow, then a telephone appointment with a dermatologist and then a chat with my school friends. Total cases: 285,416. Daily cases: 516. Total deaths: 44,220. Daily deaths: 22. Day 117 – Monday 5th July 2020 Zachary arrived at 9:25 AM this morning. He’s supposed to be shielding until the end of July but can’t bear the confinement anymore. He looks so funny with a shock of white hair, as he usually keeps it cropped short. He said he won’t be going to the barbers until he is officially out of shielding. We had a cup of coffee in the garden and socially distanced. He helped me with my oil, water etc. in Ellie. The front garden has been restored to neatness. Put some more stuff in Ellie and sprayed WD40 on the Fiamma awning in the hope of it winding more easily. Consultant dermatology appointment was at 6 PM, but it is now nearly 8 PM and no-one has rung. Will be late chatting with my schoolfriends. Infection rate and death rate low. Wish it would stay like that. Total cases: 285,768. Daily cases: 352. Total deaths: 44,236. Daily deaths: 16. Day 118 – Tuesday 6th July 2020 That Poodle of mine woke me up at 5 AM to go out. I let her out but she wouldn’t come back in! She was too busy playing. In a trance I decided to water the garden. Eventually she came back in and I went back to bed. I didn’t fall sleep until 7:30 AM and then woke up just in time for my Zoom Slimming World meeting. I lost 1 lb this week. My consultant told us that figures had just been released to show the average weight gain in lockdown is between 1 and 2 stone. So, although I have only lost 8 lbs in that time, I feel quite proud





of that achievement! Going to the Manor later to give The Poodle some training in readiness for Camp next week. Dawn Weaver has been amongst the medals in agility for around 10 years and is very well respected. I’m a bit nervous about staying in Ellie for the first time, especially about the practical things like heating up the water, cooking on propane gas, pulling the awning out and erecting the dog enclosure! Only a few things then! Hair cut tomorrow. Yeah! I look like the witch of the woods presently. Boris has dropped himself in it by saying that the large number of care home deaths is because care homes didn’t follow regulations. The Number 10 press machine and some of the other Ministers are trying to bail him out – to no avail! The enquiry will be quite telling. Took The Poodle for training. She wasn’t her usual self today and kept running out of the weaves. John was a bit girlie because he thought Em and I were meeting without him! John’s 80 and he’s got a thing about the much younger Emma, and he didn’t like her taking to Robbie about life on the ocean waves. We ignored John for a while and then he was OK. Total cases: 286,349. Daily cases: 581. Total deaths: 44,391. Daily deaths: 155.

Day 119 – Wednesday 8th July 2020 Up at 8. Dentist rang at 9. Toothache seems to have disappeared, but I am collecting some antibiotics just in case. Dermatologist rang at 10.30 as arranged. Pleasant doctor who is sending me some ointment and dressings. To whoever is reading this journal – don’t get old! Hairdressers at midday. Large plastic screens and the staff in plastic aprons and visors. Nicola the owner spent most of her time chatting at the door, rather than finishing my hair. A little bit of normality at last! I then drove to New M to pick up antibiotics. I was surprised how busy it was. Then home to a bit of social media and then I rested for an hour or so. Kitchen is full of stuff to take away. Looks like Ellie is going to be packed to the rafters. The Poodle has just pranced in from the garden with a stick almost as big as her. Reported on the BBC today that the coronavirus is possibly airborne; that could mean that we change how wed deal with it. All down to ventilation apparently. Total cases: 286,979. Daily cases: 630. Total deaths: 44,517. Daily deaths: 126. Day 120 – Thursday 9th July 2020 Yay! Tattoo Studios can open. That puts my tenants (and my) minds at rests! Gyms, nail bars and swimming pools can open too! Hopefully we can keep a lid on covid-19 and just deal with localised outbreaks. I feel terribly sorry for those in Leicester that were made to work in clothing factories without PPE, social distancing and some with covid-19. Whoever the bosses are, they should be heavily fined. I’d like to say jailed but that would put a lot of people out of work. China is flexing its muscles over Hong Kong especially after Dominic Raab has said 3 million can come to the UK if they want. They are a hard-working people and integrate well. Australia is having ‘words’ with China too over import bans. Went to Manor, the Poodle did channel weaves and some Hoopers. She was much better today. Came home and got the fridge working on mains in Ellie. Success! Wine (for the others) and chocolate already in there! Packed Ellie up with us much stuff as I can and revised the packing list. Jan came back from the caravan with a gorgeous smelly candle for me. They stopped off at Street on the way home. Have never been there. Have to approach cleaner gently as there are still some algae marks on the deck. Ordered a new tablecloth and table pins for the outside table. Hopefully Amazon will deliver to my cleaner tomorrow. Cut and blow dry for The Poodle tomorrow and some extra fuss for Toby the Terrier There will be no journal from Sunday 11 th – 17th July ss I will be at agility camp. Intend to take a book to read. I used to be an avid reader, but since my parents died in 2001, I find it difficult to concentrate on a magazine, let alone a book! Strange. Relatively low death toll, but infections seem to be creeping up. Total cases: 287,621. Daily cases: 642. Total deaths: 44,602. Daily deaths: 85.





Day 121 – Friday 10th July 2020 Beautiful day up at 7:30 put rubbish out (dustmen have been great throughout this pandemic) and then took Michelle to the groomers. Meanwhile back at the ranch….filled the motorhome with water and checked that the fridge was still working- all OK I think! One lot of washing in and one more to go! Collected The Poodle; she’s been cut really short, but she will feel the benefit when running around. I’ve got to make the bed up and finish some of Ellie’s packing. Thinking carefully about maintaining social distancing whilst I am away. Emma is the worst, she just doesn’t think. Spent the afternoon loading up Ellie and trying to work out the mystery of the Truma water heater. Overloaded a cupboard and a glass salt cellar fell out and smashed. Had to lug Henry out to clear up, took ages. Pleased to see a fairly low death toll today and infections down as well. We now fall into the statistical abyss for 3 days because it is the ‘weekend’! I always say don’t fall in on a Friday and require hospitalisation as you will be put in a ‘holding pen’ until Monday. Up early for Tesco’s tomorrow. Total cases: 288,133. Daily cases: 512. Total deaths: 44,650. Daily deaths: 48.

Day 122 – Saturday 11th July 2020 At Tescos at 6.30 AM for a Click and Collect. Young man hid but I spoke up and asked him to put shopping in the car! Poor lad, I get scarier as I get older! Put shopping away and then went back to bed for a couple of hours. Moe loading of Ellie; I literally have got the kitchen sink! Fridge working but doesn’t seem that cold, so turned up to maximum. Popped prescription in the pharmacy letter box and took Tegan’s shopping over. Brandon asked if I had tested the hot water and I sad no. I have done endless ‘RTFM ing’ and watched lot of different videos on Youtube, but I am still not quite sure how to fill the water heater and heat the hot water. Bit scared actually. Tegan offered Brandon’s services, but I decided to have a go in the meanwhile. Success, I now know how the hot water works! One more thing I can cross off my list! I’m a bit apprehensive about the camp in terms of social distancing and living in Ellie, but in for a penny and in fo r a pound! Hair wash later; it will be the last one I have for 5 days, although Ellie does have a shower thank goodness. Checked and re-checked my packing list because if I haven’t got something I won’t have it as I am in the middle of a field miles from any shops. One I set up I won’t be able to drive anywhere. Shanice has saved Jenifer and I a place. Our team is the New Yorkers and Jenifer has made a NY sign and I am taking a bunch of American flags I kept for a purpose such as this! Problems with boiler at caravan. Unhappy guest as couldn’t have shower. Have called site out but can’t fix it. Wow! Infections have shot up today (not sure how this correlates with testing) and the death toll is high for a weekend. Total cases: 288,953. Daily cases: 820. Total deaths: 44,798. Daily deaths: 148. Day 123 – Sunday, Day 124 – Monday, Day 125 – Tuesday – Day 126 – Wednesday, Day 127 – Thursday. – Away at Agility camp.

Day 128 – Friday - 17th July 2020 Had a good time at camp but was tinged with worry as Michelle, my little agility star, whimpered in pain on held up her front left and had to be withdrawn from the training. Vet Monday the 13 th and Xray on the 28th. We were told by the Dotty on the 2nd day that Michelle was an exceptional dog and could go all the way. Jenifer quite sensitive about the praise she receives from Dotty. I thought Dotty was tough on her because she and Michelle had potential. Had the added annoyance that the hot water in Ellie did not work properly. I could get about a jugful and that was it! Refused to use the site showers (everyone raved about them) because of covid-19. Refused to sit in caravans and socialise. Would only sit in the open air. Came home





tired and more than a little worried about Michelle. Caravan will be fixed (hopefully) in three weeks time. The Secretary of State has today, 17 July, asked PHE to urgently review their estimation of daily death statistics. Currently the daily deaths measure counts all people who have tested positive for coronavirus and since died, with no cut-off between time of testing and date of death. There have been claims that the lack of cut-off may distort the current daily deaths number. Day 130 – Sunday 19th July 2020 A bit of a damp and humid day. Pottered about (all I seem to do these days) and walked The Poodle round the block. I haven’t heard her squeal in pain since Thursday. But that’s not to say the problem, has gone away. She seems to be doing OK on her new food, but I am introducing it very gradually. Bit concerned about this new flu strain in China wonder if that’s why the authorities are getting concerned about flu season, coupled with coronavirus. Infections seem to be rising worldwide with the USA, Brazil, India and Africa getting the worst of it. Lockdown to end soon for all those shielding. They must be feeling either nervous or desperate! Back to work for most people on August 1st. I feel really sorry for people who have to use public transport; I would avoid it at all costs. Not hearing much about the positive effects or dexamethasone; suppose the result are difficult to measure as it’s main purpose is to shorten the symptoms from coronavirus. Chinese diplomat on Andrew Marr this morning; a very smooth operator until challenged on human rights in China and suspected genocide. Russian diplomat also on Andrew Marr too stating that they are not trying to steal the code for the Oxford vaccine and that the Russian authorities have no idea where the two Novachok suspects are now. How plausible and ‘normal’ these diplomats appear; scary. Imperial College have identified six different ways in which coronavirus presents itself; hopefully this will lead to quicker identification of those that need more help. Day 131 – Monday 20th July 2020 Took Michelle to the vet. Had this funny screen with a window that you stood behind whilst he examined her. He couldn’t find anything wrong. Got referral form signed for chiropractor and XRAY on the 28 th. One of my very good friends, Katrin, has a nodule on her lung and has to go to Birmingham for a biopsy. I pray for her. She’s ten years younger than me, but is not in the best of health. I don’t have a good feeling about it. Poor woman, Johnnie, her son, is my godson and he appears in court on a rape charge on 26 th August. It’s the first time he has ever been in trouble. She won’t tell him about her illness as she is worried he will take his own life. Add to this the financial worry of trying to run a B&B in lockdown and it’s not a good picture. Jenifer’s lovely terrier, Bloo, is undergoing investigations at the vet for a strange gait. He really is the most photogenic and sweetest dog you could ever meet. It’s 10 months since Paytas died. She gave me the money for Michelle and said that every time I look at Michelle I can think of Paytas. How right she was – the old witch! So miss her, but don’t miss her bad moods though. Waiting to hear for a date for the radioiodine treatment on my thyroid. Not looking forward to that. Just read that 84% of people who have the treatment gain weight! Such joy! The cleaner on my caravan said that the caravan was left in a disgusting mess and that it took her 4 hours to clean! They left the rubbish inside the caravan and took off the protective covers for the quilts and ripped one of them. A bio firm has made a breakthrough with beta interferon, administered via a nebuliser. It can reduce the chances of going into intensive care. Waiting on the report in the Lancet regarding the Oxford vaccine. Been told to expect a vaccine (if favourable) early next year but po ssibly later this year. Steak, onions and mixed veg for supper. Very nice. Not sure what has happened with the stats but for some reason they have appeared again today! If only the death toll would stay at 11 or under. Total cases: 295,372 Daily cases: 580. Total deaths: 45,312. Daily deaths: 11.





