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Corona Diaries


Sarah Picture

“There are things appearing that were not on the list – lager, wine, chocolate & tinned tomato soup which neither of us like but, quote, “there were only 2 tins left so I bought them, just in case!” A panic buy – even we joined in, in the end!”

Background Information: Female, aged 64-74, working for HMRC from home, South Wales, White, Married, with 2 grown up sons.





“There are things appearing that were not on the list – lager, wine, chocolate & tinned tomato soup which

neither of us like but, quote, “there were only 2 tins left so I bought them, just in case!” A panic buy – even

we joined in, in the end!”

Background Information

Female, aged 64-74, working for HMRC from home, South Wales, White, Married, with 2 grown up


March and April 2020

Where do I start – I just didn’t think – still don’t think – this virus will be as bad as everyone says. But this

week has been one of astonishment. Schools have been closed, exams abandoned & pubs, clubs,

restaurants, theatres & cafés asked to close because people are just not listening & the Gov. is desperately

trying to slow down – slow down mind you (!), the spread of the COVID 19 virus. The PM/Gov. now daily

broadcast - a live feedback bulletin at 5 p.m. each day on BBC1. The PM (or a Cabinet member) along with

a Scientific & Medical advisor bring the Nation up to date with events & advises us what actions we must

take... this epidemic is supposed to be a bad case of flu – but I wonder…all this …it must be more than


There have been massive queues at Supermarkets with people panic buying. I don’t understand this. They

are bulk buying tinned food, dried pasta & toilet rolls. Why toilet rolls I ask myself? Stupid! I’m not doing

that. If the Gov. are right, this could last until June. No one can stockpile that much food & loo rolls. People

are also buying additional freezers to store frozen food. I think I must be missing something.

I have been told, in no uncertain terms, by both of my sons that I have been behaving “morally selfishly”. I

have continued to shop, go to the hairdressers, meet friends, go out to café’s, theatre (Sat.14/03) & a

concert (Sun.15/03) in which there were over 5000 people, one of those being one of the sons criticising

my behaviour (is it me?). They are both, as well as my husband, already working from home (WFH). The

boys are already self-isolating but my husband & still don’t feel it is that important.

I watch an NHS nurse talking on the evening news. He remonstrates, he says, “We do not have enough

equipment- ventilators, personal protection equipment & we should be tested for the virus”. His words seem

honest & profound to me –when he says, “we health workers on the front line know, & accept, that some of

us will give our lives to help those who are sick & dying. We want to help them, but without the equipment

we can’t do it & more people will die. The Government HAVE to do something & do it quickly”. His honesty

strikes home to me & I feel frightened & for the first time I cry & it starts to dawn on me I should take note.

I have now accepted that my husband & I have to isolate ourselves as much as possible. Even though this

decision is the right one – it fills me with dread. However, this diary may help document my feelings &

thoughts. I think counsellors call it transference - who knows? I’m not sure when I will see my

granddaughter next. It is Mothering Sunday tomorrow so I am organising a walk on a beach so we can all

meet for a walk, 2 meters apart for safety. If they make it – it will be lovely.





How can I describe the last week in HMRC? I’m not sure I can convey, as a front-line manager, quite the

feeling of panic “behind the scenes”. On Tuesday (17/03) all my fellow managers were in meetings all day.

From one to the other discussing policy on home working, how the Dept. will achieve home working,

cleanliness of the building, “self-isolating” & most importantly how to keep up a telephone service for the

public. Little was decided. One manager got home, sat on the sofa & promptly fell asleep with her coat on!

My week has also been full of meetings & even a face to face with our director – via our Microsoft Teams

portal. It’s weird to see her & know she is talking to 300 people all over the country & she will do this 3

times today (18/03). This cements the feeling of disbelief & wonder I feel. She tells us that most of our staff

will be expected to work from home (WFH) & I thought, “best of luck with that” Our IT service is not the

most robust in the world.

And then, “Can things really get so bad that most of staff will be at home & unable to come to work?” To “a

man” we manager’s all hold the same opinion. It won’t be that bad. We all think the Dept. is trying to “move

too far…too quick”.


Thursday 19th March

It was decided the building will now close at 18:00 (instead of the usual 20:00) & not open on Saturdays

because we no longer have enough Incident Control Officers (they take over the H&S aspects of the

buildings from 18:00 to 20:00) these people work in other HMRC Depts. within our 16 floor building & are

now WFH.

Our Estates Dept. take ownership of Security & H&S. The rumour is, if one more security guard isolates

themselves, we will not have enough security & the building will close – No Way!

As so many people are already WFH, Estates have no way of knowing how many people are in the

building. There is a risk that if there was a fire, people would be unaccountable. So, we adopt a system of

manually signing in & out in the lobby. This necessitates a queuing system & when we reach the control

desks the books are in no order & several people are reaching over each other to grab books. There is no

self-distancing & it leads to impatience & intolerance.


Friday 20th March

Work is much the same – rushed video conferences & panic. We are received mixed messages. Boris

Johnson, the PM, is imploring everyone who can work from home to do so. Jim Harra, the Personal

Secretory to the Civil Service, is telling us we are “Key” workers & we must remain in work. I discuss the

dilemma & how I feel with my manager & I am told, “well its up to you – you must do what you feel is right”.

So… do I listen to my sons (who insist I must self-isolate) & husband, who are all working from home, &

begin working from home myself or do I do what I would really prefer & follow my conscious & still travel &

work in the office?

I send them all copies of the e-mails & ask them, “Well… what would you do?” I received back good

humoured responses saying they are amazed I’m a “Key Worker”!





These conversations are happening in corridors, tea rooms & cloakrooms over the floor. Everyone is

confused, most people nervous, concerned, frightened. Some staff have already self-isolated others can’t

make up their minds. No one knows what to do – the one thing we are not doing is social distancing,

sanitising any surfaces in the building – door handles, lift buttons, vending machines. We are queuing up &

chatting good humorously with each other when signing in & out of the building. Could all this be

dangerous? To be honest, I find it amusing – oh, just wash your hands thoroughly I tell them!

Earlier in the week Estates consented (Estates now appear to have a lot of power) to us being able to

“wedge open” the doors into each section. Thus, avoiding anyone having to push them open & pick up any

virus from the hand plates. They do not have any wedges to give us & if the fire alarm goes off, the floor fire

warden must ensure they are all shut immediately. We wedge them open with bits of torn cardboard – it

lasts a couple of days & people realise that this is futile. We touch so many other un-sanitised surfaces

during the day anyway – pointless.

As a front line manager, I must admit I enjoy the “Buzz”. Things within the Dept. are happening so fast I

enjoy the challenge. We are charged with finding out what equipment, if any, our staff need to work from

home. There are plans to get specialist equipment delivered to home or pay for the installation of Wi-Fi for

3 months.

I surprisingly discover that several people actually don’t have Wi-Fi at home – really? It dawns on me that

perhaps we don’t know as much about staff as I thought.

One staff member I chatted to in the tearoom (5 of us in a tiny room reaching over each other, using the

same kettle & fridge. Not sanitising the handles of either after we use them. It appears I am not the only

one who feels the need for “Social Distancing” has been exaggerated!), tells me, in no uncertain terms, “NO

WAY” is she having Wi-Fi installed. When challenged why, she replied, “Because my private life is just that

– Private!! Get Wi-Fi & “THEY” will all know my business!”. I secretly wonder what it is she does that is so


Another colleague has self-isolated & refused point blank to take his Surface Pro home with him. Not even

to receive information e-mail’s.

In my 1 hr lunch hr – things change again & we now have security cover. The building is able to remain

open until 20:00 & Saturday work reinstated - much to the disappointment of the people rota’d in to work!

I feel exhausted & finish work at 16:30. I have decided I will come into work again next week but take my

surface pro & equipment home, “just in case”.


Sunday 22nd March

Mothering Sunday arrives & it is a glorious day. Warm & sunny. We have a family “Zoom” chat set up so we

can see each other on our lap tops/tablets. They are self- isolating. It is wonderful to see my family & also

so easy! How wonderful technology can be.





We are all positive & “upbeat”–my husband & I have discussed my plans to have a family walk. He insists

this can’t happen (I still think it can!).

I am out voted & my mood changes to disappointment & annoyance. It is decided one son will come to the

house & we will walk a Forestry Trail. I live at the bottom of a Mountain & there are wide Forestry Trail’s.

We agree to keep 2 metres apart. The other son will leave my Mother’s Day card & gift in the hall.

I am not happy - but I actually enjoy the walk. Understandably, others had the same idea & there were

more people around than usual. But still plenty of space.

We get back & we have a cup of tea, standing outside on the pavement – self distancing. My other son &

granddaughter arrive. So, un-expectantly, I get to see my family & my “Mother’s Day” is complete. Even

though we can’t hug or kiss – it is lovely to see them.

The boys still say I shouldn’t go into work on Wed but seem to agree it is my choice. My husband is non-

committal. He agrees with me that we wish we could catch it & get it over with. We both feel we wouldn’t

have any problems. It’s only a bad case of ‘flu & it will be more dangerous for elderly people. So we should

be ok. But what if I’m a carrier, I could give it to others? That thought concerns me. I still wonder & I am

convinced, there is more to this than ‘flu & the Government are not telling us in case we panic.


Monday 23rd March

Well it appears the “World & his wife” had the same idea as me yesterday. The crowds were out in force-

Pen y Van Mountain saw 100’s of walkers. Snowdonia Country park had to be closed as there was so

many people, there was no more room to park cars. Beaches were full with people queuing up for ice

cream & fish & chips. London parks were fit to burst. Not enough people are self isolating or self distancing.

Last week my son & I had a “heated” telephone call in which he told me he had read a scientific report & he

tried to tell me how bad things were going to get. He told me I was being selfish, I told him he was over

reacting. He told me there should & would be a total lock down in order to stem the spread of the virus. He

reckoned it would be implemented by the weekend. I didn’t believe him, said he was talking “Tosh” & we

agreed on a 50p bet on who was right.

