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Corona Diaries


Vivian Picture


“Trying to cope with isolation is taking its toll.”

Background Information: Female, aged 65-74, works in adult teaching, South Wales, White, Married to Nick, one adult daughter and 3 grandchildren.





“Trying to cope with isolation is taking its toll.”

Background Information

Female, aged 65-74, works in adult teaching, South Wales, White, Married to Nick, one adult

daughter and 3 grandchildren.

February 2020

The year 2020 started with the hope it would be better than 2019 as that was all we heard was Brexit

(Britain’s exit from the European Union). Our new Prime Minister Boris Johnson a Conservative was

determined to introduce it on January 31st 2020.

I live in a village just outside Farcliff. We have one shop/post office, school, church, 3 village type halls, and

a playground.

February 18th

I went into the Hospital in Farcliff, for surgery to my left foot. I had a bunion operation where a plate was

fitted and my toes were shortened with wires put into the joints. I was in plaster with a Block to walk on and

crutches. My recovery period was 6 weeks so I knew normal life would not happen to me for a while.

February 19th

I came out of hospital. In a great deal of pain but it was over.

February 20th

My daughter arrived to do our shopping and clean all the floors that needed a mop in our house. She

agreed to do this every week.

I kept in touch with my family and friends via text, face book and What’s App. Without social media I would

have gone mad.

February 24th

I read in the paper that an epidemic had begun in Wuhan, China and there wasn’t a cure as such as the Flu

vaccination that people had received via NHS would not prevent it. They said it would be similar to the

Spanish Flu that killed so many in 1919. I then started to become interested in this subject as I was laid up

most days recovering from my surgery and nothing to do. I watched a Sky news programme about China

specifically Wuhan market. The reporter went undercover and told viewers how unhygienic the Chinese





people were and showed people serving food without washing their hands. Also, they have a tendency to

eat anything that moves – animals, birds, bats, rodents etc: I was horrified as we are due to visit China in

September (not sure it will happen at this stage) anyway I then became more aware of Covid 19.

February 29th

Stories were on the news that a man from northern Italy had spent Christmas at Wuhan and unbeknown to

him had taken the virus back home to Italy. I was as interested in this story as I had travelled a lot in North

Italy so I knew the area. I knew then that the virus would affect our lives in Britain. The pandemic was

affecting everyone in the world.

March 2020

March 1st

A cold St.Davids Day. My daughter and her three children and my husband attended an event to celebrate

the day. They noticed that not many people were out buying from the stalls and joining in the event. They

wondered if the threat of Covid 19 was stopping people socialising. I was at home resting my foot as I had

done too much the previous day.

March 2nd onwards

Didn’t get dressed some days and just rested. The operation had taken a lot out of me and I was tired.

As I couldn’t drive and had lost my independence for a while, my husband Nick had to do the shopping,

cleaning, cooking (I could do some chores preparing food) and walking our Samoyed Dog twice daily.

March 7th

Wales playing England that day. They lost which made myself and my family sad. However, we were

celebrating both our daughter’s birthdays and decided to make a day and evening of it as it could be the

last time we would be together in any form of drinking and socialising. Although I wore a block on my foot

and used crutches I managed to enjoy myself and knew that the epidemic was around the corner.

March 10th

The days are so long and boring with reading books, and watching TV to fill the days. Little did I know the

day would get worst. Adverts started to tell you to wash your hands and not to touch your face,

March 13th





Lockdown in Italy. This we felt sure would happen over here. We were all frightened. We were experiencing

this feeling we were part of a film and we would soon wake up. Alas, it wasn’t the case, this was really

happening all over the world.

Sleepness nights followed. Worried; that this is the end of the world. The Bible quote: The Fires will come,

then the floods, then the plague, and lastly famine’. Is it coming true as all this has happened and they say

famine will follow this time. Worried about my health and my children and grand-children.

As I am a public representative with Health and Social Care Wales I am involved in many studies and had

meetings planned the following week.

Gradually meetings were cancelled, or teleconferencing was suggested. By this time I felt utterly depressed

so worried for my daughter; who does work in the NHS.

March 17th

People started to panic buy. I sent my husband out to buy toilet rolls as apparently there were going to be

shortages of them. People were fighting in the isles apparently, there were pictures on social media of

actual violence.

March 18th

I wanted to go out to meet my friend and was told by my daughter I was vulnerable so shouldn’t go out. (I

have asthma, IBS and of course the one leg in plaster and on a block).

March 19th

Teleconference with the Chief Investigator, Doctors and researchers from a study I am involved with. We

discussed at the length the business in hand, then at the end they told me it would be the last time we

would talk for a while as they were all going to work on the front line. The epidemic by now had started to

affect everyone, in the UK. Lockdown was happening.

March 20th

My grandchildren finished school. This was awful, depressing and sad for them and us. The government

started their appeals to the public about staying safe, the virus does not discriminate, and everyone and

anyone can get it. The world was closing down all around us and we were part of it.

March 20th

All Bars and Restaurants, hotels, businesses shops closed. All Sports football, tennis – Wimbledon

cancelled, Cricket matches etc: More closures were to follow. It was the end of our social life. I had already

been home since 18th February, now I had probably 3 more weeks to stay home.





No churches could hold services; funerals allowed only 10 mourners and weddings only 4 people plus the

minister/registrar. Shops were closing only those remaining open for food, medicines, butchers; this was

frightening for us all. The Government promised to help the self-employed with a furlough scheme which

would pay 80% of their wages. Others were asked to work from home where necessary. Schools only open

if you were a key worker. GOVERNMENT WARNINGS STARTED EVERY couple of hours – Stay Home,

Stay safe, protect the NHS.

March 22nd

Mother’s Day. Normally I would attend our village church to worship and celebrate Mothering Sunday, but

couldn’t this year which was sad. Saw my daughter’s and three children in the car and waved. We knew it

was going to be the last time we saw them. I started wearing a mask when I went out (I always had some

as I have asthma -dust allergy). People looked at me but I didn’t care.