Day 132 – Tuesday 21st July 2020 Another lovely bright day. Up early, bath, hair wash, watered the garden and then Slimming World Zoom meeting at 11:30 AM. Was awarded Slimmer of the Week. Took the dogs for a walk around the closed campsite, although I have to say there will still quite a few caravans and motorhomes, presumably for the ‘hidden homeless’ Finalizing Tesco Click and Collect shopping lists. Michelle has a chiropractor appointment on Friday and a hydrotherapy swim in August. Pay rise for public sector workers such as police officers, prison officers, doctors, dentists and teachers. Nurses have already agreed a pay rise above inflation. .Russian report is released today but I don’t know any details. Blackburn has a high covid infection rates, possibly next for lockdown? New hub cap arrived for Ellie; Let’s hope it fits! No it doesn’t. Russ next door saw me on my hands and knees trying to do it and quickly went indoors! 110 deaths today. Day 133 - Wednesday 23rd July 2020 A bright day and a hot one. Sam the hedge cutter arrived at 10AM to finish off a job from weeks ago. I had to go next door and ask if it was OK for him to put his ladder over their side of the hedge. His wife appeared at the window and said that her husband was at the dentist so couldn’t check with him. I said that her son was int eh car as well, but he wasn’t there either. Their garden is overgrown and spilling out on to the pavement with brambles. The curtains in the house and the windows are filthy rotten. He’s a headmaster at a local school and she is a scientist. Mrs eco warrior was a bit reluctant but eventually agreed for Sam to access the drive from their side. Sam is currently strimming the grass behind the hedge on the piece of land I unsuccessfully tried to claim. That battle certainly got the neighbours and the Parish Council going! Off to Tescos soon for my Click and Collect. The local Budgens has just started a delivery service; only problem is that you have to phone your order in and you don’t know what they have! There’s an agility training session with Dotty on Monday – alas I cannot go because Michelle is resting for her unknown injury. Waiting for a response from vet over their call out fees. Bernadette is a fierce woman, but I was as gentle as possible in my request for her to reconsider. Sam has done a good job of cutting everything back. On the joint hedge Mrs Eco Warrior came out with a tape measure! Silly moo. Got shopping from Tescos and also some diesel. Complete with gloves and mask of course. Taking the dogs out around 7 PM to walk round the closed campsite, hopefully cooer then. Only 11 hospital deaths today. Apparently more people are dying of flu and pneumonia than covid-19. Dreading the winter; the NHS is preparing for a 2nd wave. Day 144 – Thursday 24th July 2020 Very hot day. Up with lark (well 8 AM!) and bathed and dressed, breakfasted and out to the garage. It’s a daunting task, but I said to myself ‘manageable chunks’. First of all I unburied the folding table that I am giving to Jenifer. The surface looks OK, but the hinges are rusty, so will the help of WD40 and a Brillo, managed to make them presentable and workable. Not perfect. But they will do fine. Cleared out 6 sacks of rubbish, a stand-up fan, and numerous cardboard boxes. Re-arranged some stuff in the plastic crates and called it a day after only clearing one third of the garage. Jenifer asked me to help on her Funday on Sunday. Normally I would have loved to, but there will be too many people there and I feel nervous, plus I have a slot at the tip at 1:30 PM.I said I would go up on Saturday, ring the table and help her set-up. I was going to take a large rug to the tip, but the guys there won’t help you carry anything and I think I will do myself an injury lifting it up and over into the skip .My legs ached and I fell asleep for 1.5 hours, Michelle loves her new food. I’m not surprised at the price of it! Now I have to brace myself for an hour’s walk with the dogs. Boris is off to Scotland and is talking about the strength of the Union in dealing with coronanvirus. I doubt if they will warm the haggis for him up there! Bin day tomorrow. Facebook message from Andy to say sorry for the abrupt loss of contact but has been trying to make a go of things in lockdown but really





hard work. Not sure how he wants me to respond to that, so I won’t respond at all. Walked through deserted campsite again tonight for 50 minutes. Shins ache from all the hills! Day 145 – Friday 25th July 2020. Bins out. Received forms from Shanice after a nudge but couldn’t get them to print properly. Back in the garage, sorted another 6 sacks out. Michelle and Toby played on the lawn with the toys I had found. Got waylaid by looking through old photographs. Emptied dishwasher, filled it up again, washed a couple of throws I found int eh garage, took Michelle for a walk, had lunch, boiled six eggs and now in the bath in readiness for Michelle’s appointment. I did respond to Andy and asked him if he was staying with his wife? None of my business really but thought I would ask anyway. Still got a third of the garage left to do, but can’t get any more in the car. Once I’ve finished throwing out, I’ll sweep it and tidy it. It will be a relief when it is done. Face coverings in shops obligatory from today. Michelle saw the chiropractor and she seems to think it is a problem with either her shoulder or her knee. XRAY on Monday. So sad 123 deaths today for coronavirus. Day 146 – Saturday 26th July 2020 Woke at 6:30 and let the dogs out and then slipped into a delicious sleep until 10:30 Am. Pottered about, getting some stuff out of Ellie and then made my way in torrential rain to The Manor. John was there, but Jenifer didn’t arrive until an hour later. Gave her the table and some stuff for the doggie charity shop which she was pleased with. Jenifer had put in a lot of work for the pen day tomorrow and it looked good with the tubs of flowers, the grass neatly cut and all the equipment laid out. People can choose from a doggie car boot sale, cakes made by Daisy Jenifer’s sister, agility, hoopers, soft play area for dogs and the groomers. She’s done well to keep it all together. I’m not so sure about the guy, Colin, who lives on site. I find him unpredictable and I think Jenifer should be wary of him, firstly because of that and secondly because he bleats everything to the landlord. Had a chat with John and Jenifer and feel more positive Took the dogs for a lead walk round the field and then came home and gave them dinner and put some new potatoes on for me. Coronavirus is on the rampage in India, Brazil and South Africa. Feel so sorry for the inhabitants of those countries as there is an inadequate care system. Spain may be shutting its borders to the UK. Barcelona is on the point of another lockdown and has closed all nightlife.. Trump land is in uproar with riots in many cities due to the George F killing. Just light the blue touch paper and off it goes. Gyms and indoor swimming pools open today with strict covid guidelines. 61 deaths and over 700 new infections today which is high for a weekend. Concerning.. Day 147 – Sunday 26th July 2020 Highlight of the day – going to the tip with wet black sacks! It wasn’t too bad, as to be covid secure you have to make an appointment, so you have nice wide bays and once I was checked off I drove straight in. Only issue was that one of the burly ‘skip guards’ was reluctant to move out of the way when I put my rubbish in. I had a mask on and gave him my fiercest scare; well that’s enough to frighten anyone! Walked the Poodle round the block and prepared Tescos finest pork chop, mushrooms, new potatoes and salad for supper. Dreading my Slimming World weigh-in tomorrow, I have gone off-piste this week and I am expecting a weight gain. Wild campers left a fire smouldering at the base of a tree in the enclosure just 100 yards from houses. They also left a tent, beer bottles, assorted rubbish, 2 rather nice garden chairs and a toilet roll! Some of the other National Parks are fining wild campers and towing away cars parked on narrow roads, about time the River Lane Authorities got their act together before we are burned in our beds. Michelle has her XRAY tomorrow and I have to drop her off at 9 AM. Think Jenifer’s Fun Day at the Manor





was quiet and only 3 attended the doggy car boot. Still John managed to sell his dog food for £17.00. The agility competition went well though. Holidaymakers returning from Spain have to quarantine for 2 weeks. Spain, Balearics and the Canaries have been taken off the Safe travel list. France’s infections have risen to over 1,100 per day.14 deaths (weekend reporting) but infections rising at 747! Day 148 – Monday 27th July 2020 I am a dope got all prepared, got up early and got Michelle to the vets at 9 AM; only to discover the appointment was tomorrow! Horrible, windy, rainy day so did what any sensible person would do and drove home and got into bed for a couple of hours. Bliss! Jan did a bit of shopping for me; she said it was full of kids wearing masks. I will take the dogs out a bit later. Uproar over the 14-day quarantine for travellers to Spain. Whether you holiday at home or abroad, it’s something we all have to be prepared for. Katie sent me a cheque with a lovely card for £140 for her friend’s stay at the caravan in September. However, it is only £90! Will speak with her this evening. Struggling with the diet this week, especially as I have just found a whole bag of Everton mints in the car. Oh dear! Talks ongoing with the Balearic islands about a possible exemption from quarantine. France and Germany also candidates to be taken off the SAFE destination list. 685 new cases of coronavirus. Only 7 deaths, but it is a Monday and as I’ve said a few times, weekend reporting and all that…. Day 149 – Tuesday 28th July 2020 Left home at 8 AM and took Michelle for a lovely walk, the sun was shining, and the sea was choppy. Could see The Spikes clearly and noticed 3 large cruise ships anchored in the Bay. Walked for approximately 30 minutes and then took Michelle to the vets, signed the forms for a sedative and hopefully not, an anaesthetic. I have to collect her at 1 PM. I don’t like to phone as they are so busy. Came home and tried to order some Butternut Box food for Katie’s dog, Daisy. She is not computer literate, barely uses a mobile and I am trying to enrol her for an online subscription service! Bless her! Have to say the guy in customer service deserves credit for being so patient. Managed it in the end and then had to phone Katie with a delivery date, discount code, telephone number and password and strict instructions to phone them by the 10th of August to say yes I do want it, or no, I don’t. Toby lying peacefully at my feet while all this is going on. Big uproar about Spanish people having to quarantine for 2 weeks if they come to the UK, and the Brits in Spain are cutting up rough. Looks like their mindset is the pandemic doesn’t exist and the only thing that matters is ‘what about my holiday?’ Dreading Wednesday and Thursday here as they (the Benidorm crowd) will invade the beaches again and leave unmentionable, disgusting reminders of their visit on the beach. Michelle’s XRAYS showed no bone problems but the vet wants her to have 2 months lead walking, 1 month off lead and then a return to agility after 3 months if she is OK. Will obviously do wat the vet advises. He had to sedate her 3 times to get the image that he wanted. Came home and ate rubbish. Michelle slept. She goes from being quite sleepy to wide awake – very strange. 581 new coronavirus cases and 119 new deaths Day 150 – Wednesday 29th July Well it all started off so well with the sunshine and a leisurely breakfast and then got a message form a very nice guest to say that the bloody shower at the caravan doesn’t work again. Let the site know and they have sent out an engineer. Waiting to hear. Tried to order a new prescription via the Patient Access system, but in the end gave up and phoned it through. Don’t think I’m the only one. Booked on a ‘Rally’ training session for 7th August, there is one this Friday but it’s too hot. Really