Today the Government has issued a stark warning about the way we behaved over the weekend & has

implemented a “Total Lockdown”. No one is allowed to go to beaches, country parks, playgrounds, climb

mountains – nothing. We must self isolate, stay at home, only go into work if we are front line/key workers,

shop just once a week & just go out for 1 hr per day to exercise – providing we keep 2 metres apart at all

times. All shops are ordered to close except for food shops. All “take away” outlets will also close. Even

McDonalds! This leads to massive queues in our local branch before the curfew. Something, documented

by Social Media, replicated all over the UK. Mad!

Again my son was right. I feel that we all, eventually (hopefully) become our parents, parents. We take

responsibility for them, guide them & advise them as they get older. I realise this has begun to me. I am

beginning to realise my sons are adults, they do, sometimes, know more than I. I must learn to trust them –





I sense a fleeting feeling of what my life may be like in 10 years’ time.


Tuesday 24th March

A colleague of mine’s wife has gone, for respite care, into a Cardiff Hospice. She has been in for about 3

weeks. He has been loaned a house in the Cotswolds, from Monday to Thursday, by a charity for “Carers”.

It gives him a break to re-charge. He has no family other than his 88 yr old dad & his wife. He does not

drive so was travelling by train.

I ring him to see if he had arrived safely & to enquire about the house (having seen the photographs on the

internet). He tells me he arrived yesterday around 16:00 to be told by the Charity that they had to close the

house down for a deep clean & it will be closed until this Pandemic is conquered. He woke this morning to

several messages from the Hospice asking him to get in touch. He rang them to find out his wife has

contracted the Corona COVID 19 virus. She suffers from Motor Neurone Disease & recently they have

discovered she has front lobe dementia as well. She lost the ability to talk & swallow 18 months ago &

communicates via an i-pad. He is the only person who understands her well, very often the only person

able to understand exactly what she wants. She is now in total isolation with a nurse 24 hrs a day –

checking her temperature etc. He got home mid-afternoon & will now self isolate. I talk to him for over an hr

– understandably he is very worried & “down”. I sat next to him last Friday whilst working on a project,

sharing the same screen & we stood together in the tiny team room. All of a sudden my decision is easy – I

Self isolate!


Wednesday 25th March to Friday 27th March

NHS are looking for volunteers & the Dept. will cover our wages – depending on a business need. We

could be called back into work if needed. Will wait until my self-isolation is over & then consider


I begin working from home. Things are manic & I haven’t worked so hard in a long time. My IT system is

sporadic & I end up talking to my Digital ambassador twice he shows immense patience & we were on the

‘phone for a total of 1 hr 25 mins. Eventually all good.

The sense of emergency has ramped up. I have had 2 or more Manager face to face meetings each day.

Along with face-to-face meeting with my team to feedback what is happening.

Our staff are predominantly working from home now & we have 11 people out of 50 actually in work taking

incoming tel. calls. This means more waiting times for customers & stress for operators.

The Gov. have announced a Job Retention Scheme which will mean for the first time in its history HMRC

will be responsible for making payments of grants to employers, who in turn will pay their staff 80% of their

wages, effectively “furloughing” them until the end of the 3 week lockdown. For employers with less than

250 staff they will not have to pay the grants back. This is wonderful news for small employers – especially

my daughter in law who has her own small business. I text her the info.





It is also good news & such a relief for many people who have been furloughed & were worried about how

they are going to pay their bills. I feel a sense of relief & pride that we will be doing this. However, it means

huge changes for us. We have to reverse the PAYE system to pay employers via our & their automatic

computer systems. It is to go live from 26th April. Phew – a sense of disbelief – will we do it, of course we


As so many people have self-isolated & are panic buying, the Supermarkets are holding urgent recruitment

campaigns to get staff into distribution centres & supermarkets filling shelves. HMRC has adapted its “new

starter” procedures to quicken things up & get the right tax codes in operation. These jobs will be lifelines to

people who been self-employed or students etc. without contracted hrs.

The Gov has promised the same sort of hep to the self-employed, but it won’t be paid until June. In the

meantime, they can claim Universal Credit. The need to wait 12 weeks before paying out a new claim has

been suspended – they can claim immediately. I know what this means to my colleagues in the DWP – I

feel such sympathy for them. Millions of people will be ringing into claim.

There will be no need to for people to re-claim Tax Credits in July & they are going to be paid £20.00 extra

per a week. Universal Credit have been increased by £1000 a year.

No interest or penalties are going to be charged for the late submission of tax returns in July – that can wait

until January 2021. Oh... that will mean a heck of a lot of work later on in the year. Not looking forward to


My Dept. is changing so quickly –we have introduced a new i-form to promote more “Web Chat”. This is

proving popular with the public. We are trialling taking incoming tel. calls at home. We have 30 lines already

up & running –watch his space. If successful Cardiff will be the first site to take it on over a larger scale.

We are donating White Boards & marker pens to the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff to put

messages up for patients, donating toothbrushes deodorant, shower gel etc. These items are for NHS staff

who can’t get home.

No more car sharing, unless it’s with someone you live with – we must keep 2 meters apart.

At last, we are taking this virus seriously, I am beginning to accept that this is a crisis, one as a generation,

completely alien to us. Will life in the future be remembered as “before & after” the Covid 19 Virus of 2020?

For the first time in many years, I feel so proud to work for HMRC. We are going to play a pivotal role over

the next few months & our business will change dramatically. Some of these changes will also go forward

into the future. I understand, possibly for the first time, why we are “Key Workers”. We have a letter as

proof to show the Police if we are ever stopped whilst travelling into work & NCP carparks are free for us to

use if we come into work! No better validation than that!!


Saturday 28th March to Sunday 5th April

The Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) told everyone earlier in the year, in a TV broadcast, that we had little to





fear from the Coronavirus & it was still ok to hug each other & shake hands with others. He then went on a

PR mission to be seen shaking as many hands as possible when meeting the public etc.

PM - Boris Johnson, & Health Secretary - Matt Hancock - both test positive for COVID 19. What is it that

makes people want power so much that they put their own lives/family at risk?

All music festivals have been cancelled including our favourite, Glastonbury. I’ve been a couple of times &

would love to go again but can never get tickets. However, my son goes every year – if he can’t get tickets,

he & his girlfriend volunteer to work during the 4-day festival. His girlfriend lives in Canada & I feel a sense

of foreboding about when we will see her again.

The Gov is to issue every household a letter saying, “the position will become worse before it gets better”. I

ask myself why are we spending this money unnecessarily? The postage alone will be millions & it’ll go

straight into re-cycling. The money would be better spent on sourcing ventilators & testing kits. Why can’t

Boris just look straight at the cameras in his daily bulletin from 10 Downing St. & tell us this, “face to face”.

Why is he frightened of telling us how bad it might get? I have had training in work on how to “deliver

difficult messages”. As PM he should be able to do the same. It’s not easy I know, but people will respect

him all the more if he is honest with us. Just TELL US what to do & we will do it!

The Chief Medical Officer tells us it could be 6 months before life returns to normal. Social distancing will

have to continue & be reduced gradually. Again, why can’t the gov tell us this? 6 months? No trip to Vienna

in May, No trip to Corfu in July. Ah well…Amsterdam in September seems ok.

It is so sad – the first NHS nurse dies of COVID 19. The words of the nurse on the news programme I

watched a couple of weeks ago flood back to me. I am beginning to realise this is going to be horrible.

Thousands of British Nationals are being flown back & re-patriated. This virus has hit the whole world & we

all seem to be tackling it differently. It is weird/scary to think the decisions being made now will mean

people live or die.

The World Health Organisation has advised countries to “Test,Test,Test” . We are not testing! The Welsh

Health Service have been “gazumped” by the English Health Service on COVID 19 testing kits. Apparently,

we made a deal with the pharmaceutical company ‘Roche’ but after the deal was agreed the English NHS

offered more – surely a deal is a deal? I feel so angry…thank goodness there is an Act of Parliament which

says that this is illegal. I think we share the kits….

The contactless payment limit on Debit/Credit cards has been raised from £30.00 to £45.00. I understand

why, as we should handle money as little as possible (the virus could be transmitted on it) but in the grand

scheme of things? I currently don’t spend such “small” sums of money. In fact, I’m not spending any money

at all. I’m saving, for the first time in a long time. I have arrived at the time of life where I know I am only a

year away from retiring & having my income slashed. I want to enjoy myself while I still can. I don’t want

“stuff” or long haul holidays. I want weekly, life experiences –meeting friends for lunch out, eating in nice

restaurants on the weekend with my husband, going to music gigs, seeing live comedians, Theatre shows

etc. These things will wait & I feel guilty thinking that I am saving money where others may be struggling to

make things meet. Or even the worst thing of all - losing their lives.





Not for the first time I realise how lucky my husband & I are. We are both working full time from home &

saving money on petrol. We normally run 2 cars, travelling at least 80 miles a day between us driving to

work, plus our trips out on the weekend.

We will save hundreds of pounds on fuel over the course of this lockdown.

As I am self-isolating my husband does the weekly shop. I write him a list & he is amazed & thinks I am so

clever as the list goes in the same direction as the shelving in the Supermarket. He buys me an “Easter”

chocolate bunny, as a thank you, because I made his shopping experience so easy. I thank him but explain

I have been doing this for 44 years I certainly know the layout of the supermarket by now. He says he

enjoyed the experience (it’ll soon wear off!) & explained people now queue to get in – 2 mtr. apart & - are

allowed in a couple at a time. The trolleys & baskets are being anti bac wiped. There are still shortages of

tinned tomatoes, pasta & toilet rolls but you can get more or less anything else. However, his favourite,

Heinz tinned spaghetti is also unavailable sad times for him. There are things appearing that were not on

the list – lager, wine, chocolate & tinned tomato soup which neither of us like but, quote, “there were only 2

tins left so I bought them, just in case!”- . A panic buy – even we joined in, in the end!

