“I have only cried once in the last seven days and I’ve managed to have several alcohol-free days”.
Background information Female, Aged 34-44, Freelance Writer, From England, Christian, White, Married with Three Children Aged 19, 11 and 8.
Melanie “I have only cried once in the last seven days and I’ve managed to have several alcohol-free days”.
Background information Female, Aged 34-44, Freelance Writer, From England, Christian, White, Married with Three Children Aged 19, 11 and 8
March 23rd – Week 1
We’re a week into being at home, just the four of us (I tried to persuade the 18yo to come back from uni,
but she’s on a nursery placement and was needed) and I’ve learnt a lot this week about what helps me stay
sane, and what helps my family. I thought that as many of you might be about to embark on the same –
and for how long who knows – that it might be helpful for me to write up some of the things I’ve learnt…
1) Deep breathing is your friend. Sounds simple doesn’t is? Just breathe. But it is something we easily
forget when we are feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Deeply breathe into the diaphragm – in for
four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four (there are other variations for this online, this one works
for me) This helps the part of your fight or flight system reset itself and tell your brain you are not in
immediate danger. You can do this anywhere, anytime. Standing, sitting, lying. Whilst you’re making
a cup of tea or are on the loo. Lower your shoulders and breathe deeply.
2) Try and keep to a routine. It’s very tempting to want to stay in your pyjamas all day because you
can, but if you usually got up at 7am and had a shower then do the same. If you used to run to and
from work go for a run around the block before you start work and when you finish. Have a proper
lunch break. Finish work at the same time you would normally. Keeping a routine helps us keep
some level of normality in our lives.
3) Get outside. I cannot repeat this enough. Do some deep breathing outside = even better. Social
distancing still applies here, but you can go for a walk or a run or a bike ride and steer well clear of
anyone else. If you have a garden get in it. If you don’t open a window and lean out and feel the sun
(if it’s out!) on your face. My eleven year old and I are starting couch to 5K today. Do whatever you
can manage, but try and get outside at least once a day.
4) Restrict access to the news. It is very easy to go down a rabbit hole of doom and need to check
every update, every breaking development, but it is not healthy. A lot of what is happening is out of
our control, which can be extremely anxiety inducing. Limit your access to news to maybe once a
day. I’ve deleted Twitter and Facebook from my phone as well as the news apps and it has been life
changing. No I am not in denial, I am just confident that if I need to know something, I’ll find it out.
5) Donate and do good where you can. I’m supporting the local food bank, as well as a local hospital’s
staff in their ICU department by donating much needed toiletries. I’ve ordered goods from friends
who run their own businesses and tried to champion fellow authors etc. online. It helps me feel like I
am doing something to help even though I am stuck at home. And that I’m not powerless.
6) Be kind to each other. We’re all a bit overwhelmed by this and not sure how to behave. I’ve learnt to
have a bit more tolerant this week for my husband who has been working 24/7 to keep his job.
When we first went into isolation I resented that I was the one home educating, and cooking, and
doing all the boys’ physio and medicine etc. etc. whilst still working myself. But he’s also playing a
vital role in keeping us safe, and if that means he can’t help out practically then so be it.
7) Take the pressure off. We are not all teachers. We do not need to recreate school at home. Our
children (I’m talking primary level here as that’s how old mine are, I appreciate it’s different for
secondary school aged children) do not need to have daily algebra lessons or spend hours learning
about fronted sodding adverbials. Bake. Garden. Create. Watch films together. Go for walks. Play
board games. Give them screen time. Whatever. Yes keeping to a routine and yes if they want to
learn something more formal then go for it, but don’t set expectations for homeschooling that no one
is going to meet. If you want some inspiration I’m posting on Instagram what we’re doing most days.
I’m very lucky to have been a primary school teacher for fifteen years, but that doesn’t mean I find
this homeschooling malarkey easy. I’m just being guided by my children and am trying to find ways
of teaching them through what they are interested in. If you would find a blog post on ideas helpful
then please comment below.
8) Have virtual get-togethers. Grab a drink, get some snacks, heck put your make up on and a fancy
outfit and then FaceTime, or Whatsapp, or Zoom and get together. Social contact is so important
and I miss my friends. And it’s the same for my children – my eleven year old is currently enjoying a
group FaceTime with his peers who are also off school at the moment. They’re talking nonsense,
but it is so lovely to hear them laugh and see each other’s faces!
9) Take time out for yourself. If you can (I know not everyone can) but have a bath, read a book, go for
a walk. I crave time on my own and if I don’t have it I can easily feel overwhelmed. Yesterday I went
into another room and read a book for half an hour and it was enough.
10) Keep a gratitude diary. I’ve been doing this religiously since this shitty virus came into circulation.
And I have got a lot more to be grateful for than I realised. It’s helping put things into perspective
and is taking the momentous fear away. I am so lucky in so many ways and instead of spiraling into
fear and anxiety (which over the past week, I have done many a time let me tell you) I now sit back
and say what is good about this situation and find the positives. There are some, I promise.
11) Have a look at all the positives that are happening in response to this. How people are pulling
together. That the internet is full of wonderful people offering support for free. Free yoga, crafts,
films, plays, lessons and so much more. And then look at Venice and that dolphins and swans are
coming back as pollution is less. And the air over China is clearer than it has been in decades.
Mother Nature is benefitting from this hugely.
All I can say is that over the past seven days there have been ups and downs. Moments of sheer ‘holy fuck
I can’t do this for weeks how will I cope what if my mum gets it and I can’t go and help her or my daughter’
etc. but now I actually feel very calm and very positive. I LOVE having my children here with me, I’m getting
to know them more, understand them more. Tomorrow night my husband and I are going on a date to a
fancy restaurant (the kitchen) and then to the cinema (the lounge.)
It is going to be okay. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time if you need to. No ‘what ifs,’ just facts
about the here and now.
This too shall undoubtedly pass.
Week 2
Hello again! How are you?
It’s fair to say week two in isolation hasn’t been as Mary Poppins-esq as week one, but I’ve still learnt a lot
and several people have asked for me to carry on writing these posts weekly pointing out, quite rightly, that
this helps me too.
Last week, I’m not ashamed to say, I was manic. I knew I was. I wanted to be everything to everyone – the
best mum, ‘I’ll worry so you don’t have to children,’ the best teacher, ‘I was a primary school teacher, I’ve
got this,’ the best wife, ‘Darling, it’s ok, you work work work, I’ll take care of everything else, ‘ the best cook,
‘ here have some nutritious goodness I have cooked from a mangle of shit in my freezer,’ the fittest person,
‘I will exercise every day, twice a day, I am an Olympian,’ the best friend, ‘are you okay, no I’m fine, what
about you, what do you need?’ And everything else… the list could go on, you get the picture. I knew I was
manic, but I didn’t care because I felt good.
Safe to say it was never going to last.
And this week, after a phone call from the hospital confirming that the boys were very high risk and we had
to stay at home for twelve weeks, I crashed. I wasn’t frustrated. I wasn’t angry. I was terrified. Most of the
time I can carry on as normal and to a certain degree forget that my children have a life-threatening rare
disease. But it’s at times like this, when to be fair I could really do without any extra stress, that the
differences between them and their peers are highlighted, and that they are about to have harsher
restrictions put on them.
So, although this week has been harder than the first (still trying to get 18yo home, she’s in Bristol now at
her amazing Godmother’s, so she’s getting closer!) I have learnt some things I think it would be handy to
share, both for mums of healthy children and for those of not so healthy children, because… in the words of
High School Musical… we’re ALL in this together.
1) Emotions. Who knew there was such a range? Anger, fear, elation, mania, sadness, joy. I think I
have felt them all over the last week and have at times switched from utter despair to complete
elation within seconds. (discovering Baywatch is on Prime might have had something to do with
this!) And what I’ve learnt is that all of these emotions are valid and important to recognise. We’re
allowed to feel all of them. We’re allowed to sit and quietly sob for a hour on the sofa as well as
dance like crazy in the garden. We’re human and we have not been here before, so there is no way
of knowing how we are meant to react. For now, I am riding the rollercoaster and going with it. At
least I am feeling something. Each emotion serves a purpose, whether it’s telling me to slow down
or to speed up. Be kind to yourself and to others no matter how they are reacting. We are all dealing
with a lot of shit at the moment, chances are how people are behaving isn’t about you.
2) Saying no. Boundaries – we all have them, but sometimes we are just not very good at putting them
into action. Last weekend, when I was in full on Mary Poppins/Florence Nightingale/Wonder Woman
mode, my in-laws did a call out for food. They are in their eighties, but not vulnerable as such, and
had no bread. So I baked them a loaf, cleared out my freezer to give them some chicken breasts
and a lasagna and drove down to drop it on their driveway. We stayed in the car and they took the
shopping out of the boot (blue surgical gloves on and everything.) We smiled and waved and drove
home. Then yesterday I had a text: Rhian … we’ve got no milk. And I freaked out. I was worried that
they were now reliant on me to fix this and every other food related emergency they might have and
that I couldn’t. I had to send a message to my mother in-law saying that I was sorry, but she would
have to source her own milk. Then I went on Twitter to ask for support groups in the area and
Facebook to find someone to help. In the meantime – she’d taken control of the situation and sorted
it all. Bread. Milk. Veg. The lot. Me saying ‘no’ had helped her take control and she is now as a
result far less anxious than she was before. As am I. But I still felt so guilty that I couldn’t help,
before I realised that in a weird way I did help anyway. Saying no is ok. There are so many different
ways we can help people, but we (okay, I) need to learn to help ourselves as well. And sometimes
that means saying no if you need to, which brings me on to…
3) Watch your social media time. And I don’t mean Twitter and Facebook etc like I mentioned last
week – I mean Zoom, House Party, FaceTime etc Ironically I’ve been more social over the last week
than I have been for a long time and whilst it has been lovely and I am eternally grateful we have
the internet and I have awesome friends who want to see my face online and have a chat, I’m
exhausted! And it’s no surprise that Coronavirus is all everyone is talking about and that in itself can
get very draining, well for me anyway. If you need to, say no to the group chat and then join in the
next one. And don’t make the mistake of scheduling three for one evening. But of course (it should
go without saying) if you can’t get enough of socializing online then carry on, but at times for me last
week it was all a bit much and it also meant I never saw my husband because I was ‘out’ every
evening. I know this is going to be the only way I can socialize for the next twelve weeks, but I
decided that I don’t need it all in a week. Stay connected yes, but if you need a bit of a breather and
some time out then that is okay too. It’s about knowing our own boundaries and tolerances and
needs and doing what is right for us. I’ve scheduled in from 3pm – 4pm every day as ‘me time’
where my husband will take no conference calls and be with the boys. And I will upstairs with a
book and no phone.