need to give the kitchen and bathroom a good going over. Thinking about it….Michelle loves her new food. Feel sorry for Toby because I am sure he would like it too but he has 2 huge sacksful of dried food to eat before we get there. Got on the scales this morning and I have put on 2 lbs. Back to the drawing board and the diet. Only myself to blame. Neighbour at the back of the house has decided to renovate old cars and is panel beating. Jan next door had a word with him. His house and garden are an absolute mess. In the front you have to dodge the brambles on the pavement If you walk that way. Still uproar over the Spanish holiday 14 day quarantine, but what do people expect in the middle of the pandemic? Just waiting for the brakes to be put on my caravan letting. Nothing you can do. Boris is forecasting a second spike in the UK in 2 weeks. Problems with the boiler again at my caravan. I checked on the manufacturers website and it is in warranty until 1 st August 2020, so I have put in a claim for a new boiler. It’s going to be very hot tomorrow. The proverbial will hit the fan now. Infections have risen 13% since last month and 83 people died today of coronavirus. Everyone is talking about a second spike. Day 150 – Thursday 30th July 2020 Good night’s sleep last night. Don’t know why I say that really most nights are good these days. I’ve managed to get out of the ‘lockdown loop’ for not sleeping. Haven’t heard about my claim for a new boiler; I don’t think they will take kindly to my request. Cleaned the bathroom from top to toe and feel much better about it looking better. Kitchen next – not looking forward to that one. Announcement about the month-long Leicester lockdown this afternoon. Self-isolation for those infected with coronavirus increased from 7 to 10 days. Must clean the glass on my internal doors. I document my cleaning jobs because it makes me do them – eventually! People come out of shielding tomorrow. I noticed that Nicola Sturgeon when announcing it for Scotland aid ‘Pause’ the shielding. I wonder how significant that is? Still adding things to my Tesco shopping list. Must galvanise myself to have a bath. Dog walking this evening when it has cooled down. 763 new cases (high) and 83 deaths. Day 151 – Friday 31st July 2020 Too hot even to move, but I did manage to vacuum and wash the kitchen floor. It’s a start. The whole of Greater Manchester (4 million people) is now on lockdown. Some say it is racist because it is the start of Eid. Give me strength. You can still get married, but you can’t have 30 people at a wedding. Test, Track and Trace have isolated the uptick in cases to people socialising indoors. This is going to be an even bigger problem in the Winter. Facemasks now mandatory in cinemas, museums and entertainment centres. Some entertainment facilities due to open tomorrow have been put on hold until August 15th. You can still go to places of worship as long as you wear a mask. Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch Council have put out an announcement of saying don’t visit the beaches. Goodness knows what the forest is like today. What is the matter with people? Stay at home! Will probably have to wait until 8 PM tonight before I walk the dogs.846 extra cases of coronavirus today, What a big jump! 120 deaths today. We are at a tipping point. It’s scary.







Day 152 – Saturday 1st August 2020 Can’t believe this pandemic has been rolling for 152 days. We are on the edge of a precipice and it will only take 1 puff of wind before the whole nation falls into the coronavirus abyss. OK a bit dramatic but it is scary. Up at 7, did all the usual and left home at 9:15 to reach the Manor by 10 AM. Stopped for diesel and some Diet Coke on the way. One grumpy man pulled up beside me, filled his car with fuel and then headed for the shop. I thought he was going to bite his partner’s head off when she reminded him to wear a mask! Miserable git. Why is it that if a man and woman are in a car together 90% of the time it is the man driving; except of course if he wants to get drunk and then he makes her drive! It’s like stepping back into the 70’s! It was hot in the sun, but pleasant. Emma was late as usual and John was already there. Had fun practising Hoopers with Toby and trying out Rally with Michelle on a lead. Left around 12:30 PM as I refuse to use other loos! I’m a sad case. Heard on the news that anyone over 65 is classified by the medical profession as a geriatric!! How did this happen to me?? Dogs and I fell into a blissful sleep this afternoon, and then I took Michelle for some lead walking over the forest. Have decided to spend next week, trying a small circuit where there are two large hills. It might not do the dog any good, but hopefully it will improve my fitness! Another box of frozen gourmet home cooked food arrived for Michelle, so put it straight in the freezer. I wrote to the company and let them know because the fish pouch is a new line for them. However, the fish pouches were 70% defrosted, so put those in the fridge to use first! I’ve been told that the pouches can be stored for 5 days in the fridge. So many idiots out there who are saying that this pandemic is a hoax. I never realised there were so many nutters around. Local beaches and forest heaving again yesterday. 73 deaths today. Dread to think what the actual figure is, as it is the weekend. Day 153 –Sunday 2nd August 2020 Bit breezy out there today, but won’t venture out until the grockles have either gone home or headed for the pub. Still thinking about cleaning the kitchen. Inertia has set in. It looks OK, but needs all the cupboards turning out. I’m going to blame everything on the virus from now on! Just watching a programme on TV about nightmare landlords and tenants. Other than a holiday let, I would never put a property on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy. A landlord has got no security and the tenant can more or less do what they like. A holiday let is about as far as I would go. Rumours abound of those in the 50-70 age range in the population going into lockdown and Londoners being put into lockdown and no travel beyond the M25. The situation is so volatile, I don’t suppose even the authorities know. Please, please let there be an effective vaccine. The whole world will have to have access to the vaccine otherwise for it to be effective. Still don’t understand why China’s death toll is below 5,000. Do they have an antidote or are they lying? I suspect the latter. Washed hair; really should have the grey roots attended to, or maybe it’s time for me to accept my age and go grey? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 880 infections (high) only 8 deaths (weekend reporting). Day 154 – Monday 3rd August 2020 AM Up early, got the dogs sorted and me sorted. Zachary arrives as usual, once a fortnight at 9:25. He tidied up the back garden and dis a clean sweep (literally) on the side patio. It’s always lovely to see and I dread the day he can’t come anymore. He’s a little bit of normality. He was born in Sink, so remembers a lot about it which is interesting. Then went and got the Tesco Click and Collect. It seems a lot of shopping for one person, but I have to try and think of everything I will need over the next two weeks. I don’t just ‘pop’ into shops anymore. I’ve saved money doing this. Put most of the shopping away, with the help of two ever hopeful dogs. Hopefully go al the cake ingredients for a cherry, coconut and marshmallow cake. Katie says she really likes it. Sounds a bit sweet to me, but we will see. Man coming to look at the water heater in Ellie





tomorrow. Hope it’s nothing too serious. Still puzzling over stuff on Ancestry, there’s a real inter connect between 2 families and I can’t quite work it out yet. I think it needs the cool head of an impartial genealogist. Greater Manchester declared a Major Incident yesterday, so that it could have all the services on standby. Goodness knows what is going on. Boris getting a bashing from the lefties and Unite is not happy with the Labour part for using its money to compensate those in the anti-Semitism row. What a sad state of affairs. A new 90-minute swab has been developed both flu and covid which will be rolled out in hospitals and care homes. A great leap forward which will hopefully save many lives. The British are an innovative lot, we just need to learn to market ourselves. Had a chat on messenger with my girlfriends tonight. Shannon who works in a hairdresser, said that 50% of people are happy to stay grey and that 70% like their hair longer and don’t want it cut so short. Looks like the R rate is over 1 in the UK now.744 infections (high) and 9 deaths (weekend reporting). Here we go. Day 155 – Tuesday 4th August 2020 Another beautiful day. Who would guess there is a pandemic? Those shielding have been allowed out for 3 days now, but many are too scared to go out. I can fully understand that. I’ve been going out for quite a while now. Not proud of it, and have been extremely cautious, but simply just needed to. Well it all happened this morning, Vaughan the window cleaner wanted to arrive at 11 AM, it was my Slimming World Zoom meeting at 11:30 Am and then the motorhome repair guy at 11! All too busy, started the Zoom meeting and then had to leave. Motorhome guy couldn’t find anything wrong and charged me £100 for the privilege. Something about him I didn’t like even though he was very polite. Only possible explanation for the hot water not working is that the wind blew the pilot light out and that upset the leisure battery. Expensive lesson. This afternoon at 5 PM, Shanice is treating Michelle. Had real trouble getting up this morning, but knew if I snoozed I would never wake up! Took Michelle round the block for 20 minutes, saw a few stray bits of dog poo – what is up with people. If you own a dog, pick it up! Must go and collect my prescription at 2 PM when the pharmacy opens. No nice volunteers to collect it for me now. Mask and shield for that appointment. Michelle showing some sign of improvement. Water treadmill hydrotherapy in about a month.89 deaths, 670 new infections. Only 9 hospital deaths, the rest in the community.

Day 156 – Wednesday 5th August 2020 Cool at the moment but expecting heatwave for the rest of this week. Another helicopter keeps circling over the house. This is a frequent occurrence now – wonder what is going on? Just ordered a gas safety k for the caravan – more money but essential. Thank goodness the cycle event people have cancelled their ‘festival’. 4,000 event cyclists is just what we don’t need in the forest right now. Surprised to see the Seafood Festival and Dogstival are still going ahead. How can you possibly socially distance at these events? Redundancies coming in thick and fast now with WH Smiths making 1500 redundant due to ‘restructuring’. Hays Travel cut a fifth of their workforce yesterday. What a sad Winter it’s going to be. Rishi Sunak’s Eat Out to Help Out campaign is going well, but what happens after August? Aberdeen in lockdown. Beirut explosion 1 135 declared dead, 4000 injured, Think those figures will change somehow. 820 (high)infections. 65 deaths Day 157 – Thursday 6th August 2020 Up at 6 AM because of the eat to bake a cherry and marshmallow cake. Stupid whatsit I am, I cooked the wrong recipe, I wanted one with coconut in it. Oh well! Then took the dogs for a 40 minute walk and back home by 8:30. It was raining when I got up this morning and has been cloudy, damp and humid since. Rearranged some of the things in Ellie and then made the marshmallow icing to go on the cake. It takes a





while to cool. It looks like approximately 4,000 will be knocked off England’s death total because of the way deaths were calculated i.e. everyone who tested positive for covid-19 has been counted. Rally tomorrow. No looking forward to it because of the heat. Preston is forecast to go into full lockdown. They are blaming crowded nightclubs. Why let nightclubs open? 95% of people who go are gloriously drunk and social distancing is far from their minds. The authorities need to get a bit smarter on that one. Leicester is easing out of lockdown. Waiting for the icing to cool so I can ice the cake and put it away. Pathetic I know but I find cutting the cake into 12 squares the most difficult thing. I’ve put on 2.5 lbs due to my 3 day binge. That will teach me. Need to go for a blood test but will wait until next week when it is a bit cooler. Just ‘tasted’ the cake; it’s delicious and surprisingly not too sweet. Sun came out this PM but not as hot as I expected. Bank of England says that the recession will not be as bad as expected but will last longer. Can’t win. A shocking 2.5 million unemployed forecast. Another big jump in infections (alongside the rest of the World), but hospital admissions stable now. 950 more infections and 49 deaths.