Matt Hancock (Health Minister) returns to work after self-isolating. He does the daily briefing & promises

100,000 COVID 19 tests will be done DAILY by the end of the month. I work in a Gov. Dept & I know that a

Gov. target will ALWAYS be reached. Not always fairly, not always correctly & not always honestly. Spin

will be applied & even if they only achieve that target for 1 day - the target will be reached. Gov. can “tick a

box” & it’ll look good in the history books.

We are going to go from no testing to testing 100.000 people a day in 4 weeks! Who are being tested? How

will it be organised? What will it achieve? I don’t understand it & when I try to find out why, the news media

don’t seem to understand it either.

Historical “Hospital Trust Debt” has been written off by the Gov. Hypercritical or what? This makes my

“blood boil” – if the NHS had been funded correctly there would have been a lot less debt to write off.

Labour Party has at long last – the procedure has been going on for months – announced their new leader

– Keir Starmer. No surprise there. Ah bless...he has arrived with no fanfare & no one takes any notice or

really cares.

My husband has a call from his employers saying he will be “Furloughed” from next Thursday on full pay for

3 weeks. He works for a large oil company whose head office is in Canada. They are still trading. I am so

angry. I go mad! I feel they will take 80% of his wage from our Gov & pay him 20%. They will have to pay it

back but somehow; I think they are making money out of the UK. I feel it is morally wrong, but he can’t see

it. We have a nasty, loud row. I can’t escape anywhere but he storms out of the house to do our weekly

shop. I am so angry I ring a close friend & colleague. She sees & agrees with my point of view (well in all

fairness, I knew she would). My husband & I make peace, but it takes me days to shake off the feeling that

this multinational oil company who are still buying & selling marine oil all over the world, is exploiting the UK

furlough Scheme. If they are doing it, then so may others. I still feel, rightly or wrongly, it is immoral.





On Sunday 5th April the PM Boris Johnson is admitted to Hospital for tests. I reckon it must be serious. He

looked ill on Thursday night when he came out onto the steps of 10 Downing St. to clap the NHS Workers

& Carers.

The Queen also makes only her 5th Broadcast to the UK & Commonwealth, (other than the Christmas

broadcast) ever.

Millions of us tune in to watch & listen. She came over amazingly well & her experience shines through.

Such a difference from the politicians. She certainly does not look or sound like the 94-year-old woman she

is. She thanks us all for the measures we are taking, pays tributes to the key workers & stresses we will

“succeed” in our fight against the virus. She tells us “We will, all, meet again”. A reference to the old WW2

song by Vera Lyn.

Not a dry eye in the house! (But I thank goodness they didn’t actually play the song as the broadcast faded

out). The Queen’s speech is delivered without an ounce of “ego”, so refreshing these days & all the more

powerful for it. It has made me tearful whilst remembering it, as I write.

She has made me feel in one 10 min speech the seriousness of the virus & what, individually & as a

country, we need to do to stop it spreading. I recognise her advisors have put a WW2 “spin” in the message

possibly in reference to the VE celebrations which have been cancelled, but owing to her “sensible”

delivery, I think people will recognise this is a fight & respond much more favourably to the lockdown rules.

Everyone I talk to over the coming days agree how wonderful the speech was– Result!


W/c Monday 6th April

There is a shock announcement by the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, on the TV this evening saying

that Boris Johnson has been taken into intensive care as his condition has worsened. Dominic Raab looks

visibly shaken & I genuinely think he wasn’t expecting this. He will deputise for Boris Johnson & will be

responsible for running the country in his absence. I feel really scared & worried. I don’t particularly like

Boris as a leader & feel (like most people I think) that his Personal Advisor, Dominic Cumming, works him

like a puppet, but I can’t really dislike Boris as a

person. I just don’t think he’s Prime Minister material. He didn’t even attend the first few COBRA (Cabinet

Office Briefing Room A) emergency meetings when they began to discuss the UK plan on d/w the virus. I

think that was reprehensible – it was the country’s health & livelihoods at stake. He should at least have

feigned an interest.

His partner is pregnant & she is also showing signs of the virus. I go to bed feeling worried & wake up in the

night thinking to myself – Boris you should have listened more to the scientists & not your spin doctor’s.

You are paying heavily for shaking so many people’s hands earlier in the year.

When I wake in the morning, like most people, I turn on the radio for an update. Boris seems very ill & I

cross my fingers he will be ok. I really don’t want him to die.





The Welsh First minister, Mark Drakeford does a daily briefing, but I have not watched or listened to it. I

don’t think he looks or sounds like a leader, so I prefer to watch the 5 O’clock bulletin from Downing Street.

He has announced today (8th April) that he will extend Wales’s 3 week lockdown & it dawns on me that

Wales may do things different to the rest of the UK. I just can’t imagine that.

The Prime Minister comes out of intensive care on Thursday (9th April) but remains in Hospital.

It is the 3rd week that we have gone out on our front door step & “clapped” for the NHS & carers. Tonight, I

really enjoyed it. I had a long chat (social distancing, of course) with our neighbour next door (a widow of 70

whom I have known all my life, as we lived in the same street when we were children) & our neighbours 2

doors down. A mother in her sixties & daughter who (as I found out later) would be 40 in July.

I have sent this family a Christmas card every year for the 10 years we have lived here. When I found out

the mother had suffered with breast cancer & was undergoing treatment I gave her a Get Well card & some

flowers but that was to be neighbourly. I haven’t really paid them any attention other than a polite greeting


I found out things about them – even their names – this evening that I didn’t know before and I could see it

was the same for them.

We talk about where I lived, what schools I went to who my parents were…I begin to realise what they

thought of me. They couldn’t believe I had done poorly at school, that I had failed the “11 Plus” exam, which

meant I went to a very “rough” Secondary Modern school. The mum said, with some wonderment, “You

went to Brynpen? I went there as well!

The mum doesn’t work & the daughter manages a local betting shop. I “fill her in” on what I know about the

Job Retention Scheme. She tells me she has been Furloughed so is pleased to hear that she would receive

100% salary & so relieved that she will be able to manage financially as she pays the rent on her & her

mum’s house. I am proud, once again, that as a country we have taken the step to furlough people & pay

them whilst off work. For those who are not eligible it must be really frightening. I read it will cost the UK

between £30 & £40 Billion pounds. When we get through this the country will be even poorer than we were

after the end of the second world war.

We spend over 20 mins talking about how none of us liked school. They seemed amazed when I said I had

hated every day I spent in school, used to “mitch” days off when I got to 15 & left school within 2 weeks of

my 16th Birthday. We went on swopping anecdotes & laughing. Her & her daughter kept looking at me &

shaking their heads, at one time saying “oh we didn’t realise you were born & bred in Pennar Cynnon”.

They seem to be realising they may have the wrong impression of me. They seem to have formulated an

opinion of me, possibly because I work “in an office” & drive to Cardiff to work every day, that I may be “a

bit posh”.

My husband joins in. He is a very gregarious person & makes the 3 “girls” laugh, they say they think he is

English when in fact he is from West Wales. Yet again, as he has a different accent, a misconception, now






Our Easter starts with a family “Zoom” meeting. My granddaughter is so excited with the Easter eggs the

Easter bunny.

Life in HMRC is hectic & we are delivering new inisofits


May 2020

May starts with the same wonderful weather we have had since the beginning of April, it remains

unseasonably warm & sunny.

Well surprise, surprise. The Health Minster, Matt Hancock, proudly announces the government met its

target of 100,000 tests a day – although not necessarily completed. What did I say!

£76m of funding is being made available for vulnerable people - victims of domestic violence, their children

& victims of “modern slavery”. I have been thinking & worrying a lot about these women (I must admit I

have to remind myself that men can also be affected) who are in abusive relationships. Its been over 6

weeks with everything locked down & nowhere for them to escape to. It is hard enough for them to get help

when everything is “up & running” but now? Now they have to spend all day with their partners, abused,

living on a knife edge, scared stiff – a living Hell.

It also makes me reflect on my relationship. My husband & I have been together for 30 years. This is for

both of us, our second marriage with all the difficulties that brought. Financial hardship, step-children, both

of us working full time, me doing all the household tasks. This lead to many arguments as he did very little

to help. Every other weekend he drove the 100 miles each way, a total 400 miles over the weekend, to pick

up & return his children. It was hard for us at times. There were 2 occasions when living together was a

nightmare for both of us.

I hated returning home from work, I was unhappy & couldn’t sleep. I disliked him so much I didn’t even want

to be in the same room as him. I tried to shield my two sons from my unhappiness & atmosphere. But

children are so intuitive & after discussing it with them as adults I realise now, they were affected. My

children felt frustrated & of course having divorced parents is never easy.

As time has gone on & I look back I can see it was lack of honest communication that was at the heart of

our problems. Over the years life has got so much easier & after attending couples counselling, we have

recognised our weaknesses & have become very close. Years ago, this lockdown would have been really

testing for us but now it is just cementing our relationship & we are happier than we have ever been.

I have plenty of time these days to reflect back. My husband & I talk a lot about the way things were then.

We both recognise how stubborn we were & how destructive it was. It was all so petty & we both agree,

thank goodness, we “hung on in there”.

I recognise my divorce & re-marriage has affected my sons & the way they behave in their relationships. I

wish I could have known back then what I know now. I feel really upset & sad at that. But I can’t go back &

change it. This period of lockdown is surprising me with the feelings of reflection & disappointment.





A positive outcome & in some sort of defence, my two sons & two stepsons share a strong bond & get on

really well so perhaps our unrest helped solidify their bond? They are all successful in their chosen fields

and they are the thing that I am most proud of in life.

