Further Information

The materials used in this exhibition form part of the South Wales Coalfield Collection, held at the South Wales Miners’ Library and Richard Burton Archives at Swansea University.  Archival materials such as minute books, financial records, correspondence and photographs are held in the Richard Burton Archives. Oral history recordings, videos, pamphlets and various secondary sources are held at the South Wales Miners’ Library. This exhibition is particularly indebted to the useful information and analysis collected in The Fed (1980) by Hywel Francis & David Smith and The South Wales Miners (1964-1985) (2013) by Ben Curtis – both of which are available in the Miners’ Library.

Manuscripts, Photographs, Audio and Video materials, held as part of the South Wales Coalfield Collection, are catalogued here: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/swcc/

Coalfield Collection books and pamphlets, as well as other sources from the lending library, are catalogued here: https://ifind.swan.ac.uk

If you would like to learn more about the South Wales Coalfield Collection or the sources relating specifically to Industrial Disputes and Strikes in south Wales, please visit our online Library Guides:

Richard Burton Archives: https://libguides.swansea.ac.uk/richardburtonarchives

South Wales Miners’ Library: https://libguides.swansea.ac.uk/swml/collections

Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and to obtain permission to reproduce the images featured in this exhibition, but should any copyright remain unacknowledged, we would be glad to hear from the holder(s).