4) Look after your eyes. See above point. If you have glasses for reading, wear them! We are all
staring at screens or reading etc possibly more than we would normally, so be kind to your eyes and
save yourself a headache or three!
5) Breathe. Keep doing it. It was important last week and it’s important this week. But I’ve forgotten to
take time to breathe this week and have needed regular reminders to chill for five. Breathing is
simple. It’s free. It works. Keep doing it. The weather has been so lovely I’ve been heading out in to
the garden and breathing in the warmth and vitamin D.
6) Learn to let go. Of guilt. Of ‘I should be doing this,’ or of ‘I ought to be doing that.’ Of trying to be
everything to everyone. Of trying to control stuff you can’t control. No you shouldn’t and no you
oughtn’t and no you cannot control what is happening outside the four walls of your home at the
moment. And sometimes you cannot control what is happening inside them either. It doesn’t mean
you are failing or doing something wrong. I promise.
7) Alcohol – it can be your friend and your enemy. For me, and there is no judgment here, I’ve
discovered that hangovers and the depressive side of drinking doesn’t always help me cope with
shit like this. You’d think I’d have learnt that by now, but no. I’m trying really hard not to drink every
night. It’s tempting, but I’m one of these people that can’t really stop at one glass, so it’s better for
me not to have one at all. On the nights I drank in the last week my sleep was poor and I woke up
far more anxious on the mornings after. For me, it wasn’t worth it.
8) Exercise really does help. I’m not a doctor so I won’t go into the mechanics of it, but doing some
exercise burns off all of the extra adrenaline stress and anxiety causes. The body holds stress just
as much as the mind and it really helps to get it out. Shake it off. Dance the night away. Do the
Wham rap. Swear at Joe Wicks when your legs are burning and he shouts for parents to get off the
sofa and join in again. I don’t care how do it, just get moving! (okay I do care, social distancing etc
9) Be selfish. And no, I don’t mean stockpile toilet paper or go to a party in the park. I mean know what
you need and tell people. Do what is right for you; heck maybe even put yourself first for a change.
As long as you are not neglecting or hurting anyone in the process then do whatever it is that you
need to do. And in doing so if people are being pissy because they can’t pop round and see you (I
have heard this happening) or are annoyed that you’ve cancelled an event or are refusing to go to
one, you can quite rightly tell them to fuck off. We have been advised to stay at home for a reason.
So do it.
10) Start a wish jar. We did this today. ALL of the things we’ve taken for granted or that we miss doing
are being written on paper and put in a jar and then we are free again, I’ve set a timer for us, then
we will DO THEM ALL. It’s giving us hope and something to look forward to.
11) Following on from point number 1 - your child or children’s moods might change this week. Again,
this is normal I think. Mine are moodier, more lethargic, less enthusiastic about any sort of directed
learning. I can’t decide if Joe Wicks (brilliant though he is) is a fab way to start the day, or if he’s
tiring my children out and depleting them of all their energy resources by 9.30am. My seven year old
is finding the change and isolation the hardest. Luckily, we had all the stuff needed to make a
sensory bottle, which is helping him, but we’ve also made a safe space for him to escape to if he
needs some time out. It’s hard not to snap, but for me I find letting him get it out of his system best
before I then go in for a hug. I validate his emotions, he is allowed to feel angry and frightened and
overwhelmed and everything else, but he’s not allowed to hurt anyone or break anything because
he is feeling that way. You know your children, and you’ll know what works for them. Here, at the
moment, it’s a sensory bottle and some time alone to let the emotion pass. Then a hug and a chat
about it. And an apology if needed. Failing that bribery and corruption all the way, fuck it. As I’ve
said, we’ve never been here before; we don’t know the right or wrong ways to handle this. Just
12) Remember to take it one day at a time. I became overwhelmed when we were told we had to stay
on for twelve weeks. It seemed so long, and that period of time is when all of my children’s birthdays
fall. I was sad for all of the things we had to cancel. I couldn’t even begin to think about when this is
all over because I was terrified that for us it would never be over. It all became too much and I had
to remind myself and listen to everyone who said, one day. Just take it one day at a time. And if that
is too much then just one hour at a time. Breakfast. Go outdoors. Lunch. Break it all down to
manageable slots. One day at a time is doable and realistic in a time when things can change so
drastically in a day.
I hope that all makes sense. This week feels more muddled, and my mental health has certainly been all
over the pace, rather like this blog post I suspect.
Hang in there everyone!
And as the famous quote goes…
If you’re going through hell, keep going!
Week 3
Hello again. How are you? It’s all getting a bit real and stressful now, right? But you’re all staying at home
and saving yourselves, others and the NHS, right? (Unless you are a key worker, obvs. And if you are
Yes, Rhian , you say.
This week, our third at home, has dragged in places and sped by in others. I actually can’t believe it’s
Thursday again already. As always there have been ups and downs and tears – but the good news is that
the 18yo is now in isolation just down the road and will be home in 9 days and counting. I am calmer
knowing she’s locked away – whilst she doesn’t have the same rare disease as the boys, she is asthmatic
– and that she will be home with us and properly safe soon.
Also, this week my middle one turned eleven, and celebrated a very different kind of birthday. (He said it
was awesome!) Although, it’s worth pointing out, that it wasn’t his worse, as that was his sixth birthday
when he was into his third week of a hospital stay having all sorts of investigative tests to find out why his
lung was collapsed and he was having recurrent chest infections. Every silver lining and all that…
So, here’s what have I learnt in the last seven days that I haven’t learnt already during this time, although
there may be some repetition… every day’s a school day…
1) Ask for and accept help. Yep, that’s right. You’re not putting people out; you’re making them feel like
they are doing something. And there is no shame in admitting there are some things you cannot do.
I’m historically very bad at asking for and accepting help, but this week I’ve had to. From having
prescriptions picked up, to pints of milk being delivered, to help with dog walking, to seeds being
posted through the letterbox, to strawberry plants being left on my doorstep, to daily messages of
links to ideas online for me and the boys to do, to housing my daughter and then driving her so she
can be put up in an annex and in a friend’s back garden, to popping down on your daily exercise
walk to drop of cards and banners and gifts for the birthday boy… thank you for all of it. (And
apologies if you’ve helped me and I’ve missed it out, I shall come on to memory loss later!) THANK
YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. I am blessed to have the most amazing friends and neighbours
who will do anything for my family and I. I owe you all BIG TIME and when I can I will return all of
your amazing favours. I PROMISE.
2) There still aren’t enough hours in the day. Sounds daft, but it is true. I still cannot get on top of the
washing, or get my children to regularly clean their teeth even though I’m at home 24/7. There are
still dirty dishes on top of the dishwasher that needs emptying and I thought by now I’d at least have
painted and decorated one room in the house. But no. No, no, no. I have sorted some jigsaw
puzzles. And I have baked a cake. And I have achieved some other things, but there are texts I
haven’t had time to reply (or have forgotten about) to cups of tea left to go cold on the side. But, you
know what? I’ve learnt to let it go about it and not worry. At first I was extremely frustrated that I
wasn’t achieving more each day. I hadn’t done any writing or been creative or anything. And I had
all the time in the world, so why wasn’t I able to Get. Shit. Done? I thought that I must be a failure,
blah blah blah. But bollocks to that. I’m surviving. I’m feeding my children and doing the best I can.
And that’s enough for now. The fact that there aren’t enough hours in the day is a god thing. It
means time for once is not dragging. And for that I am grateful. We’re in this for the long haul and so
there is still plenty of time to get shit done. Or not.
3) Wiser food choices. A positive! We are wasting less food. And we are eating a wider variety of foods
(sounds glamorous, it’s not – I’m just throwing random things I can find together instead of going to
the supermarket and getting whatever I fancy or cooking whatever I know the boys will definitely
eat) We are more careful with our portions and because of this there is less waste. The children are
actually clearing their plates - they appreciate their food more - because they know we haven’t got
as much food as normal or as easy access to it. (I’ve registered the boys as extremely vulnerable
with the Government after getting the letter through for them, but still we have no delivery slot) I’ve
recognised that it’s good for my mental health to be more creative with what food we’ve got. And I’m
enjoying the challenge!
4) Family time. Another positive. We are eating together more as a family. With my husband here it’s
no longer me cooking one meal for the boys and then another one later on for us after he gets home
from work. We are sitting down together and eating the same food and it is lovely. We chat, we
laugh, we talk about what things we will do when this is all over. One of which is to sit down for
family meals more often!