There are going to be so many people suffering from mental health problems during & when we come out

of lock down. It occurs to me mental health problems are the epitome of “Inclusion/Diversity”. It will hit all

sections of society – it doesn’t recognise gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality or nationality. A sister/brother in

fact to the Coronavirus Covid 19 itself. Ironical, I think.

Boris Johnson tells us that contingency plans had been put in place in case of his death. I dismiss this – of

course there would be. The country can’t run itself – although I am beginning to wonder…

The big social media giants – Google & Apple - offer a free track & trace app. to the UK Government. It is

currently being used elsewhere in Europe. This is dismissed because of privacy laws, I think. Instead, we

favour a UK Government NHS App which is currently being trialled on the Isle of Wight.

The Isle of Wight trial will be abandoned because the UK App does not work. We do not use the

Google/Apple App that the rest of Europe is using & once again, we do things our way. Why, I wonder?

Disturbingly, we are still not “Track & Tracing” Coronavirus. Cases. Consequently, cases continue to

spread as people who have the virus are not isolating – they continue to pass it on. Again, I ask…is it me?

It’s stupid! (The Google/Apple “Track & Trace App” will be adopted by the UK Gov. in September - 5

months wasted!).

Covid 19 deaths begin to fall in hospitals but those in Care Homes begin to accelerate. Another temporary

NHS Nightingale Hospital is opened in the North East -Sunderland area. It is “virtually” opened by Saturday

night celebrities Ant & Dec along with a couple of sporting personalities. I recognise they are genuinely

trying to help morale, but it seems tacky to me.

The House of Commons select committee have been told earlier testing for Covid 19 would have been

beneficial but would not have prevented the spread of the virus. Really? Surely it would have helped the

Government make plans/decisions. I’m left wondering.

A Gov scientific advisor has to resign after being “outed” by the press. He has been receiving visits from his

“married lover” at his home, when we were all supposed to be self-isolating. All very salacious & humorous

but the main point is - if you’re the one telling people what to do, then you should follow your own rules!!

Lots of airlines are laying their staff off & car manufacturing has also been hit. Not unsurprising, a taste of

what’s to come? I lived through the high unemployment years of what has become to be known as

“Thatcher’s (after Margert Thatcher the Prime Minister of the time) Eighties”. The vast unemployment of the

1980’s left communities devastated & it took so long for the country to recover. I am so glad this

Government is giving out financial help. Although, the economy is on course to shrink by 14%, the UK’s

deepest recession ever, I think it is worth it to keep a hold on people’s jobs.


Wednesday 6th May





It is my 66th Birthday & the legacy of working in the same building for over 40 years & making long lasting

friendships is that I have received lots of cards & texts to wish me a “Happy Birthday”. I have asked my

friends not to send me presents but to donate to the cancer charity, “Marie Curie”. There are no fundraising

events going on & they have launched an “Emergency Appeal” to raise money.

However, in the post I do receive gifts including one from my son, granddaughter & stepson. A friend drives

across the valley & leaves a plant & card on my doorstep. I break off from working in the kitchen & catch

her getting back into her car & we have a quick chat, across the road. It is so lovely to see her - it’s been

over 2 months.

A late afternoon “Zoom” meeting with my family is enjoyed & we all have a “virtual” drink to celebrate. As

the weather is so nice my husband & I had planned to have a BBQ but on our daily walk we see our local

“Fish & Chip” shop has re-opened. We are so excited - no contest! It is the first meal I haven’t cooked in

over 6 weeks & it is delicious.

Our best friends visit in the early evening & we stand outside- socially distancing -with a glass of

champagne & chat until the air gets cold. It has been a birthday I will not forget.

They say in times of adversity you know who your real friends are & that has been the case for me today.

My family & friends have made me feel special, loved & supported. By the time all donations are in I pay

£200 to the Marie Curie charity. I feel so proud & so blessed.

Boris does his first Prime Ministers, Question Time, in the House of Commons, since his illness. He still

doesn’t seem fully fit & says He “bitterly regrets” the deaths in care homes but no promise of extra PPE. He

pledges to reach a target of 200.000 UK Covid tests by the end of May. It isn’t going to happen of course as

we do not have the resources – testing kits or labs - & I am annoyed that he is insulting my intelligence.

The next day, all hell lets loose with scientist & other MP’s saying it’s impossible. Mad!

A further 649 deaths are recorded leading to a total of 30,076 in the country but we are also continually told

that death figures are, “known to be higher” due to the deaths in communities, which have not been


The PPE problem is not getting any better & everyone in the country is desperate. The Gov confirm the

400,000 gowns ordered & air lifted in from Turkey do not pass the required safety standards & are

impounded – beggars belief!

Ongoing, is the Thursday night “clap” for the NHS, Carers & Front Line workers. Ours has turned into a

really positive, social affair. We now have a neighbour with his ukulele & another with a guitar & we have a

sing song. I really look forward these Thursday nights now. I’ll miss them when they stop.


Friday 8th May

The Monday “May Day” Bank Holiday has moved this year to Friday to celebrate the 75 th anniversary of

“Victory in Europe” which ended the second world war in Europe. There was a national 2min. silence at

11:00 & the RAF “Red Arrows” aerobatic team did fly pasts over major cities. The Queen gave a speech





which opened up with a film clip showing her father doing the same thing, giving a televised VE message.

This was very poignant – knowing, now that he had a terrible stammer (which was kept from the nation)

which made speechmaking so difficult for him. The Queen is always impeccable – even after 68 years on

the throne she still has a strong sense of duty. She is self-isolating in Windsor Castle & tells us that the

WW2 service personnel would recognise themselves in us today, in our current fight & we will “never give

up, never despair”. We are encouraged to open up our windows & sing “We’ll Meet Again” a war time

favourite – but I’m afraid that’s one step too far for me!

Besides loads of events, parades & fly pasts being cancelled there is still a brilliant atmosphere in the

country. It seems to resonate with the fight we are experiencing with Covid 19. Streets have bunting

stretched across them. Our street is quiet but others around are “buzzing”. People take a table & chairs out

to the pavement & have afternoon tea, bingo games, quizzes – all socially distancing – with music playing

into the evening.

We have a very quiet bank holiday – a daily walk & ending up in the garden with the usual music & glass of

wine. I am beginning to feel a little anxious about one of my sons who lives on his own. I worry he is too

isolated, but he assures me he is too busy working to be lonely & not to worry. But the curse of all mothers

– I don’t.

The downside of the good weather is that crowds of people are going to local beaches & beauty spots

making roads impassable because of badly parked cars & leaving their litter & rubbish behind.

We will have to watch the figures in 2 weeks’ time to see what an effect all this has had on the transmission

of the disease.

Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish Leader & Mark Drakeford, the Welsh First Minister, extend the lockdown by

another 3 weeks in Scotland & Wales. A sign that we are going our own way as devolved nations.

In Wales there are minor changes – we can exercise outside twice a day now (within our own area – no

travelling) & local Councils can plan for the re-opening of libraries & refuse tips. Garden Centres are also

allowed to open…This is good news as the weather is still fabulous & people want to work on their gardens.

Although for me – it would be hell. I hate gardening!

Again, it seems strange to me that the devolved governments are doing different things. I would prefer if the

UK did things as a whole & we fought Covid 19 together.


Sunday 10th May

Boris Johnson gives a national televised address where he tells us that the UK Government is changing

their slogan to “Stay alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives”. Stay Alert? What on earth does that mean? We

can’t see the virus to avoid it!

He tells those who cannot work from home they can return to work the next day – but not use public

transport unless they have to. No warning to either employers or workers – so people wonder, “Do I go





back to work?, Will it be safe?” Employers are confused – many not knowing what safety procedures to put

in place.

Schools in England are to re-open from 1st June. This is the first the Schools & Education authorities have

heard of this. Again, no consultation beforehand. This is becoming a pattern of the pandemic. The Go v. (or

actually Boris’s advisors like Dominic Cummins – non-elected people) decide what to do & just arbitrary

announce it. No consultation – complete surprise to all parties involved.

They meet in the middle of May to discuss it. The rest of May follows in a similar vein. Boris announces the

opening up of the country & then has to “back track” when the implications become clear. He acknowledges

the frustrations felt by the country when he changed the slogan. He tells the Commons that there will be a

“Track & Trace” system up & running from June 1st. Later in the month it is announced it will not be fully

functioning until late June but, guess what? It won’t.

It seems as if Boris is banking on June 1st being a magical day when things begin to improve & life will feel

more like “normal” – whatever that means. I am very sceptical.

By the end of May, England is really opened up – even the 2.2 million people who have been “shielding”

are allowed to go out doors with members of their family. They can meet 1 other person outside. Some

scientists express their concern at this.

I am not a Welsh speaker & have had a very magnanimous feeling about being devolved from the UK

Government. I would much prefer to be a united “union” & can’t really believe Wales could ever be totally

independent. Prior to Coronavirus, I had no opinion on the First Minister Mark Drakeford & to be honest I

wouldn’t have been able to “pick him out in a Police lineout”.

I am fed up with the daily briefings from Downing St. as Wales only ever gets a cursory mention. I start to

watch the Welsh daily briefing & I note that Mark Drakeford wears a suit, shirt & tie but he looks a “mess”.

His suit looks too big his shirt old & my first reaction is to say, “who dressed him?”. His “look” certainly

doesn’t inspire confidence!


Friday 15th May

Mark Drakeford does not adopt Boris’s change in slogan & for us in Wales, it will remain as “Stay Home,

Protect the NHS, Save Lives”. Cases across the NHS & Care Homes in Wales are beginning to drop but

Mark Drakeford is very decisive. Something I have not seen with the UK Government.

In his Friday broadcast, he sets out a “traffic light” route out of lockdown. He forcibly explains that Wales’s

withdrawal from lockdown will be planned & careful. We will adopt the mantra – “Plan, Prepare & Execute”.