March 23rd

Trying to adjust to this new way of life. Nothing to look forward to.

March 25th

Started to feel ill. My grand-daughter had the same symptoms she is 15 years of age. We were worried I

had the virus as my chest was tight, my throat was sore and my glands were up, granddaughter felt the

same, we were constantly texting. We couldn’t find a battery for the thermometer so wasn’t sure if I had a

temperature. I ached all over so stayed in bed for a few days.

It was all doom and gloom on the news, I watched all the coverage. The Government were very good at

putting out bulletins and death rates, numbers affected. The BBC were, indeed are marvellous of their news

coverage. Olympic Games 2020 in Japan were cancelled until 2021.

March 25th onwards

Nothing to report just doom and gloom on the TV about Covid 19. People are dying daily, Welsh

Government were making announcements every day and things were getting worse. I am drinking too

much tea and starting on Gin and Tonics every day now. Normally we would be out with friends, going for

meals, seeing family. Trying to cope with isolation is taking its toll.

March 26th

Our village shop put up plastic around the cash desk to shield the workers and only allowed two people at a

time. The owner had painted foot marks outside so people knew where to stand, even foot prints for the

dog by the hook. He is so supportive of the village.





The first night that people went out the street to clap for the NHS. If it wasn’t for those who care and nurse

us I don’t think our survival rate would be so high. I was too unwell to go out. I made up for it every week

after. It became my highlight of a Thursday to see all my neighbours and join in something in the village.

March 29th

People were ignoring the stay at home message the Government were asking us all to do. Some people

used it like a holiday visiting outdoor places for walks, others went for picnics and some went on car

journeys. The Government in Wales and UK stressed the need not to mix with others and to have a 2 metre

gap when speaking to people. Social Distancing was the new phrase.

March 30th

Started to feel better. I hadn’t contacted 111 which was the NHS line as I knew they were inundated. My

daughter advised me by phone that I may have had a strand of the virus, but not the full illness.

March 31st

Started a diet as had put on so much weight and no exercise. Our friends asked us to join in ‘Zoom’ via

computer as they were going to organise a quiz. There were 8 of us in a quiz team when we met every

Tuesday to play in the local pub. Sadly because of lock down we couldn’t attend. Well we joined Zoom for

the Quiz and this has been happening on Tuesday night ever since. We share video’s, news, funny

pictures, stories every day via What’s App.

Amazing the Television were now having programmes from their home on the BBC and ITV remotely.

Technology is wonderful when it works. No more interviews in studios’, we all surprisingly adjust to the new

TV programmes. It amazed me how community minded we have all become. An elderly neighbour when I

phoned her said – it was like the start of the war, everyone helpful but not the social distancing.

April 2020

April 1st

I ventured out shopping as my plaster came of my foot the day before. I wore a mask and had to queue

with 2 metres distance from other shoppers. I was impressed that the shops that were open were so

organised with wiping down trolley’s and we were encouraged to sanitise our hands. I was shocked to find

some food stuffs unavailable. No Flour, no paracetamol, no cough medicine, no thermometers, no hand

wash or sanitizer, no toilet rolls.

April 2nd

We started going out in the street to clap for the NHS. The whole Country were together thanking our NHS.

It was good as the Conservative Government didn’t value it greatly. Now they couldn’t say anything as NHS





saved lives. We were all grateful as we knew it could be one of us having to go to hospital. The example

was given on the news about people dying in USA without medical insurance; the free hospitals were full

and the virus was rife amongst the homeless. The whole nation was supportive of NHS; I wouldn’t be alive

today if it wasn’t for the NHS with my health problems. Our Prime Minister tested positive for the virus.

Everywhere people were grateful to the NHS, this was music to my ears.

April 5th

Palm Sunday no Churches open and no graveyards/crematoriums were open so I couldn’t visit my parents’

grave this year with flowers. It was a sad state of affair and one I was glad my parents weren’t alive to

witness this extra ordinary time in our lives. The Queen addressed the Nation saying how good it was that

communities were pulling together. It really is a wonderful feeling that we are all caring for one another

more than we would normally. The Queen emphasised the message ‘We will be with our friends again: we

will be with our families again; we will meet again’. So true for most of us.

The death toll increased daily. The government announced no one was to go to their second home over

Easter, people weren’t allowed to go camping/caravanning either, no picnics, no social gatherings.

April 6th – a new week.

Government announced we could delay our MOT’s on cars/vans/motorbikes for 6 months. This was good

news for me as my car’s MOT was looming. It amazed me that everything was falling in to place at this

unprecedented time in life. Towns were filmed on TV looking like ghost towns. My daughter walked to the

local beach, all empty and everything closed. It’s like the end of the world.

Deaths were increasing in numbers every day. Spain were hard hit, the lockdown they were experiencing

would be replicated over here no doubt. They had reached 10,000. We all watched with horror of how

people were ill, the effect the virus had on everyone, businesses suffering, manufacturing on stop and most

of all the number of people dying.

April 7th

Had a hospital appointment, strict rules on entering, temperature taken, clean hands and told all about what

could/couldn’t do. We all sat apart in waiting room. I still wore my mask, so felt safe. I then had a

consultation, everything ok with my foot. I then went to collect drugs in the Chemist who provide me with

month’s medication. We shopped locally again well organised.

April 8th

Had a pyjama day, wasn’t worth dressing, tired and bored. Weather is improving getting warmer, gardening

will be my next job. I have watched so much TV my eyes are going square. Our Prime Minister was taken

into hospital St.Thomas’s in London with the virus. Completed a questionnaire on line for Health Wise





Wales on Mental Health, how lockdown is affecting us and what’s in place if people are feeling low and


April 10th

Good Friday. Normally I would attend a church service, but none today. Tried to pick up the local service on

face book but I couldn’t relax. Going to Church is where I totally shut off thoughts and relax into whatever

song or words are being uttered. I would also be organising a treasure hunt for the grand-children but can’t

do it this year. Went out to the garden (fortunately ours is quite large so was able to put new plants in and

fed and watered them). Our friend and neighbour is a professional Story Teller and her husband a

musician, we have since had a concert via Zoom with other people joining us remotely as well, some as far

as USA. It’s been fun and something to look forward to.