Day 158 – Friday 7th August 2020 Hot, hot, hot! Drove over to the manor with cake. Emma was teaching Hoopers in the field, everyone looked wilted at 10 AM. Traffic heavy in the forest and car parks are overflowing and being shared by hot ponies wanting shelter under the trees. Saw stupid people out walking their dogs on hot pavements. Even saw one block jogging with an exhausted dog tied to his waist; I wanted to hit him. Staying put until dusk falls and ten might venture out for a quick spin with the dogs. Had a snooze this afternoon. Still very hot. Dreading the carnage this weekend in the forest. Hard boiled eggs, salad with grapes, and new potatoes for supper. Waiting to hear if Preston is in lockdown, although the local government in Preston is already taking precautions. Just heard “Lockdown measures will return to Preston at midnight after data from Public Health England indicated a rise in Covid-19 cases in the Lancashire city.It recorded 49 new cases of coronavirus in the week to 31 July, more than double the week before when there were 22 - this meant almost 35 cases per 100,000 population. There were 18 cases recorded on the 29 July alone. Numbers have fallen since but data from recent days are subject to revision.” 871 infections, 98 deaths.

Day 159 – Saturday 8th August 2020 Suffocating hot day; I’ve been lying in a darkened room with the fan directly on me, but still hot! One of our local fire Crews have been sent to a fire on the Common. Over 100 nearby residents have been evacuated. AB, Chief Executive of the River Lane NPA believes the authority and their ‘4’ rangers cope very well and that there is ‘little or no negative impact on the forest’ in these extraordinary times. I respectfully ask if she is smoking crack cocaine? Dread there being a fire; there have been so many near misses and so many houses are close to the forest itself. How do you deal with an authority that is unaccountable. I am going to write to my MP, and ask him that exact same question. I will then use every social media and intellectual tool in my kitbag to question their mandate to ‘look after the socio and economic well being of those’. It’s going to be a slow process. Ultimate aim is more notices around the River Lane and enforceable fines. I don’t think we will ever have accountability, but maybe a little figurative spark in ther rear ends would liven them up a little bit and stop them being so annoyingly complacent! Will walk later with the dogs. Will probably have to wait until dusk because of the heat. According to posts on social media, yesterday was hell in the River Lane with loving parents plopping children on donkey’s backs, feeding them carrots and people swimming, boating and canoeing on ecologically sensitive ponds. I’ve been sent images of horrendous littering and bags and bags of human waste and used toilet paper in bushes. 55 deaths in the UK. Infections: 758.





Day 160 – Sunday 9th August 2020 So bloody hot, I can barely write this journal, so will be brief. Tegan was hoping to get a companion dog (18 months old) for her bereave ed Lab, but got let down at the last minute on the way. She came round for a couple of hours and I fed her Diet Cokes and rubbed ice cubes wrapped in kitchen towels on the dogs’ heads. Spoke to Katie who finds it difficult to breathe in this weather because of her bronchial asthma. Took Michelle for a 30-minute walk and then came home and prepared a very grand supper of a very mixed salad and one paltry beef burger. It’s all I wanted. Did manage to change the bed and do 3 lots of washing (including dogs’ beds) which dried in a nano second outside. Local town is packed out as usual, roads congested, and the travellers had their caravans and had all their horses in the stream for a good wallow in the water. The pictures look very colourful. Hopefully off to the caravan on 8 th September and when I return I plan to take Ellie for a few short outings, doing Pub stopovers, where you only pay £5 and you can stay overnight in a pub car park as long as you have a meal in the pub. Campsites are charging around £35 for a one-night stay, ridiculous! UK has officially declared itself to be in recessions. Huge rise In infections 1062, 8 deaths (weekend reporting). Day 162 – Monday 10th August 2020 Woke late this morning, because I didn’t go to sleep until 4 AM because of the heat. It seems even hotter today and I just lie on the bed with fan next to me. As of next week my Slimming World Groups switches to physical meetings in a village hall. I won’t be staying for the meeting, I shall just go in and get weighed. Everyone has to wear masks which is fair enough and you are not allowed to take your shoes off to get weighed. I prefer the virtual meetings, less fuss and it’s quicker. The new meetings only allow 30 people in the village hall at one time, so the consultant running the meetings has to hold 3 of them, rather than the one she would usually hld. Not sure what to do with myself today as it is so hot. I should be doing some paperwork but can’t muster the enthusiasm. Ordered myself a cheap kaftan so I can waft about the house! I’m going to take myself away for a few days end September and do some walking in a different place. I shall go mid-week when it is hopefully less busy. Just walked Michelle for 30 minutes. Unbearably hot. Same tomorrow and thunderstorms on Wednesday. 21 deaths 1000 new infections.

Day 163 – Tuesday 11th August 2020 Another unbearable hot day. The government has ‘paused’ its’ coronavirus figures and I believe they will now be available weekly. Believe also the figures will now be adjusted so that those who have had a positive coronavirus test, but survived for a month after that tests, will not now be included. Ad Zoom Slimming World meeting this AM. The last virtual meeting. The next meeting is in the Hall. Uproar over Scottish exam results as it disadvantaged children for poorer areas. All results for this year will now be based on course work. I expect the English government will have learned from this and will do the same or make necessary adjustments. Feel sorry for the kids, Can’t be easy. Cooked steak, new potatoes and had a green salad with red grapes for supper. Very nice. About time I started eating proper meals again. Going to make a fruit cake tomorrow, not sure who for yet. Saw a nice campsite. Always wanted to make it up that hill and also to visit the chalice well gardens nearby too. I need to take Michelle out for her constitutional but still too hot. Over 1000 infections and over 100 deaths (not officially released figures). Day 164 -Wednesday 12th August 2020 Managed to fall asleep eventually last night. Fan still going when I awoke this morning. Getting a bit weary with this humidity and heat. Thunderstorms predicted for this evening, but not much forecast in the way of immediate rain, although torrential downpours are predicted at some stage. Took Michelle to the groomers.





They were very busy and some owners ignoring the covid protection protocol. Stupid people! I’ve now got a dog smelling of orange essential oil and with her ears ad teeth duly cleaned. Wish it was as simple for people! Not sure whether I will venture out with the dogs this evening, it is over 30 degrees. May set the alarm early and sneak out tomorrow morning, providing I can get some sleep! Exam results tomorrow for English school children. Wonder when we will have some news on the Track and Trace phone system that is being developed. Probably just before the school children go back possibly. The American Democrats have decided on a mixed-race woman to be John Biden’s deputy. Water pressure low in this area. Have filled large container and kettle, about to take a bath! Water Board say it is because the firemen have used a lot for the forest fire .1000 new cases of coronavirus – 77 deaths

Day 165 – Thursday 13th August Hot, humid and nearby storms have flooded out McDonalds, M&S, Aldi and Lidl. It’s not reached here yet. I’ve done sweet Fanny Adams today and I am sick of the news. It’s all about exam results. I appreciate it is important to the youngsters, but why do we have to have the same old news regurgitated in different formats? Not sure about taking dogs out because of the thunderstorms. We’ve had one medium downpour here today, but nothing like what is forecast. Michelle’s teeth are much cleaner. Only £5 – a bargain! I’ve just been pootling about, adding to my Tesco online shopping list and scrolling through social media. Looks like everyone else is as bored as I am! Lots I could do, but I am too hot to do it. It’s like being in an old film set in the Mid-West, where the weather is sultry, but nothing happens for hours on end; until the mad axeman arrives of course! Almost 300 workers have tested positive for coronavirus following an outbreak at a factory in Northampton that makes M&S sandwiches. The re-designed NHS contact-tracing app, which begins trials in the Isle of Wight, will correctly identify seven out of 10 people who spend more than 15 minutes within 2 metres of another app user who has tested positive for coronavirus and warn them to self- isolate. The new app has been designed in collaboration with Google, Apple and other tech companies so that it works with 99% of phones. It no longer has the major failing of the original which did not work with iPhones. The Netherlands and Malta are set to be removed from England’s travel corridor list but ministers are still mulling over a decision on France. Due to ‘technical difficulties’ there will be no government covid figures today.

Day 166 – Friday 14th August It’s Michelle’s birthday today! She will be 2 years old. Cooler today, thank goodness. Huge rumbles from Thor but no lightening and no rain. Mad scramble to get back from France to avoid 2 weeks quarantine. Eurotunnel say that are fully booked and for people not to come to the tunnel entrance, but I expect this will be ignored. Fines for not wearing a mask are being ramped up and for repeated offenders could be as much as £3,200 and up to £10 for organisers of raves etc. Been round the block with the Poodle but not much else. Feeling a bit isolated and lonely and need some shopping but will have to wait until Sunday. I won’t starve, plenty of food in the house but nothing ‘nice’. Thinking of buying a small chest freezer to go in the garage in case o f food shortages with Brexit etc. Katrin is getting anxious over Johnnie’s court appearance on the 26 th August. It will be referred to Crown Court. I had a look at the girl’s fb profile and she certainly has some strange things on there. Hospital admissions are not increasing and the increase in infections is being put down to the increase in testing (didn’t Trump say that?) The increase is in infections is mainly young people they say, Hospital deaths 11. .Huge jump in infections but government relatively calm about it.





Day 167 – Saturday 15th August. Still humid, the sky is grey but it is so much cooler! Light rain all day. Took the dogs for a walk without a coat as it was nice to feel the rain at last. Spotted two guys behaving suspiciously in an older blue transit van. I stepped out from behind Ellie and they moved off sharpish. Messaged Tegan to say that we both had to lose 4 lbs in 2 weeks. She has agreed. Will go for a walk later with her and the dogs providing it doesn’t rain too mu ch. Put some water in Ellie and some more chemicals in the toilet cassette, so that I can start using her again. Feels more like a Sunday than a Saturday. The UK is gradually moving down the coronavirus death toll chart as other countries overtake it. Let’s hope and pray one of these vaccines are effective, but as the WHO says we have to share them with other parts of the world, otherwise there is no point. The motorhome groups on fb are going crazy because France is on the quarantine list. Won’t be long before the French retaliate. Still a lot of upset school children around which I can understand; but surely they don’t all deserve A Grades? Tegan didn’t want to walk in the rain as she has just had her hair done. Took my 2 and went round the large block. They enjoyed. It. 1012 new infections 3 hospital deaths. Tescos tomorrow. Oh what fun!

