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Corona Diaries


Vanessa Picture


“So, what made this month so terrible? Well I don’t know whether to celebrate or spiral into a deep depression that I have spent two whole months in lockdown.”

Background Information: Female, aged 12-17, Student, South Wales, Black British, in lockdown with her family.





“So, what made this month so terrible? Well I don’t know whether to celebrate or spiral into a deep depression that I have spent two whole months in lockdown.”

Background Information

Female, aged 12-17, Student, South Wales, Black British, in lockdown with her family.


April 2020

Who would’ve guessed that April 2020 would be a month like no other. So far I’ve celebrated my 40th day in lockdown and the country continues to panic over the corona virus epidemic. My birthday fell on a Wednesday this year not that that mattered I wouldn’t be going out anyway; however this year my birthday was more special than one I’d ever had before. Due to my birthday falling 24 days after the official lockdown (April 15th) friends and family made an increased effort to make me feel special on my 17th birthday. Family and friends couldn’t really send me cards as a risk of infecting someone without knowing it is just too high these days, so my mother put up all my cards from my 16th birthday in the living room to make it look like I’d been sent that loads of cards – thanks Mam.




Multiple friends stopped by with gifts and left them on my doorstep and I never realised how far two metres was until that was the closest I could get to seeing my friends. I felt so emotional that people went above and beyond to make sure no matter what the current situation I felt special on my birthday. I was also made a hand written happy birthday card from my friends which I really appreciated.






I was really spoilt this year and many gifts came through the post - they were kept in quarantine in the hallway for a while before I opened them but it was nice that people thought about me and made sure I had things to open. My Godmother also came by and (she stood at a two metre distance of course) gifted me the first Harry Potter book which I was absolutely over the moon with not only am I obsessed with Harry Potter but it’s going to be a good read through quarantine, I’ve got plenty of time after all.


May 2020

Possibly my worst month so far under the government’s lockdown regulations. No that’s too kind, possibly

the worst month of my life ever; and I've experienced some stressful and awful months in my time over my

short 17-year existence.

So, what made this month so terrible? Well I don’t know whether to celebrate or spiral into a deep

depression that I have spent two whole months in lockdown. 67 days of my life spent staring at the same





four walls. I am, however, grateful that all my family and friends are safe and well and so far, not one has

been infected by this deadly disease. It does really scare you when you see the numbers of people dying

everyday, realising it could literally be anyone you know or are close to.

I have never spent this much time away from friends and family and that is probably the worst part of being

kept in lockdown- being away from them.

I’m a slight workaholic and I like having a set routine so being pulled away from school is difficult for me. I

have online lessons most days however, this month we had a week off for half term and it’s hard to keep

yourself occupied when you have no assigned work and can’t see anyone outside of your household.

Thankfully, on Friday 29th May it was announced that in Wales people from two separate households can

meet as long as it is outdoors, each person maintains a two-meter distance and regular hand washing is


This month I decided to start revising for my driving theory test that I will hopefully be able to take after

lockdown and it’s been going surprisingly well if you ask me I'm not too shabby. On top of this, I've been

using this app called Duolingo to try and learn Spanish and in some ways, this makes me feel so glad to

have this extra time in my life to lean a new skill and take a break from my hectic everyday life.

But no matter what I have to remain positive because that’s the only way I'm going to get through it

completely sane.


June - August 2020

This has truly been a summer like no other. Being finally 17 years old I had many plans for where this

summer would take me (before lockdown of course). I had plans to learn to drive, go to Reading festival

and travel abroad. However, in the current climate none of that was possible. This summer hasn’t been all

bad though I have been able to spend socially distanced time with my boyfriend which meant lots of

outdoor walks and trips to the beach and to be honest I’ve found a new love for the outdoors and it’s nice to

get out while its warm. I am worried though about the autumn-winter months and how we will cope still not

being allowed in each-others houses. But once again it could be so much worse and I’m so grateful I

haven’t lost anyone close to me to this deadly virus.

I’ve also been able to meet up with friends as long as I stay two meters away and its difficult, I never

realised before how much hugging and touching went on in my friendship group until its been stripped

away. Its hard not being able to see them all the time and I’m really looking forward to going back to sixth

form and being able to see them again.

Just before school officially broke up, I took part in an online summer school with the University of Bristol. I

chose to study the social and political sciences course and I loved every minute of it. I was able to

experience virtual university life and meet people from all over the UK. I would really love to study at the

University of Bristol next year.





Over the summer I made it my mission to get a head start on my year 13 work and personal statement and

well it could have gone better but I’m glad I’ve started it so at least I know what course I’m applying to and

what grades I need to achieve to get there. I also received my AS level predicted grades in August and was

so happy with my grades as I received the highest grades I could get at that level. I was lucky enough to

not be downgraded by the governments grading algorithm and achieved and A in Biology, A in Geography

and an A in Sociology.

Overall, summer hasn’t been too bad I’m just hoping that by next year I’ll be able to travel abroad.