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Corona Diaries


Lisa Picture

“She’s growing up so quickly, every day she’s doing a new trick. I can’t wait for this lockdown to end, so I can go to see them.”

Background Information: Female, aged 45-54, Environmental Health Officer, North England, White, Heterosexual, Married to Keith, two adult children and two grandchildren.






“She’s growing up so quickly, every day she’s doing a new trick. I can’t wait for this lockdown to end, so I

can go to see them.”

Background Information

Female, aged 45-54, Environmental Health Officer, North England, White, Heterosexual, Married to

Keith, two adult children and two grandchildren.

April – First Diary Entry

Just a note about me.... Hi, I’m Lucy, a 52-year-old female and have been married to my husband Keith for

32 years. We live in a village of about 2000 people, in East Yorkshire, very close to a lovely beach. We.

have two grown-up children, Jake and Chelsey, and two grand-daughters Zoe and Emily. We have a

seven-year-old Labradoodle called Sasha. Jake is 31, separated and currently living back at home with us.

Keith and Jake work together running their groundwork company, specialising in block paving, working on

new build properties on construction sites in West Yorkshire. Since the COVID-19 restrictions came into

force, the construction sites and building suppliers closed, Keith and Jake have been unable to work and

furloughed. They’re enjoying the rest from their back breaking work. Chelsey is 28, married to Ben and they

have two young children Zoe, 5 and Emily 5 months old. Ben is in the military. They currently live in West

England, bordering Wales but are due to relocate to Cyprus, where Ben will begin a new role. They were

due to fly out on 18th April, but then heard it had been put back until the 28th of April. They have a little dog,

a Shih Tzu Chihuahua, called Steve. My dad is 84 years old, is very independent and fit for his age, and

lives in sheltered accommodation. Keith’s mum is 80, lives in their family home, has Dementia. She has

carers who go in twice a day to make sure she takes her medication and helps her shower. Keith and his

brother take it in turns to do her weekly shopping and I help with cleaning. Having not been very academic

at school, only walking away in 1983 with two O’Levels (English Language and Art) and a smattering of

CSE’s, I have spent a number of adult years catching up on a number of qualifications. The highest

level of education I have achieved is a BSC (Hons) 2:1 Degree in Environmental Health –Public Health. I

have recently started a Degree in Occupational Health and Safety at University, sponsored by my





employer. I work full-time as a Health Officer for my local City Council. Since Monday 23rd March 2020 I

have been working from home, only having to go into the office on a rota basis or when I have needed

to go on site. Currently we are not doing any proactive programmed inspections, only reactive work

responding to concerns/enquiries/allegations relating to businesses operating under the lockdown

restrictions or social distancing in workplaces. I have set up desk on our dining room table.


Friday 1st May 2020

Had some very bad news today. One of Keith’s friend had been in hospital with kidney problems,

then caught coronavirus, sadly passed away last night. Learnt that his wife was with him at the last few

precious moments. So sad for her and the rest of the family. We’ve known him for over 20 years and spent

a lot of time with then, particularly when our children were little. Keith played football with him for years. He

was a great bloke, did a lot for his family and football club. He’ll be sadly missed by a lot of people.


The day didn’t get any better.


Work got the better of me today, I got myself into a bit of a tizzy with a complex job that came through. I felt

very anxious, tearful, overwhelmed and completely out of my depth. Normally in the office there are other

people in, to discuss awkward jobs with, but being on my own I was just baffled by the new legislation... and

with a difficult customer, I got in a state. I rang my boss but there was no answer, so I emailed him, to which

he also didn’t respond – not very helpful.


That night I couldn’t sleep, disturbing Keith with my restless jumpy legs. He said it was like sleeping next

someone being tazzered, so I went into Chels’ old room!


Saturday 2nd May 2020





Keith was due to go down to London this weekend with some of his friends to see a band, but obviously it

was all cancelled. He’d been looking forward to it.


Took the dogs for a big walk on the beach this morning. Still felt anxious, no contact from my boss and not

sure how to deal with issue, so asked for help from a colleague. She was great, helped me out such a lot,

gave me some good practical advice. Wasn’t due to work today and didn’t log the hours, but wanted to get

this out of the way, so dealt with the issue that afternoon. Felt much better afterwards.


