Manufacturers' Guides & Manuals

Library of Manufacturers' Guides & Manuals

The Collection posesses a substantial collection of materials to do with computers made by many manufacturers from the 1950s onwards. These include forrner British  manufacturers such as Ferranti, EELM, Leo, STC - culminating in the formation and collection of ICL documents.

Also included is a large collection of continental manufacturers like Olivetti, Bull, and Norsk Data, as well as American manufacturers like UNIVAC, IBM, RCA, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Wang, Prime, Burroughs, and Honeywell.

For example, we have substantial documentation on the ICL 1900, 2900, Series 39, DRS, and System 4, with IBM documentation including System/360, System/370, System/3, Series/1, and Virtual Machine/X.

We have software manuals for all systems, including DEC RSX-11, RT-11, VAX, VMS, DSM, ICL VME, IBM DOS/VTAM, and many more.

For most systems, we have a complete set of documentation - intended for the machine operator and maintainers, rather than the machine's users. You may find the following documents in our collection:

The library benefits from a substantial donation of period documents from Alec Jackson.