We do not & will not, announce changes “overnight”. This is a dig at Boris Johnson & his Government who

are announcing changes unexpectantly, without enough thought & which leads to widespread confusion &


Wow…I am so impressed - Mark Drakeford’s briefings have changed my opinion so much. He “comes

over” as a strong, independent leader. He explains he will do what’s right for Wales – he isn’t interested in





what happens in the rest of the UK. He & the Welsh Government will take care, think ahead & plan to keep

us safe. He will hold national briefings at 3 weekly intervals at which any changes will be announced. This

will give businesses & employers time to get their premises safe for their workers & public, reducing the

chance of spreading the infection.

What a difference to the message & impression to the UK Gov. They announce things & then change their

minds. Finally, I feel I can trust a politician. The message for Wales is still to stay at home, work from home,

if possible, wash hands & keep 2 metres apart. No mention of schools or non-essential shops re-opening.


Tuesday 19th May

It is my granddaughters 5th birthday. It is once again, a beautiful sunny day & we are going to drive the 18

miles to see her this afternoon. I feel a mixture of guilt & excitement. When we get there, she is so excited

& pleased to see us. We sit on deck chairs outside the living room window with a glass of fizz & birthday

cake. She brings her presents to the window to show us & it is lovely. There are balloons & banners, a few

of her friends have been driven by to wave to her, all her grandparents have been to see her (given timed

slots so we don’t meet) & she has enjoyed her day. But for me, it reinforces how much I miss her & want to

give her a hug. Her parents are, of course, exhausted!

This visit leads to me having an almost daily “virtual” meeting with my granddaughter on our iPads. It

normally lasts 30 to 45 mins & gives her parents a break. I am surprised at how she can now hold a

conversation. My husband also joins in and she is so pleased to see & talk to someone else. I love how it

brings her closer to us & how we can keep our relationship going. Again…wonderful technology!

Boris Johnson’s career over the last few years – winning the Brexit vote, leadership of the Conservative

party & winning the last election has been orchestrated by his special advisor Dominic Cummings. A guy

who hated the Conservative party in his early years. He “rules” Boris & it is widely accepted & reported that

what “Dominic wants, Dominic gets”, even down to ministers being sacked. Well...he only goes & breaks

the lockdown rules. The same rules he helped set. The newspapers have a field day & the Nation is


He drives his wife & son 260 miles from London to Durham, at least once – maybe twice. His wife had

suspected Covid symptoms so he drove up to the Northeast so family could help with childcare. It was also

discovered that while there, he visited a local castle to celebrate his wife’s birthday. The whole country

goes mad. He said he took the day trip to “test his eyes” for the journey home. As well as being despised,

he has ridiculed himself.

One local person was very angry saying that they couldn’t go to see a friend in Barnard Castle, who was

dying, but Cummings could go there on a day trip after driving from London. The controversy dominates

the news.

We are all self-isolating & it is hard for all of us. Families like my son are working from home & having to

home school their children at the same time. Lots of parents have had to do this, whilst suffering from the





virus themselves & with no childcare help. Cummings helps make the rules & it’s obvious its “one rule for

us & one rule for him!”

Even Tory MP’s & Tory press are angry & appalled. The “world & its wife” are calling for Cummings to

resign. Boris Johnson, as usual, defends him thinking the furore will die down.

In the end Dominic Cummings holds an extraordinary live interview with the press in the Rose Garden of 10

Downing Street the Rose Garden!! The audacity of the man, this is usually a place where important

dignitaries are photographed etc... again uproar in the country.

I can’t watch it – I feel so angry. To cheer us up the BBC have been broadcasting old musical films on a

Sunday afternoon. I return to watching one my favourites – “Paint Your Wagon” starring a very young Clint

Eastwood & an elderly Lee Marvin. It’s one of my favourites & I remember seeing it in the cinema & I still

have an LP recording of the music. Good memories.

As for Dominic Cummins. It is not long before the scandal leads to ridicule & humour - social media memes

(my son had to explain to me what they were ), a humorous eye chart, a specially named beer & grateful

thanks from the tourist office of Barnard castle!

By the end of May all parts of the UK ae beginning to “open up”. England more quickly than anywhere else.

Passengers from abroad are asked to quarantine for 14 days but unlike other countries, we do not “track &

trace” them on entry. We do not check to ensure they are actually in quarantine. Passengers continue to

“stroll” through immigration & are just allowed to go on their way, using public transport etc.

Mask wearing in now compulsory on public transport which helps reduce the spread of the disease but

some of these passengers will, unintentionally, pass on Covid 19 from surfaces they touch. I wonder, yet

again, about this Gov.

I really don’t think it has a clue what to do. The UK certainly doesn’t have a “leader” & it certainly isn’t

dealing with the virus as I hoped. I & a lot of the rest of the country are losing faith & feel a sense of

despair. We realise, yet again, that we are destined to lose more people than any other country in Europe.

Scientists are beginning to collate fact about the virus – a loss of taste & smell are added to the symptoms

of the disease. People with diabetes make up approx. a third of Coronavirus deaths between March & May

although they haven’t been told to shield. It is announced that the risk of school children catching the virus

is very, very small.

This fact is incredibly reassuring. I read that it was the same with the “Spanish” flu of 1918 which killed

millions of people. It’s almost a way of nature doing its own “natural selection”. Doesn’t bare thinking about.

An agreement is reached with Roche, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, which means an anti-body test will

be available to NHS workers & care home staff. This will at least tell them if they have already had the


Some UK scientists are warning the UK Gov. of the risk associated with lifting the lockdown restrictions in

England too early – the Gov. reply stating it is following the data & evidence. However, Professor Van Tam





- one of their main advisors, tells us in a daily Downing St. briefing that Britain is at a “dangerous moment”.

People should be “sensible & proportionate”. It is obvious that scientists are concerned but can only give

guidance. The Gov make the decisions & I suppose they have also to think of the economy.

The financial impact to the country is becoming more clear. The Economy shrank by 2%, borrowing rose to

£62bn. at the end of April (goodness knows what that will rise to by the end of the year), the furlough

scheme has been extended to October – this will cost the country £14bn a month. Despite this, job losses,

especially in the aeronautic, tourism & hospitality sectors are heavy & people claiming Job Seeker

Allowance increase from 856.500 in April to 2.1 million in May.

A “task force” has been established to look at how sport & arts events can resume. £150 million from

“dormant” bank accounts is to be used to help charities & social enterprises.

The 10th & last “Clap for Carers” is held. I will miss these Thursday evenings, but the legacy will be long



Monday 25th May

George Floyd a 46-year-old African-American man is killed by police on a Minneapolis street, in daylight,

while being arrested for allegedly using a counterfeit bank note. The arrest is filmed by witnesses on their

‘phones & the footage goes “viral”.

It is so shocking – Mr Floyd was handcuffed & lying face down on the ground & the white police officer had

his knee on his neck preventing him from moving. Despite saying several times that he couldn’t breathe,

showing severe distress & calling for his mother because he thought he was going to die, the police officer

did not lift his knee. Other police officers kept bystanders away - preventing them from helping. After

several minuets Mr Floyd stopped speaking & after a further 2 mins it was obvious, he had died.

The police officer was charged with second degree murder & the other officers with aiding & abetting,

second degree murder. But this event is to have a profound effect on the whole world. Mr Floyd’s death is

so cruel & needless that it triggers worldwide indignation & protests against police brutality & racism.

Protest marches are held all over the country. In Bristol a statue of a famous slave trader – Edward Colston

– is toppled over & pushed into the dock. It is recovered & along with the other monuments to slave traders

all over the country, are removed & re-located to museums.

I have mixed feelings - these men were men of their time. No doubt they were philanthropists & gave

money to many good causes. They must have been admired to have had bronze statues put up. But… the

slave trade movement was reprehensible. It seems unbelievable to me that these wealthy merchants could

just capture innocent men & women & forcibly take them all the way around the world to work on

plantations in the West Indies. They were “owned” like cattle & white men & their countries got wealthy on

the black people’s hard work & imprisonment. It went on for approx. two hundred years, the repercussions

are still with us today.





After George Floyds death, a movement called “Black Lives Matter” quickly grows in providence, all over

the world. It highlight’s how “cheap” black lives are and how endemic racism is everywhere. It will

challenge all our attitudes & beliefs. I was previously unaware how many black people are shot/killed in

America – just for being black.

George Floyd’s death has led me to research things in America. The killing of a black man seems to

happen frequently & not just by the police. In February, in South Georgia, a 25-year-old man, Ahmaud

Arbery, was out jogging, taking the same route he did every day when he was shot & killed by a father &

son. Just for being Black. It took 4 months, a report in the New York Times & the release of mobile phone

video evidence before anyone was arrested & charged for the murder.

God, this makes me so angry, sad & frightened. I am so glad our Police do not carry

arms – although from what I read, black people in the UK are far more routinely “stopped & searched” than

white people. A reason for the recent marches under the “Black Lives Matter” banner.

The current US President does nothing to change people’s perspective in the USA because he has such

“right wing” views himself. Based on current predictions, by 2034 there will be more black people living in

America than white. What will happen then? Are white Americans scared & worried that they will be treated

in the same way they treat black people? If not – they should be.

Mark Drakeford announces an easing of lockdown rules for us in Wales. From 1st June members of 2

households will be able to meet outdoors, those shielding at home may also meet outside with people as

long as they maintain social distancing & not go into other people’s homes.

Non-essential retailers are urged to use the next 3 weeks to “prepare & safeguard their businesses, ready

for opening”.

At the end of May, the Office of National Statistics report there has been over 55,000 deaths, due to Covid

19, in the UK – this may be higher as there may be other deaths in communities that haven’t been reported

yet. Care Homes have increasingly become the epicentres for deaths with the toll standing at 10,000

people. These elderly people are dying alone, without their family around them. Heart breaking.

The World Health Organisation reports 2 million people in the world have caught the virus, with approx.

358,000 people having died. The UK account for 4.7% of these cases against 4.1% in Spain & 4% in Italy.