Chels’ WhatsApp’d – they’re now FREE of their 14 day isolation lockdown, so they can now go out three

times a day. They headed 10 minutes down the road to the cliff tops. Chels rang, so we got a lovely view of

the coastline.


Sunday 3rd May 2020

Nothing much happened today.


Monday 4th May 2020

Restless legs again during the night, still feeling anxious – got a pain in my chest.


Logged onto laptop as late as I could 10am. Had another awkward issue to deal with, rang my boss for

guidance, it still didn’t make sense…. Took an early lunch break and joined Keith on the dog walk around the

fields – we’re so lucky to live in the countryside and have this space on our doorstep. I never really

appreciated it, until the lockdown started and the need for fresh air became paramount.






Chels WhatsApp’d whilst she was feeding Emily. She looked so cute, sat up in her highchair, chomping away

on spoonful’s of mashed prunes.


Haven’t seen anything of our neighbours Mike and Joan for days, so I text Joan to say hi and make sure they

were okay. They were fine, just not going outside at all.


Tuesday 5th May 2020

Legs still feel very restless. I don’t think I’m getting enough exercise, going to make an effort to do more.


Wednesday 7th May 2020

Nothing much happened today.


Thursday 8th May 2020

Rang my dad today, who said he was still doing okay, had been out for a bike ride along the sea front,

but he’s feeling trapped, I can tell. He’s always been so independent and sociable, and he doesn’t like be

classed as old because he’s over 70! As though he should be put out to pasture – poor dad.


Friday 9th May 2020

It’s VE Day. The weather’s nice again today. Joined few of the neighbours on our front lawns for a few

drinks, for the VE Day celebrations. Bit weird, everyone sat miles away from each other. Some had fixed up

some red, white and blue bunting and some war time music on. It felt really sociable.


Saturday 10th May 2020





The weather was glorious today, sat out for a bit until it got too hot, phew.


Sunday 11th May 2020

Not much going on today, the weather has turned, it’s rainy and cold. Wrapped up in my big coat to take the

dogs out, it was nippy. Finished sewing a pencil case for Zoe and soft rattle for Emily.


Watched Boris’ speech on tv, it was very confusing….”If you can go to work, if you can’t work from home, go

to work”, does anyone know what he’s talking about? Everything he said seemed to be

contradictory…. people won’t have a clue what to do now.


Monday 11th May 2020

Not much happening today, just working but good news the asparagus and pepper seeds are sprouting, yay.


The press have criticised Boris’ announcement of changes to the lockdown – I’m not surprised. The Labour

leader Keir Starmer said Boris’ televised address raised “more questions than it answers”. The Guardian

says the relaxation of the rules has left Britain “confused and divided”. No sxxx Sherlock!


The Chinese city of Shulan has been placed under lockdown following a rise in new cases of Covid-19, the

press state it is linked to an infected laundry woman. This comes a week after China designated all regions

in the country as either low or medium risk.


Tuesday 12th May 2020

Working as normal, so not much happening. Walked round to the post office to send Zoe and Em’s parcel.






The daily coronavirus press conference was led by the Business Secretary Alok Sharma today, joined by

Professor Stephen Powis, medical director of NHS England, and Sarah Albon, chief executive of the Health

and Safety Executive.


He confirmed that over 85,000 COVID-19 tests had been carried out yesterday – short of the 100,000

target the government has been trying to hit since the start of May; another 3,403 people have now tested

positive for the virus, taking the total so far to 226,463 and 627 more people have died in the last 24 hours

– taking the total to 32,692.





Wednesday 13th May 2020

Some changes to the COVID-19 regulations came into force today, allowing garden centres and sports fields

to open again, with social distancing measures. Saw a young lad holding a tennis racket outside the courts

on our way back from dog walking, looked like he was waiting for his friend.