April 11th

People in our village took to the street and sang ‘Amazing Grace’ amplified from the vicar’s house. It has

had over a million hits on face book. I walked around the village visited church yard where a Celtic cross

had been decorated. The gardens have never looked so good with so many people working on them,

where normally they would be in work.

April 12th

Easter Sunday. A man dressed up as an Easter bunny and came around the village. The car following

played loud music and all came out to cheer the bunny. It was a lovely sight. Cooked dinner for Nick and I.

Not happy really, no family to share it with and just watched TV. Weather wasn’t that good. More tea,

coffee and wine with Dinner. Death toll in Wales had reached 238, in Britain as a whole, 3,400 this isn’t


April 13th

Easter Monday. Bored; watched sad film about ‘Death of Christ’, phoned family and friends, generally did

chores normally no time to do. Everyone fed up like me.

April 14th

Out Principality Rugby Stadium as being fitted out by the army for more patients as they were expecting the

hospitals to be over-run with Covid 19 patients. Day dreaming a bit today. I have to have something to

concentrate on, other than the virus and the worry I may get it.

April 15th

Shopping in Marks and Spencer. Very well organised, I still wear a mask, queued up outside 2 metres

apart, then only so many people were allowed in the shop. Once you were directed down one isle it was





hard if you forgot something as you would have to pass someone else. We just made sure we picked up

food we wanted in the appropriate isle. Shattered when I arrived home, at least I had some nice food and

meat. Every day I would look at Facebook; what’s App and texting to family and friends. There are some

amusing videos and cartoons around to keep us all cheerful.

April 16th

Lockdown would continue for another 3 weeks. Government were talking about PPE (Patient Protective

Equipment) was running low. My daughter who worked in the NHS set up a fundraising group for the sale

of PPE from the Community Face book group.

April 17th

Weather nice more gardening. Cooking more than I ever have which is stress releasing I think. Nothing

else to do and missing my grand -children. Normally I would be doing the school run and chatting with them

on the way to school. I miss that.

April 18th

Lovely warm day, walked around locally. Now my foot has healed really well able to walk my dog Suzie.

April 20th

A Warm day, enjoyed the sun in the garden, more cooking and watched TV. Found I am day dreaming

about books I am reading and TV programmes I am watching.

April 21st

Face timed my daughter and saw grand children and we all waved and blew kisses. They are 15, 3 and 4.

They find the situation quite strange.

April 22nd

My daughter, who worked on the Front Line in a Hospital, was taken ill. She thought she had the virus. I

was so worried, felt sick. I prayed that she would be ok. She had the symptoms but not the high

temperature, so I lived in hope.

April 23rd

Big Night In. The BBC with Children in Need and Comic Relief put a night together with all the celebrities

remotely telling stories from their home. They raised 27 million for good causes which has been created by

lock down. There were some families who had experienced flooding in February would benefit from

donations. Other charities I am sure will be able to benefit.





My daughter still not well but she was tested in a local clinic for the virus.

April 24th

Donald Trump American President suggested have disinfectant injected in people to stem the Covid 19

virus. He is a piece of work. American people aren’t coping with lockdown like we are in Britain. My

daughter still not well; she hasn’t got a bad chest which is one of the symptoms so there is hope. Spent

time on Zoom listening to our neighbours playing music and storytelling. It was a good distraction from the

TV and worrying about my daughter.

April 25th

My daughter had results – negative. So pleased she still doesn’t feel good but at least she isn’t infected.

We raised £500 in our village to buy PPE equipment , gloves and aprons. The staff at the hopital were so


April 26th

Marathon cancelled. Normally there would be 50 million raised for charities. It will go ahead now in October,

Charities desperate for aid as none of their charity shops are open and fundraising only via TV is going

ahead. Hopefully they will be able to apply from the Big Night in, some funding. Now the total is 33million.

April 27th

788 deaths in Wales 9078 tested positive. Criticism: that they are only now counting deaths as well as NHS

from Care Homes. Is this making them second rate citizens? These figures are important. I received a

conference call via Zoom for 2 and half hours with one of the health studies I am involved with. On the

news all our towns are like ghost towns, businesses state they are worried they can’t afford to open when

lockdown is lifted. Hotel’s going into receivership. Only businesses surviving are food shops and some DIY

stores and who are selling plants. My garden has never looked so nice as more time to spend on it this

year. The weather has changed today from hot and dry to rainy.

April 28th

23,686 deaths recorded in UK. Welsh Government were criticised for not having the correct number of

deaths recorded as one of the health boards weren’t collected for a month. This was a disgrace as far as I

was concerned.

April 29th

Over 26,00 deaths now, at last they are taking note of people who die in care homes and the community.

Why this wasn’t done before now I don’t understand.





April 30th

I can’t believe we survived over a month of lockdown. I am fed up with cooking, I want so much to meet

friends for coffee, go out for a meal, and socialise.

May 2020

May 1st

Death toll now over 27,000 plus. Had a walk with Suzie my dog, A bit chilly so no sitting outside today. It

poured with rain last night so no need to water the garden. People starting to go out more: walking around,

people getting fed up. There seem more cars on the road though everything still closed.

May 2nd

On the news they are taking Plasma from Corona virus patients to then give it to new virus patients to see if

it’s effective.