5) Trigger time. I have noticed that mentally, anxiety wise, I’m generally okay during the day – as long
as I avoid the news and certain social media apps. But as the sun is setting, I feel unsettled and
anxious. I mentioned this on Twitter and a lovely doctor I know mentioned Sundown Syndrome. I
had no idea it was a thing, and haven’t Googled it, but it made sense. I can keep busy during the
day and keep my mind occupied. But then once everyone is fed and the boys are doing their physio
and I might catch the news or start thinking about tomorrow, I remember what is happening outside
the safety of my home. Now I know that this is my triggering time I make sure I’m doing something
to keep busy, or I simply recognise the feelings and say to myself that this is my bad time, and in an
hour it’ll be okay again. And it always is. Know your triggers, know the times of the day when you
are more vulnerable, and understand that how you are feeling during this time will pass. Feelings
aren’t facts. Fact.
6) On that note, I’ve also learnt not to pick up my phone as soon as I wake up. Those early moments
where I wake and forget what’s going on are precious. They remind me of what it’s like when you’re
grieving. When you wake and fleetingly everything is temporarily forgotten, before it all comes
flooding back. Not reaching for my phone delays the rush of reality and allows me to be a bit more
mindful and present and calm. It’s a nicer way to start the day. I’m not being ignorant or wanting to
be in denial, I just want to protect myself that little bit longer before getting up and getting through
another day. The news will still be there later. I just don’t need it rammed in my face as soon as I
open my eyes.
7) Hair. I’ve learnt that I don’t have the kind of hair that looks good unwashed, or washed and then left
to dry naturally. The less said about this, the better.
8) Memory and concentration. This has deserted me this week. I forget what day it is. I forget to reply
to texts or emails. I forget words for things. I can’t remember what conversations I’ve had with my
husband – yesterday I said the same thing to him five times. I guess it’s because my mind is either
so full of holding it all together that it doesn’t have time to remember the little things, or that it’s had
enough and can’t be bothered anymore. Either way, if you’ve messaged me and I’ve not replied this
will undoubtedly be why. Sorry. Also, now I think of it, maybe I’ve mentioned some of these points in
a previous blog post and have forgotten. But who cares, right? If I’ve repeated them here then they
must be important, so sod it.
9) Mindfulness. I’ve never really got on with this before, whenever they told me to focus on my
breathing it would have the opposite of the intended effect and make me start to hyperventilate. But
this week I thought I would give it another go and downloaded the Headspace app. I am now on day
6. I do it at bedtime, but first thing in the morning would work well too, although that would involve
reaching for my phone. Anyway, I think it’s helping. It’s nice to have five minutes to block everything
out, be in the moment and remind myself that in that very moment we are safe at home.
And that’s where I’ll end this post because it is an important point and a mantra I keep repeating…
We’re not stuck at home; we’re safe at home.
Week 4 Week four – cabin fever sets in.
Four weeks of shielding. Four whole weeks. That’s a long time to not leave your house when you’re used to
being busy. Cabin fever set in this week. I didn’t know that was an actual thing, I thought it was a flippant
phrase people used. But no. It’s a thing. And it properly makes you go a bit crazy. If you look at the
Wikipedia page about it you’ll see that cabin fever can make people do risky things. Like leave their homes
in a pandemic. I did it myself last Thursday. I. Had. To. Leave. The. House. So I got in my car and drove
down to the car park near the local river. And before you start tutting at me it’s less than ¼ mile away and I
can see it from my house, but obviously due to shieling I couldn’t walk there like I normally would. Anyway,
I wanted freedom. A change of scenery. Some time alone. Time out. Whatever. I had succumbed to cabin
fever. But leaving the house was horrible. The short drive down was filled with anxiety. I freaked out that I
might break down or maybe crash. Then I sat in my car down by the river with the windows firmly closed
and I held my breath every time someone walked or ran past. (And a lot of people walked or ran past.) It
wasn’t relaxing or comforting and all I wanted to do was go home. The some hideous human stood in front
of my car and blew his nose onto the road in front of me. Well that was it. I was sure I was contaminated
with the dreaded virus and I HATED myself for having left the house and putting everyone in danger
because I selfishly wanted some time alone. Some release from the mundane groundhog-ness of everyday
Never again. This week I toyed with the idea of sitting in my car on the drive with a flask of tea and a good
book instead. I haven’t done it yet, but I might.
And what did this experience of fleeing the safety of my own home teach me and make me think about? It
reminded me that I am privileged. That I get to stay at home and be safe. It taught me once again to be so
bloody grateful for those who don’t have the choice of whether to stay safe at home or not and I want to
thank each and every person who is on the front line or is a key worker for putting themselves in danger
and their families too. I am in awe of their bravery and resilience. Their selfishness at a time when no one
would forgive them for hiding away with their loved ones is to be hugely applauded and I will be stood at my
window clapping like hell for them all again later.
It also made me think of people whose lives are like this all the time, pandemic or not. Miranda Hart has
been doing some chatty rambles (aka chambles) on her Instagram account and she talks about this and
hidden disabilities and illnesses far better than I could. Go check them out.
It also made me think about all the fuckers who are ignoring this whole thing and getting in their cars
unnecessarily and driving a lot further than ¼ mile down the road to their second homes or holiday lets. If
this is you and I find out, consider our friendship done.
So, what has this fourth week brought aside from cabin fever? (And apologies if I am repeating myself in
these blog posts. I’ve decided not to read back over the previous ones to check what I’ve written as I’m
worried that may affect what I write today or skew my memory of this week’s thoughts/feelings/experiences
somehow. And now my blog is part of a research project at Swansea University – I know! – looking into
how people react to a pandemic/social isolation, I want it to be as authentic as possible.)
1. Control. It is no surprise to people who know me that I like to be in control. I like to know what,
when, why, how and if I don’t know these things and I can’t find them out then I hate it. I like making
things better, solving problems, finding solutions, fixing things. But I can’t fix this. And I can’t control
it or how it affects us and that’s been hard to let go of. So instead and as a way of coping I decided
to control the feck out of what I can – and that, for this week at least, has been food based.
Sourcing online delivery slots, even when you have someone in the house registered as extremely
vulnerable, is a challenge, but one I have nailed this week. Coming up with new recipes from the
bizarre mishmash of foods we have has been a challenge and one I have relished. In the kitchen I
am in control. So, if like me you’ve struggled with lack of control recently then find something at
home that you can control the hell out of. For me, right now, being in charge of food, both its
sourcing and cooking, makes me feel in control. And gives me a purpose, which brings me nicely on
2. Having a purpose. Much as I like to be busy and in control I also like to have a purpose. I need to
achieve and sitting on my arse doing bugger all is not something I am comfortable with. Not that I
don’t do it, but I want to be able to choose to do it, not be forced if that makes sense. I hate to think
I’m wasting a single minute of the day and put a lot of pressure on myself to achieve something
daily. Well, obviously in the middle of a pandemic I have struggled with this. I haven’t achieved
anything, or so I think. I’ve had a go, but my brain hasn’t wanted to create, so novel number three is
very much on hold, even though I keep thinking now more than ever I should have the time to be
cracking on and writing it. I ought to make extra effort to sit at my desk and work. I must at least try.
And I’ve struggled with my job and so have lost the purpose of supporting others, for now. It’s hard
for me to achieve nothing. I feel like I’m not moving forward. I’m not making a difference. I’m wasting
precious time alive. This may sounds daft, but I have always been brought up to do, do, do. Plus
that’s how my brain works, I like to do, do, do. But during an epic meltdown yesterday I was
reminded by a very good friend that I don’t need to achieve at the moment. And in fact, surviving
everyday IS an achievement. End of. I need to lower my expectations of myself and notice what I
am in fact achieving. No shoulds, oughts or musts, which ironically is what I tell pretty much every
woman I support through my job. Those words are now banned! And if all I achieve in a day is
feeding my family (control!) or making sure they feed themselves then that’s something!
3. Sleep. I was quite surprised that so far in this pandemic my sleep hadn’t been affected, but that
changed this week. I can’t drop off easily anymore and I wake more often during the night. On top of
that, although undoubtedly inked, I’m sleepier during the day too. I’m told this is normal and often
think to the Big Brother house where after several weeks living in there all the contestants started
sleeping a lot more than usual. I’m sure there’s something scientific to back up my theory that this is
all perfectly normal, and napping during the day may in fact be a healthy way to help cope with it all,
but to be honest I banned myself from Googling anything even vaguely health related a while back
so am not going to start reading up on how sleep, lack of it or too much of it might impact my health
now. What I will say is that I think going with the flow and listening to your body on this front it
probably best. Don’t panic if insomnia strikes (easier said than done, I know) and if you need to nap
then go for it. I certainly am.
4. Time. I think I wrote last week that there still weren’t enough hours in the day to get everything
done. This week there are too many. The afternoons in particular are dragging. Maybe because
that’s when I hit peak ‘I should’ve achieved something today’ time, and then realise that I can’t and
there’s nothing to do. Or I haven’t got the energy or motivation to do it anyway. God I sound
miserable. But it’s hard because the time I do have is making me think more, which is not always a
good thing with an overactive imagination like mine. I find myself worrying about all of the people
who are unwell at the moment and all those out helping them. Worried about women and men in
violent relationships or children in unsafe homes. I think about all of the smear tests that are being
missed as well as bowel screenings and the knock on impact of how some people’s illnesses won’t
be picked up early enough. I worry about people’s mental health and resilience, about how many of
us will become agoraphobic and too scared to leave the house every again. I worry I’ve forgotten
how my friends smell. (Yes, I know this one is weird, but it felt huge yesterday.) Time = too many
thoughts for me, many of them I recognise as unhelpful. Like my best friend said to me yesterday -
we could be in a world where there were no worries and I’d be like, ‘hold my beer.’ I’m trying to learn
to enjoy this time (and I do enjoy of a lot of it, I promise even though it might not seem like it in this
post today!) and to appreciate the long, hot days in the garden with my children instead of wishing
we were at the beach in Cornwall like we were meant to be right now. Time is a gift. My children will
hopefully remember this as the time when we were altogether at home for weeks on end having fun
together. The beach will still be there when this is all over.
