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Corona Diaries

Mary and Maria

Mary and Maria Picture

“We are aware that other people are suffering or finding things difficult, but I have explained to the children that although many people are finding it tough or going through difficult times, we feel for them and understand but also that it is okay for us to be okay.”

Background information: Female, Primary School Teacher, South Wales, White, Married, Heterosexual, Two children [aged 8 and 11]. Mary’s daughter, Maria’s [aged 11] diary can also be found below.





“We are aware that other people are suffering or finding things difficult, but I have explained to the children that although many people are finding it tough or going through difficult times, we feel for them and understand but also that it is okay for us to be okay.”


Background information

Female, Primary School Teacher, South Wales, White, Married, Heterosexual, Two children [aged 8 and 11].

Mary’s daughter, Maria’s [aged 11], diary can also be found below.

March 2020 17th March 2020 Came home from work (part time primary school teacher) and decided I wouldn’t be sending my own children to their primary school from tomorrow. Concerned about keeping them safe amongst so many other pupils. Things very relaxed at my school but good measures have been put in place at their school – regular hand washing, using own equipment, wiping down of laptops after each use etc. Whole school assemblies had been cancelled, however they came home today and said they had all been in the hall together as a special assembly about anti-bullying had been booked and still went ahead. Discussed it with them and they seemed okay with the decision. Easy for me to home school them due to my job and, as my husband works shifts, we can look after them at home between us all week. Youngest daughter still went to her piano lesson as it is a one-to-one session and her teacher said she is wiping down keyboard with anti-bac. spray after each pupil and children are using hand sanitizer before and after each session. Friday 20th March Should have been attending an embroidery course in Llandeilo today but it was cancelled. Schools closing to majority of pupils from Monday Sunday March 22nd (Mothering Sunday) Decided to cancel oldest daughter’s piano lesson today as we need to officially enter lockdown – if they are not going to school then they should not go anywhere else. Monday 23rd March





Went to work this morning as we are open for key workers children and vulnerable pupils. On arrival about half the staff are not there as they have underlying health conditions. I too have one, although not sure to what extent I am at risk, sent home by Deputy Head as a precaution. Continued home-schooling my own children – they have drawn up timetables and want to work from 9a.m. to 3.30pm and follow the school day as much as possible. I have a garage full of old resources so they will come in handy. Wednesday 25th March Youngest daughter’s first virtual piano lesson via Zoom – very easy to use and it went well. Saturday 28th March Should have been going to a wedding reception this evening but it has been postponed until December. We already have food home deliveries set up in advance as we usually shop this way and our cupboards are always fully stocked so no concerns about running out. Seems to be lots of panic buying going on with pasta and toilet paper top of the list. My use of Whatsapp has increased dramatically as this is how my colleagues are communicating. I’m finding it very intrusive but impossible to switch off, have a headache from being on it all day, no idea how people do this day in day out normally- I can’t get anything done with it beeping all the time. Even when I turn the notifications off I still keep checking it. The children have enjoyed home schooling this week. Most immediate concern was youngest daughter needing optician’s appointment as she had scratched the surface of her eye. But we didn’t want to take her out. Had a phone consultation with optician and she needed drops. Husband went to pharmacy (wearing mask and gloves) – queued up outside 2m apart, I in I out system. Monday 30th March American fridge freezer delivered today. We checked deliveries were still going ahead. I planned to steam clean after the delivery people had been as I feel concerned about other people coming into the house. But there was no need to worry about that – when they arrived they said it could only be brought as far as the doorstep as they weren’t allowed in. It was huge and said 3 person delivery on the box. They asked my husband if he had anyone to help him, when they saw me they took pity on us. As the box was so big the delivery people could hold one end and stay outside. We got it into the hallway with no idea how we would move it ourselves. Took 5 hours to get it into utility room!





Children’s school have set up work on google classrooms and they can chat and message their classmates and teachers. They don’t like taking part in the video calls though. Grateful for all the technology available to keep connected with people. Youngest daughter suffering from bad headaches this week which has worried me – had a phone consultation with optician again (3 times so far during lockdown!) then a phone appointment with doctor who said it was probably viral. Main concerns about lockdown at the moment – access to health care for the children. Also worried about supplies of food (even though we have plenty), news reports showing empty shelves and panic buying which is worrying. I am also worrying if utilities will be disrupted? Our water has been off and on throughout week due to a burst mains which is a worry when we need to be washing hands thoroughly. Cleaning house and children in slightly obsessive way. Have systems in place for when husband gets home from work (NHS front line worker) – undressed on doorstep, clothes in bag, uniform and clothes taken to utility room and washed separately. Husband to shower immediately and towel to go straight in wash.

April 2020 Saturday 4th April Oldest daughter should have been having her Birthday Pamper Party Today. She is not too upset. We said we’ll have it after lockdown instead. Wednesday 8th April Oldest daughter’s 11th birthday today – picnic on lawn with bunting Lovely sunny day Sunday 12th April Easter egg hunt in the garden No home schooling for 2 weeks – having a well earned rest Tuesday 21st April Youngest daughter’s 8th birthday – tea party in the shed in the garden. (Pamper Party on 25th April Cancelled)

May 2020





Tuesday 26th May From a personal point of view the children and I are ‘enjoying’ lockdown because of the family time it has given us. We have lived the last weeks in a bubble. We are enjoying being at home and playing in the garden till late at night in the lovely weather. We have watched the space station passing over head and have seen shooting stars and bats flying around. The garden is lovely and we have enjoyed planting flowers. Home-schooling is continuing to go well. My eldest daughter has learnt to cook, we have been gardening, sewing and doing other craft activities which we all enjoy. We are aware that other people are suffering or finding things difficult but I have explained to the children that although many people are finding it tough or going through difficult times, we feel for them and understand but also that it is okay for us to be okay.