Deaths 28,151 in Wales 969 but 10,155 have the virus. Businesses are speaking about losses, people with

small businesses are struggling as they survive on dividends – this doesn’t happen during lockdown. Spain

has now loosened their lockdown, face masks will be mandatory on public transport from Monday. If it

lessens then they will carry on with loosening the lockdown, if it starts to rise they will bring it back.

May 3rd

A grey damp day. Nothing really to report. Fed up like everyone else. Reading about the WW2 in the

magazines and Radio Times; as its 75 years next Friday 8th celebrating the end of WW2. Watching lots of

war films as well.

May 4th

Isle of Wight people has been targeted to trial an APP on people’s phone; each person or half the

population must upload the APP. If you come near someone with an APP you will know whether they are

positive or not to the virus. It will be interesting to hear the results. Also: A vaccine for CCOVID 19 will be

available by the end of the year, but concern that Countries who are wealthy will buy them all up leaving

poorer Countries not having any. Also: Government stated small business would be able to access loans to

help them restart their business. This will be at a low APR and a quick process than the normal one that is

currently in place. Japan has been lockdown since 7th April, lockdown for them will continue for another


Myself, it is a dry day. Feel less fed up as the news has cheered me up with so much happening for

everyone. Numbers of deaths have decreased.





May 6th

Warm sunny day. Worked in the garden. A bit fed up.

May 7th

We continue to clap for Carers and the NHS. At least we see people when we go out clapping. Visited the

shop- queued up for about 10 minutes. They are very strict only 2 people in at a time. Bought a paper and

other goods needed. The afternoon was long and boring.


May 8th

VE day. We would have had lots happening in the village; ordinarily but everything was cancelled. Some

people put up bunting and I put up the Welsh Flag as I hadn’t prepared anything for the day. A neighbour

had done a wonderful display in his garden (see photo), he had a bomb half coming out of the ground, a

plane on a rope, and a boat in the stream which is by his house. He dressed in Army uniform and his wife

dressed in War clothes. He intended having a garden party but with lockdown restrictions just had a display

instead. We all loved looking at it and shouting across the garden.

It was wonderful to watch the end of World War 2; 75 years ago. Both my parents were in the war and I

told their story at the Zoom Conference we had with our friends and neighbours. It was wonderful to hear

people singing the War songs on the TV. I thoroughly enjoyed the day. We ate Steak and I had made


May 9th

More lockdown is mentioned for another 3 weeks but Garden Centre’s are opening. Weather is hot and

sunny. We went to Ponta to see my family. I couldn’t bear not seeing grand- children any longer. We met

down the island keeping distance and walked on the beach. I was dying to hold them but couldn’t. People

were on the beach sun bathing though the roads to the beach were closed. We stayed about an hour, then

felt we had better go home as the load speaker told us not to stay and socialise. I know this was breaking

the rules a bit, but I felt so much better. I had walked three miles (the longest since my operation) and it

was glorious weather. I felt better but absolutely shattered when I got home. Sat in the sun for about an

hour, then came in and watched TV.

May 10th

In Wales 11.344 deaths today and over 31,000 in UK. Weather cold, windy and awful. Prime Minister mad

an announcement that totally confused everyone. We go out more than once a day, do sports but not

together, some businesses can start opening though as soon as the cases rise we have to stop. Schools





will open from 1st June for primary, but seniors won’t go back until September. New message – Stay Safe,

Stay Alert, Save Lives.

On TV we watched a lovely programme about Captain Tom who has raised 33 million for NHS by walking

around his garden 100 times. He also made a record with Michael Ball ‘We’ll Never Walk Alone’ which

made no.1 in charts, What an inspiration to all of us. He was made an honouree Captain now bless him

and he celebrated his 100 birthday.

In Wales, from Wednesday Libraries and Garden Centre’s can open. I don’t know about Schools. My

grand- daughter isn’t doing the school work she should, although I message her on snapchat every day to

ask her if she has done it. I dread to think what the future will be for people like her with no education this


Monday May 11th

I met Nick 45 years ago today, I never dreamed we would be together this long.

Tuesday May 12th

Went shopping to Farcliff Bay. Wore mask but no queue. All shops encourage you to wipe the handles of

the trolley and wipe your hands. Nick is busy working on our room in the attic.

Wednesday May 13th

Not much to report. Deaths are going up in Care Homes at least the Government is reporting the numbers

now. Everyone we speak to are decorating their house with all this time on their hands. Mine is desperate

for some paint, something I can’t do, so have to wait for Nick to finish the attic.

Thursday May 14th

Had some research papers to look through so kept busy. Went walking then my friend called who had been

to a funeral nearby. We kept our distance and I gave her a cup of tea but left it in garden where she picked

it up then sat and chatted the best we could. I miss my friends so much, I am depressed now as its going

on and on with no end in sight.

Friday May 15th

Didn’t go out so stayed in and I find myself thinking about stressful periods in my life where I did thing

wrong and worrying about them. I am trying to concentrate on TV programmes and books I am reading to

keep my mind occupied but it is hard.

Saturday 16th May





23,136 deaths recorded in care homes, more than this time last year.

Went to see my grandchildren at a distance of course. I can’t wait to hold them. They have grown up so

much and I miss it. We stayed outdoors, it was cold and windy so only stayed out for 2 hours.

Sunday 17th May

Just a normal Sunday, cold and windy cooking again.

Monday 18th May

Heard our youngest grandson Harri was involved in an accident on his bike. Bad face injuries, need an

operation tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 19th May

My daughter needed my support and I couldn’t give it. I wanted to go to the hospital (Noahs Ark) as only

one person allowed with him, but I couldn’t because of lockdown. I am getting so fed up now.