Day 168 – Sunday 16th August 2020 No chance of a sleep-in with the Poodle. She is trying to lick me to death to get me out of bed so that I can get her breakfast! We know who is in charge here. Toby the Terrier waiting happily on her heels, but not quite as cheeky as she is. Pouring with rain, but so much cooler! Tesco had given me some vouchers for Click and Collect. I never joined their ‘club’ because I didn’t like them using the information on what I purchased, but what with lockdown and the difficulties shopping I have no choice. Got £12 off my fuel which is not be sneezed at. Then went and collected my shopping. Two nice guys put it in the car for me, not like the grumpy girl from last week. Bought endless yoghurts and bottles of lime and soda for Tegan, who surprised me by saying that they had gone to collect the Labrador they were let down on last week! They have renamed her ‘Cake, and she is safely ensconced in the large boot of their Range Rover with Haf, their 9- year-old Lab. Haf’s only vice is to scavenge food. Nothing is safe from her! Other than that she is the gentlest soul you could meet. Cake with have an excellent home with Ronald and Tegan (retired dog trainers). They’ve got a nice garden and only 100 metres from the forest. I expect Michelle the Poodle will go crazy for her, but Toby’s introduction will have to be a bit slower. Rumour has it that Matt Hancock is to dismantle Public health England form a new ‘body’ which will be combined with the new Test, Track and Trace. I wouldn’t be surprised if Matt Hancock’s days are numbered once this virus dies down. I think he’s only lasted this long because he says ‘yes’ to everything. Cruella de Cummings will be his downfall I am sure. Trump’s younger brother has died at the age of 71, but the cause of death has not been disclosed. Saw videos of a baying crowd in Manchester for Pakistan Independence Day. At one stage the police were in danger of being cornered. It looked nasty there and was no social distancing. 1012 infections. 4 hospital deaths.

Day 169 – Monday 17th August 2020 Zachary arrived on time to do the gardening, but I had forgotten to move my car so that he could park. God can that man work. In two hours he had worked his magic on my front garden and it was as neat as a new pin. After he left, I took Michelle for her 40 minutes’ walk, this time building in some hill work. She is fine, but I am suffering! Baked a fruit cake, still cooking in the oven, but it looks like it could be a bit dry and maybe have too much mixed spice. Oh well, it’s got sultanas, cherries and walnuts in as well, so should be OK. Off to the Manor at 6 PM for Rally. Met Tegan out in the street, she was talking her new Lab, Cake (AKA Miss Cherry) out for a training walk. Think she has found the right home, because with Tegan’s input she will be a very nice





dog. Currently waiting for cake to finish cooking. Still uproar about exam results. Boris needs to sort this out and quickly for everyone’s’ sake. The mother of the policeman who was killed by being dragged by a car and the mother of the young motorcyclist who was knocked off his bike by a diplomat’s wife who fled to America, have joined forces. They say that they can talk to each other and have the same feelings. They are both fighting causes for their lost boys. I hope they find some comfort. Terrible for both. Went over to the Manor and had a Rally lesson. It was lovely out in a Feld in the sunshine Gave cake to Jenifer and John for when they go away at the weekend.

Day 170 – Tuesday 18th August 2020 Bit of a drizzly damp day, but had to be up and about for a telephone appointment with the dermatologist and then to be at the Village Hall for 11 Am sharp for a new format Slimming World meeting. Only 30 are allowed in the hall; we have to write our weights ourselves in our own book with our own pen, we will pay by card, unless the machine doesn’t work and we will need the exact money. We have to wear masks and weigh with our shoes on. Oh and the loos will be shut, so you cant have that lst ‘wee’ before you weigh so that you weigh less! There’s husband and wife attending who haven’t been out of the door since March 23 rd! Then must walk Michelle and then back in bed for a sleep as I only managed 4 hours last night. Not very impressed with Slimming World organisation, one woman brushed past me twice, another sneezed, didn’t try and catch the sneeze and didn’t gel her hands afterwards. A third woman (doing the weighing) couldn’t hear what I was saying so removed her mask! Did manage to wash my hair. Looking forward to having it coloured in a couple of weeks i.e. a whole head of highlights so the grey will blend in with the colour and not show so much! 7,000 redundancies at M&S across the board. Leicester falling so it may come out of lockdown, but they are rising in Birmingham. 812 infections, 17 deaths.

Wednesday 19th August 2020 Just remembered it my wedding anniversary (prefer to forget) 19th August 1972! So pleased I woke up and left the coercive, parsimonious serial shagger. Feel better now! It rained heavily until 3 PM and just about to go for a walk with the dogs and Tegan’s 2 dogs. Should be interesting! Tegan just brought her new dog, Cake, who was very good, but as we started to walk it started to rain. Then about 100 yards from home Tegan met a friend with another Labrador, so I had to March on home because Toby the Terrier is funny with other dogs. Very wet and hot now.

Thursday 20th August 2020 Beautiful day; hope to make the most of it as it’s rain and winds for a few days then. Managed to sleep off and on during the day as I hadn’t slept at all last night. The news is full of the woes of the B-Tech students as their results have been held back. Hopefully all will be resolved for them soon. October is not that far away and it’s going to hit a lot of people very hard; not only those who are immediately affected with a loss of a job but it will reverberate right down the chain. My commercial tenant’s insurance claim has been authorised; thank goodness for that! On tenterhooks to see if he will pay 3 months rent in advance on the 25 th of September 2020. Need to make a salad and have boiled some free-range eggs for supper Croatia looks like it may be hit by a travel ban. Portugal coming off the travel ban list but for how long? Holidaymakers still whinging; I wouldn’t risk overseas travel for all the tea in China. The Manchester bomber’s brother has been sentenced to 55 years in jail. He wouldn’t come out of his cell on either day of the sentencing hearing; good thing who wants to look at excrement when the vile stench of it won’t leave your nostrils.! Airbnb has banned house parties of over 16 people and Putin’s opponent has been poisoned. Boris is nowhere to be seen, presumed on holiday. Perhaps he has whisked Carrie away to marry her? Been watching the formal





election of Jo Biden as the Democrat leader in the States; his aspiring and articulate vice-president is a not very black woman (Kamala Harris – former prosecutor) and his wife is the archetypal American Lady, as for him he looks fresh out of the cryogenic farm! He has a very weak voice, probably due to age (he’s 77) and his wife (Jill A Doctor of Education) and deputy do most of the talking. Mr and Mrs Obama have been digging the knife in Trumpety Trump. Ex-President Bill Clinton also having a go at Trump; not sure how he has the nerve with his connections to Epstein/Maxwell and the Lolita Express. All as bad as each other. What a mad world we live in. 1,182 cases of coronavirus. 6 deaths.

Saturday 22ndt August 2020 Weather bright but still blustery. Boris has been discovered on a remote peninsular in the Scottish Highlands but has been forced to abandon his holiday plans because of fears that he would be a prime target for a sniper. Pictures show a holiday cottage and a bell tent. My eating is out of control. What is the matter with me? Must do some housework and get these dogs out. Not sure which order I shall do that in. Went for a walk along the sea wall; nice view across to the Castle but the tide was out so all you could see was mud! Around 21 campervans parked up for the night, near the stream. They’ve been there for some time I’m told. 1244 infections – a big jump, Scotland has had an outbreak in a food processing plant. 18 deaths.

Sunday 23rd August 2020 Here I am again it’s 15:40 and I’ve done nothing except get up, washed and ate and ate. What is the matter with me? Feeling a bit low and lethargic and yet there is nothing particularly worrying me. Highlight of my day is taking the dogs out. There’s a pile of washing and housework to do, but I just can’t face it. I think I am missing the company of my agility friends and watching the dogs run. Lots of people a whole lot worse off, pull yourself together you grumpy old woman!!! Had some Southern chicken for lunch; it was OK but I didn’t enjoy it. Did 40 minutes brisk road walk with The Poodle which has lifted my mood slightly. Feel guilty that I didn’t take the terrier but didn’t feel up to fighting any battles today if he saw a dog he didn’t like. Poor Toby he goes out trussed up like a chicken with collar, harness, two leads and a muzzle. Better safe than sorry. He is the gentlest of dogs with humans, but he is a rescue so who knows what went before. Not exactly 5- star when you are in the Pound. Came back very hot and sticky. The surgery may ring tomorrow for a blood test, so I must make sure I am up and dressed in case they give me short notice. 6 deaths, 938 infections.

Monday 24th August 2020 Busy day today. Went to the surgery at 9:20 Am for a blood test. It is like Fort Knox getting in there and I nearly melted with both a mask and a visor on, but never mind. Then I came home and took Michelle out straight away. Then had a lazy morning and got ready for Michelle chiropractic appointment later. The chiropractor was pleased with her and doesn’t need to see her until end September. The news is full of the children going back to school and whether it is safe or not. Infections have increased in the River Lane area, but still relatively low. Went to the chemist to collect a prescription but they only had a quarter of it so I have to go back again! The US Food and Drug Administration gives emergency authorisation for the use of plasma to treat coronavirus patients and scientists in Hong Kong say that have the first example of a patient who was re- infected. Who says not to jump to conclusions? 4 deaths, 853 infections.

Tuesday 25th August 2020 Went to Slimming World and to my surprise I had lost 2 lbs! I think I’ll throw my bathroom scales out of the window! I





then took Michelle for a quick whizz round the block. Back home and then off to Emma’s for Rally. Toby had a run round the field and then we did some Hoopers in the school. Both Emma and John are down in the dumps. John’s dog, Molly, an ageing Collie is literally on her last legs and I don’t think John can face putting her down. Very sad. UK Govt might do a U turn on masks in schools. B Tech results out tomorrow. I think the UK will have quite a few students whose marks are quite high. Problems with the boiler again on my caravan. Another £60. They have said they won’t replace the boiler. Trouble ahead me thinks. The previous owners of Tegan’s dog have said that they want her back and are dilly dallying on changing the microchip. 15 hospital deaths and over 1000 covid-19 infections.

Wednesday 26th August 2020 Bright day up washed and out to take Michelle for her 40 minutes of non-stop brisk waking. Nearly kills me! A possible new ‘weapon’ is found in the covid-19 pandemic. Citriodiol, a product found in aerosol mosquito repellant is thought to to kill airborne covid-19. Nobody please tell Trump, otherwise we will all be drinking that alongside the bleach! Melania bailed Trump out of a hole by giving a relatively convincing election campaign speech on her husband’s attributes in the White House Rose Garden. She even let him kiss her and hold her hand. Wonder how much she will get for that? Biden is probably a more balanced candidate for The President, but he lacks the comedic gravitas that Trump has. The news is smothered in talk about older children wearing masks in ‘busy’ areas at schools. It is to be compulsory in lockdown areas and up to ‘schools’ in the remainder of the country. B Tech results tomorrow? Not sure? Hair colour being done tomorrow. Michelle booked for cut and blow dry on the 7th September. Must remember to worm and treat the dogs for fleas and ticks soon. Going to attempt a bit of housework tonight, although I have zero motivation. Omelette, spaghetti hoops and new potatoes for supper. I have eaten too much! Greedy woman! 853 infections, 4 deaths today.