It was Geoff’s funeral today. We couldn’t attend the actual funeral, with lockdown rules only allowing close

family at services. Social media messages had gone round for people to gather along the route of the funeral

cortege, which had been chosen to pass the football ground. So, like many others we stood on the grass

verge, clapping as the funeral director lead the cortege on foot past the ground, what a nice touch. His family

following. I found it very moving, poignant. Is probably how funerals will go in the future. When the lockdown

eventually ends a memorial match will be arranged and there’ll be one hell of a party to celebrate the lovely

bloke he was.






Noticed people on the golf course, as we were driving out. Had to go through the East of Leeds for work,

doing some visits checking on social distancing in hand car washes. Didn’t seem to be much of it going on,

think I need to work with them more to get the message across. Had to wear a face mask, it was so

uncomfortable and on a noisy forecourt, people couldn’t hear or see what I was saying – what a nightmare,

found myself pulling it up and down. I know there’s no point wearing one when you’re not wearing it properly

or keep touching it.


Drove past two garden centres on the way home, with massive queues outside. Worked late into the evening

updating visits on laptop, sending emails etc.


Jake cooked tea tonight – lamb hotpot - first time he’s made it. It was very nice. Yay - watched my

favourite tv programme ‘Great British Sewing Bee’ – love it, love it.


Thursday 14th May 2020

Up early, dived into my laptop and got going – feeling positive and like I’ve got my mojo back.


Rang Dad, arranged to visit him, reminded him we’d have to keep 2 metres apart though. Took this photo

of Jake and my Dad, stood 2m away from his Grandad, but unfortunately Dad couldn’t help himself moving

closer…. this is going to be difficult.


The Daily Telegraph reported on the test for virus antibodies, with the paper reporting it could be a

“breakthrough” and “key to easing lockdown restrictions”; The Daily Mirror leads on suggestions of a public

sector pay freeze, calling it “a betrayal of our NHS heroes”; The Daily Mail’s front page read NOW YOUR





MAIL FORCE VITAL PPE IS MADE IN BRITAIN! and the Daily Star reports that Chaser Mark Labbett has

claimed contestants on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire get help from friends in the audience. Hilarious J


Friday 15th May 2020

Once I’d finished my work, I settled down to do some sewing.


I made some material face coverings. I don’t think I did too bad but actually wearing one for some time will

take some getting used to – they get a bit hot.


Saturday 16th May 2020

Not much happened today.



Sunday 17th May 2020

Went to the garden centre, spent a fortune, bought Keith a fire pit and Buddha for his birthday. Also picked

up a small greenhouse.


Keith set the fire pit going and we sat out until about 10, listening to music, enjoying his birthday presents.


Monday 18th May 2020

Cracked open the greenhouse box and fitted it together. Work okay, no dramas.






Tuesday 19th May 2020

Nothing much happened today.


The Hull Daily Mail ‘HullLive’ report that Police break up 'house party' in west Hull and force six revellers to

leave’ and the latest statistics on the coronavirus death toll has revealed dozens more people have died in

Hull and East Yorkshire than was previously reported.


The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released its latest round of figures showing the number of

deaths across different settings that occurred up until May 8 and were registered by May 16.

Between the start of the outbreak and May 8, there were 109 deaths across Hull involving Covid-19. In the

East Riding, that number was 186 - making a sum total in the region of 295.


Wednesday 20th May 2020

Keith and Jake went back to work this morning. They were like excited children going back to school,

returned home tired out but happy – they’d had a good day. It’s lucky they get on so well, more like

brothers than father and son


Panicked that I hadn’t got Keith anything to open on his birthday….ordered a lovely linen shirt online,

hopefully it’ll arrive before next Tuesday.


Thursday 21st May 2020

Worked in the office today, because I wanted to get some letters, posters and guidance posted.

Kim and Cheryl came in to work. Cheryl had a couple of car showrooms to visit to check whether they

were allowing customers to view cars – they were, it seems Boris’ advice about going back to work has





sent out the wrong message to some place. Showrooms aren’t supposed to be open as yet. Had a good

¾ of an hour walk with Cheryl (found it awkward walking down the street together 2m apart, especially

when a car went past, I couldn’t hear a word she was saying).


Asked if I could take tomorrow and next week off on leave.


Friday 22nd May 2020

YAY, on holiday, don’t need to think about work for the next week.