Wednesday 20th May

My daughter brought Harri to see us as she needed to go shopping and couldn’t take him as his face was

swollen and he had rather a lot of stitches in his gums, chin and mouth. He felt very sorry for himself. Went

shopping no queue, sprayed our trolley and our hands and wore mask. People are getting very complacent

about it all now and walking close to you, not wearing masks, you have to remind them to stay back a few


Thursday 21st May

Weather improving a bit windy, listening to the news daily, and still feeling fed up. The day goes by a nd I

look at the clock, is it lunch time yet? Then 4pm arrives and I think two hours before tea. What shall I do. I

have cleared drawers, sorted out cupboards, shredded paper, tidied garden, nothing else to do. I can’t

decorate as I have a back and neck problem, so I have to wait for Nick to be free to do that.

Friday 22nd May

We had our grandchildren two boys to stay overnight. My daughter wasn’t coping so thought we would give

her a break. Harri who had been to hospital had been tested for Covid 19 which was negative, so we felt

safe to have them.

Saturday 23rd May





Raining, windy and cold. Went shopping, queued for ever, and then bought them some new clothes in

Tesco but not much choice as they hadn’t had any deliveries. Food was plentiful, no shortages so was able

to bus everything I needed.

Took them home about 4pm, got back home and treated ourselves to a much needed Gin and Tonic as we

were exhausted.

Monday 25th May

Bank holiday Monday, scorching, temperature about 25 degrees. Walked from my daughter’s house to

Ponta Island. It was empty. A normal day would have seen it packed with people drinking in the bars and

restaurants would be full. What a sad day. I know I am breaking lock down rules but my daughter needs

us, she has no partner so wanted Nick’s help with the garden and other stuff. We heard that in Weston

Super Mare people were falling ill with covid 19 as they had been celebrating two weeks previously VE day,

now their A & E - was packed with cases. This could happen here, but our lockdown is stricter than


Tuesday 26th May

Lovely weather. Getting bored and fed up now.

Friday 29th May

Nothing exciting this week. Lovely weather: I have never been so tanned. Garden looking good feeding and

watering pots. Dying to go out for a meal, sick of cooking. Some dishes i have tried were horrible which

looked good on the TV. This task was undertaken to fill in time, so cooked them – I decided I wouldn’t try

again anything new.

Saturday 30th May

Nick in a mood today. I suppose it had to happen we have been together too long. Had our grand sons over

for the night.

Sunday 31st May

Had a BBQ in daughter’s garden. Very hot day. Lovely to see her and the children.

Just wanted to give an overview of Television programmes we have watched over the last three month. We

have watched lots of gangster programmes like: Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Fargo, films with

violence, Gangs of London (part funded by Welsh Government), and lots of others as well as keeping up to

date with Covid 19 daily news. I don’t usually watch so many gangster programmes but need something to

think about during this time. Rather than worrying about the pandemic, family and friends; I find myself

concentrating on what will happen next.





June 2020

1st June

What a beautiful day, so hot. Feeling very tired and lazy after a busy weekend. Did normal chores, what’s

App’d family and friends and generally didn’t do too much. It was so hot.

2nd June

Went to B & Q and broke down in car park. We waited in hot weather 3 hours for the RAC man to arrive,

the battery was flat. Apparently everyone’s batteries are flat as people aren’t using their cars enough, so

lots of breakdowns. He advised us to have car serviced but no garages are open.

3rd June

Had a meeting via Zoom with SUPER group attached to Swansea University. I wasn’t very well but

persevered as I would receive an honorarium. While I was in the meeting I started to have a temperature

and excruciating pain in my kidneys. I rang the Doctor in break time who said if I felt worse than to ring him

at 5pm. I was worse, my legs were weak and I was in agony. I attended the Surgery, was met by the Doctor

who was dressed in PPE from head to foot. He saw me and confirmed after testing my urine that I had a

bad infection. I then went to the Chemist next door for the antibiotics; again I had to wait outside. I got

home exhausted and rested while Nick got tea.

4th June

Ill all day didn’t even dress in clothes.

5th June

Ill again, weather wasn’t up to much so stayed home and rested. Nick had to go shopping for


6th June

Riots across USA because of the killing of George Floyd. It was dreadful and I don’t blame people

demonstrating because of white supremacy; but why cause damage to people’s property. Demonstrations

in UK also started, social distancing was bad.

7th June

More news about demonstrations in USA and here. They pulled down statues of Colston in Bristol as he

made his money from Slavery. More statues are being targeted if they have benefitted in some way of

White supremacy.





8th June

Family came over and sat outside all day.

9th June – 12th June

Nothing much to report same old cooking, washing, shopping, and queueing.

13th June

We enjoyed our grandsons again they slept late which was great. Weather was cloudy and showery. Took

them to a burial site, where they climbed on the tomb which dates back to 6000BC. We enjoyed our first

Chinese Take Away for 4 years, what a treat for me. Nick won’t eat food only cooked by me or occasionally

himself, so this was a big event for me.

14th June

Actually went to shop in Waitrose. What a treat. Weather turned out to be really hot.

15th June

Hot today, we heard death toll now 41.736 numbers are dropping daily. Schools in England have returned

only Reception, \year 6 and those taking GCSE’s and A levels. Also non-essential shops have opened in

England. I can’t wait for Shops to open in Wales. We had our first friends visiting today, we put in measures

of social distancing rules. We sat in the garden and had beers. I offered bags of nuts and crisps.

17th June

Shopping, lots of people not adhering to 2 metre distance. You had to ask people to move away. Again I

always wear the mask. More book reading and weather wet. Good for the garden.

18th June

Went for a walk to the 6000BC burial site again , only place to go as the local gardens are not open. Took a

flask and had a coffee.

19th June

Met my friends and went for a walk which was lovely. We hadn’t seen each other for 5 months.

Conversation wasn’t easy I thought as I haven’t really talked face to face for such a long time.

20th June

Took grand children to Tinkinswood, for a walk and another flask of coffee with drinks and snacks for boys.





21st June

Father’s Day. At least we were all together unlike Mother’s Day. We went for a picnic in the park which was

lovely. At 6pm in my daughter’s house we had a Chinese Take Away.