Thursday 27th August 2020 At last managed to do some housework; kitchen, hall and look very clean. Will tackles rest of house over the weekend. Did 2 machine loads of washing as well. Went to the hairdressers, one 80-year-old woman in there, refused to wear a mask, but coughing over everyone with her ‘pharyngitis’. Disgusting! Just before I left another middle-aged woman breezed in without a mask. Not sure if she was exempt or not. I’ve been told that the shops cannot ask people to wear a mask. Why not a notice at the tile or on the door stating that people without a mask or an ‘exemption’ will not be served. On the plus side the hair looks a lot better. I’ve decided to let it go grey but have blonde highlights in it. Must walk the dogs later. Walked the dogs and managed 40 minutes of brisk walking, half of it uphill! A whopping 1,522 infections which the government attributes to more testing in localised highly infected areas, and 12 deaths.

Friday 28th August 2020 Thunder, lightning, and torrential downpours threatened today. I have put off walking the dogs because I didn’t want to get caught in a storm. Not sure what is happening. A few drops of rain a few grunts of thunder and that’s been it. Didn’t get to sleep until 3:30 AM last night. Alarm went off at 7:45 to remind me to put rubbish out. Got up, fed dogs, had breakfast and went back to bed in the hope of sleeping until 11 AM. No chance. Up again, bathed and off to Tesco’s to collect my shopping. Got home sorted the shopping, took Brandon and Tegan their wine, lime and soda and endless yoghurts. Came home and ate silly things just because they were there. Went back to bed about 3 PM but still couldn’t sleep because the diva Poodle wouldn’t let me. How can something so small rule a household? Switzerland, Jamaica and the Czech Republic now on the 14 day quarantine list. Air fares from those destinations have sky-rocketed. The





latest moan is being ‘encouraged to go back to work’. I think everyone has got used to working from home, but I suppose the government is thinking about all the shops, cafes, sandwich bars and pubs that will go belly up if the work force doesn’t go back to offices. There must be a compromise somewhere. I don’t blame people for being reluctant to sit on an overcrowded train and then an unventilated office. Going to be fun next week when the children go back to school. Keeping a low profile this August Bank Holiday weekend with all the lovely ‘visitors’ who will be feeding the ponies, swimming in the ponds and doing whatever in the gorse bushes. Gross! Dogs pestering me for a walk, so I have bribed them with ‘Kongs’ filled with sausages; a type of canine dummy. I would have made a terrible mother. Flea and worm treated dogs today and have arranged to pick up more supplies next Wednesday. Emma and John away at an agility show this weekend, wish I was/ I’ve also booked another Click and Collect slot for next Sunday. Anything for a quiet life! Man United’s Paul Pogoba tests positive for the virus. 16 deaths today, Problems with the government dashboard, can’t find infection rate today. Ah just heard it on the news 1276 infections today. Saturday 29th August 2020 Almost September and the acorns (great big fat ones) are dropping early in the forest. Some of the bracken is beginning to turn brown. I used to love riding my horse in the Autumn, best season in my opinion, not too hot but still great weather, very few tourists and no flies. Miss taking my beautiful Irish Draught/Thoroughbred horse out in the stillness of the morning and just wandering for a couple of hours, Best therapy ever. Mondy, my mare would walk between two articulated lorries without flinching, but if there was a rustle in the bush, you had better superglue your pants to the saddle. Oh happy days. Miss you Mondy. Weather quite cold for the time of year. Good! Will keep some of the Benidorm grockles at bay. Still haven’t caught up on sleep and the dogs wouldn’t let me either! Delivery of Michelle’s food, had to make space in the freezer. Watching silly Youtube videos on ‘Say yes to the dress’. Why? I’ve got zero interest in wearing a posh gown and I certainly don’t want to get married, but it’s an eye opener into the Bridezillas of this world. What a lot of money and what a lot of fuss. One mother of the bride even brought her 35-year- old gown into the salon and wanted her daughter to wear it at her wedding. Oh dear! Out with the dogs; walked round the village. The pub was busy with locals who definitely were not socially distancing. Difficult to walk on the pavement in some parts because other people who do not shift out of the way. Government is putting out posts about mass vaccination and how they are going to train nurses and physiotherapists to give injections. Is this in readiness for Oxford’s covid-19 vaccine, or just in vain hope? I hope it’s the former. Perhaps they are going to vaccinate the population with microchips that have RFID as well? Only joking! There’s talk of a mass vaccination in October, around flu jab time; so maybe they do both? Just cooking sirloin steak, mushrooms and fresh tomatoes for supper. 12 coronavirus deaths, 1,100 infections.

Sunday 30th August 2020 Surprisingly warm day when the sun came out. Went over to Emma’s field with Tegan. Toby the Terrier and her new Labrador, Cake, had the most wonderful time chasing each other round the field. I brought some chairs so Tegan and I sat down and had a Diet Coke and a gossip, all good fun and the hour went quickly. I had to detour around the lanes on the way home. Every stupid motorist and wonky cyclist must have been out that day. Chaos reigned! Cars and bikes refusing to pull over to let someone past, tourists feeding the animals and swimming in rivers where all the animals’ poo! Lovely. The prize for the most idiotic tourist goes to the man who had pitched a tent on a traffic island and put his chair next to it and proceeded to eat





his lunch! Not sure if anyone else was in the tent! Roll on winter! Kids back at school tomorrow. 1,700 infections, 4 deaths. Now 60 in ventilator beds.

Monday 31st August 2020 Hello it’s lockdown Lulu here. I wondered why there were so many people about with children as I thought the schools had gone back. Uhhh…totally forgot it was Bank Holiday! Met John at Emma’s field and we sat and chatted, drank Diet Coke and ate Cadbury’s mini chocolate rolls whilst the 5 dogs played happily in the field. Traffic was bad on the way home and got stuck, the forest’s famous bottleneck. John has been a bit down, although Emma’s sister Bella had cooked him Sunday lunch and left him enough for today too. Anyway he seemed a bit brighter, so that’s good. Started packing for my trip next week and have laid things out in the second bedroom; so much to take. Slimming World and Rally tomorrow and then I must sort the car out.1406 coronavirus infections today, 4 hospital deaths. Infections figures rising in Scotland.

September Tuesday 1st September 2020 Pinch, punch, first day of the month etc. Beautiful September day; just the right temperature around 20 degrees. Went and had a Rally lesson over Emma’s place. My performance would not set the world alight. Helped Emma with her dogs and some of her clients, then watched Emma and John’s agility lesson, which was really good. Came home and had salad, chicken, pasta and boiled eggs. First day back at school for a lot of children and the Eat out to help out finished yesterday. Spoke to Shannon and her and Bob are going away for a week in their gigantic, luxury motorhome. They’ve just bought a dog buggy for their old terrier. They’ve been to the Festival site that I want to go to, but Shannon says that it is quite a long way to the Tor which I definitely want to go up. It’s alright walking there, but not sure how I will get on walking back! 1295 coronavirus infections, 3 deaths. Wednesday 2nd September 2020 Beautiful day, up early and off to the vets a to collect Wormers and flea treatments etc. Jacob the vet saw the Poodle in reception and asked how she was getting on. I said that she was still on lead walking. Good news, Jacob said that if I keep her on an extended lead she can do some restricted running but no agility. I will start introducing gradually. I then went for a walk around the Pond and then back on to the sea front. Gorgeous sunshine, the sea was like a mill pond and the needles were sharp and clear. On my way back I decided to cut through to the upper section near where the toilets are. There is a small underpass and I did a double take. There was the biggest turd I have ever seen along the edge of the underpass. It looked like an elephant was responsible, but it was definitely human. There’s no hope for some people. Even if they got caught short (although I would imagine this took some time) why didn’t they bag it up and dispose of it in one of the many dog bins? Will report it to the local council. Local lockdowns in the North of England being reinstated, Glasgow in lockdown and 1 hospital death in Scotland. Hydrocortisone (another steroid) is shown to drastically increase an ICU’s patients’ chance of survival. That’s 2 excellent findings from English studies. The educational exam algorithm has grown some teeth. Ofqual who designed it stated that they told the government not to use it. Just waiting for Gavin Williamson’s (Education Secretary) head to roll down into Parliament Square. Boris needs to appoint himself a vice PM who is a detail man, this is getting beyond a joke. Ironed 12 T shirts today – bloody miracle! 10 deaths today. 1,508 infections. Weekly averages of infections going up.





Thursday 3rd September 2020 Up reasonably early, fed dogs and then walked them round the hilly route in the village for 40 minutes. Very hot when I returned. Packed up some foodstuffs and put cover on quilt and pillow cases on in readiness for my trip next week. Had a snooze in the afternoon. Well a bit more than a snooze but it was lovely a as it was a damp and chilly afternoon. Latest media storm is over testing centres not being available to where you live. Some people are reported to have travelled over 100 miles. Cases still low in the River Lane but doubled last week of coronavirus. Uproar over local pub landlady banning children but allowing dogs. Great! She has my vote. Sick to death of trying to eat a quiet Sunday roast whilst children run riot and the parents get drunk. 90% of children have apparently gone back to school. Not sure if that’s because parents are confident about the covid-19 secure measures but in place by schools, or because they want (parents) want a rest! Trump’s hoping to boost his re-election chances by offering a somewhat premature vaccination to programme to American citizens. Wonder if it will contain bleach? Amazon have created 7000 jobs, now all they need to do is pay some tax! Sirloin steak, peas and petit pois for supper. Huge rises in coronavirus infections (1,735) and 15 deaths. As Nicola Sturgeon says we are catching up with Europe and the rest of the world. Friday 4th September 2020 Bit dull today. Up quite early to let the dogs out and feed them, bathed and dressed. Sorted out interior of car, put rubbish out for refuse collectors, packed some shopping up ready to go and not sure quite what else I have done. Going to take The Poodle in Ellie out shortly for a spin. The rate of infection in the UK seems to be rising, stupid holidaymakers are still moaning about having to go into quarantine, and Boris, well not quite sure what he is doing. Latest national concern is Brexit and whether there will be a hold up at the borders for supplies. Emma rang and she wants me to help her (God help me) put together a Gift experience for an agility session. Sounds quite reasonable i.e. 2 dogs, two handlers, a gift bag, a box of cakes and a rosette. Would be ideal for children 6+. I’ve given her some ideas like on how to price, tying in with a charity to give it gravitas and maybe open up an opportunity for a photographer as a value add. Sent her an example of a voucher that I found on Publisher. Went for a walk with the dogs, part of the cliff path is shut because of storms and the cliff face crashing down. Had to walk on the road part of the way. 1940 infections, 10 deaths today.

