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Corona Diaries



“..then I started thinking about Corona and now I can't see my family so I just broke down and cried and I think I bottled it all up and I don't let things pile up until I explode, so that is what happened I just miss everyone.”


Background Information: Female, aged 12, attends a secondary school in Wales, lives with her mother (who is a key worker and employed in primary education), father (who works in transport) and her sister.






“..then I started thinking about Corona and now I can't see my family so I just broke down and cried and I

think I bottled it all up and I don't let things pile up until I explode, so that is what happened I just miss


Background Information

Female, aged 12, attends a secondary school in Wales, lives with her mother (who is a key worker

and employed in primary education), father (who works in transport) and her sister.

Monday May 4th 2020

Hi I am Emmeline and this is my scrap book for quarantine. I am 12 years old and I go to [name removed]

Comprehensive School. I live with my mum next who is works in a primary school. She is a key worker that

she has extremely high pressure in her eyes and my dad who I call Papa but his name is X, he works for

[transport company name removed] and I think he is a key worker. Then there is my sister I called her X but

her name is X .

So today I woke up at 9 had breakfast then started my school work. I finished about 12:30 ish then I went

for a run around the bowl by the Comp. My time was 3:10 to run around without stopping, I came back and

it was time for food. After that me and Papa watched birds in the garden. May the FORCE be with you, May

the 4th be with you.

Friday May 8th 2020

So today it is VE Day. So me and my family to celebrate the end of World War Two. We put up some

bunting in the house and we finally finished the ti-pi, so we had a tea party. Because all the shops are

closed my dad has been making us things out of stuff in the garden.








Tuesday May 12 Tuesday 2020

My last day of school was 18th of March. Since then we have been told to stay at home and only shop

when necessary. So even before the 18th people were panic buying items such as pasta, milk, toilet roll,

hand sanitizer, flour and lots of cleaning products. It has been very hard to get an online food order,

throughout the start my mam and dad went to shops to buy the food for my grandparents and my great

great aunt she is 95 other than being old, she is very well. So as advised she has to stay in, but she doesn't

like doing this. But then it get hard to go to the shops, so because my nan is over 70 she gets priority for a

home delivery. So my nan has been asking us if we want anything. So we have been using nan to get

shopping for for us or my great great aunt. This morning my mum got the shopping delivered so we are

planning to have Mac and cheese for tea the dish is my sister signature dish and she will make it for this

recipe you will need:


• 250g Macaroni

• 50g of Flower

• 50g of Butter

• 200g of Cheese

• 600ml of Milk

• Salt and Pepper

• Ham, Sweet Corn


Step 1 - turn the oven on at between 150 and 200 degrees C

Step 2- cook the macaroni

Step 3- in a separate pan mouth butter , when liquefied add the flour , milk until pasted, then add milk till no

lumps , add salt and pepper

Step 4 - Ehen sauce is thickened add 3/4 of the cheese

Step 5- Drain the pasta





Step 6 – Put it all in a dish and add all other topping you want, ham, sweet corn, and then the rest of the

cheese, and put in the oven for 15 minutes

Step 7 – Eat!


And for the rest of the afternoon, I painted and sunbathed for the rest of the day.

Thursday May 14th 2020

So today nothing really happened. I just did what I normally do, so I woke up at 9:00 and do all my school

work and I finish around lunchtime and I do some work. When I had lunch after lunch I just watched some

TV or I'll go outside. So I did what I want on everything was fine then I started thinking about Corona and

now I can't see my family so I just broke down and cried and I think I bottled it all up and I don't let things

pile up until I explode, so that is what happened I just miss everyone.

Tuesday June 2nd, 2020

Today me and mom woke up very early like 6:30 to go to the beach and swim when we got there and the

water was very cold , but it warmed up. I went rock pooling and I found 26 sea urchins and two claws and a

dead fish. The fish was a dogfish I think it was washed up and got stuck but I came back did my school

work and I finished at 11:30. Now I'm going to paint. And also a couple of days ago my relative died I'm

really sad but she was very old.













Photos of original entries