
Robert Smith and Andrea Lewis

Robert Smith and Andrea Lewis

Two Cabinet Members of the Council for Swansea City and County Council visiting the History of Computing Collection. (Left to right: Robert Smith, responsible for Education and Learning and Andrea Lewis, Deputy Leader of the Council and responsible for Digital Transformation of Services.)

Liesbeth De Mol

Liesbeth De Mol

Yr hanesydd Liesbeth De Mol (CNRS a Lille) yn ymweld â’r Casgliad Hanes Cyfrifiadura ac yn darllen un o adroddiadau ENIAC Haskell B Curry ar raglennu, Gorffennaf 2022).

Education Minister, Jeremy Miles

Jeremy Miles, Education Minister, delighted by our 1978 Commodore PET, visiting the History of Computing Collection, June 2022.

Professor Dave Berry

Dave Berry, Professor of Digital Humanities at Sussex University, on a visit to the History of Computing Collection, May 2022. 

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams, Gweinidog Addysg  Llywodraeth Cymru, yn ymweld â'r Casgliad Hanes Cyfrifiadura ac yn edrych ar stensil ar gyfer creu siartiau llif yn debyg i'r math yr oedd yn ei ddefnyddio yn yr ysgol, Medi 2019.

Tom Lean

Tom Lean, technology historian, on a visit to the History of Computing Collection, April 2018.

Cliff Jones and Peter Mosses

Cliff Jones and Peter Mosses

Cliff Jones a Peter Mosses yn edrych am Adroddiadau Labordy Vienna yn y Casgliad Hanes Cyfrifiadura, Chwefror 2014.

Dines Bjorner

Dines Bjorner

Dines Bjorner yn trafod ei roddion i'r Casgliad Hanes Cyfrifiadura, Mehefin 2011

Dr Elisabetta Mori

Dr Elisabetta Mori

The historian Dr Elisabetta Mori visiting the Collection to begin her research on the History of British HCI, funded by the Archives for IT and the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists. The machine is a Commodore PET purchased in Swansea in 1978.

Dr Mary Croarken. Historian of scientific computing, working with the Comrie materials in the Collection

Dr Mary Croarken

Dr Mary Croarken Historian of scientific computing, working with the Comrie materials in the Collection.

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