Planted some of the seed shoots outside, together with three tomato plants a friend gave me. Went to

collect them from their front garden, left by the wall for me, gave them a wave. Dropped off last month’s

magazine and a book for her – a fair swap.

Sewed another material face covering to send to Chels, wrapped it up with the door stops, then rode round

to the Post Office on my bike, God I love my bike, I need to try to get out on it more.


Got a few photos from Chels, THEY’RE FREE to go out now. So they went for an ice-cream at a beach

side restaurant – looked amazing. Lovely photo of Zoe and Em 💖


Saturday 23rd May 2020

Food shopping. Went to Lidl but found no-one monitoring customers entering the store, no cleaning of

trolleys or baskets and no sign of any sanitiser anywhere. Heard a customer announcement reminding

customers to keep to the social distancing rules and yellow signs in front of the tills 2m apart, but then

saw staff working close together in the aisles putting stock out, close to customers, not wearing gloves or

masks. Awkward walking past them, they didn’t seem to be bothering with social distancing at all.






Went to Tesco, who have got a good system going, 2m queueing outside, staff at the door monitoring

customers in, trolleys and baskets cleaned, sanitiser at the side of the entrance, staff wearing and

observing social distancing and a one-way system then a monitored queue at the tills. Think I’ll swap to

shopping at Tesco from now on, even though it always seems to cost more, I’ll have to watch the pennies.



Sunday 24th May 2020

Chels sent a WhatsApp of Em starting to play “How bigs Em”, putting her arms up in the air – so cute.


Monday 25th May 2020 Bank Holiday

Sat out in the garden with Keith and Jake most of the day, it was lovely weather again, had a gin or

two! We’ve been so lucky with the weather and lucky we’ve got a garden to spend time in. I can’t imagine

how stressful the lockdown will have been for people who don’t have any outside space, it must be terrible,

so restricting. We’re very lucky.


My friend Chlo rang and we WhatsApp’d photos of our gardens. She’s also growing some veg and like

ours the weather has been kind to our plants.


Tuesday 26th May 2020

Keith’s birthday today – 54 He’s looking good for it, must have a good life ?

Never too old for chocolate cake, candles and ice-cream. His shirt looks very nice. Dad came round and

we socially distanced in the garden again. An unusually quiet birthday, I usually organise a bit of a family

get together but that’s just a no-go at the moment, we’ll have a big bash next year instead.






Wednesday 27th May 2020

Did a fair bit of sewing today.


Thursday 28th May 2020

Tidied out the garage this afternoon, found an old wooden clock. Thought it might be nice to upcycle it, rub

it down and paint it.


Friday 29th May 2020

Rubbed the clock down and put on the first coat of paint, looked okay, needs more work. Decided to have

a go at upcycling an old wooden rocking horse we’ve had stored in the garden for years. If it looks

okay, I’ll send it over for Em. Looks a bit scary with the black and red face, needs making more girly, might

try to make it into a unicorn.


Got a WhatsApp video from Chels of Em rolling over. She’s growing up so quickly, every day she’s doing a

new trick. I can’t wait for this lockdown to end, so I can go to see them. The fact that I can’t fly to see them

is the worse part of the lockdown for me – bloody lockdown bloody virus, grrrrrr


Saturday 30th May 2020

Not much happened today – same old, same old.


Sunday 31st May 2020





More developments, schools are due to reopen on Monday and the decision on whether to send children

back or not is likely to be the hardest decision a parent will make this year. The Government has told

schools to reopen to children in nursery, Year One, Reception and Year Six from June 1 - but there is no

such pressure on parents, with the return decision "entirely theirs". Again vague, wishy washy instructions,

pushing the responsibility onto the general public, so everyone will do something different!


A host of new rules will make the classrooms children used to know, a very different place to the ones they

will return to. There is expected to be temperature checks at the gate, one-way systems, designated

entrances and staggered start and end times.


Zoe will be starting her new school on the 8th June, she’s so excited. Chels says the class sizes have been

halved and she’ll be on a rota of one week in, one week home, I assume with homework to

complete. It’s all change, we’ve got to get used to.