22nd June

Shops non-essential opened in Wales. I cheered as I think that has been the worse punishment not being

able to shop for clothes etc: only food.

23rd June

Had to go to town for medication and some clothes shops were open, so treated myself to something. I

can’t explain enough the joy of seeing Wales nearly back to normal.

25th June

The days I have missed out, I haven’t had anything to say other than life continues. Fortunately the weather

has been lovely so time walking and in the garden has been lovely.

26th June

Had some neighbours in for a drink in the garden. I made sure toilets were spotless, had paper towels

ready and cleaning materials as people have to clean the toilet after themselves. All glasses were

sanitised\drinks and snacks they opened themselves. It was a pleasant evening and lovely to see people in

the flesh.

27th June

Had the grand- children overnight. Parks still closed so can’t go far with them sadly. We love the local

Gardens but that remains closed. Played with the children in garden and took them to a shop. Started

watching House of Cards American style, which is something to keep us occupied.

28th June

Sunday lunch – cooked and cleaned nothing exciting.

30th June

Walking with the dog, she is elderly now so very slow walking.

Overview- watched lots of television still enjoying crime programmes. But this month we watched House of

Cards USA, so politics is a huge interest to us as well as crime and violence. This isn’t me normally but I

think I have changed during this strange time in my life.





July 2020

1st July

Very wet weather stayed in and had a zoom meeting with one of my studies.

2nd July

Weather not good again, it was so hot last week and now it’s like Autumn. Welsh Government announced

pubs could open on 13th July. I was so pleased. It is awful seeing them closed when normally people would

be outside enjoying themselves. Can’t wait, some pubs have been open for takeaway beers and food but

haven’t used them.

3rd July

Torrential rain today, we managed to go to the Council Dump to get rid of all our rubbish that we had

accumulated over the years that we had time during lockdown to sort out. We had to book a slot, but it was

very well organised with social distancing in place. Nick did some jobs for our daughter, came home and

slopped in front of TV.

4th July

Rained again went shopping. People seem more relaxed but it still worries me that we could catch Covid

19. Social distancing was in place but people were walking near us with no care. I am still frightened of

catching it but then I think at least they have discovered a tablet that was used for other conditions. (Sorry

can’t think of the name), also we have test and trace on our phones now which is good.

5th July

Not very good weather. Had the grandchildren so busy and tired.

6th July

A bit breezy and cloudy: Cooked dinner for 5 and was exhausted afterwards. I can’t wait for pubs and

restaurants to open so we can eat out.

7th July

Out for a walk with Suzie (my dog) who seemed to be a bit slow. Met my friends in their garden, took our

own lunch and had a walk before we ate it. It was lovely seeing them after 6 months apart. Cooked dinner

which was lovely from Marks and Spencer.

8th July





Suzie taken ill, had to clean up after her, so fed her rice with some tuna. She obviously had eaten

something she shouldn’t have. Visited a chiropractor after 6 months without intervention. She was very nice

but need a lot more treatment.

9th July

Had to take Suzie to vets as she cried all night. She had pancreatitis which she had this time last year. The

vets were very strict we couldn’t take her inside, he was dressed in PPE and had to carry her in in

treatment room.

10th July

Suzie on medication and is responding well. We invited 4 neighbours in for drinks in the garden. All social

distancing was in place and all hygiene requirements were met. They stayed until 9pm as two of them

weren’t very well. It was lovely to see people and have a social chat.

11th July

Took grandchildren to the local park. Lots of people there and the queue to buy ice creams were enormous.

The park still closed off which disappointed the grandchildren. Death toll 1,541 in Wales today.

12th July

Took grandchildren out. It was a hot afternoon and we thoroughly enjoyed walking around the town, some

of the park was open illegally. They enjoyed playing for an hour.

13th July

Arranged to meet friends to walk around Castle Grounds.

13TH July

My friends and I were determined to have a drink as this was the first day after lockdown. We tried

everywhere that was open, but all said you should have booked a table. We found a hotel who said we

could have a table at the back of the garden. Weather didn’t help it rained off and on. Found a table to be

told we needed the app. Well we are all over 60 so could not download anything. The owner was so

unhelpful we left. I did complain when I got home, he did apologise and said I could have a free drink on the

house, but I won’t go back. I understand there are restrictions, he was dressed in PPE so he could have

shown us with his gloved hand what to do on our phones.

We found a bar in Farcliff where we treated ourselves to cocktails.

14th July





Went down Farcliff Bay with an another friend. Had my first draft lager in so many months was lovely. It

was very quiet only one bar open. Many restaurants boarded up who probably won’t open after lock down.

A Very Sad state of affairs.

15th, 16th July

Nothing much to report, I just worked putting food and clothes together to go to West Wales tomorrow.

17th July

Picked up the grandchildren and my daughter and off we went for a holiday. It was lovely to leave the

house after so long being home. We called into a village where we saw a pub sign open. My husband had

his first pint from a cask barrel and thoroughly enjoyed it. We arrived at our destination which was a cottage

on a farm with hot tub. As soon as we unpacked we were in the tub with our grandchildren. After dinner we

walked into the town and found a pub with outside seating and had more drinks. A lovely night sleep was

had by all.

18th July

Very wet. We all went to play crazy golf. It was good fun but the small boys grandchildren, got bored, it

took at least 2 hours to go around the course. In the rain then walked around the town. In the evening after

a relaxing the rain in the hot tub, ordered a Chinese take away which was lovely.

19th July

A lovely day, went to Handregogg and had a fabulous meal sitting outside a pub. Relaxed on the beach

then had a walk around. It was a bit windy but sunny too. Got back to cottage and relaxed for last time in

hot tub.

20th July

Left our holiday spot and made our way to Canpanter where we stopped for lunch and shopping. The

charity shops were open so found plenty of books to buy. My hoard was depleting. Up to now I have read

40 books.