The fact we have the highest death rate in Europe sickens me.

We should have done better & I blame the UK Government.

When I reflect back over May I am again reminded how lucky my husband & I are – white, middle class, we

have fully paid jobs & we & our family are fit & healthy. It really, doesn’t get much better than that.







June and July 2020

The divisions between the devolved nations on how the pandemic is being managed continues to grow

wider. England opens up much faster than Wales & Scotland.

In England, from June to August it starts with Car & Caravan showrooms, outdoor sports amenities,

outdoor non-food markets re-open. The rules regarding leaving home are replaced by rules about staying

overnight & they can meet 6 people from outside a household as long as it is outside. Primary schools re -

open (attendance varies between 40% & 70%). All non-essential retailers are allowed to re-open & IKEA,

the Danish furniture retailer, re-opens with queues around the block of people waiting to go into all of their


The popular “soap opera” Coronation Street begins filming again after an eleven-week break. Horse racing,

Snooker & Test Match Cricket resumes all be it, “behind closed doors”, without any spectators.

Despite three players opting out due to concerns about the virus, the West Indian cricket team fly into

England. They agree to spend the seven-week tour in a bio-secure “bubble” & start off with a three-week

quarantine period at the Hilton Hotel at “Old Trafford” the home of the Manchester United football club.

I think the players are quite brave knowing they are flying into a country where the Coronavirus is at a high

level & knowing the teams & officials will be heavily tested & they have a limited “social life” off the pitch. I

feel humble at the fact they are willing to do this as I know how much it will help raise the moral of cricket

lovers. Both a best friend & one of my sons are so pleased & England go on to win the series 2-1.

14-day quarantine measures are introduced, at long last, for travellers arriving in the UK. In other European

countries, arrivals are tested & if they show symptoms of the disease the Government place them in

isolation for 2 weeks – normally in specific Hotels commandeered for the purpose. They are monitored & if

Covid clear after 2 weeks they are allowed to carry on their journey.

The UK – arrivals are told to quarantine for 14 days & if they don’t, they will be fined with possible

prosecution. However, no checks are made on arrival & no one checks up on them at all. Off they go into

the community with some of them carrying & spreading the Coronavirus as they go. This makes me feel so

angry with the UK Government. It just doesn’t make sense…

The weather becomes wetter & people are advised not to meet indoors & at the beginning of June the

number of deaths have risen to over 50,000. Protests are planned under the “Black Lives Matter” & the

Health Secretary Matt Hancock urges people not to go but of course, the feelings around the country are so

strong that protests in all the big cities in the UK go ahead. I totally agree with them & thankfully most of

them wear face coverings.

I feel really annoyed with myself that I didn’t know about the Cardiff protest. I would have gone & joined in

the demonstration but found put about it too late – the downside of not following social media.

Information is now coming out from scientists advising us that, despite warnings from them, the UK Gov.

started the lockdown too late. By June I am convinced that the UK Government do not have a clue what





they are doing. I feel we do not have a leader & the whole thing is a farce. I no longer watch the Downing

St. daily press conference. The details & information given does not include Wales & by the end of August

my faith in Boris Johnson & the UK Government is non-existent. They haven’t got a clue what they are

doing – I feel a mixture of anger & despair.

They have “opened up” England with such little preparation that Leics. has to be put back into lockdown on

30th June. The BBC produces evidence to confirm that the UK has been the worst hit country out of the G7

countries – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, USA & the UK & England the worst hit nation just

ahead of Spain.

Foreign travel is opened up & people flock to book foreign holidays although countries are slow to lift the

ban on flights from the UK because of our high Covid rates. Despite this, by the end of August the

aeronautic industry is decimated with thousands of people losing their jobs. British Airways even announce

plans to retire its whole fleet of Boeing 747’s four years ahead of schedule.

The vast majority of people holiday at home though & this leads to nightmare traffic jams & accommodation

problems. The sales of touring caravans, motor homes, camper vans & tents go “through the roof” & sell

out - even online.

The retail industry, predictably, suffers really badly with big names like Boots losing 4000 jobs & John Lewis

shutting stores. Thank goodness the scheme’s introduced by the Gov. in April to furlough workers & give

the self-employed a grant has helped so much. This is the one & only thing the Government has got right.

To stimulate growth the Gov. introduce a month long “Eat Out to Help Out “scheme at the beginning of

August. It offers up to 50% discount on meals at indoor venues – restaurants, pubs & cafes. The scheme

does not cover alcoholic drinks & is worth a maximum of £10.00 per person off the bill. A brilliant idea to

stimulate growth in the hospitality sector which employs such a huge number of workers. Most of these

being younger people & part time workers. But it comes to my mind that the UK taxpayer are paying for

others to go out & eat & drink. I’m also apprehensive about how it will pan out regarding the spread of the

virus. I’m not really sure how I feel about it – but I do take advantage of it.

To be honest, the restaurateurs have really thought about it. They remove tables to adhere to social

distancing measures, allow 15 mins. between bookings to allow for sanitising tables & chairs, have menu’s

printed out on A4 sheets of paper so they can be ripped up after we give our orders. & the savings are


In Wales we take a much more measured approach. Things are discussed first & then announced.

Mark Drakeford remains adamant that restrictions will be lifted carefully & he still spaces these out in 3

weeks measures. The 3rd Friday comes to be known as “Freedom Friday”. Oh, how we look forward to


On the 3rd June it is announced that all schools in Wales will re-open from 29th June.

When they do re-open, a third of pupils will be allowed in school at one time & they will close for the

summer break a week early. It is not mandatory & so my son decides my granddaughter will not go back to





school as it will only be for 2 or 3 days. I feel so sorry for her & think about how much she would enjoy

meeting her friends. However, I keep my thoughts to myself – which is difficult to do!

We are asked to wear three-layer face coverings in situations where social distancing is not possible. This

will remain mandatory on public transport.

A programme for easing restrictions will begin on 22 June allowing retailers to re-open & outdoor sports to

re-commence. We are told our shielding advice has not changed (as they have in England) & will remain in

place until 16 August. The 2-meter rule is to stay in place, indefinitely.

Rules are relaxed allowing pubs & restaurants to open by utilizing their outdoor space but they are not

allowed to open up indoors quite yet. Travel restrictions to & from Wales will be lifted from 6 th July.

Things are moving but as usual, not quickly enough. It is the small things I miss. Having my haircut (my hair

is a mess!) & visiting my beautician. Meeting a friend for a cup of tea & a piece of cake. I am baking much

more these days & with that & drinking more I am putting on weight. I am not alone & it will become known

universally as “the Covid stone”.

But most of all I am, of course, missing my sons, daughter in laws & granddaughter. It seems such a long

time since we had a hug.

At the beginning of July, Mark Drakeford announces that from 6th July the 5 mile travel rule is lifted & out

door attractions are permitted to open. Two households can meet up. On the 6 th July there are no deaths

reported in the most recent 24 hr period. Things are looking so much more positive & the mood of the

Nation has lifted.

On 10th July for the 2nd time in a week no new deaths are reported. The first Minister announces that pubs,

bars, cafes & restaurants will open from Monday 13th July but outside seating only.

He tells the hospitality sector to prepare for indoor serving & advises that pubs, cafes, restaurants & bars

will be able to re-open indoors provided certain measures are undertaken – 2 metre rule & track & trace

provisions (peoples address & contact numbers taken).

He announces that Wales is, once again, a safe place to visit & holiday parks with accommodation that

have their own bathroom & toilet facilities are allowed to re-open from11th July & hairdressers can re-open

on 13th July. Yayyy

My hairdressers contacts me & due to the fact they can only have 50% of customers in the salon at one

time, so many of us want an appointment & 15 mins has to be allowed between each client to sanitise the

chair etc. I have to have my hair done with 2 different stylist, over 2 appointments, over 2 days. It can be

cut one day & coloured the next. I am booked in for Mon 20th & Tues 21st July. It means I have to travel 18

miles either way on 2 consecutive days but I don’t care. I am overjoyed!

It is such a different experience – I have to wait outside until invited in where I am given a mask & asked to

sanitise my hands. The reception area has no furniture, no magazines & there is no drink whilst waiting for

the colour to set on my hair. My usual hairdresser has a shield over her face & is also wearing a mask. She





is also pregnant – which was a lovely surprise! I am really happy for her & would love to give her a hug but

of course we can’t. It is a really weird feeling to suppress natural urges.

We reminisce & talk about the Covid lockdown. It is all anybody talks about these days anyway. I tell her I

can remember the exact day I was there last – Wed. the 18th March. We knew a lockdown was likely & I

asked her to cut my hair really short in preparation, but we didn’t know it would last for 4 months with no

sign of an end to it, even now.

I remember that evening so clearly – having a heated discussion with my son. Being told I was behaving

“morally selfishly”. Not understanding the enormity of it all. Most of what he prophesised came true. All

except the fact he hadn’t/couldn’t have, at that time, know how the UK as a nation would pull together, we

stayed in, did not socialise together & the NHS was able to cope & the vast numbers of beds in the

Nightingale hospitals were not needed.

I reflect on how it was for him living on his own & unable to have personal contact with anybody. Virtual

“Zoom” meetings are fine but they are not the same as being with another human being. He works from

home so was still able to “fill” his days. But what about those who couldn’t. How did they manage to stay

positive? How did he & others cope with the loneliness & the “dark dog” of depression? How did those in

abusive homes cope. I shudder to think.

Throughout July the Welsh Gov. ease the lockdown measures & give the go ahead for things to re-open –

always allowing time for things to be prepared. I wonder when camping sites will re-open. We have a

touring caravan & we had decided to site it in West Wales but of course we can’t do that until they re-open.

I watch every Friday bulletin with hope.