5. Information. I’ve learnt to go with the flow on this one and I’m pretty sure I’m repeating myself here.
Whilst I still stand by reducing your exposure to the media and the news I’ve come to the realisation
that some days I want to know nothing, whereas on other days I need ALL THE INFORMATION.
And I’m learning that on the days when I devour every news article going and watch the daily
briefing and look at the statistics and scour twitter for information I’m going to feel a little more shite
about the whole thing.
6. Music. Ending on a positive. Music is really amazing and can change how I feel in an instant. My
latest obsession is the new album by Dua Lipa as every single song is upbeat and makes me want
to dance around my kitchen, whilst cooking and convincing myself ive not lost all control. Or hope.
Stay safe people. And stay at home.
Oh, and as my best friend very wisely says… it’s okay if now is simply a time to survive, not thrive.
Week 5
Week Five - meh
Five bloody weeks. To be honest, for some reason, I’m a little flat this week.
Last Sunday was without doubt the highlight of the last seven days. Finally my eighteen year-old daughter
made it home safely. I am in awe of the way she self-isolated for fourteen whole days, alone. She’s always
been determined and this strength of character certainly served her well during her time in my friend’s
annex. There was a definite party atmosphere in the house the morning she came back – I even heard my
husband singing in the kitchen - and whilst it’s so lovely to have her home, it means I don’t have anything to
look forward to anymore. And I think I underestimated how much the countdown to her return was keeping
me going and giving me something to aim for. Now, it’s just this. The five of us under the same roof, unable
to even go out for a walk, until 15th June at the earliest. No early release for us. Shielding for twelve weeks
whether everyone else has gone back to normal or not. I’m already dreading the jealousy and resentment
that I’m worried is going to hit me at that time, when I see everyone’s Facebook and Instagram posts
showing them all meeting up without me. My children’s friends getting back to normal, when I’m once again
reminded that my children aren’t normal and will miss out on stuff because of it. I can feel the bitterness
creeping in. The catastrophising that the Year 6 prom will go ahead without my eleven-year-old there. That
my children will be forgotten in the excitement of a return normality for most.
Caveat – just for the record dear friends and family, I KNOW you won’t actually let any of these things
happen – this is just the way my brain works, most of you know that by now. Worst case scenario. Every
time. Like I said last week, not got anything to worry about? … hold my beer…
So yes, as I was saying, everything seems a little bit flat this week. We’ve filled the box of ‘things we want
to do when this is all over,’ and I know that some things have been put in there more than once. But on the
news this morning they said social distancing would have to carry on for many until there is a vaccine. And
that’s what my thoughts are focussed on at the moment… that we (as in my family) won’t fully be able to
relax until we either get a vaccine, or have a test to see if we’ve already had Covid-19 or not. I know I won’t
be able to relax until one or the other of these things happens. And so it doesn’t matter what is in our box of
stuff to look forward to, it just seems too far out of reach at the moment. One of the amazing nurses who is
part of the boys’ PCD team has already expressed concerns that I’m going to want to keep them safe at
home when we are finally allowed out, vaccine, test or not. She knows me well.
Anyway, I’ve rambled on a fair bit already, so let’s get on to what I’ve learnt this week…
1. Normality. This links to what I was saying above. There’s been a quote doing the rounds on social
media. It says,
In the rush to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing
back to. Dave Hollis.
I cannot get this quote out of my head. It’s like New Year’s Resolutions, but with bells on and I am
feeling all the pressure. Some days I want to return to none of it. I want to finally commit to moving
to Cornwall (we talk about it ALL of the time anyway) or change my job or my routines. Other days I
dream of returning to it all, every bit.
It is fair to say that I’ve realised, I think, that I was so busy powering on through my life that I wasn’t
taking the time to notice what was working for me and what wasn’t. Which of my friendships were
toxic and which of them I was taking for granted. What made me happy and what didn’t. I don’t want
to just plod along everyday simply making do when this is all over. But then, I’m also craving the
mundane, the normal, the everyday. It’s a very confusing time! I’m hoping that when the time comes
I’ll be able to trust my instincts and know what I want to rush back to, and be at peace with leaving
behind anything that doesn’t call to me or fill me with pleasure. Here’s hoping anyway.
2. Guilt. I feel a lot of guilt this week. Mainly for not checking in with friends and family more. The
Houseparty notifications have tailed off as have some of my Whatsapp and Facebook messenger
groups and texts. The initial excitement/agitation of when this all kicked off is gone and people are
settling into a new way of living and communicating, which is understandable. But I feel bad that I
haven’t sent a text and checked how someone is, especially when I know that person has been
struggling. It’s not from lack of time, obviously, so I’m not sure what it is. Maybe this is becoming the
new norm and I’m already slipping into old habits and not reaching out. Maybe I’m becoming more
hermit like, safe in these four walls with my family around me. Maybe I feel helpless as I feel I
cannot do anything to support them other than listen and empathise. Or maybe I should stop
worrying about it and stop feeling guilty… it serves no purpose anyway!!
3. Webcams. Never before have I known the joy a small camera can bring! A very good friend of mine
sent me the link to a webcam at my favourite beach in Cornwall, where we used to play as children,
and since then I have become addicted to the things. I’ve been watching cameras from my favourite
beaches and harbours in Cornwall and France. You have to imagine the sound of the waves
crashing on to the shore, or play them from another device and pretend, but still it is lovely seeing
my favourite holiday destinations in real time. Beautiful sunsets and sunrises. The odd dog walker
or person getting their daily exercise. It’s a great way to pass the time and I find it very calming.
Those beaches are still there, waiting for me to return to them. And I will.
4. Complacency. Now, I am at the height of paranoia and anxiety where the Coronavirus is concerned.
I have had extreme health anxiety since I thought I was having a heart attack aged five (true story)
and with the boys’ being so vulnerable this is literally all of my worst fears coming true. But still, it’s
bizarre how easy it is for even me to become complacent as time goes by. To wash my hands for
ten seconds instead of twenty because I’m sure it’ll be okay. Or to open the post without sterilising it
first. Or to not wash my apples in Fairy Liquid (okay, maybe this was one step too far in the first
place.) But it’s scary how easily we can convince ourselves that something is okay just because we
are exhausted from keeping on top of it. I’m rightly furious with people ignoring social distancing, but
I am starting to understand why some of them think it’s okay (aside from the twats who think rules
don’t apply to them, obvs.) Take my neighbour, for example, who had her grandchildren around
again this week even though she should not be seeing them at all. Perhaps she thinks that because
they’ve been social distancing for weeks they are all safe and it’ll be alright if they don’t visit for too
long and stay two metres apart from each other whilst they are there. I can see the logic. But NO.
NO. NO. DO NOT GET COMPLACENT. Notice when it’s happening and as much of a pain in the
arse it is to stick to the advice DO IT. Call people who walk two abreast on the pavement out. Wash
your fruit and vegetables, in Fairy liquid if you want. And keep cleaning your damn hands. This isn’t
over yet and complacency will make it last a whole lot longer.
And so, I think that’s it for today. Five weeks in and still, for us at least, eight weeks, three days, seventeen
hours, forty-three minutes and twenty seconds, nineteen seconds, eighteen seconds … to go…
Plenty of time for me to deliberate over what I do and don’t want to rush back to.
Week 6
Thursday has somewhat snuck up on me this week. I have no idea where the time is going or how it is
going by so fast, and yet it is. Time flies when you’re having fun, right? Does that mean I’m having fun?
Finally enjoying this time? Partly, yes, I think I am. Or at least I’ve accepted that this is the situation for us
right now and so I ought to make the most of it.
I’ve been thinking about what to write in this blogpost over the last few days and wondering what on earth
to say – worried as I’m not sure I’ve learnt anything new this week, although I’m sure I must’ve. Usually by
Thursday I’ve got a whole list of notes on my phone of things I want to write about. Small things I’ve
noticed, or thoughts and musings I want to voice. But this week that hasn’t happened. There are a couple
of things on my list, but nothing really new. I’m wondering if it’s because this is the norm now and I have
finally let go of trying to control the situation. I understand that this is how we have to live and so I’m not
thinking about how it’s all affecting me as much as I was. Like I said above, I’ve accepted it. And maybe if
acceptance is the only thing I’ve learnt this week then that’s not a bad thing at all.
I’ve learnt (and am in awe of) how well most of us can adapt, although I know this isn’t true for everyone.
Luckily my children seem to have adapted unbelievably well to lockdown and I am so grateful. Maybe the
three weeks in isolation that my middle one spent in a hospital room aged five have helped him to be able
to handle this period of time so well. If you asked them they’d say they are bored, but they are always
active and always find something to do. I was lucky they wanted to go back to ‘school’ aka Pikachu
Primary, and start learning again on Monday. And I’m also lucky that they get on so well. They play
brilliantly together and rarely argue. Maybe that’s one plus side of sharing your life with someone who has
the same rare disease as you, they are a little team and it’s lovely to watch them interact with each other
and bounce off each other’s ideas. Not an ounce of competitiveness or sibling rivalry - an actual godsend at
the moment. And I’m also lucky that they are also very accepting of this situation. They don’t question it.