21st July

I went to the Crematorium where my parents have a plot to put flowers on their grave. It was awful and I

was upset as no one had been near it since Christmas because of lockdown and both my brother and sister

have been shielding. I picked up the pot only to find there was an ants nest under it and straight away I was

covered and bitten all over. It was awful. I did my best to tidy up the plot and put flowers in the vases

respectively. Went shopping which was an ordeal, some people not social distancing and coming near you

without masks.





22nd, 23rd and 24th July

Nothing to report just gardening and pottering about.

25th July

Had grandchildren over so hectic. Took them for a walk with our dog who is pretty slow these days, and

gave them a meal before putting them to bed.

26th July

Took the boys to Portnawe walked in the rain on the common where there were memorials stone and druid

circles. Tried to educate them but they just wanted to play. We all had a take away Sunday lunch from the

local shop for 7 people. It was nice at least I didn’t have to cook and it was tasty and hot. Very enterprising I


27th July

Worked in the garden and had some research papers to look at. It rained all day.

28th July

Our friends popped over for a social distance drink in the garden. Our friend is a kidney transplant patient

and should be shielded but she had had enough and desperately wanted to see us. All hygiene and social

distancing was in place. They stayed only 1.and half hours due to risks.

29th July

Busy day on the garden.

30th July

Had my hair coloured and cut at last. All hygiene procedures were in place. Customers had to buy their

own kit to wear then they took it home to keep for the next time. Weather was lovely so did rest somewhat.

31st July

A lovely day. Worked in the garden redesigning the back corner where our pets have been buried. Put

down stones and made a nice rockery. Had a zoom call where we all told tales, sang songs and read


August 2020





I have lost the blog I had written up to the 16th August so please bear with me while I try to remember some

of the dates and what has occurred over the month.

Observations generally as I have forgotten the weeks before 17th.

Social Distancing (should be called physical distancing) as using the social aspect could affect people with

mental illness eventually. Anyway, that seems to be a thing of the past with some people. In the shops

there are signs and sanitisers available, but people just walk up to you or in front of you as though Covid 19

hasn’t happened. The younger generation seem to complain when they have to queue, I witnessed this in

TK Maxx, where some young men complained about queueing.

Some day’s life is back to how it was, then you catch the bus and have to wear a mask!

Other days seem long and boring, but its nice the pubs and restaurants are open now.

9th August

Thomas was 5 years old and had a party in the park, all social distancing in place with sanitisers available.

The weather was kind to us and we had a marvellous afternoon with sports games. My daughter arranged

an ice cream van to visit the park so each child had an ice cream and flake all paid for them by her. Every

child went home with a medal.

10th August

Thomas’s actual birthday. I had two zoom meetings before we set off to visit him with presents. He was

pleased with what we had bought, then we went to the Ship where we booked a table for 8 for a meal. We

waited over 1 ½ hours for our food. Apparently, the chef had walked out, and the waiters had to carry out

the cooking. It was ok and Thomas enjoyed himself, though Harri was quite jealous.

17th August

We travelled to Tenby with my daughter and 3 grandchildren. Our car was full and it was a bit showery. We

stopped in McDonalds and the food and drinks were 50% off so the children had food which was

unplanned. We arrived at our caravan which was basic – it was the last one available at the ark so we had

no choice to upgrade it.

We bought pizza’s and ice cream in the shop and cooked them in the caravan and had an early night after

playing cards.

18th August





Warm and sunny. My daughter headed off to Manor Park Animal Park with the children and Nick and I went

off to Haverfordwest then to Narberth. We did some shopping in both places and went to pick everyone up

at 3.45pm.

The evening then went out for a meal to the Sun Inn St.Florence which was 10 minute drive away and had

lovely food 50% off.

19th August

Storm Ellen arrived and my god the caravan shook. We went out for lunch but it was so wet we gave up.

We then had lunch in the restaurant in the caravan park which was lovely. My daughter and children went

swimming and I had a sleep (Nanny knap).

20th August

Had a morning on the beach in the wind. After lunch went to Tenby on the bus and shopped, drank, ate and

walked. It was funny really as I put a designer mask on (black with patterns) and my daughter and grand -

daughter wanted it rather than paper one. I couldn’t believe they were arguing over a mask. If someone had

told me this last year I would have laughed with disbelief. Got back to caravan and packed ready to go

home the following day, then we walked up to the fair. Enjoyed a lovely couple of hours with children on

rides and having fun. It was quite cold and showery.

21st August

Got up early and packed and loaded up the car to go home. The fun was over. Shopped in an outlet on the

way home as I have people staying tomorrow for the weekend.

22nd August

Up early making sure all the house is clean and tidy ready for our friends to arrive. Another cold day

weatherwise. They arrived and enjoyed tea and cake before catching the bus to Ponta for our pub crawl.

Started off at a cask ale bar then walked to Weatherspoons for drinks and a meal, then another drink in

another club before catching bus home. We enjoyed cheese and biscuits with a whisky. It was so nice to

have people in the house after all this time: Lockdown has played hell with our social life.

23rd August

We had a large breakfast and then went walking around the village, cold again and showery. Walked to the

golf club where my daughter lives and sat outside and enjoyed a drink.

Got home later and enjoyed a chicken curry which I had cooked the previous day, followed by a Blackberry

and Apple crumble (all fruit locally picked). They went home and I sat down with a cup of tea and fell






24th August

Rested most of day and caught up with usual housework and cooking.

25th August

Storm Francis ascended on us. It blew and rained so much it was dangerous to go out.

26th August

Met my friends for a meal in Farfliff. We Enjoyed a Lovely meal: no drinking for me as Doctor told me not to

drink after I spoke to her about abdominal pain I am experiencing, it was great to be back with my friends.

27th August

Poured with rain non -stop. Went out with my daughter for lunch but got soaked and just wanted to come

home. It was so cold and we were so wet I put the heating on.

28th August

Met my friend for a meal. All health and safety was adhered too.