Saturday 5th September 2020 Nice bright day but a bit colder. I don’t mind that. I seem to have been faffing about to get ready for one week away. It’s endless! I’m trying to avoid going into the shops and to get enough food and treats for two of us for the duration. Policeman has been back in contact again ending me daily jokes and pictures of his dogs. I told him I was coming down to the caravan a out an hour away from him. He said he was on call and was then taking his mum away for the weekend. I didn’t say anything. He then sent me a message saying that he hoped all was OK, I then messaged him and told him it wasn’t until next week, he immediately messaged back and said “Oh I’m around then”. I haven’t been in contact or replied to him. This morning I vacuumed throughout, cleaned the bathroom, washed the floors and put some washing on. Just had some lunch and in a little while I am going to put the wheel lock on Ellie. She already has a steering lock. There’s so many motorhomes being stolen at the moment and nothing will deter these crafty thieves. Hunted high and low for the towelling coats for the dogs. I can remember washing them but can’t find them! Emma and John are at the dog festival (an all things about dogs gathering) about 2 miles away in the next village up. They invited me, an although I would love to go, it will probably be too busy and I worry about





social distancing. Leeds looks like it is heading for some lockdown measures. After seeing all the young people out drunk and socialising too much I’m not surprised. I believe they are selfish, self-entitled, irresponsible and the effects of their actions is tantamount to manslaughter. There, I’ve said it! Not very woke am I? In Spain it seems strange that they have large amounts of rising infections but not the hospitalisations to match. It seems that young asymptomatic people are the carriers and I wondered if the virus has mutated in some way? Some scientists are saying that the tests are so sensitive they could be picking up dead virus which confuses thing. 1813 infections (700 more than this time last week) and 12 deaths. Sunday 6th September 2020 Up at 8, bit of a dull day, but fed dogs and watered the garden. Managed to find the dog coats safely stowed in Ellie. Couldn’t manage the wheel clamp, they say it’s lightweight, but I find it heavy especially with the bit of arthritis I have now and then in my hands. Will try again today. Must get my skates on and finish off the packing for Tuesday. Sorted out all the bedding last night. Normally I would use what is down there for letting, but with this covid thing I am taking all my own bedding for me and Katie. Will start loading up the car this afternoon with dog things, bedding and dry food supplies. I will also get the cake tray lined and the ingredients ready for Katie’s cake. Click and Collect at 12 and then have to put it all away. Must get some fuel and cash too. Meanwhile off to take a bath! I’ve done the Click and got the cash and then Click and Collect, still can’t fix the wheel lock on. Did a bit more packing. Will have to ask Katie to get me some more shopping, as the sell-by date on the bread is tomorrow! Took Michelle for a 30 minute fast trot up the road and now cooking steak, portabello mushrooms and tomatoes for supper. Jobs for tonight include ringing Katie, lining the cake tin and getting prepared to take Michelle to the groomers tomorrow. Emma and her lovely little dog Bloo got a 2nd and 3rd in the agility. Feel quite sad because that’s where Michelle had her first win in February. Only another 7 weeks and she can start training again, meanwhile I will persevere with the rehab. Toby will enjoy himself at the caravan, he likes running up and down the deck to and from the garden. I will be glad when I am on my way, this getting ready business is going on forever…………Only 3 covid deaths but an astounding 2,988 infections, Where Europe leads, we follow. Monday 7th September Ever felt like you are swimming against the tide? I’m still not ready to go away, so many things to think about. Took the Poodle to the groomers, prepared all the cake ingredients, had some eggy bread for lunch and then collected the Poodle again. Made the cake and then packed some more things in the suitcase. Had a rest and then up to ice the cake. Fed the dogs. Will pack most of the car tonight; thank goodness it is not number 1 on the list to steal. Bit worried about Ellie as my next-door neighbours are away the same time as me. Not heard the news today; I expect it is depressing. Another 2948 coronavirus infections today. 3 deaths. Most infections in the North and the Midlands. Radio silence now until next week when I return from holiday. Hopefully something a bit more interesting to write!












Tuesday 15th September 2020 Had a great week away at the caravan. Weather was fantastic. Planted up a pot with winter pansies and tidied up the garden. Noticed a change in my lovely Katie. She is much slower and forgetful. I felt more like a carer. She cooked dinner one night, but it took me 2 hours to clear up. Didn’t say anything as I love her to bits. Anyway, we went out and about; did our favourite walk (albeit short) and went to Tea Rooms. I’ve never seen the Tea Rooms like it before, it was absolutely heaving and even though the tables are outside, I was getting jittery. Pleased to escape. The same when I met. The garden was heaving and a huge queue to order from the café counter. Social distancing may have been observed inside, but it wasn’t outside. Penny and I were meant to go to a pub for an evening meal, but I pulled out because I was nervous. Horrendous -exited as soon as I could and took a long detour home. Big problem with covid-19 tests and people can’t get one without driving miles. Problem caused by lack of laboratory staff to process the tests. Matt Hancock said it will take a couple of weeks to sort out. Rule of Six now applies in homes, gardens and mingling outside. Rule of Six always reminds me of that old fashioned book we used to giggle about as schoolchildren – The Joy of Sex. Wednesday 16th September 2020 Nice day, not as hot as forecast. Haven’t done a lot; just a little bit of admin and a lot of surfing on facebook. Washing now up-to-date following my holiday. Uproar over the lack of testing, Boris left out to dry in the Commons today, infections (as far as we know) have reached 3,900 and 20 deaths today. Lockdown is hanging over us like Damocles sword. Trying to be good with what I eat; I’m sure I’ve put on at least 3 lbs! Did 45 minutes brisk walking with the Poodle, mainly uphill. She’s fine but I need scraping over the floor. Can’t believe the District and County Council and Police have approved a festival in the next village up for the end of September. Sheer stupidity if it goes ahead. 1500 tickets sold and they have applied for an alcohol licence. I’ve lodged my objection in the appropriate places. Emma is very quiet, not very





forthcoming at all; that usually means that something is wrong in her life. 3,941 infections, 21 coronavirus deaths.

Thursday 17th September 2020 Nice bright day, not quite as warm as yesterday but still warm. Again I’ve not done very much. A troll has decided to stalk me because I asked people what their view is on the forthcoming Festival. I did a bit of research and discovered that the troll, Hugo, is a 29-year-old events person and guess where his next event is? Yes, the local Festival. His 8 fb messages are quite intimidating. I’m not responding to him. If I receive any more messages, I will report it online as an incident to the police. Large swathes of the Northeast are on lockdown. i.e. no mixing with anyone apart from your household and the pubs; clubs and restaurants are only going to be allowed to open from 5 PM to 10 PM. The government have not released the infection figures yet today – ominous. The government has denied a forthcoming 2-week nationwide lockdown. I completed my 45-minute walk in 35 minutes. Not feeling too proud about that because I did it the other way round and the hills weren’t so steep! 3395 infections, hospital admissions in England TRIPLE in a fortnight and health chiefs announce 21 more deaths as fatalities keep creeping up.

Friday 19th September 2020 Another bright day. Pottered about. Messaged Emma and went to the Manor and hired field. Poor John came up and he was feeling very sad because his elderly Collie, Molly, was PTS this morning. Anyway sat in the field in the field in the sunshine, chatted and drank Diet Coke. I dead headed and watered the Petunias in Emma’s troughs. Let Michelle off the lead for the first time in 8 weeks. She was meant to go from A to B in a straight line, but it didn’t work out that way. She did a Zoomie in the field, which is just the thing we wanted to avoid. I couldn’t catch her even though she was wearing a long line. 11 million people in England are having to endure tough restrictions, such as not having anybody else in your house or garden and the pubs closing at 10 PM. Infection rate crept up to over 4,000. Not looking good. Government considering a 2-week circuit-breaker lockdown over half-term. Boris Johnson has announced that we are now seeing the second wave and the council has written to me stating that the festival is still on. Ultimate decision rests with Director of Public health, i’ve accordingly written to him. Saw loads of Blue Street College students today, so shall avoid Blue Street like the plague. Here we go again. 27 deaths. Saturday 20th September 2020 Strange dreams about a former neighbour last night. Nothing particularly unnerving, but vivid and the hangover from the dream hasn’t left me all day. Lounged about today, surfing the internet and feeling within me of the inevitable slipping and sliding over the precipice into lockdown. The second wave is worldwide – apart from China of course! Haven’t done much at all today, apart from the usual brisk 40-minute walk with Michelle. Scotland and Wales are calling for a Cobra meeting about what to do about the virus. A joint meeting is an excellent idea with all three nations, but they do have a tendency to hang on Boris’ very ragged shirt-tails in a crisis, despite devolution. Received a response from the Director of Health to say that he was satisfied the airy Festival was covid-secure etc., and also that he did not have the power to veto the event. I’ve sent him a copy of the email that the River Lane District Council’s Safety Group sent to me stating that he was responsible. Waiting to hear. Click and Collect from Tesco tomorrow – what excitement. 4,400 infections, 27 deaths. Hospital admissions rising.






Sunday 21st September 2020 21st of September already! Where has this year gone? Off to Tesco’s to Click and Collect. They are no longer supplying bags, which is an absolute pain when you are getting 2 weeks shopping at a time. Bit of a bonus, I ordered some Charlie Perfume (a brand from my youth) 100 ml for £4.00, instead they substituted a huge bottle still for £4.00, so I take my moan back about the bags Tesco! Will phone local chemist to see if I can get a flu jab this week. Young people are getting very upset for being blamed for the covid-19 uptick. Obviously, it’s not all young people, some are extremely responsible, but when you see on the news crowds of youngsters outside pubs and in public places with no social distancing, what else can us oldies think? Alcohol is the main perpetrator, but it seems it is alcohol that keeps the economy alive too! A double-edged sword. One guy returned from Zante, refused to self-isolate and went on a pub crawl. 4 cases of the virus have been traced to him so far. Just fed dogs, wait an hour and then take them out. Nights drawing in (UGH!), Sunset at 7:08 this evening. 3899 infections, 18 fatalities, though it is weekend reporting.

Monday 22nd September 2020 Nice day, off to Emma’s for a Hoopers lesson with Toby. He was good! Let Michelle run in the field with a long lead chasing her ball, Success! Packed 6 cases of dog food in the car to deliver to the animal shelter tomorrow, together with a lot of toys and harnesses that Emma gave me. Lisa and John had a good time in the caravan and I had a quick chat with Katie. Slimming World Weigh in tomorrow. Prof Chriss Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance did their Harbingers of Doom presentation today in readiness for Boris’ restrictions announcements tomorrow. Two experienced extremely clever, well-educated and well-meaning gentlemen. Couldn’t help giggling and imagining them dressed as crows giving their presentation! They believe that the infections are running at 6,000 a day and that only a small percentage of the population have been infected with covid-19, therefore if allowed to run unchecked could be catastrophic. Think I need to write a black humour poem about covid-19 and lockdown. Boris will announce the new restrictions tomorrow. 4,399 infections, 11 deaths.

