Semi Professional & Homemade Makers

·Semi professional

Some of the NUM Lodge banners are good examples of semi professional banners, where the actual banner was perhaps made by the wife of a committee member and the image and slogan added to the banner by a professional sign writer.


· Homemade

These banners are very common. Artistic skills are not always necessary as painted or sewn slogans on a square of cloth are a basic, but highly effective banner – and they can be made by anyone. Many campaign banners fall into his category where they are used for a brief campaign and so the purchase of a more permanent banner is not necessary. Banners made during the 1984/85 Miners’ Strike were often home made.


Mary Crofton, Secretary Newport Miners' Support Group, repairing the banner on her kitchen table

Mary Crofton, Secretary Newport Miners' Support Group, repairing the banner on her kitchen table