Wales largest A&E Dept in the University of Wales Hospital announces that no one can just “turn up” at the

Dept. anymore. We are told that all non-emergency patients are to call ahead before attending A&E, people

will be assessed remotely & then given an appointment time which must be adhered too. This causes an

uproar in the media but I think it might work – why wait in the hospital waiting room for hrs? Will it stop the

so called “time wasters”? Will people who need the A&E Dept be put off ringing? I’m not sure, but I know for

certain if this system works & one can be assessed virtually – which is what is happening very successfully

with GP’s in the community, things won’t go back to how they were. Another instance of “Before & After”

Covid 19.

It is announced on 13th July that “shielding” vulnerable people in Wales will finish on 16th August – a

tantalising 4 week wait. The Welsh daily briefings come to an end & will instead take place on Fridays only.

Playgrounds, cinemas, museums & beauty salons open from 27th July & at long last Campsites with

shared facilities can open from 25th July.

My husband & I are so excited. In September 2019 we had booked our caravan in on a campsite in West

Wales, for the 2020 season. Normally the season runs from Easter to October so we have been waiting in

anticipation for this announcement for so long. We are so excited!

We book 2 weeks annual leave & on Sat. 25th July we tow the caravan down to the caravan site. We love

this site because despite having over 200 static caravans it is a very quiet site. It runs alongside an





amazing 2mile long, surfers beach. It has no shop, or club house –very quiet - which is why we like it.

People stay here for the view, surfing & walking the coastal path. It is so beautiful – Wales at its best.

We lived 1 mile away from the beach near the campsite when my sons were small & the whole area brings

back such happy, positive memories that it just makes me happy. The sweep of the hill down towards the

beach gives such an amazing view – whether the weather is fair or foul - that we often stop in the lay by on

the way back to the van just to look & take it in. It is always changing & never fails to show nature at its

most powerful – a feeling that makes one feel so insignificant.

When we arrive on site we note the rules are very strict. Our camp site owner enforces them with passion.

He has decided he will not open the “shared facilities” – shower blocks, toilets & laundry. This is fine by us

as we can shower etc. in our caravan. He insists we e-mail him before arrival giving details of who is

staying in the van & car registration number. He stresses only family members can stay & no visitors are

allowed. When we arrive, I notice the hand sanitiser stations & signs up all over the site reminding us to

keep 2 metres apart & to wash our hands regularly. To see the effort he has put in & the track & trace

measures he has implemented makes me feel confident and safe.

It is brilliant to meet up with old friends from last season. Although 2 families have decided not to come this

year. We are all conscious to keep our distance from one another, but I have to keep reminding my

husband of the 2 metre rule as he tends to get quite excited when he meets people for the first time, after

such a long time. I get the feeling that seeing new people, after so many months of just talking to me, is

such a novelty!

The weather on Sunday is wonderful & as we walk to the beach for a walk, we see my husband’s cousin &

family going back to their car which is in the beach carpark.

We are so pleased to see each other that we talk over the fence for almost an hour.

She is a resident of Haverfordwest – the main town approx. 9 miles away - & she tells how wonderful it has

been in lockdown. Wonderful weather & no visitors. She shares her fears that holiday visitors will bring the

virus back into the county. Pembrokeshire County hasn’t had a case of Coronavirus since May & then a

“visitor” walked into a Dr’s surgery this week, announcing they thought they had the virus. Consequently,

the surgery had to be closed & deep cleaned. The Drs, nurses & waiting patients had to self-isolate for a

week. What is the matter with people? Why didn’t they just ring – as all the instructions tell us! We agree

the County relies heavily on summer visitors for its economy that they are needed - but at what cost? We

talk about Mark Drakeford & being a devolved nation – we both forcibly agree how well he is doing & how

glad we are that we don’t have Boris Johnson telling us what to do. It was so lovely to see them & catch


By the end of July working from home is no longer mandatory but we are encouraged to still work from

home if we can. HMRC stress they want us to continue working for home as the isolating measures mean

we do not have the space for everyone to return to work safely. This is fine by me. I am enjoying working

from home.





From 30th July hospitality venues can at last serve people indoors – provided the safety measures have

been taken.

From 10 August swimming pools, leisure centres & children indoor play areas are allowed to re-open.

Children under 11 will no longer be required to stay 2 metres apart from anyone else & outdoor gatherings

of up to 30 people are allowed.

New powers are announced requiring pubs & restaurants to take customers “track & trace” details & to

ensure social distancing measures are in place – or they could be forced to close again.

Eventually, 75% of tourism businesses re-open but at least half of those are not operating at full capacity.

This, no doubt because of the social distancing measures needed. However, the “Eat Out to Help Out”

scheme will be, financially, an outstanding success. Most restaurants & pubs make up for the trade lost in

the lockdown.

We are reminded if we have Covid 19 symptoms, & they have not improved within

7 days we should seek help. A stark reminder that the virus is still out there – it hasn’t gone away.

As August progresses A £50m funding package is announced in Wales to support housing projects &

permanent accommodation of our homeless. Pandemonium ensues regarding the O & A level exam

results, In the end the Welsh Gov, decide to base these on teachers’ assessment. Students appear on

news bulletins saying how disappointed they were at not being able to take end of course exams. I think to

myself – I would have loved that!

But I do feel such sympathy for teachers – they have already worked so hard this year already. Changing

lesson plans so they work virtually, holding online classes, contacting parents & e-mailing out work for

students to complete online. Checking on the mental health of their students and now another burden

added. It is also announced later in the month that individual schools will decide if wearing masks will be

mandatory or not, when the new term begins. My sympathies are with Heads & Deputy Heads of schools –

not many of them will have had their 6 weeks summer break this year that’s a cert.

It is announced that 20% of Covid 19 deaths in Wales were among dementia patients. This prompts a call

for more measures to be put in place ahead of the second wave of the virus predicted in the winter. It feels

weird to think there will be another wave. People are so relaxed now.

Wales become the last UK country to end the shielding programme & the country opens up. The Office of

National Statistics show Wales has one of the lowest Covid mortality rates in the country with 75.7 deaths

per 100,00 population, lower than all parts of England other than the South West. For me, this validates

Mark Drakeford & the Welsh Governments cautious approach to the Pandemic & I feel really proud.

However, on 22 August Public Heath Wales announce the first Covid 19 death for 6 days. On 24th August

the cases in Cardiff are reported to have risen due to increased socialising – 47 cases have been reported

in the last week. Most of these cases fall into the 20-30 age group. They will recover quite quickly but the

worry is that they will infect their older relatives, for whom the mortality rate is higher.





On 29th August there are no further Covid 19 deaths recorded over the previous 24 hrs but a passenger

who flew into Cardiff Airport on 25 August, returning on a package holiday flight from Zante in Greece, is

tested positive for Covid 19 another 15 people from the same flight will also test positive. The travel

operator will launch an investigation as to why safety measures were not upheld but it is pointless &

although all passengers are asked to self-isolate for 14 days, not all of them will & this event will have dire

consequences in the coming months.

On the same weekend an illegal “Rave” on the Brecon Beacons involving 3000 people, was broken up by

Police. The organisers are fined £10,000. No doubt the organisers still “turned a profit”!

I know people are fed up, youngsters need to socialise, but these people have no idea what they are doing

& how their actions will have dire repercussions for other people. They seem to think this virus is gone. It

has not disappeared it is still with us. Why are people forgetting this? I am reminded of how I felt on March

15th when I went to a gig in Cardiff with 15000 other singing/dancing fans & how I thought “everything will

be ok”. It wasn’t “ok” & that concert helped pass the virus onto hundreds of people. I can’t criticise them

then – but I have learnt my lesson. Stupid!!

Throughout August and into September we have 2 x 2-week holidays & visit our caravan every weekend.

The touring site fills up & so does every other campsite in West Wales. As people are staying in the UK for

their holidays Cornwall, West Wales & Scotland seem to be the places people are visiting throughout the

school holidays. I have never, ever seen West Wales so busy. Campsites are completely full & Farmers

open up fields never used before for camping.

The sale of touring caravans, motor homes & VW camper vans go through the roof. Our site is very well

organised with pitches clearly marked out & we do not take tents. The other site in Pembrokeshire is right

on the beach & has always, primarily, been for tents. This year the owners have done some modernisation

so now all type of camping can be allowed. The field is not marked out in pitches & it is so full – there

doesn’t really seem to be enough room for social distancing. But I’m assured it is.

Farmers are complaining because motor vehicles are just parking in front of the gates to their fields for the

night & also parking overnight on the side of the narrow roads. In a couple of weeks, the council put “No

Parking” signs up to try & stop this. Someone asked a friend of ours, when parking their motor home in a

car park further up the coast, how much the parking fine was if they stayed there overnight. They were told

£25.00 & they were pleasantly surprised. They thought it was acceptable to break the law, stay overnight in

the car park & pay the resulting fine. Cheaper than a camp site – but they couldn’t get a camp site anyway

because they were all booked up!

Consequently, car parks are constantly full & the traffic makes moving around the County frustrating at

times but on the whole the atmosphere is great & it must be good for businesses.

The RNLI have a lifesaving presence on the beach each summer as the beach is so popular with surfers &

body surfers. The waves & tides are unpredictable & can be very dangerous.

This summer will be one of their busiest & we chat to the lifeguards on our daily walks. We notice they are

young students; they are friendly, pleasant & sociable.





They tell us that holiday makers are buying wet suits & boards for the first time ever & even though

inexperienced, they feel invincible. They have no idea how dangerous the sea can be. On average they are

getting called out 3 or 4 times a day We watched one afternoon as they had to rescue an 11 year old girl –

all very scary.

We are amazed at the dedication of these life savers – all young people saving lives. So often teenagers &

young people are criticised, but these fill me with admiration & I feel so proud of them.

For us life is good – I constantly feel blessed. Our lives follow a steady pattern. We are both still working,

my husband now works 2 days per week in his office & 3 days a week from home. I work constantly from

home. We go away on Friday afternoon & come home late Sunday evening. It is just us staying in our

caravan – although our son does visit us for a few days – but on the whole we are isolated, although able to

chat to friends outside. We have fresh air & a wonderful walk every day.