Tuesday 22rd September 2022 Went to Slimming World and lost a 1lb, which was OK. Came back home, picked up the dogs and drove to Pretty Willow St to Animal Welfare to drop off 72 cans of dog food, toys, coat and harnesses. Pleased I took my Grocer’s barrow with me. Stopped off at McDonalds on the way back to celebrate my weight loss. Ha ha! Bought Emma a cheeseburger which made her happy. Dogs played in the field for a while and then watched a bit of John and Emma’s lesson with Kieron. Kieron gave me some good advice on bringing the Poodle back into work. John seems to have a weight taken off his shoulders since his elderly Collie was PTS. It must have been such a strain. Been there, done that. New restrictions are that pubs shut at 10 PM, table service only and you have to wear a mask if you go to the loo. Fines for not wearing a mask (staff in shops must wear them too) is now £200. Rule of six still applies and you can only have 15 people to a wedding. Restrictions could last 6 months. It won’t make a lot of difference to me. No drama ‘Starmer’ opened up the virtual Labour party conference with a long speech on this family values. He’s so different from bluffer Boris, but I’ve yet to hear an original thought come out of his mouth. Boris will address the





national at 8 PM tonight He hinted the military might be brought int to assist the police. This is literally ‘do or die’ and I hope the idiots ‘get it’. 4,999 infections. 38 deaths.

Wednesday 23rd September 2020 Goodness me! It’s all about the ‘R’ word; I mean rain! I’d forgotten what it was like. Walked along the seafront in the rain. Sea was rough and the wind was strong. Fab! Jan and Ben off down to the caravan tomorrow. Jan gave me a gift of scented candles, room fragrance and chocolate for ‘mates rates’. Ate some of the chocolate with a Cappuccino – delicious! Off down to the local pharmacy with mask and visor to have a flu jab at 4:15. I had to go on a waiting list because as soon as they came in, they were gone! A WHO spokesperson frightened me when they said you could get covid-19 and flu at the same time. Just hedging my bets. Massive dissection on the TV today about the new measures with some scientists saying the government has gone too far and other scientists saying not far enough. My personal view is that the meeting of 6 people indoors unregulated is too many. Boris and his gang must be careful that there is not a backlash from the great unwashed who oppose restrictions. Prime Minister’s Question time is a joke with Keir Starmer forensically dissecting every move the government makes and Boris bluffing his way through it. Can’t tell it but there is something very creepy about Starmer; everything in his life is ‘by appointment only’. Low key launch tomorrow of the NHS Track and Trace App. I shall download it when available as I believe we all must do everything we can to help. I’ve also volunteered to test the vaccine when available but have heard nothing yet. All drugs welcome!! 6000 new infections in the UK, 37 deaths.

Thursday 24th September 2020 Downloaded the Track and Trace App this morning and encouraged others to do so. Spent most of the day on admin on the caravan. It’s painful trying to deal with when you need something out of the ordinary. Suspect that one of my bookings for half term includes children. I allow dogs but no children – generally less messy. I’ve asked the guest to phone me, no response. I’ve emailed, no response. Took Michelle in the forest, - wasn’t a good experience as it was full of dog poo. She was out of her head wanting to chase the birds and the ponies and not at all interested in the ball that I brought on a long line to amuse her with and was hopefully going to restrict her running. Matt Hancock has said that students may be locked down in their unis at Christmas because of the virus. Not nice for them, but what about the poor old souls in care homes that have been ‘locked-in’ since March 2020? One ‘fresher’ was on the radio saying that she was self-isolating and didn’t have enough food, but in any event she didn’t know what food to buy that would keep without going ‘off’ and that the university help lines were useless. She should have rung me, I’m an expert now. Deaths and infections creeping up. First day of pubs shutting early but can see more stringent restrictions looming. This is serious and sad. 6634 new infections, 40 deaths.

Friday 25th September 2020 Off to Emma’s at midday, Toby enjoyed his 30 minutes Hoopers lesson and Michelle had her first proper run since her injury. All good. Popped in garage to buy some bananas and a sandwich as I hadn’t prepared any food. Heard that a police Custody Sergeant was shot dead in Croydon within the confines of the station. They guy, aged 23, then turned the gun on himself. No police firearms were involved. Sadly, the latter is still living; the worthless scum! I do hope that Harper’s Law comes into being and that anybody attacking an emergency worker gets a proper lengthy sentence. These poor officers don’t get paid enough to get killed in the line of duty. The university students are still bleating about their lack of freedom due to





coronavirus. They also claim that the universities wanted them in situ so that they could claim the rent. 6,874 infections, 34 deaths – Scotland not included. Saturday 26th September 2020 Bright but cold wind today. Did a little bit of housework not much. Did 40 minutes brisk uphill walking and then watched a live feed of the covid-19 Freedom protest in Trafalgar Square, broadcast by Ruptly – and very clear it was too. The average physical age was around 20, but emotional intelligence around age 2. Masses of police were brought in to disperse them; got a bit rough at one stage and looked scary. I expect we will see the same Rent A Mob at other rallies in the future. I apologise for the language, but what self- entitled, selfish twats they are. I think they will have to offer the students in lockdown antibody tests, before we have an avalanche of Human rights claims. 6042 new infections 20 deaths.

Sunday 27th September 2020 Toby having another 30-minute Hoopers lesson with Emma but am taking Ellie as the centre will be busy tomorrow with the ringcraft people. I shall park outside the school, have my lesson with Emma and then go! Only trouble is how to keep the Poodle quiet whilst I have a lesson. There’s no crate at the moment in Ellie, so I am taking a cover and using one of the centre’s crates. Fingers crossed. Covered crate training went remarkably well, but I’m not counting my chickens. Good lesson with Emma and Toby. Wore mask when out and about at the centre because there were a lot of people there. Dead headed the flowers in tubs and gave them a good water. Photographed some ‘new in’ goods for the charity shop Ellie drove like a dream, just hoping her good mood holds out for her MOT later this month! Jan and Ben are having a good time at the caravan and are going to do a mineral line walk tomorrow. Haloumi, tomatoes, small jacket potato and cucumber for supper – delicious! Looks like the government’s covid bill may get defeated in parliament. One of the River Lane’s conservative MP’s, “I’ll sleep where I’m Kieron”, is opposing it. “I want my Mammy” Lammy is insisting that University students get home for Christmas. We all know Boris isn’t perfect by any measure, but I do get cross when he is constantly lambasted by those who do nothing and have no credible alternative to offer. As per that old, hackneyed business phrase “Give me a solution not a problem!”. Time, I think, to give Jeremy Hunt the job of Health Minister; that should keep him busy and rescue the steadily sinking, Matt Hancock from the mire. 5,693 covid infections, 17 deaths (weekend reporting)

Monday 28th September 2020 Zachary day today. He helped me move a double wardrobe, single bed and rug out on to the front drive awaiting collection by the council. Understandably they won’t take a mattress, so I will have to wait for Zachary again to help me put it in the car and take it to the tip when I have made an appointment. He then worked wonders in the garden! The news is till full of stories about university students, but pleased to say it looks like food supplies are getting through and in many universities, you can still use the libraries as long as you socially distance. Sorted out the room where the unwanted pieces of furniture came out of. Looks so much better, Shame that most of the rest of the house is so untidy! Desperately need a solution to store spare bedding such as continental quilts etc, ready for when I do a bit of Airbnb when safe to do so. Pleased to note that there has been a fall in infections (albeit tenuous) for the third day in a row. New restrictive laws came into effect today. Doesn’t seem patrons are spilling out (predominantly young people) into the road and then cramming into off licences for more booze. Liverpool looks next for a lockdown. Probably best for all outlets to stop serving alcohol after 10 PM, including Westminster! Busy day tomorrow, Slimming World weigh in, Click and Collect and then off to Emma’s at 3 PM for a 30-minute





Hoopers lesson with Toby. Katie’s just rung to say that her little Tibetan Terrier has 3 months to live because of liver and kidney problems. She is devasted and so am I for her. 4044 infections, 15 deaths.

Tuesday 29th September 2020 A damp morning turned into a beautiful day filled with sunshine. Lost 1.5 lbs at S/W which was good, and I’ve done my Click and Collect and put my shopping away. Shortly off to Emma’s for a Hoopers lesson and to watch some of her lesson with her trainer. Jan and Ben have returned from the van and had a good time. Boris on TV promoting College courses for older people so that they can retrain. Will see if there is anything I can do, but probably a bit old for the scheme! Still uproar over the 10 PM closing time. Until lockdown I hadn’t realised what a nation of pi..heads we are! Think we should give Spain a hefty donation for what they have put up with over the years. Big jump in infections 7143, 71 deaths.

Wednesday 30th September 2020 Last day of September and last day of officially writing a diary. I ill still write something, but on more of an ad hoc basis, Took the red rocket to the vets for annual jabs and some ear drops and came out £105 lighter! Boris is being berated for not knowing the new restrictions for the North East and getting them horribly wrong. His team should supply him with the restrictions for each area before he holds a press conference as he’s hopeless on detail, always was and always will be. Maybe they should just issue one for the whole country saying Stay Away from those you don’t live with. The students are still in lockdown, but hopefully will be released soon! I am going to try again for a Bounce Back loan if I can get through. I ordered a carpet for the study/bedroom. I must have been on drugs when I measured it as it is way too small; so that will have to be returned too. 71048 infections, 71 deaths.

Summary of my self-isolating log How strange that as I write this today (30th September 2020), that things appear to have turned a full circle and once more the world is staring into the wide jaws of the unpredictable coronavirus beast. Create the monster and it will devour you is the old saying. Is that what China did? Did they deliberately create this in a laboratory or did the virus start in a bat or pangolin in the wet food market in Wuhan as they proclaim? Something doesn’t quite add up e.g. China’s miniscule declared 5K death toll and their supposed virtual eradication of the disease. The conspiracy theories go on and on, but what intelligent person wouldn’t question China’s coronavirus statistics? For me, with no close relatives and after years of working and financially planning for my later years, the virus has created financial uncertainty at a time of life when I have little chance of replenishing the coffers .Because of my auto-immune disorder I was first advised to self-isolate and then subsequently given the advice to not self-isolate but to be ‘very careful’. I’m fiercely independent and hated having my independence snatched from me. Thank goodness for visors, masks, hand gel and Tescos Click and Collect! I know I’m one of the lucky ones with relatively good health and being able to walk just 100 yards to 144 square miles of the River Lane. I have my two lovely, but highly mischievous dogs, Toby the Terrier and Michelle the Poodle and a handful of really good friends. Also, with the help of both virtual and physical Slimming World meetings I’ve managed to lose almost a stone in weight since March.

So here we are again with covid-19 infections, deaths and hospital admissions rising. 12 million people in the Midlands and the North and Wales in restrictive lockdown and more areas to follow. On the plus side





we have treatments such as dexamethasone to treat the virus, more ICU/ventilator beds and more awareness of how this dangerous virus spreads. Nothing will change until we get an effective vaccine and hopefully Sarah Gilbert a professor at Oxford University (Jenner Institute) will provide this; but nothing is certain. Apologies if I have offended anyone with my strong views but close friends often describe me as ‘Marmite’; I do mean well. I hope everyone remains safe and no-one can deny that we really are all in this ‘together’. X Daisy S 1951 to whenever…