Everything is very black and white for them. There’s a virus that might kill them out there so they have to
stay at home. It’s that simple.
Work is still a challenge though, for both my husband and myself. He’s the breadwinner and so is the one
who is locked in his bedroom/office from 8am until he emerges late afternoon, often without having had
time for lunch. He’s taken a huge pay cut. He’s stressed. And so, the childcare, as with many other women
I suspect, falls to me. But not just the childcare. The cooking. The cleaning. The home learning. Physio.
Meds. Everything. And so, my job, which I love, has taken a bit of a backburner. I was fortunate that I was
able to take two weeks off over what would’ve been the Easter holidays, but now I’m meant to be back, and
I can’t seem to make it all fit. I only work ten hours a week, but even that is proving tricky. A routine is
emerging of home learning in the morning then free time in the afternoon where I can take phone calls, but
I’m terrified one of the boys is going to break a bone in the garden with me watching from my office window,
and so can’t focus like I should. And on top of that I find that the boundaries between work and home life
are being blurred, which I usually work really hard to not let happen. I’m lucky I have awesome colleagues
who are very understanding of my situation, but there is only so much they can do. We shall have to see
how this one goes methinks…
On a positive I have noticed that I’ve been less anxious this week, and I think that’s mainly due to work and
home-learning starting up again and me being busier generally. I’m exhausted by the end of the day, but
I’m sleeping better. It’s hard because there is little time for arts and crafts and self-care at the moment - the
dishwasher is on at least four times a day at present (I am terrified it’s going to break down!) - and
someone is always hungry or demanding something. One day I am going to count how many questions I
am asked and let you know. I expect most of them will be from my husband. ‘Is there any milk?’ he asks.
Why he can’t just go and look in the fridge like the rest of us I don’t know. Anyway…
Yes, I am aware I’m waffling a bit this week, but I haven’t edited this post too heavily as the waffle is a good
representation of how I have been feeling this week. Drifting from one thing to another without much
thought. Almost in a dreamlike state at times. Detached from reality. I’m forgetful, easily distracted, not
really making much sense at times.
But I’m alright.
I have only cried once in the last seven days and I’ve managed to have several alcohol free days. The
sunshine is, as always, very welcome as is the fact we have a garden we can get out into in lieu of being
able to leave the house for exercise. I can lie in a lounger and imagine I’m on holiday for a bit before I
remember why I’m at home for the sixth week in a row. I almost look forward to Joe Wicks in the morning
and am actually able to complete a whole session now, unlike that first week when I gave up after one or
two exercises. There’s a sense of calm washing over me that I’ve not felt in a long time. A release of
control. A knowledge that I am doing my best.
Week 7
How, how, how, HOW is it Thursday again already? I mean, when I look back over the past seven days,
last Thursday seems like an age ago (ahh the sunshine!) but then it also feels as though I’ve blinked and
here I am again writing another blog post during this fucking pandemic.
This week hasn’t been the best. My youngest son has had a tooth infection and the stress of getting him
some antibiotics for it has been quite high, for me, not least because I am the one who is mum, nurse,
doctor and physio 99% of the time. When the dentist tells you he won’t treat the infection until it becomes
life threatening then you freak out somewhat. Anyway, thanks to Dexter having a compromised immune
system on top of having PCD the dentist did give us some antibiotics and they appear to be working, thank
feck. (sorry, I might swear a lot today, go with it) Getting the antibiotics was also a source of stress as I’ve
not left the house for weeks and so the whole thought of driving to the dental surgery and then actually
getting out of the car and interacting with someone who wasn’t a close family member was not a pleasant
one. And when I did go, it was so weird to get out of the car and walk on the pavement – on ground that
wasn’t in my house or my garden – wearing actual shoes. The lady at the surgery was brilliant and not at all
phased by me standing back and reaching out for the medication. As soon as I got in the car I wiped it
down with an antibac wipe and slathered antibacterial gel all over my hands. Then I came home, showered
and threw my clothes in the wash. I’m aware this was properly over the top bearing in mind I’d touched
nothing other than the medication and had seen the lady at the surgery for about two minutes. And then
this behaviour got me thinking, will I always feel the need to shower after being out and about? Will I always
have to make my children shower after going to school, if they ever return? Will I always wash everyone’s
clothes after a trip outside, even when they’re not dirty? Or become agoraphobic and never go anywhere
because that’s easier? If you’re starting to hear alarm bells about the state of my mental health then don’t
worry, I have already been referred to a psychologist through the boys’ PCD team to support our family with
all of this, and she is wonderful. Once again the NHS is bloody brilliant.
Anyway, what have I learnt this week, seven weeks into this weird, shitty, frustrating, anxiety-inducing,
fucking horrible time? This…
1) Just because you accept something does not mean you have to always be happy about it. Last
week I was in a place of acceptance, or was it apathy? Did I simply have no energy to be concerned
or upset about it anymore? There have been times in the past seven days when I’ve been genuinely
happy and genuinely okay with staying home and not going out at all. But more recently I’ve been
pissed off. I understand that we have to stay in and shield as a family, blah blah blah, but it really
fucks me off at the moment. I feel trapped. Maybe that’s because the freedom carrot is being
dangled for others – mumblings of a possible return to school on 1st June (at the earliest) or
suggestions of being able to have a bubble of ten people that they can see at the weekend. We
won’t be able to have a fucking bubble. We can’t ask five other people to completely shield
themselves just so we can see them, and so we’ll miss out on social interaction and my children will
not be able to see their friends and it fucking sucks (sorry, mum, I probably am swearing a bit too
much today, I’ll reign it in.) Some days I remember to take it one day at a time, and I can and I do
and it’s ok. But on other days I wake up with a sense of dread and can’t help but wonder how the
hell this is going to pan out for us. So do I still accept our situation and understand it? Yes. But am I
happy about it? This week that’s a hard, no.
2) The more you are starved of something, the more you crave it. I heard someone say this on the
television this week and it really resonated with me. It reminds me of when I was pregnant and
wasn’t allowed runny eggs or blue cheese or various other foods I love. What I was being denied
was all I could think about and my first meal after giving birth was always soft boiled eggs and toast
soldiers. And it was delicious. But now I am starved of more than simple food, although flour is still
proving tricky to get hold of, and I hate not being able to pop to the shops and get something I fancy
at that moment in time, just because I want it. Right now I am being starved of so much more than
cravings and whims. I am being starved of my family, my friends, the sea, freedom, feelings of
safety and calm, reassurance that this will ever end, things to look forward to, things that make me
who I am and keep me. The list goes on. And on. I am craving cuddles with EVERYONE, coffee
dates, browsing in shops, long walks in the countryside or on a beach, laughter in a big group of
people, someone else fricking cooking for me (I am sooooo over cooking twice a day every bloody
day) time on my own. I miss my life. I’ve just read a novel about someone in prison and I identified
with a lot of it. There was a line about not even being able to simply pop to the corner shop to get
chewing gum. Urgh. Sometimes I feel like I’ve had enough crap in my life already and want to stamp
my feet like a petulant toddler and scream that this isn’t fair. I haven’t broken the law. I shouldn’t be
locked up. Yes, of course I am still grateful I have a nice house and a lovely garden, but sadly at
times those things don’t always help or counteract having sick children. I imagine that even a palace
can seem like a prison in time.
3) Expectations. Following on from the above I have learnt (well, it’s an ongoing process) to lower my
expectations in many ways. I used to look forward to holidays or weekends away. The BIG things.
Now I look forward to a meal I’ve planned. Last week it was a full on Wagamama meal that I cooked
from scratch, this week we’re having a fake Nandos. I can’t look forward to the big things, like
Disneyland Paris in the summer or a week away with my mum, my brother and his family in France
and I have no idea when I will be able to look forward to these things again, if ever without the
constant threat of evil viruses. So I have lowered my expectations of what brings me joy and what I
look forward to. And I really am trying to find pleasure in the little things. Like looking forward to the
weather improving at the weekend (where the hell has the sun gone?) or reveling in having just half
an hour to myself. I’ve stopped putting stuff in the ‘what we want to do when this is over’ box
because I keep reading articles (I know, I know, I shouldn’t read them) about how this is never going
to be over and it just seems like I’m putting stuff in a box to be buried along with any hope of ever
doing those things. So the little things are all I have to get excited about. Maybe there’s a life lesson
there somewhere. Maybe I should always learn to appreciate the little things.
Right, I’m sorry I’m being more negative this week, but as always these posts are about being honest.
There is no point in recording this time and being part of a research project if I’m not going to tell it like it
is. And the novelty of this has definitely worn off this week. Everyone is a little bit more tired, a little
more short tempered. Home learning is still going okay, but only from Mon – Weds. By Thursday
everyone’s had enough and gives up, including me. The boys are saying they are bored more and
more. The 18yo rarely comes out of her bedroom – she feels safe in there with her laptop and her
online friends – and I get it. The husband is working harder than ever and by the time he comes down in
the evening he is so tired he doesn’t really want to talk. Zoom meetings with friends are still happening,
but I’m getting fed up of the slightly artificial way in which you have to communicate via them. And I am
still unable to do any creative writing, which is making me feel like I’m wasting some of this lockdown
time. But my brain simply cannot create at the moment, and maybe I just need to accept that, instead of
battling with it and trying to force something that doesn’t actually need to happen at the moment…
Lots of people have been saying we’re all in this together, and we are. But as a lot of people are also
saying, and as time goes on I’m understanding more and more, we might be in the same storm, but we
are very much all in different boats.
Stay safe everyone x
Week Eight
how are you?