On 26th July we had our first drink from a pub since March. The local pub near our Campsite organised the

outside tables to ensure the 2-metre rule is upheld & all track & tracing rules are followed. No queuing at

the bar – waitress service. Fab! Even though it was a cold, misty evening it felt wonderful. Simple

pleasures. For the first time in a long time, I felt “relatively” normal. I didn’t feel worried or nervous. Being in

West Wales, it feels as if the virus had gone away.

We have several lunches, dinners tea & cake outside café’s & pubs & really appreciate them. But on 4 th

August we go to our favourite restaurant & enjoy the benefits of the Chancellors “Eat Out to Help Out”

scheme. This is the first meal inside a restaurant we’ve had since February. I do feel nervous about doing

this. When we arrive, I can see there are fewer tables which although safer means there is little

atmosphere. The menu has also been pared down to avoid waste. But it is nice to see the owner & we

enjoy our meal.

We do this a few times in different venues in August. The pubs & restaurants have all taken prudent steps

to avoid spreading the virus. Tables have no condiments or cutlery & menus are printed on sheets of paper

which are torn up after we hand them back. There is hand sanitisers everywhere & waiting staff wear

masks. It is safe or as safe as it can be but I still don’t feel fully comfortable. It feels weird going into venues

that seem so un-welcoming. Who would have thought wine glasses, cutlery, napkins & condiments could

make such a difference? To be honest eating out has become a “surreal” experience.


September 2020

As September begins schools go back – not all classes – but my granddaughter is in her 1st year in primary

so she goes back. She has to sit with the same people in class & at lunch every day. On P.E. days she

has to wear her kit to school. I get to pick her up from school on Mondays & Tuesdays. This is so

enjoyable, Having not seen her for so long we are both excited to see each other. To give her a hug & kiss

is amazing.





There is talk about delaying the 2021 school examinations in Wales & for the first time the Welsh Gov. sets

different quarantine regulations to England.

In the Ffiltref Borough 16 Covid 19 cases are reported in the last week of August & a further 62 cases are

reported in the first week of Sept. Residents are warned to keep their distance from one & another to avoid

another lockdown. On 7th September a further 133 cases are reported – the highest amount since June.

Cases continue to rise in Ffiltref & also my Borough – R.C.T.

Ffiltref do in fact go into a local lockdown from 6 pm on Tues 8th Sept. Mass testing which has been

introduced over the summer has indicated community spread in the area with socialising inside homes

being blamed. Also, the holiday flight from Greece has added to this as a lot of the travellers came from the

Ffiltref areas. The lockdown means no travelling outside the borough, except for work, face coverings to be

worn in indoor public places and extended family household arrangements are ended. A Ffiltref County

Council cabinet minister resigns as pictures of him appear on social media showing him appearing to break

the lockdown rule.

Cases begin to rise & there are reports of a doubling of hospitalisations throughout the South Wales

valleys. It seems a lockdown of R.C.T is inevitable. Face coverings in shops & indoor spaces become

compulsory & the meeting of 6 people indoors is banned. An August Bank Holiday party is blamed for an

increase in cases in Newport.

The Welsh Gov says that a third of people should still work from home even if restrictions have been lifted.

It seems I will now work from home until I retire in the Spring. This fills me with a great sadness but be


In Wales, an extra 5,000 hospital beds will become available over the winter for potential Covid 19 patients,

but no one knows where the medical staff will come from to d/w these. Tests may become available for

people, without symptoms, once new laboratory facilities are opened in November.

From 17th September my borough R.C.T, follow Ffiltref into a local lockdown.

On Friday 16th September we travel to West Wales for the last time this year. We bring our caravan home &

“hunker down” for the Autumn & Winter.

Thank goodness, medical advances mean even though cases are increasing the death rate is a lot lower

than in the Spring. Some small comfort.

Newport & Merthyr are warned that they may also go into lockdown & from 21st September they do, along

with other areas. Basically, the whole of South Wales is under lockdown & fresh restrictions, in line with

those in England, come into force on 24th September which means pubs, bars & restaurants are to offer

table service only, & should close at 10:00p.m. The rule on alcohol is universal – covering all supermarkets

& off licenses. Mark Drakeford advises people against unnecessary travel.

By the end of September these lockdown rules cover most of Wales & over two thirds of its population.

Only the rural parts of the country have “escaped” so far.





The Winter pandemic has started early & the summer relaxation, including the “Eat Out to Help Out” is

blamed. It seems people cannot be relied on to act sensibly.


October 2020

I finish these diaries in late October. I admit to not writing them all at the time they happened, especially the

diary entries for late June to September but I kept notes & they represent what has happened in Wales & to

me since March.

What are my thoughts now?

In March my life was a very social one. My husband & I went out weekly & enjoyed eating out, meeting

friends, going to comedy shows, theatre, music gigs. Our lives were sociable & wonderful.

I did not believe the Coronavirus was anything other than “a touch of the flu” & my son was overreacting

when he told me we, & the world, would go into a full lockdown. I remember laughing & telling him he was,

“over re-acting” & it was not an “Armageddon”.

How wrong I was. This virus is insidious & takes no prisoners. It is arbitrary & takes root in the respiratory

system it “glues” up the lungs so that the they cannot remove all the carbon monoxide from the blood. This

poisonous blood flows around the body & poisons all the other organs as it goes - from the heart to the

brain. Our medical staff knew nothing about this virus but learned & learned fast – sometimes giving their

own lives in the process.

The NHS & our scientists have been amazing.

As a Nation, we were lucky the weather in the Spring was so wonderful. We were all able to enjoy the long,

sunny days. The “furlough” scheme introduced by the Government was fantastic & people were able to stay

at home, without worrying too much, to stop the spread of the virus. The lock down was a success – or so

we thought.

I admit that I on the whole I enjoyed the first lock down, I had a daily walk & enjoyed a glass of wine in the

evenings in my small garden. I met & made friends with my neighbours & loved the social, weekly Thursday

“clap for NHS & Carers” evolved into. However, there were times when I felt nervous, unsure I had vivid

dreams of my parents & friends who died years ago. I felt depressed & anxious for a few days, but my

mental health was strong. A result I think from a positive disposition.

I enjoyed the challenge of working from home, of helping my staff set up mini “offices” at home. Getting

their new equipment delivered along with their risk assessed chairs - arranging their pickup from the office

& delivery to them at home. I am extremely proud of HMRC in the way we have “stepped up to the mark” &

delivered several schemes to help pay money out to our most vulnerable workers. These schemes were

challenging but we delivered them on time within a very tight time scale.





My IT skills have improved, and I have enjoyed arranging social “get togethers” on my Surface Pro with

friends from work. These have been in the evenings with a glass of wine & have been known to last for

over 3 hrs!

Surprisingly, given past experiences, my husband & I have got on really well. I thought that as our world

“shrunk” being together so many hours a day, without company, would put a strain on our relationship. But

it has been the opposite. We are both positive people & the virus & lockdown did not “get to us”. Of course,

the caravan was a god sent. Also, a gift of “Netflix”, a streaming channel, helped enormously. There was

always something to watch on TV!

I am well aware this has happened to us at the right time of our lives. We have no caring responsibilities,

we are fit & healthy, we are financially stable & we do not know anyone who has had the virus or anyone

who has died of the virus. We are blessed.

My heart goes out to the families who were home schooling & trying to work from home at the same time.

My son found this really challenging. His wife’s business has been hit really badly & she is trying her

hardest to keep it going to next Spring when we hope there will be a vaccination.

I think of those who live on their own – again I have a son who lives alone & he has buried himself in work.

Something which has carried on – I am not happy about this. Everyone needs a social life. I believe human

beings are, by nature, social animals. I worry about him; he stays with us occasionally & we visit him but

the first lockdown was too long. It has made him a bit nervous & I think he may have lost confidence.

I worry for all the people who have lost jobs & whose world has changed so drastically. I know there are

going to be millions of people out of work, inevitably the lowest paid people. I lived through the 80’s & I

really do know how dreadful it’s going to be.

Politically, it has become obvious that Boris Johnson is no leader & his government did not know what they

were doing. They went into lockdown too late, they promised things they could not deliver – PPE which

arrived too late to save thousands of lives. A “world beating” track & trace system – which failed to arrive at

all. England has had “tier” systems of lockdown which seem to have been ill thought out & unfair. The

Government’s credibility is now at zero level.

I am so glad we have a devolved government. Our first minister has been honest, cautionary, straight

forward & clear. We know where we are – he may not have got everything right. I’m sure mistakes have

been made – but he has shown strong leadership & we in Wales, are proud of him.

At the time of writing (mid October) the UK has had over 40,000 Coronavirus deaths - more than any other

country in Europe. We will be going into a 2nd wave of the virus later this year. The death figure will only get

worse. We are also coming out of the European Union on 31 December & it seems likely this will be without

a deal. Apparently, that will be financially disastrous.

Our country has borrowed more money now than at any time in its history. The people who will be paying

for the financial implication of the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic & Brexit will not only be the current

generation but also that of my granddaughter & her children. What a legacy. Financial debt & climate





change to the planet – I feel embarrassed to be the generation who really, “had it all” but who didn’t listen &

squandered our responsibilities.

Thinking about that is really depressing. The virus was unprecedented, borrowing the money was inevitable

& most other countries are doing the same. But all those deaths? Were they inevitable? No, I don’t think

so. The UK government had previously done a pandemic/emergency trial or “run through” with all the

emergency services attending the findings were collated & debated (not that the people of the country knew

anything about it). This was to prepare for such an event. Did we really do anything with those findings?

Obviously not.

In the light of the pandemic, I have decided to retire in the Spring. There are scientists all over the world

working on a vaccination & I really hope we will get one by then but as much as I have loved working – I

appreciate my good health so much now. I want to enjoy it while it lasts!