Demonstrations & Policing

Although the miners were (largely) united in rejecting the owners' terms, there were discussions and disputes over organisation and behavior during the 1921 lockout, including; 

  • Anti blackleg processions 
  • Outcroppers selling coal  
  • Withdrawal of safety men

Police and military were called in to the coalfield in order to manage potential trouble during processions, demonstrations, and to 'keep the peace' between the owners and the miners. 

Summonses for riots, unlawful assembly, and intimidation were issued, with several men (including well respected lodge leaders) arrested and imprisoned. 

SWCC/MNA/NUM/L/48/56: Minutes of joint committee meetings, Lewis Merthyr Collieries, 5 May 1921. It was agreed to hold demonstrations against blacklegging officials.

SWCC/PHO/DIS/30: Police regiment marching through Pontypridd, 1921.

SWCC/HD9551.6>SOU South Wales Miners’ Federation Minutes, 12 April 1921.

SWCC/PHO/DIS/29: Policemen, women, children and domestic servants outside a church during 1921 lockout.

SWCC/MNA/NUM/L/20/B/4: Legal costs, Cambrian Lodge cash book, 1921.

Fines, expenses and lost wages incurred by arrested or imprisoned members were often covered by their union lodge. 

SWCC/MNA/NUM/L/62/1: Parc and Dare meeting minutes, 14 July 1921.

Discusses 'financing' defendants appearing at Swansea Assizes and support to families of imprisoned members.