Whenever I speak to people at the moment, or receive a text or a Whatsapp, the question that is always
asked is… ‘How are you?’ and I think I am beginning to lose the ability to know how to answer it. Not in a
bad way, just in a, I’m not sure what I’ve got to say, way. I’m fine doesn’t seem to cut it. Nor does, I’m okay.
And chances are that when you ask me that question I’m exactly the same as I was the last time you asked
me that question. Because nothing is changing. I have no news.
And I feel like I’m running out of things to say. Well, new things anyway.
It’s nearly 5.30pm and normally by now my blog post would’ve been written, edited and posted, but today I
am only just getting round to even attempting to write it. I’ve baked a cake. Have home -schooled the boys.
Sewn some bunting for VE day tomorrow. Eaten. Done Joe Wicks. It’s been a busy day, but I have been
putting off writing this in spite of that because I wasn’t sure I had anything new to write about. Let’s see
shall we…
What have I learnt this week? Well…
1. It doesn’t matter. This came up on a work Zoom meeting and I thought, oh my God yes. So much
doesn’t matter right now. If we don’t do all the allocated home learning, it doesn’t matter. If my
children are on their devices more than usual, it doesn’t matter. If they are up later than they
normally would be, it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters because this isn’t forever. We’re all getting
through the best we can. There is no right or wrong (pretty sure I’ve said this before, but oh well.) All
of the rules by which we used to live don’t matter at the moment. It’s all changed. We are dealing
with issues we’ve not had to manage before and so the nitty gritty stuff that used to be important
simply, say it with me, doesn’t matter. Soon everything is going to be okay (it will!) and who knows,
maybe this strange period of time will turn out to have a positive impact on us all. Our children will
learn different skills, as will we. Maybe that’s what matters.
2. Zoom gives me a headache. I love seeing people’s faces, but boy does looking at them on a screen
hurt my eyes. It is so unnatural. I’ve started to wear my glasses again because most of my day is
now spent looking at a screen. From messages on my phone, to home learning on the computer, to
the tv. Even the book I just read was on my Kindle, another damn screen! I’ve realised that I need to
factor in some screen free time, somehow. And whilst we are on the subject of online socialising, I
miss the natural way conversations flow that doesn’t work on Zoom or FaceTime – if one person
jumps in the sound goes and I can’t hear anyone. I almost want to manage the sessions like I
would’ve managed circle time when I was a teacher, where only the person holding the teddy is
allowed to speak. It’s just not natural. I like to interrupt and be interrupted. I like to hear everyone
laugh, not glitch and go silent.
3. Everything is better when the sun shines. Fact.
4. We are all awesome. We really are. We are drawing on emotional reserves we didn’t think we had.
We are home schooling when we’ve never taught. We are living in isolation when all we want is
company. We are keyworkers risking our lives to help others. Human beings are bloody brilliant and
we are doing it – we are getting through this. We are pulling together. We are helping others. We
are amazing!
5. Children are also awesome! The way they adapt, accept, live in the here and now and not worry
about the future. I have learnt a lot from my two – and I know I’ve mentioned this before – but the
way they just accept the situation and stay positive is amazing. Am. In. Awe.
And that’s it. I did have something to say after all. Who knows what next week will bring, Sunday’s press
conference is going to be an interesting one that’s for sure.
But I imagine that for us – working hard and shielding the boys – nothing much will change. And I can
honestly say that right now, that doesn’t matter.
Stay safe x
Week – 10
It’s a long one, grab a cuppa.
It’s been two weeks since I last wrote a pandemic blog post, and what a two weeks! Full of ups and downs
as well as the most terrifying experience of my life.
Mostly we’ve been doing okay, tensions have been rising a bit and there’s certainly more niggly arguments
in the house than there have been so far in lockdown. For week nine, I was mostly finding the whole food
shopping situation stressful as well as trying to come up with different meals every day from what
ingredients we had. It felt like a huge responsibility. Not being able to pop to the shops is harder than I
thought it would be (sounds trivial I know) and screw trying to control one thing like I said a few blog posts
ago, I’d quite like someone else to worry about feeding me now please. The only time someone else has
fed me in the last ten weeks was the nurse who gave me a ham sandwich in hospital on Saturday.
Which brings me nicely on to this week, week ten and what I’ve learnt…
1) The NHS is fucking amazing. On Saturday morning I woke up with a twinge in my right hand side
and so distract myself I decided to ignore it and bake my friend’s 40th birthday cake. Within ten
minutes I was writhing on the floor convinced I was dying. Worse than labour – for those of you who
have given birth, imagine the peak of your strongest contraction, but no tail off, no breather, just that
pain constantly no matter how you lie or sit or whatever you do. And then imagine not knowing what
was causing the pain. I have suffered with health anxiety from the age of five when I first thought I
was having a heart attack (no word of a lie) and so I honestly thought this was it. I’m so grateful that
my AMAZING nurse friend, Amanda, was on my doorstep within minutes of me calling her and
screaming down the phone that I needed help. (Love you, Mand) The ambulance crew were also
phenomenal. Kind, efficient, calm. Amazing. Even when I told the young 28yo male paramedic that
he was ‘a lucky bugger’ for getting to look at my saggy old, have-given-birth-to-three-children,
stomach. Gas and air has a lot to answer for. The staff in A&E were also wonderful. And although I
was waiting for a scan for hours they managed my pain and reassured me I was in good hands. I’ve
never been in an ambulance and the only time I’ve been to A&E was for a broken ankle nineteen
years ago. Trust this to happen in lockdown when I am shielding two extremely vulnerable children
and screaming at them to ‘be bloody careful, we can’t go to hospital right now,’ and haven’t left the
house for ten weeks. But, the positives are that now the hypochondriac in me knows that if I need
NHS care, I can get it. THANK YOU NHS. Ps it was a kidney stone and it has now gone into the
sewage system. Thank f*ck.
2) My body and mind are amazing. Sounds daft when my body grew a stupid kidney stone that made
me think I was dying, but when that was happening my body and my mind coped. My body was
strong, my mind even stronger. I rarely big myself up but, as the lovely paramedic told me in the
ambulance on Saturday, I should do it more often! And so I will. Being on my own in A&E and not
knowing what was going on was really scary, but I distracted myself and focused on my breathing
etc etc and without sounding like too much of a knob, I nailed it. I am brilliant. End of.
3) Nostaglia. I was chatting to a friend about this a week or so ago, and it’s stayed with me. We were
talking about how our memories are more powerful than ever at the moment. A forgotten smell can
make me feel like I am right back there in the moment, or a memorable song. I heard an old tune
the other day and I was suddenly transported back to travelling on a coach to Switzerland for a ski
trip when I was seventeen. I felt the exactly same as I had done then, and it was so weird. My friend
and I came to the conclusion that our brains are desperately searching for new experiences
because at the moment all they get is Groundhog Day. And so in searching for something to feel
our brains are taking us back to real experiences and real emotions and feelings. I’d be interested to
know if there was a scientific reason for this! And funnily enough, after my A&E trip, it hasn’t
happened so much this week.
4) What are you missing? Flirting with strangers… Don’t judge me! Earlier in the week Sara Cox asked
people to comment on what they were missing, but not the obvious like friends and family, the more
shallow things. And this, flirting with strangers, is now all I can think about! I miss strangers, I miss
interacting with them, flirting or not, I miss talking to people other than my family and friends (no
offence!) The little jokes you have with people selling you coffee, or waiting staff in restaurants, bar
tenders, random people when you’re out walking the dog, anyone! Male or female! Maybe it’s more
that I miss spontaneity and conversations that flow and are fresh and new. And no, it is not why I
told the paramedic he was a lucky bugger, like I said, gas and air.
5) I don’t like (most) people. Sounds harsh, maybe I should put it in a different context as this could get
contentious. What I mean is that this experience has taught me that the reason I sometimes find
people’s actions hard to understand is because I expect people to have the same standards and
morals as me, and I’m disappointed when I discover they don’t. And this is where anger and
frustration comes in at the moment. A few friends said on a FaceTime last night that lockdown was
to be put in the same category as politics and religion, ie something that should never be discussed.
And I get that I’m in the extreme having to shield two extremely vulnerable small people, and that
my anxiety surrounding Covid-19 is higher due to this, but that aside it’s worth noting that I am
fundamentally a rule follower. If I’m out on a walk someone wants to go off the designated pathway
and walk where the little yellow arrow doesn’t point, I will not follow. I don’t speed. I park in the
designated spots at all times. Blah blah blah, yes I am a saint. (rolls eyes like you all are!) It’s not
because I’m a dick it’s because I’m terrified of something bad happening if I don’t do as I’m told _
I’m sure a psychologist would have a field day with that one. And so if the government, whether I
trust them or not, tells me not to leave my house or have people round to my house (even family) or
go to the beach etc etc etc then I won’t. And not just to protect my children, but to protect all
vulnerable people and the yes the NHS too. There’s something called cognitive dissonance where
people convince themselves that they are abiding by the rules, when in reality they are bending
them. And then there is selfishness and stupidity. I won’t go into it because it makes me sound like
a judgy cow and I might piss a few people off, this is certainly divisive, but these rules are in place
for a reason and breaking them isn’t just about you being able to assess your own risk – it’s by far
more complicated than that. If in your gut what you’re doing feels wrong then it probably is. And I
know it’s hard. And I know the government guidelines have been confusing. And I know I probably
need to permanently come off social media so I can’t see photos of packed beaches in Southend
followed by comments about how great it is that theses people have a right to be there and aren’t
giving in to fear. Or that they are probably teachers. Do not get me started. But on that note…
6) I love teachers. They have been working their butts off and putting themselves at risk going into
school to look after some of our most vulnerable children. This is much more than just teaching.
