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Corona Diaries


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“this pandemic has also affected my ability to be like a normal 17 year old”

Background Information: Female, aged 17, school pupil in Wales, learns to drive during the pandemic.





“this pandemic has also affected my ability to be like a normal 17 year old”

Background Information

Female, aged 17, school pupil in Wales, learns to drive during the pandemic.









This is my first official diary entry as I started late writing down some of my days. This day seems like a

good day to capture on paper as it shows the contrast of different emotions caused by lockdown. I feel that

most days just merge into one, but today was a big emotional struggle to cope during these hard times, I try

my hardest to stay positive, not just for myself but for maintain the morale in the house. however, this day is

a very down day where my whole mind was just filled with pain and upset, I’d say it’s the one of the hardest

and rarest down days I’ve encountered in lockdown as I was upset for no particular reason. Most days filled

with depression are too due to various issues such as schoolwork or current family issues but today was

one of the first times that I really felt overwhelmed by lockdown and how long I’ve been stuck in my own

mind. From the moment I woke, my whole being just suddenly felt the depression that had been building

up, this intern lead to endless hours of tears if I’m being honest.

Overall, the whole day was quite hard, but after a few hours I started to see the light and became a but

more brighter spirited. But, I think being far from normality, my friends and family just took a toll on me and

lead to this random encounter with depression.


I woke up today very excited as I actually had something to do. Today was my friend’s birthday so myself

and all my friends decided to surprise her at her house while staying six feet apart from each other.

The visit to my friend’s house was very successful, we spent a lot of time catching up with each other like

nothing has ever changed it was the best day I had experienced in lockdown as it allowed me to see my

friends which made me so happy.

However, the day started to take a bad turn. as I am learning to drive, I drove there and back for practice

whilst driving during this pandemic I’ve noticed that drivers are more careless as there’s a lot on people’s

minds and less cars on the road, causing carelessness, so, when driving home a car just crashed straight

in the back of me. This ruined my whole day and ever since the accident me and my mother have been

suffering with a lot of neck and back pain. But, its not just the physical pain that affected me, it’s the pure

shock of it and as a learner driver has affected me greatly.






Overall, this day turned into quite a disaster, but I must learn from this disaster and stay strong through

these difficult times as a lot worse could of happen than just lower back and neck pain. I’m just glad that it

wasn’t my fault, so it hasn’t affected my future chances of passing to get a licence and that me and my

mother are safe.


Today, lockdown restrictions were eased in Wales for the first time, where two households can meet while

social distancing, it’s a Monday today and this was announced on the Friday before. Ever since this

announcement was released, so many people have just decided to fully break all the social distancing

rules, it was almost like these small eased restrictions gave people the go to just completely ignore the

social distancing. Unfortunately, I have particularly noticed this within my peers as I was able to see group

gatherings and even parties on my social media, if I’m being honest, this did anger me because social

distancing is in place for a reason it should still be followed so our families and friends don’t get affected.


As lockdown restriction eased yesterday, it was the first time I was able to meet my friends today, even

though only two households were able to meet, I did meet with two friends instead of one. But we thought it

was justified as we stuck to social distancing rules.

Anyways, we all met at my friends back garden and it was just amazing. The first time in 3 months that I am

able to speak and properly laugh with my best friends, it was liberating, unfortunately, we could only stay a

few hours as the use of a toilet is unavailable as its not allowed but the time we were together, we enjoyed

a cheeky gin in the sun.

Observations over time since the start of lockdown

Environmental change - The returning of nature

Perhaps one of the greatest achievements of lockdown has unintentionally accomplished is how nature has

been able to thrive again. Even though I hear of the news about the degrees in pollutants, which is great to

hear, but it’s even better to see in my own town, even when in out on my walks on the beach, it’s amazing

to see all the nature thriving, such as I’ve noticed loads of different species of birds living on the beach that





I’ve never seen before, as well as a massive rise in the amount of bees, insects and butterflies that were

never seen as much before which is leading to an increase in pollen that is increasing the amount of

flowers and plants. Also, its lovely to see more birds nesting in places that they wouldn’t

Being a 17-year-old -Affecting one’s social life

During this time in lockdown, all teenagers my age and myself should be thriving and heavily socialising.

But obviously due to coronavirus, this has been taken away. Not being able to enjoy teen age life with

friends or socialize with others, making new relationships it is hard because all I want to do is have fun with

my friends, but that’s just a privilege that has been taken away for teenagers.

Learning to drive

As a 17 year old myself and most of my friends are learning to drive. But during this pandemic, learning to

drive has been very difficult. We are unable to conduct proper driving lessons whether its with a family

member of a paid professional lesson. therefore, this pandemic has also affected my ability to be like a

normal 17 year old as its much more difficult to learn how to drive.