June 2020 I have returned to work in a different role – just undertaking admin work so that I do not have to work with the children. It’s the first time I have been anywhere other than short walks in my local area so driving the car seemed strange. It’s amazing how quickly the things you usually do every day feel different when you’ve stopped for just a short while. The other cars on the road seemed very fast and everything seemed loud. There are only a limited amount of staff at school so I feel it is safe for me to be there. Saturday 9th June Trip to G.P.’s for annual blood test. I found the safety procedures in the surgery reassuring but was surprised to see so many people not adhering to social distancing etc. on my way there. Saw lots of pupils from my school playing together in the streets and hanging around the local shop together. At Home – Zoom music lessons continue for children and everybody still happy, children still engaged with Google Classroom learning. Much later nights than usual though and staying in pyjamas a lot later in the mornings. A close relative has been admitted to hospital – not Covid related but it has been difficult as I am not allowed to visit, luckily a neighbour works at the hospital so we have been able to send things in and get information. We have needed many GP appointments and 1 optician visits for my eldest daughter – still surprised that many people do not seem to be adhering to rules – the town centre was quite busy with families out shopping and many people not following 2m distance rule. I had my mask and gloves on but only saw one other person taking same precaution. Going out to the GP’s has helped me reintegrate back into society – my daughter said she even looked

forward to the visits – like a day out.





Maria – Mary’s eldest daughter April 2020

Sunday 19th April

I always used to wonder what it would be like to live during the great plague of London, and now, I technically am. I often wonder what my last months in primary school would have been like, if lockdown hadn’t happened. It’s the hardest time to transfer to comp. I don’t know what will happen and when schools will reopen. All of the change has left me confused and a bit scared. I wonder when everything will get back to normal. Will it ever get back to normal?

I have spent most of today drawing a rainbow on my front steps with chalk. When the chalk kept snapping and dust marks stained my jeans, I wanted to give up; but I kept reminding myself that I was doing it for key workers. We need as much support as possible during the coronavirus pandemic, so I suppose I’m just doing my bit.

Tomorrow, I am going to be making my sisters birthday cake ready for Sunday. It’s sad that she can’t spend her birthday with her friends. I turned eleven two weeks ago. I was going to have a big party with all my friends. I probably won’t see most of them again, as we are going to different high schools. It’s a really sad time.

Monday 20th April

It’s no longer the Easter break, so I have to do my school work. As soon as I woke up, I felt really tired and didn’t want to do any work, but I had to. I was really sleepy, so I ended up doing maths in my pyjamas. I couldn’t get focused as my sister was telling me very funny and rude jokes, so I decided to go down my bedroom to work. I did a couple of pages before getting out my pens and doing some drawing. I had a snack and then got straight back to work. Well, not for long. I got disturbed by my Dad who said I had to make Emily’s birthday cake. I put up my hair and started the cake. I hadn’t made a cake in a while, so it was the most enjoyable thing that I have done since lockdown began.

When I finished making the Victoria sponge mixture, I put it in the oven to bake. I knew no one would want a plain Victoria sponge as a birthday cake, so I decided as a topping, I could put some lemon curd – this was Emily’s favourite.








Behind Locked Doors – By Maria

Behind Locked Doors live the people of earth,

We stay at home for all we’re worth.

This pandemic is unearthly,

Though in the end, it will work out perfectly.


All key workers and the NHS,

Try to do their very best,

To keep us safe,

While we’re in our own place.


My Dad is a paramedic who drives an ambulance.

Sometimes he has to skip lunch,

Because he goes out on calls to save peoples lives,

I’m really proud of my lovely Dad, that’s why I want to give him a prize.






My Mum’s a teacher and she helps us all learn,

To be nice and how to take turns.

Without her, and all her other teaching friends,

I wouldn’t know how to spell spends and ends.

So thanks to all the people of earth,

Who stay at home for all they’re worth.

Thanks to the teachers, the doctors, the nurses.

Who help us get better, not worse.


June 2020

Thursday 3th June

FINALLY! Lockdown rules have actually been eased! I have waited like two months for this to happen! We went to see my Grandparents on Monday and yesterday, but it’s typical; now that we can see our relatives, it’s the worst weather ever! Last week I was sunbathing and chilling in the pool, but now, the most I can do is shelter under the tree in my sister and I’s hideout. We were in there all the time last week. It’s shady and it was really fun making sculptures out of mud – they dried and even held shape, but now, all the sculptures are soaked though. Oh well, there’s plenty to do inside e.g. – play on my phone, do some work, watch TV and tidy my room (Not that it’s messy. I love my room to be spick and span. No one can touch anything – especially my little sister!) The thing I do most during lockdown is probably facetime my cousin. Even though she is 19 and 8 years older than me, we have so much in common. We love hair and makeup, and whenever we’re up our Gran’s house we’re always in our bedroom (for sleepovers), we sit on my bed and do our nails and curl our hair. I miss her soo much!