They have been sorting food vouchers and driving to houses to deliver food. Phoning parents daily
to check they are okay. Driving to houses after domestic violence incidences to see that the children
are safe and unharmed. Delivering work in school, on line and in person. And there is so much
more. They have no PPE. No protection. And now they are having to prepare for a phased
reopening of schools and all that entails – not just lesson planning, but thinking about how to stop
any spread of the virus. Ordering bins with lids on and toilet seats, stuff that wouldn’t even cross
your mind all with no extra resources or finances. Rearranging classrooms so social distancing (how
the feck you do that with four year olds I don’t know) can be implemented as much as possible. All
the while parents are expecting them to keep their children safe and we all know who will be blamed
if the worse happens. Who knows, maybe there’ll be a VE Day caused second wave and they won’t
open on June 1st. But what I do know is that we should bloody well be clapping for teachers as well
as NHS staff. I am in awe. My children aren’t allowed to go back in the first wave, and I am grateful
that decision has been taken out of my hands, for now. The whole thing just sits very uncomfortably
with me.
7) Finally, I know that you’ll all be pleased to know that I have learnt to lower my standards. Normally I
never leave the house without make up on, but in the past week I have chatted to people out of my
window almost naked apart form a small towel after coming out of the shower (again, not in a flirty
way) and have answered the door at 3pm in the afternoon having done Joe Wicks and not
showered in the morning with a large chocolate cake stain down my vest top, underneath which was
no bra. Sexy.
Right, think I’ll leave it there as my children would probably like some lunch sometime soon. And I want to
go and sunbathe.
Love to you all x
Week 11
Week eleven – them and us.
A lot has happened this week, both outside of my home and in it. Inside the house both my eighteen year
old and my eleven year old fell down the stairs, which warranted another necessary trip out for the house,
this time to the local minor injuries unit. Thankfully the eighteen year old just had a few bruises (she stayed
home) and it would appear there were no broken bones in the eleven year old’s foot (swelling can hide this
though so not 100%) but definitely lots of torn muscles and ligaments, which means he’s hobbling round
instead of running. But once again the NHS were amazing – we went straight in when I told them he was
extremely vulnerable and shielding, the x-ray department was cleared, and the staff were kind and
compassionate even in full, uncomfortable, sweaty PPE. I like to think that as a family we are doing the
public a service and testing out all of the different NHS settings for you in case you need to know what they
are like in the middle of a pandemic (gotta laugh really.) Newsflash, they are ALL great.
This morning I drove the eighteen year old to Cheltenham to collect all of her stuff from university halls. The
motorway was busier than I expected, but we saw only the maintenance man at the campus and no one
else. Getting there for 8am was a good idea! But it made me sad that her first year at university has ended
this way. She was having the time of her life and although it was hard for me not having her here anymore,
knowing she was the happiest I have ever known her helped. It’s sad it’s been cut short and that she didn’t
get to spend the summer term there having a blast, but like she said, she has two more years to make up
for it. Let’s hope that happens!
So what have I learnt this week, amidst all of the ups and downs of life at home and externally thanks to the
crazy news? (No, I am not going to mention it, I’ve decided not to talk politics on here, too divisive.) Well, I
wouldn’t say I’d learnt so much as come to some conclusions…
1) Even though we are allowed to go out for one hour of exercise, we don’t want to, and that’s okay.
We have all been out for a walk in the last week, not together, but one at a time everyone has come
out with me for a stroll near our home. Trouble is, our home is near a beauty spot (although it’s fast
becoming a spot full of rubbish, scorched grass and empty nitrous oxide canisters) and that means
people from far and wide all come to party here. Crossing the main road whilst maintaining social
distancing is impossible. Cars are racing to get to the river near us, down a narrow road, and it’s
dangerous, not to mention scary when drivers stop to call my lovely neighbours who ask them to
please slow down, ‘fucking slags.’ People are picnicking where they never have before and leaving
a whole load of crap behind. And it makes me angry. They BBQ on the grass and leave large black
smoldering spots behind. They are littering and f*ck only knows where they are going to the toilet
because the public ones aren’t open. And to be honest it makes my anxiety rocket. It’s horrible to be
out walking near people who think it’s okay to not social distance at all. I hate it. I get that they don’t
know we’re at the far end of the spectrum for shielding, or that we’ve only just started going out
again, but there seems little regard for staying safe round here at times and it makes going for a
walk not worth it. I don’t care if people want to come to the river, but I do care if they shit in bushes,
take drugs and brush past me whilst they are on their way there after having called my neighbours
fucking slags. Just no. They can f*ck off. I’d rather stay at home.
2) Following on from the above - I think some people think this is over. And I’m not going to elaborate
on this musing for fear of sounding like a judgy cow or wading into talking about politics territory. But
like I said above, I appreciate we are at the far end of the spectrum of how closely we have to follow
the rules, but I think that even if we didn’t have to shield we’d still be respectful of them. All I will say
is, I’ve learnt that I cannot change what other people are doing or thinking, I can only change my
reaction to it, and as long as I know we are doing everything we can to keep our children safe then
that’s enough for now.
3) Social fatigue. You heard it here first (although, maybe I need to Google it before being so bold as
to claim I thought of it?!) I reckon this is going to be a thing. (well, not for all the teens ignoring the
rules down by the river that I can hear right now, but for the rest of us maybe) It was my middle
one’s eighth birthday yesterday and he was blessed to have so many of his amazing friends pop by
and chat to him through the lounge window. But my goodness he was exhausted by the end of the
day. It was as if seeing so many people and having to make conversation was almost too much. By
the time his last ‘guest’ turned up he was almost close to tears at having to lean out the window and
shout ‘thank you,’ again. It got me thinking – when we return to normal, will all of our senses be so
over-stimulated by touch and speech and smell that for a while we become super knackered by it
all? When I think about the difference between how many people I used to communicate with on a
daily basis before this all happened to now, then the drop is huge. The mums on the school run, the
cashier at the supermarket, the strangers in the street (yes, I’m thinking of the flirting thing again.)
There were so many people, even if just for one word or sentence, that I spoke to daily and now it’s
pretty much just my children. And maybe my husband when he emerges from his ‘office,’ as well as
the odd Facetime, which let’s be fair isn’t the same and is tiring in a very different way. I worry we’ll
either have nothing to talk about or will be so pleased to be social and see people that we can’t shut
up. Maybe some of you are ahead of the game on this now you’re allowed to be socially distant with
one other person? Is it exhausting? Oh, and I’ve just Googled social fatigue, turns out it is indeed a
Social Fatigue occurs when a person is overwhelmed by being put into far too many socialsituations for their comfort, often resulting in boredom or annoyance at those around them.
…maybe I should call it social exhaustion instead…
4) I’ve just asked my eighteen year old what she thinks I’ve learnt this week and she’s made a good
point… she says I’ve relaxed (believe it or not) since being in A&E and having to take the eleven
year old to the minor injuries unit. And she’s right. Most people have been able to leave the house
for an hour to exercise and more recently for longer, and I imagine have got used to being around
other people and being more confident as the weeks go on and they don’t become unwell. I’m still
very much in the early stages of that process and thinking that everyone I pass has Covid-19 and
will give it to me just by looking at me. But the more I go out, the more it becomes normal and the
less anxious I am. Don’t get me wrong, I am still anxious and I am in no rush to go out for a walk this
afternoon for the reasons I mentioned above, but the anxiety around it all is easing a bit. She also
noted (she is a wise one) that I’ve spent a lot of my life living with anxiety and so this is somewhere
where I am ahead of the game, I’m used to having to calm myself down and know exactly what
techniques work. I’m actually sleeping like a baby and haven’t had a panic attack in a while. Is it
weird that I’m grateful for this? Grateful that I have been in so many shitty situations that I know how
best to handle this one? And know that because I’ve survived worse before then I will do again? I
was wondering if the universe was trying to teach me something by sending me so many challenges
in lockdown, and maybe this is it? That I’ve got this.
Anyway, I think that’s it for this week, but just to reassure you the news has made me fume. And with
the bizarre approach to track and trace starting today I don’t see that frustration disappearing any time
One rule for them, another for us… (dammit I went there after all, sorry.)
Take care x
Week 12
This week was always going to be a tough one for us, with the announcement that lockdown was about to
be eased and the general population were going to be able to do things that shielders cannot, but I didn’t
expect it to coincide with a mass influx of monsters descending on the village I live in.
I’ve mentioned my inability to break rules before (as well as my unrealistic expectations that everyone else
should be the same) and before lockdown was relaxed even further I was struggling with people I know
bending the rules to fit their own needs – my in-laws for example, who meet with my sister-in-law and her
family when the rules were, at that point, that you were only allowed to meet one other family member at a
time. Not six to go for a walk. It’s taken a while for me to realise that my anger at this was probably jealousy
mixed with frustration because our situation means we cannot bend the rules, not even a little bit.
And then this weekend, thousands of young people defied the law and shunned the rules and partied like
animals along the riverbanks where I live. There was shameless drug taking, excessive littering (think used
tampons, dirty nappies, used BBQs, nos canisters and so much more) using residents’ gardens as toilets as
well as verbally abusing them, shagging in broad daylight on a patch of grass children play on, parking without
thought for any emergency services that might need to get through, attacking a cyclist and breaking his nose
and so, so much more antisocial behaviour. In all honesty I was scared to leave my own house, and even if
I had chosen to leave it would’ve been impossible to maintain the safe two metres distance from anyone. At
one point I couldn’t even sit in my garden because I could hear them all screaming and swearing and throwing
all the hard work and sacrifice I have made back in my face. It made me so angry. The disrespect these
people showed was off the scale and I hated every single one of them. I became obsessed, watching the
local sailing club’s webcam, my anger growing with every waft of smoke from a BBQ, every splash of a
teenager into the river, ever piece of litter left behind.