29th August

Collected grand–sons, we took them to the local gardens for the first time in 5 months. We had to book

tickets previously. This was the first time we had got through to website to book tickets as it’s constantly

busy. Had a fun afternoon cloudy and a bit chilly but it was good to be out.

30th August

Cooked lunch for all the family and had drinks in the garden until 11pm. Although it was chilly, we sat with

coats on and watched my daughter’s new puppy run around and we talked about life after lockdown.

31st August

It would have been my mothers 102nd birthday today, we toasted her. I rested and did some cleaning and

walked my dog.

We spent the most of September watching Netflix ‘designated survivor’ which was a political drama in USA.

It was excellent and we were glued the whole of 33 episodes. It makes a change from gangsters and


September 2020





2nd September

Had grand -children for the day. Took them to the park and they ate me out of house and home.


Enjoyed the day at Dinosaur World. It poured with rain all day so was soaked through. We thought the

whole park was well thought through and had lots of history about dinosaurs which our grand- sons loved.

We had a picnic in an old train they had for people to sit in and eat.

Later, we enjoyed a meal in Weatherspoon’s with friends in Ponta. It was supposed to be curry night but

didn’t have what I wanted so settled for a steak instead.


Nothing much to report rainy day and was tired.


The three grand-children stayed over. We finally got tickets for the local Gardens so took the boys there

and they had fun.

I really don’t think life will be the same again, I think this booking places And sharing your details with

attractions and restaurants/bars will change.

The number of Covid 19 patients increasing, but not the death toll. People especially younger people not

social distancing.


Had a quiet day in the garden then met friends for a meal to take advantage of 50% government scheme.

Friends joined us and we enjoyed a lovely meal. All social distancing was in place, well organised and



Another meal out, for 8 of us to celebrate our anniversary 44years, which is actually on the 11th. We

enjoyed the meal but they didn’t have decaf coffee or ice cream. It was expensive but we cashed on

government scheme 50% off. Although I enjoyed a few drinks, felt a pain so stopped drinking. I have tests

on 22nd September to investigate what is happening with my stomach and liver.






Back on school run. It’s exhausting, after so many months of freedom. Social distancing did not exist, the

people coming up to you quite closely.


Our official anniversary and 19years since 9/11 in New York. We enjoyed a pub crawl around near Farcliff

and found a street food market which was amazing. I couldn’t download the app so they kindly gave us a

free drink, and enjoyed delicious food. All rules in place but frustrated that I couldn’t get my bank account to

order food, however, they very understood and let us pay cash.


Weather is gorgeous all weekend. We took daughters and grand -sons out. Fabulous time there; we

picnicked and went on the beach plus using fishing nets in rock pools.


Friends came over; she has cancer so they didn’t even take a drink from us which is understandable. She

had lost her hair and has been very ill, so I felt honoured that the good day she had she wanted to see us.

Fortunately we have a large garden so we were able to sit at a distance. Wearing masks in shops and other

places became mandatory. This should have been in place from the start I think.

16th and 17th

On zoom workshop about social care for older people, it took up two days. The weather was hot and itched

to get out on garden, but I was committed to the study and really want to make a difference. There were 15

of us from all over Wales, one gentleman owned a Care Home and kept talking about it and how good his

home was. I think someone spoke to him by the second day as he was much quieter.


Met my friend for a drink in Farcliff, it could be the last time for some while. There weren’t many people in

town which was worrying. In the evening we went to our neighbours garden and enjoyed a take away from

the local restaurant. It was delicious and we enjoyed dessert from one of our friends. I drank far too much.

It became chilly, so sat with a warm blanket around us.


Felt worse for wear. Saw my daughter who took me out to buy a new car. We were in the garage ages so it

was hard keeping grand -sons occupied. Wearing a mask and glasses is problematic for a length of time,

they keep getting steamed up.






Took the boys to local Gardens. It was a lovely day but chilly. They enjoyed running around. Our dog

couldn’t walk far as she is 14years old now and very slow. We came back and I cooked Sunday dinner. I

was on a strict diet as I have to have colonoscopy on Tuesday.

Overview: Many towns and cities in UK and Wales under lock down as people have been so careless

socialising and not social distancing. We have heard of people getting drunk and not abiding by rules. We

are ok for now, but in Farcliff it will happen next weekend. I can’t bear it; we just started to go out and nearly

return to normal now it’s happening again.


A miserable day couldn’t eat and had to take the most disgusting medication imaginable. I had to stay near

the toilet.

However; I did have two hours meeting via zoom with two other studies, it all worked and progress is in

place for it hopefully to succeed in these trying times. Who knows what the next wave of corona virus will



Up at 4,45 to take more medication. I Left the house with my daughter at 7.30 to go to the hospital. Nick

was on the school run.

All social distancing and PPE equipment was in place. The hospital is spotless, so I had no worries about

catching covid 19 there. I had sedation so a nice sleep; they found polyps in the bowel which they

removed, and I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. I spent all day by TV and the toilet. (Sorry if this is a bit

personal but it is what happened).


Spent a lazy day, I went out later to meet my daughter and co, at Ponta Island for an ice cream.


We were on the school run, so were up very early. The weather is getting chillier. I had meetings via zoom

on one of the studies I am involved with at Cwm Taf Health Authority. That was very interesting and all the

technology worked. (a few weeks ago it all wasn’t working so this was a bonus for me).


Lockdown came into force by us. People are saying we need to shop early for Christmas as we may go into

UK lockdown like in March. Mark Drakeford First Minister said he didn’t want that to happen but deaths are

increasing daily.






Had results of all my tests, all liveable conditions, so no worries.


Rained and was a miserable day. I took my daughters out to lunch which didn’t go that well. We are all

worried about Covid 19 coming back as they both work in NHS.

We cancelled our trip to Legoland, Windsor, we have a voucher to use before 1st July 2021. Who knows we

may not be able to go next year.