It highlighted how different their pandemic experience is to mine. They’re not worried about catching it, and
why should they be? It’s not targeting youngsters and we’ve not had a huge enough load of cases here for
them to know someone it has hit. It’s not close to home for them. Not only was I angry because they were
not giving a thought for anyone but themselves, I was angry because I couldn’t do the same – I couldn’t party
without a care in the world. I was envious of their enjoyment and carefree abandonment of any responsibility.
They couldn’t be further away from where I am right now and that only served to highlight how hard I am
finding all of this.
Since the pandemic started, and as you’ll know if you’ve been reading these blogs, I’ve been struggling to
accept that I know no one else going through this in the same way as us. I know no one else shielding their
children. Not even another parent of a child with PCD. Thanks to the rule that children with PCD shouldn’t
mingle (as with Cystic Fibrosis) in case they pass on dangerous infections (oh the irony) we’ve never met
any other parents of children with PCD. But life was okay when everyone else, shielding or not, was in the
same boat as us and having to self-isolate and stay home. But then the rules changed, and we’re in a very
different boat now. My book club will happen without me socially distanced in my neighbour’s garden this
month. My 11yo’s friends are going back to school without him on Monday. My mum is meeting my brother
and his family on a beach. Zoom meetings are dwindling in favour of group face-to-face meetings, of course
they are. And all of this is happening when thousands of people are still being diagnosed daily, and hundreds
of people are still dying. It doesn’t feel right to me, but I understand how excited people are to see each other
and how they are craving these face-to-face meetings and getting so much pleasure from them.
But it hurts I’m not able to be a part of it. And neither are my children. (Just going add a disclaimer here – I
am not for one minute saying my friends and family are insensitive souls who are purposefully leaving me
out. Not at all. They are lush and I am blessed and I am not expecting them not to meet up just because I
can’t be there, of course I am not, but as I always say there is no point in writing these blog posts to document
this time if I am not going to be honest about my experiences.)
And so, my children? Well, they’re feeling it too. It’s the 18yo’s birthday next week and she’s gutted she can’t
have five friends round for a socially distant barbecue. All of her university and school friends are beginning
to meet up again and it’s no surprise she’s suffering because of her brothers’ vulnerability. It hurts to see her
upset by it and anxious about what her return to university will be like, and if she’ll have to go through the
tough process of self isolating for two weeks every time she wants to come home.
And the boys? The 8yo claims he is okay, and to be fair he’s always been happy in his own company and at
home so I believe him, thankfully he’s probably not as aware of the situation as the older two are. The 11yo
had claimed up until now that he was okay with it all, but the cousin he’s been communicating with and playing
with online daily went back to school this week and I think it’s finally hit him that everyone else here will be
going back too. The conversations in the Whatsapp groups he’s part of will change to subjects he won’t be
ale to contribute to, because he won’t be experiencing them. We briefly mentioned that this might also be
true when the new school term starts in September and that he may not be able to start secondary school
with his peers. But we’ll deal with that if and when it happens.
After the events of the weekend I spoke the PCD psychologist again yesterday, who was as wise and
wonderful as ever. She taught me that’s it’s okay to voice how I am feeling and that I’m allowed to be upset
by the seeming injustice of all of this. And she helped me acknowledge how external factors are making my
life even harder at the moment. The virus. The easing of lockdown. The monsters by the river. I was having
a difficult day yesterday when I couldn’t see the wood for the trees, where I felt like this pandemic was never
going to end and that we were going to be trapped and forgotten at home forever. It’s fair to say I was at my
absolute limit for dealing with external stresses. But then she rightly pointed out that I am getting through it,
and that I am supporting my children and my family to get through it too. She asked to me to think of
somewhere I am desperate to be, and the answer was as it always is … on a beach in Cornwall. A beach
I’ve been watching the webcam footage of for weeks now. She asked me what is it about the beach I am
craving, what does being at the seaside give me that I’m not getting right now, or that I can attempt to replicate
here. She doesn’t mean buying play sand from a supermarket and listening to wave sounds. She means core
values and emotions. And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Going to a beach, watching the waves
roll in, digging my feet into the sand offers me so much more than fresh air and freedom. I won’t share my
thoughts on this with you now because they are not fully formulated, but it’s certainly something I’m going to
be focussed on this coming week. A new technique to help me continue to get through this, as I’m sure there
are still fresh challenges to come.
And so all that is left to say is – if you are meeting up with others then have fun for me too. And please, please
do it safely.
September - One Day At A Time
Sending your child off for their first day at secondary school is a day of mixed emotions. Excitement, nerves,
they all come into play. But sending them off for their first day at secondary school in the middle of a global
pandemic is as though someone has taken those emotions and injected them with steroids. Throw in a rare
respiratory illness, which has already robbed that child of one lung, and it’s as if those emotions on steroids
are powered by several bolts of lightning. One day at a time, I’ve told myself since this all began. And I still
remind myself of that mantra daily.
And so it begins…
This week my eleven year old, with one remaining lung, started secondary school in the middle of a global
pandemic. And I am still not quite sure how I feel about it. Since his diagnosis several years ago, and then
his younger brother’s subsequent diagnosis, of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, we’ve had several obstacles to
overcome as a family. The initial shock. The endless, often painful, investigations. The many, many hospital
appointments all over the country. The double lobectomy. The daily physiotherapy and weekly medications
to keep both boys’ lungs in the best of health. It’s been tough. Incredibly tough and at times I’ve struggled
with anxiety over their condition. Given that I also have OCD relating to health anxiety, then you’ll appreciate
that a global pandemic is without doubt my worst nightmare, both as a person and a mother.
At the start of the pandemic I trusted my instincts and pulled both boys out of school a week before they
closed to everyone but key worker and vulnerable children. Back then their consultant told us that the boys
needed to stay at home. Stay indoors. I had to wash everything that came through the door and quarantine
it for three days, minimum. We couldn’t get food shopping. We couldn’t walk the dog. We couldn’t go to the
pharmacy to get their medication. We didn’t know when it would end. Over and over again we were told that
if they caught Covid-19 they would be seriously ill and could potentially die. That they’d only be free when
there was a vaccine. In fact, if there was a vaccine. It was a dark time, but on some level at least I had control.
There were no decisions to be made. There were no risks to take. We did as instructed and stayed at home.
We were exposed to nothing. Yes, homeschooling was a challenge, as was trying to fit in some exercise,
crucial for the boys’ wellbeing. (On one day I did a 5K run in my garden; I’m still dizzy from going round in
circles now.) But we felt relatively safe in our little bubble, and grateful we had a garden as well as amazing
neighbours and friends who walked the dog or fetched prescriptions or dropped wine on the doorstep. We
fell into a routine. We got by, one day at a time.
And then it continues…
After several weeks evidence started coming in from around the world - the boys’ team do A LOT of research
- that children weren’t being badly affected by the virus, even those with rare lung conditions. And then finally,
after twelve long weeks at home, we were allowed out, with strict instructions to shower when we got home
and wash all of our clothes. A pain, but doable. My youngest, then aged seven, would only walk outside with
his arms firmly folded, ‘so that I don’t touch anything, Mummy.’ And they both insisted on wearing masks,
which looking back now seems ridiculous. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that after telling your children that the
outside world isn’t safe for three months, they’re not keen to go out and experience it for themselves.
But in spite of everything, those fears eased over time and the summer holidays have actually been okay.
We managed to see friends and family; we even went away for a few days to the beach and left the fear of
Covid-19 behind the TV screen that didn’t get switched on. If you had told me a couple of months ago that
any of this would’ve been possible I would have laughed in your face.
Until finally…
But this week the return to school and Covid-19 couldn’t be ignored anymore. And even though I knew it was
coming, even though I wanted it and didn’t want it at the same time, the boys both went back to school. In
the middle of a global pandemic. And you know what? They’re okay. They’re happy. My seven year old came
out of his first day back today and as soon as I asked him what it was like he said, ‘it was wonderful.’ They
are beaming. They have energy in them I have not seen for months. They dance again at dinnertime to songs
on the radio. They’ve come alive.
And me? Well, it won’t surprise you to hear I’m a little more cautious than them, even though I don’t show it.
Of course I am. But right now, while the weather is relatively mild and classroom windows and doors can be
left open, I’m calmer. Right now, when flu is a distant threat on the horizon, I’m okay. Right now, while cases
in the area we live in remain low, I’m relaxed. But I know all of these things will change over the next few
months, and that knowledge haunts me in the middle of the night. My children often have temperatures and
frequent infections in winter, it’s part of their illness, and I dread having to put them through the uncomfortable
Covid test and keep them off school every time they’re unwell, even though it’s unlikely to actually be the
virus itself. I try and rationalise the anxiety, but I can’t help worrying about winter, when it’s cold and dark and
we all have to spend more time indoors with windows and doors closed, the air being recycled by our breath
alone. I’m anxious the world will become complacent, that masks will left at home, hands won’t be washed
as often, people won’t be quite so socially distant.
Luckily, I’m well versed with unhelpful thought patterns, including this kind of ‘what if, worse case scenario’
thinking. And so right now, while the boys smile and walk away from me and into their schools with hundreds
of other children, sanitiser and masks in their bags, I’ll let them go, knowing their schools are doing everything
they possibly can to keep them safe. Trusting the consultants when they tell me it’s okay.
And I’ll keep going.
One day at a time.